Netvibes (Windows)

Reader view shortcuts

Load the focused feed or section

Shift + O

All hotkeys for Netvibes (Windows)

Apps view shortcuts
Displays the list of available keyboard shortcuts for the current context


Apps view shortcuts
Moves the focus from one app to another


Apps view shortcuts
Performs an action on an app: open feed reader for RSS, start editing for a webnote, etc.


Apps view shortcuts
Opens the edit panel for the current app


Apps view shortcuts
Refresh the current app


Apps view shortcuts
Remove the app from your page


Apps view shortcuts
Removes focus from current app


Apps view shortcuts
Switch quickly to the tab you want


Apps view shortcuts
Switches to the previous/next tab


Apps view shortcuts
Open settings pannel


Apps view shortcuts
Opens the Tab help panel

T + H

Apps view shortcuts
Opens the content panel that allows you to add new content to your Netvibes page


Advanced module shortcuts
Moves the current app around

Shift + Up,Down,Left,Right

Advanced module shortcuts
Move the current app to top

Shift + T

Advanced module shortcuts
Move the current app to bottom

Shift + B

Advanced module shortcuts
Only for RSS apps

Shift + A

Advanced module shortcuts
Only for RSS apps

Shift + U

Advanced module shortcuts
take an exact clone of the selected app

Shift + D

Advanced module shortcuts
Collapse/Expand the selected app

Shift + C

Tabs shortcuts
Append a new tab to your tabs

T + N

Tabs shortcuts
Deletes the current tab, modules will be moved to another tab (hold shift/alt to delete modules too)

T + D

Tabs shortcuts
Renames the current tab

T + R

Tabs shortcuts
Submit this tab to the Netvibes ecosystem

T + P

Tabs shortcuts
Sets the number of columns to 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the current tab

T + 1,2,3,4

Tabs shortcuts
Opens current tab options

T + O

Content panel
Displays the list of available keyboard shortcuts for the content panel


Content panel
Opens the content subscription popup


Content panel
Go to the netvibes ecosystem


Content panel
Close the content panel


Feed reader shortcuts
Display the list of available keyboard shortcuts for the feed reader


Feed reader shortcuts
Read previous item


Feed reader shortcuts
Read next item


Feed reader shortcuts
Scroll in content and read previous item


Feed reader shortcuts
Scroll in content and read next item


Feed reader shortcuts
Scroll in content and read next unread item


Feed reader shortcuts
Marks all items as read


Feed reader shortcuts
Mark the selected item as unread


Feed reader shortcuts
Marks all items as unread

Shift + U

Feed reader shortcuts
Closes the feedreader window and goes back to your Netvibes page.


Feed reader shortcuts
Display the full website into the feed reader


Feed reader shortcuts
Switch reader size


Reader view shortcuts
Previous/Next item

j, k

Reader view shortcuts
Previous item with smooth scroll in item


Reader view shortcuts
Previous item with smooth scroll in item


Reader view shortcuts
Scroll in content and read next unread item


Reader view shortcuts
Open item link in new windows


Reader view shortcuts
Switch to website/rss view

w, f

Reader view shortcuts
Marks all current item as read


Reader view shortcuts
Marks all current item as unread

Shift + A

Reader view shortcuts
Marks current item as read/unread


Reader view shortcuts
Flag/unflag current item to read it later


Reader view shortcuts
List/Expanded/Mosaic view


Reader view shortcuts
Toggle sidebar


Reader view shortcuts
Navigate through the sections and feeds

Shift + up/down

Reader view shortcuts
Expand the focused section if collapsed or load it

Shift + right

Reader view shortcuts
Collapse the focused section

Shift + left

Reader view shortcuts
Load the focused feed or section

Shift + O

Similar combinations for other applications

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (MacOS)
Artboard tool
Selecting Tools

Shift + o

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (Windows)
Artboard tool
Selecting Tools

Shift + o

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Cycle Crop grid overlay orientation
Develop Module

Shift + O

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Cycle local adjustment mask overlay colors
Develop Module

Shift + O

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (MacOS)
Cycle Crop grid overlay orientation
Develop Module

Shift + O

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (MacOS)
Cycle local adjustment mask overlay colors
Develop Module

Shift + O

Audacity 2 (Windows)
Change Playback Device
Device Toolbar

Shift + O

Google Drive (Web Application)
Create new form
Create New Items

shift + o

FL Studio (Windows)
Select odd (since program version 11.5.8)
Piano Roll Action

Shift + O

Adobe Premiere CC (Windows)
Go to out
Marker Operation

Shift + O

Adobe Premiere CC (MacOS)
Go to out
Marker Operation

Shift + O

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Cycle Crop grid overlay Orientation
Develop Module

Shift + O

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Cycle Crop grid overlay Orientation
Develop Module

Shift + O

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Cycle local adjustment mask Overlay colors
Develop Module

Shift + O

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Cycle local adjustment mask Overlay colors
Develop Module

Shift + O

Nuke 10 (Windows)
Out Point
Timeline Viewer

Shift + O

Nuke 10 (MacOS)
Out Point
Timeline Viewer

Shift + O

Nuke 10 (Linux)
Out Point
Timeline Viewer

Shift + O

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Go to the selection Out point
Mark Menu

Shift + O

GIMP (Linux)
Select by Color

Shift + O

GIMP (Linux)
Select by Color
Selection Tools

Shift + O

Select by Color
Select Shortcuts

Shift + O

GIMP (Windows)
Select by Color
Select Shortcuts

Shift + O

Select by Color
Selection Tools

Shift + O

GIMP (Windows)
Select by Color
Selection Tools

Shift + O

Final Cut Pro (MacOS)
Go to out point
In and Out points

Shift + O

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
Select Overlapped Regions/Events
Main Window

Shift + O

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
Select Output Channel Strips

Shift + O

Blender 3D (Windows)
Toggle SubSurf On/Off
Object Mode

Shift + O

Blender 3D (Windows)
Toggle between Smooth and Sharp Proportional Editing
General Editing

Shift + O

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Go to the Out point of the selected object
TimeLine Editing and Navigation

Shift + O

Adobe Captivate 2017 (MacOS)
Insert rollover image placeholder
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Shift + O

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Insert rollover image placeholder
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Shift + O

Zerodha Trader (Windows)
Option Calculator
Other Shortcuts

Shift + O

Jupyter Notebook (Windows)
toggle output scrolling
Command Mode (press Esc to enable)

Shift + O

TVPaint Animation (Windows)
Toggle Handler Corner
89 Shortcuts for TVPaint Animation (Windows)

Shift + O

TurboCAD (Windows)
Snap to the ortho angle
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Shift + O

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Opens the Visual Open dialog box
File Menu

Shift + O

gEDA (Linux)
Optimize and redraw selected nets only
Other Important Shortcuts

Shift + O

Modo (Windows)
Make open curve

Shift + O

Modo (MacOS)
Make open curve

Shift + O

MuseScore (Windows)
Articulations Shortcuts

Shift + O

MuseScore (MacOS)
Articulations Shortcuts

Shift + O

Google Reader (Web Application)
Open selected subscription or folder
Side Pane Navigation

shift + o

IrfanView 4.42 (Windows)
Fit window to image
View / Zoom

Shift + O

Tupi (Windows)
Opacity tween
Animation Module

Shift + O