Netvibes (Windows)

Advanced module shortcuts

take an exact clone of the selected app

Shift + D

All hotkeys for Netvibes (Windows)

Apps view shortcuts
Displays the list of available keyboard shortcuts for the current context


Apps view shortcuts
Moves the focus from one app to another


Apps view shortcuts
Performs an action on an app: open feed reader for RSS, start editing for a webnote, etc.


Apps view shortcuts
Opens the edit panel for the current app


Apps view shortcuts
Refresh the current app


Apps view shortcuts
Remove the app from your page


Apps view shortcuts
Removes focus from current app


Apps view shortcuts
Switch quickly to the tab you want


Apps view shortcuts
Switches to the previous/next tab


Apps view shortcuts
Open settings pannel


Apps view shortcuts
Opens the Tab help panel

T + H

Apps view shortcuts
Opens the content panel that allows you to add new content to your Netvibes page


Advanced module shortcuts
Moves the current app around

Shift + Up,Down,Left,Right

Advanced module shortcuts
Move the current app to top

Shift + T

Advanced module shortcuts
Move the current app to bottom

Shift + B

Advanced module shortcuts
Only for RSS apps

Shift + A

Advanced module shortcuts
Only for RSS apps

Shift + U

Advanced module shortcuts
take an exact clone of the selected app

Shift + D

Advanced module shortcuts
Collapse/Expand the selected app

Shift + C

Tabs shortcuts
Append a new tab to your tabs

T + N

Tabs shortcuts
Deletes the current tab, modules will be moved to another tab (hold shift/alt to delete modules too)

T + D

Tabs shortcuts
Renames the current tab

T + R

Tabs shortcuts
Submit this tab to the Netvibes ecosystem

T + P

Tabs shortcuts
Sets the number of columns to 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the current tab

T + 1,2,3,4

Tabs shortcuts
Opens current tab options

T + O

Content panel
Displays the list of available keyboard shortcuts for the content panel


Content panel
Opens the content subscription popup


Content panel
Go to the netvibes ecosystem


Content panel
Close the content panel


Feed reader shortcuts
Display the list of available keyboard shortcuts for the feed reader


Feed reader shortcuts
Read previous item


Feed reader shortcuts
Read next item


Feed reader shortcuts
Scroll in content and read previous item


Feed reader shortcuts
Scroll in content and read next item


Feed reader shortcuts
Scroll in content and read next unread item


Feed reader shortcuts
Marks all items as read


Feed reader shortcuts
Mark the selected item as unread


Feed reader shortcuts
Marks all items as unread

Shift + U

Feed reader shortcuts
Closes the feedreader window and goes back to your Netvibes page.


Feed reader shortcuts
Display the full website into the feed reader


Feed reader shortcuts
Switch reader size


Reader view shortcuts
Previous/Next item

j, k

Reader view shortcuts
Previous item with smooth scroll in item


Reader view shortcuts
Previous item with smooth scroll in item


Reader view shortcuts
Scroll in content and read next unread item


Reader view shortcuts
Open item link in new windows


Reader view shortcuts
Switch to website/rss view

w, f

Reader view shortcuts
Marks all current item as read


Reader view shortcuts
Marks all current item as unread

Shift + A

Reader view shortcuts
Marks current item as read/unread


Reader view shortcuts
Flag/unflag current item to read it later


Reader view shortcuts
List/Expanded/Mosaic view


Reader view shortcuts
Toggle sidebar


Reader view shortcuts
Navigate through the sections and feeds

Shift + up/down

Reader view shortcuts
Expand the focused section if collapsed or load it

Shift + right

Reader view shortcuts
Collapse the focused section

Shift + left

Reader view shortcuts
Load the focused feed or section

Shift + O

Similar combinations for other applications

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (MacOS)
Switch through drawing modes

Shift + d

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (MacOS)
Switching between drawing modes
Drawing in perspective

Shift + d

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (Windows)
Switch through drawing modes

Shift + d

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (Windows)
Switching between drawing modes
Drawing in perspective

Shift + d

Presonus Studio One (Windows)
Duplicate shared
Edit Menu

Shift + D

Autodesk Maya 2015 (Windows)
Edit - Duplicate with Transform
Edit Operation

Shift + D

Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows)
Cycle through drawing markup tools: Cloud, Arrow, Line, Rectangle, Oval, Polygon Line, Polygon, Pencil Tool, Eraser Tool

