Oracle PeopleTools

Access keys

Toggles between Update/Display, Include History, and Correct History action modes on the toolbar on a transaction page.

Alt + \

All hotkeys for Oracle PeopleTools

Moves to the OK button on a secondary page.

Alt + 1

Returns to the search page from the transaction page.

Alt + 2

Views the next row in the list when the button is active.

Alt + 3

Views the previous row the in list when the button is active.

Alt + 4

Opens the calendar prompt.

Alt + 5

Opens the pop-up window on a page.

Alt + 6

Inserts a row in a grid or scroll area.

Alt + 7

Deletes a row in a grid or scroll area.

Alt + 8

In Expert Entry mode, activates the Refresh button, which validates the data entered on the page.

Alt + 0

Views the next set of rows in a grid or scroll area.

Alt + .

Views a previous set of rows in a grid or scroll area.

Alt + ,

Finds data in a grid or scroll area.

Alt + /

Views all rows of data in a grid, scroll area, or search page results list.

Alt +

Access keys
Toggles between Update/Display, Include History, and Correct History action modes on the toolbar on a transaction page.

Alt + \

Displays the system information page if configured by an administrator to appear.

Ctrl + J

On a search or transaction page, displays a list of keyboard navigation hot keys and access keys.

Ctrl + K

Navigating drop-down menus
Expands the Main Menu.

Ctrl + Y

Moves the focus through the frame set.

Ctrl + ⭾ Tab

On a look up page, activates the Lookup button.

⤶ Enter

Navigating drop-down menus
Closes all open menu items. Collapses all expanded menus.


Access keys
Accesses page bar elements, such as Help..

Alt + 9

Navigating drop-down menus
If the search field is configured to appear in the Main Menu, expands the Main Menu and moves the cursor to a search field.

Ctrl + Z

Navigating drop-down menus
Varies based on context: In an expanded menu, moves one item upward through the list of folders and content references. When moving through the navigation path, collapses the drop-down menu item.

Navigating drop-down menus
Varies based on context: In an expanded menu, moves one item downward through the list of folders and content references. When moving through the navigation path, expands the drop-down menu item.

Navigating drop-down menus
Note: This functionality applies only to right-to-left languages. Varies based on context: In an expanded menu, closes the current folder and sets focus on its parent folder. When moving through the navigation path, accesses the next menu item to the right.

Navigating drop-down menus
Varies based on context: Note: Right-to-left languages only. In an expanded menu, opens a folder to the right so that subfolders or content references appear. When moving through the navigation path, accesses the next menu item to the left.