
Switching workspace

Delete last workspace

Alt + Del

All hotkeys for Xfce

Window manipulation
Window operations menu

Alt + Space

Window manipulation
Dismiss/cancel dialog


Window manipulation
Switch to next window

Alt + ⭾ Tab

Window manipulation
Switch to previous window

↑   Shift + Alt + ⭾ Tab

Window manipulation
Next window of current application

Super + ⭾ Tab

Window manipulation
Close window

Alt + F4

Window manipulation
Move window

Alt + F7

Window manipulation
Resize window

Alt + F8

Window manipulation
Hide window

Alt + F9

Window manipulation
Maximize window

Alt + F10

Window manipulation
Raise/lower window

Alt + Shift + Page Down

Window manipulation
Toggle fullscreen

Alt + F11

Window manipulation
Toggle above

Alt + F12

Window manipulation
Show desktop

Ctrl + Alt + D

Move window to workplace
Stick window (show in all workspace)

Alt + F6

Move window to workplace
Maximize window horizontally

Alt + F5

Move window to workplace
Move window to next workspace

Ctrl + Alt + End

Move window to workplace
Move window to previous workspace

Ctrl + Alt + Home

Move window to workplace
Move window to workspace 1

Ctrl + Alt + Num 1

Move window to workplace
Move window to workspace 2

Ctrl + Alt + Num 2

Switching workspace
Goto workspace 1

Ctrl + F1

Switching workspace
Next/Previous workspace

Ctrl + Alt + ←  →

Switching workspace
Upper workspace

Ctrl + Alt +

Switching workspace
Bottom workspace

Ctrl + Alt +

Switching workspace
Left workspace

Ctrl + Alt +

Switching workspace
Right workspace

Ctrl + Alt +

Switching workspace
Goto workspace 2

Ctrl + F2

Switching workspace
Add a workspace

Alt + Insert

Switching workspace
Delete last workspace

Alt + Del

Application shortcuts
Start xflock4

Ctrl + Alt + Del

Application shortcuts
File manager

Super + F

Application shortcuts
Mail reader

Super + M

Application shortcuts
Terminal emulator

Ctrl + Alt + T

Application shortcuts
Terminal emulator

Super + T

Application shortcuts
Web browser

Super + W

Application shortcuts
LibreOffice Calc

Super + 4

Application shortcuts
LibreOffice Writer

Super + 3

Application shortcuts

Super + E

Application shortcuts

Super + 1

Application shortcuts
App Finder

Super + R

Application shortcuts
Popup applications menu

Alt + F1

Application shortcuts
Whisker menu

Ctrl + Esc

Application shortcuts
xfce4-screenshooter -f

Print Screen

Application shortcuts
xfce4-screenshooter -w

Alt + Print Screen

Application shortcuts
Start xflock4

Ctrl + Alt + L

Application shortcuts
Start xfrun4

Alt + F2

Application shortcuts
Start xkill

Ctrl + Alt + Esc

Start prompt to run command. xfrun4

Super + P

Mouse wheel
Hover your mouse over empty space on desktop, then scroll mouse wheel to cycle workspaces

Mouse wheel up and down

Similar combinations for other applications

JetBrains PyCharm (Windows)
Safe Delete

Alt + Del

Bash (Linux)
Delete Word before Cursor

Alt + Del

JetBrains PhpStorm (Windows)
Safe Delete

Alt + Del

JetBrains PhpStorm (Linux)
Safe Delete

Alt + Del

Affinity Photo

Alt + Del

Ace Editor
Remove to line end
Line operations

Alt + Del

Ripple delete
Editor sequence timeline

Alt + Del

Adobe Bridge CC
Label menu

Alt + Del

Citrix Receiver
Displays the remote window’s Control Menu (similar to ALT(PLUS)SPACEBAR)
Windows Remote Desktop Client

Alt + Del

Say Active Cursor
Laptop shortcuts for cursors and mouse

Alt + Del

PyCharm 2018.2
Delete the selected class, method or field checking its usages.

Alt + Del

SQL Server Profiler
Delete a trace

Alt + Del

Atom (Windows)
All shortcuts

Alt + Del

Delete to the start of the group after the cursor
General (Mac)

Alt + Del

AWS Cloud9 IDE (Windows)
Remove to Line End
Remove Text

Alt + Del

IntelliJ IDEA (Windows, Linux)
Safe delete

Alt + Del

(Windows only) Delete To Line End

Alt + Del

Delete an entire line

Alt + Del

LibreOffice Writer
3 seconds in Delete mode, Arrow key deletes row/column, Ctrl + Arrow key merges cell with neighboring cell

Alt + Del

Adobe Photoshop CC
Remove current highlight
Sonuç (Yalnızca Extract)

Alt + Del

Permanently delete current playing file

Alt + Del

Zero delete
File operations

Alt + Del

Android Studio
Safe delete

Alt + Del

DBeaver 6.0.3
Delete row
Data editor

Alt + Del