Shift + D

Google Drive (Web Application)
Create new drawing
Create New Items

shift + d

FL Studio (Windows)
Discard selected note lengths
Piano Roll Action

Shift + D

Autodesk Maya 2017 (Windows)
Edit - Duplicate with Transform
Edit Operation

Shift + D

Onshape (Windows)
Diameter dimension

Shift + D

Onshape (MacOS)
Diameter dimension

Shift + D

Adobe Illustrator CC (MacOS)
Switch through drawing modes
Drawing Shortcuts

Shift + D

Adobe Illustrator CC (Windows)
Switch through drawing modes
Drawing Shortcuts

Shift + D

GIMP (Linux)
Dodge / Burn
Paint Tools

Shift + D

Dodge / Burn
Paint Tools

Shift + D

GIMP (Windows)
Dodge / Burn
Paint Tools

Shift + D

Adobe Acrobat Pro (MacOS)
Cycle through drawing markup tools: Cloud, Arrow, Line, Rectangle, Oval, Polygon Line, Polygon, Pencil Tool, Eraser Tool

Shift + D

Google Photos (Web Application)
Download Photo
General Shortcuts

Shift + D

WordPress (MacOS)
Delete Checked Comment
Bulk Actions

Shift + D

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Lower Res
Edit Move Navigation - Geometry

Shift + D

Autodesk Mudbox 2017 (Windows)
Add Subdivision Level
Subdivison and Symmetry

Shift + D

Blender 3D (Windows)
Add Duplicate
Object Mode

Shift + D

Autodesk Mudbox 2017 (MacOS)
Add Subdivision Level
Subdivison and Symmetry

Shift + D

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Lower Res
Inner Ring Actions - Geometry

Shift + D

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Lower Res
Sculpting Brushes - Geometry

Shift + D

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Lower Res
3D Models - Geometry

Shift + D

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Lower Res
ZSpheres - Geometry

Shift + D

Houdini (Windows)
Sort Descending
Common List Controls

Shift + D

Zerodha Trader (Windows)
Data Table
Other Shortcuts

Shift + D

MOTU Digital Performer 9 (Windows)
Drum editor

Shift + D

PotPlayer (Windows)
Noise On/Off
Standard Keyboard Controls

Shift + D

Soundforge (Windows)
Select previous/next editing tool
Data Window

D / Shift + D

ZBrush 4 (Windows)
Lower Res
Canvas and 2.5D - Geometry

Shift + D

MOTU Digital Performer 9 (MacOS)
Drum editor

Shift + D

Houdini (Windows)
Duplicate bundle
Bundle List

Shift + D

Vegas Pro 14 (Windows)
Switch to previous editing tool
General Editing

Shift + D

DrawPlus (Windows)
Instant 3D
Tools Shortcuts

Shift + D

Soundforge (Windows)
Select the previous/next editing tool (Edit tool, Magnify tool, Pencil tool, Event tool)
Event Tool

D / Shift + D

TVPaint Animation (Windows)
Open Preferences Panel
89 Shortcuts for TVPaint Animation (Windows)

Shift + D

Soundforge (Windows)
Show or hide envelope in data window
Plug-In Chain

Shift + D

Impro-Visor (Windows)
transpose chords down a half+step

Shift + D

TurboCAD (Windows)
Snap to the division point of a line or arc
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Shift + D

Modo (Windows)
Instance selected layer(s) (only in Items mode)
Item List

Shift + D

Vectorworks (Windows)
Building Shell Tool Set

Shift + D

Vectorworks (MacOS)
Building Shell Tool Set

Shift + D

Modo (MacOS)
Instance selected layer(s) (only in Items mode)
Item List

Shift + D

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Duplicates selected object
Object Menu

Shift + D

Inkscape (Windows)
Select original - To find out which object this is a clone of, select the clone and give this command The original will be selected

Shift + D

gEDA (Linux)
Open pinout window for element under mouse cursor
Other Important Shortcuts

Shift + D

Inkscape (MacOS)
Select original

Shift + D

Inkscape (Windows)
Select source

Shift + D

Modo (Windows)
Open subdivide options

Shift + D

Modo (MacOS)
Open subdivide options

Shift + D

Inkscape (Windows)
Duplicate selected node(s)
Node Tool

Shift + D

Google Reader (Web Application)
Share item with a note
Reading List Actions

shift + d