
Action (macOS)

Edit comment recipients

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + R

All hotkeys for Twist

Navigation (Web, Windows)
Go to Thread View

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 1

Navigation (Web, Windows)
Go to Messages View

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 2

Navigation (Web, Windows)
Go to Team View

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 3

Navigation (Web, Windows)
Go to Search

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 4

Navigation (Web, Windows)
Go to Inbox

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + İ

Navigation (Web, Windows)
Go to Starred

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + S

Navigation (Web, Windows)
Open Settings

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ,

Navigation (macOS)
Post a message

⤶ Enter

Navigation (Web, Windows)
Post a comment/thread

Ctrl + ⤶ Enter

Action (Web, Windows)
Add team member

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + N

Action (Web, Windows)
Mark as read / unread (threads & conversations)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + U

Action (Web, Windows)
Star / Unstar a thread

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + L

Action (Web, Windows)
Copy a link to the current thread

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C

Action (Web, Windows)
Add to Todoist (thread & conversation)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + T

Action (macOS)
(when your cursor is focused on the comment/message composer) Edit your last comment / message

Navigation (macOS)
Previous tab

+ ⌘ Cmd + [

Navigation (macOS)
Next tab

+ ⌘ Cmd + ]

Navigation (macOS)
Go to Thread View

⌘ Cmd + 1

Navigation (macOS)
Go to Messages View

⌘ Cmd + 2

Navigation (macOS)
Go to Team View

⌘ Cmd + 3

Navigation (macOS)
Go to Search

⌘ Cmd + 4

Navigation (macOS)
Open Settings

⌘ Cmd + ,

Navigation (macOS)
Navigate back

⌘ Cmd + [

Navigation (macOS)
Navigate forward

⌘ Cmd + ]

Navigation (macOS)
Switch teams (by number)

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + 0 - 9

Navigation (macOS)
Switch teams (back)

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + [

Navigation (macOS)
Switch teams (forward)

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + ]

Navigation (macOS)
Post a comment/thread

⌘ Cmd + ⤶ Enter

Action (macOS)
Add team member

⌘ Cmd + N

Action (macOS)
Mark as read / unread (threads & conversations)

+ ⌘ Cmd + U

Action (macOS)
Mark all as read (threads & conversations)

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + U

Action (macOS)
Mute current conversation / thread

+ ⌘ Cmd + M

Action (macOS)
Star / Unstar a thread

+ ⌘ Cmd + L

Action (macOS)
Add to Todoist (thread & conversation)

+ ⌘ Cmd + T

Action (macOS)
Edit comment recipients

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + R

Similar combinations for other applications

DaVinci Resolve 15 (Mac)
Reset retime

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + R

Filter through command

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + R

Nuclide (Mac)
This will show you files that you have recently opened and used in previous sessions of Nuclide.

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + R

Final Cut Pro X
Reset the selection to play forward at normal (100 percent) speed

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + R

Pixelmator Pro
Turn on Refine Selection
Selection tools

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + R

Apple iMovie
Paste crop adjustments
Selecting and editing video

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + R

Apple iBooks
Choose scrolling view (landscape template only)

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + R

Apple Pages
Reject a change (when change tracking is on)
Using editing tools

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + R

Product menu

⌥ Option + ⌘ Cmd + R