

“Last-line mode”. In this mode, Vim expects you to enter a command such as to save the document


All hotkeys for Vim

Gets out of the current mode into the “command mode”. All keys are bound of commands


Insert text
Insert text before the cursor


“Last-line mode”. In this mode, Vim expects you to enter a command such as to save the document


Navigation keys
Move the cursor one character to the left


Navigation keys
Move the cursor down one line


Navigation keys
Move the cursor down one line

Ctrl + J

Navigation keys
Move the cursor up one line


Navigation keys
Move the cursor up one line

Ctrl + P

Navigation keys
Move the cursor one character to the right


Navigation keys
Move the cursor to the beginning of the line


Navigation keys
Move the cursor to the end of the line


Navigation keys
Move the cursor to the first non-empty character of the line


Navigation keys
Move forward one word (delimited by a white space)


Navigation keys
Move forward five words

5 then W

Navigation keys
Move backward one word (delimited by a white space)


Navigation keys
Move backward five words

5 then B

Navigation keys
Move to the end of the file


Navigation keys
Move to the beginning of the file

G then G

Navigate around the document
Jump to the previous sentence


Navigate around the document
Jump to the next sentence


Navigate around the document
Jump to the previous paragraph


Navigate around the document
Jump to the next paragraph


Navigate around the document
Jump to the previous section

[ then [

Navigate around the document
Jump to the next section

] then ]

Navigate around the document
Jump to the end of the previous section

[ then ]

Navigate around the document
Jump to the end of the next section

] then [

Insert text
Insert text at the end of the line


Insert text
Begin a new line above the cursor


Delete text
delete character at cursor


Delete text
Delete a word

D then W

Delete text
Delete to the beginning of a line

D then 0

Delete text
Delete to the end of a line

D then $

Delete text
Delete to the end of sentence

D then )

Delete text
Delete to the beginning of the file

D then G then G

Delete text
Delete to the end of the file

D then G

Delete text
Delete line

D then D

Delete text
Delete three lines

3 then D then D

Simple replace text
Replace characters instead of inserting them


Copy/Paste text
Copy current line into storage buffer

Y then Y

Copy/Paste text
Paste storage buffer before current line


Undo/Redo operation
undo the last operation


Undo/Redo operation
Redo the last undo

Ctrl + R

Modify selected text
Switch case


Modify selected text
Delete a word


Modify selected text


Modify selected text


Modify selected text
Shift right


Modify selected text
Shift left


Modify selected text
Filter through an external command


Save and quit
Quits Vim but fails when file has been changed

: then Q

Save and quit
Save the file

: then W

Save and quit
Save the file and quit Vim

: then W then Q

Save and quit
Quit Vim without saving the changes to the file

: then Q then !

Save and quit
Write file, if modified, and quit Vim

Z then Z

Save and quit
Same as :q! Quits Vim without writing changes

Z then Q