Adobe Audition CC (MacOS)

Mixing Tracks

Adjust knob in small increment

Command + Drag

All hotkeys for Adobe Audition CC (MacOS)

Audio General Operations
Start/stop playback


Audio General Operations
Set time indicator to beginning


Audio General Operations
Set time indicator to end


Audio General Operations
Switch Waveform/Multitrack editor


Audio General Operations
Set time indicator to previous marker/clip

Command + Left Arrow

Audio General Operations
Set time indicator to next marker/clip

Command + Right Arrow

Audio General Operations
Toggle Preference for return cti to start position

Shift + X

Audio General Operations
Zoom in horizontally


Audio General Operations
Zoom in vertically

Option + =

Audio General Operations
Zoom out horizontally


Audio General Operations
Zoom out vertically

Option + -

Audio Editing Operations
Repeat previous command with clicking OK

Shift + R

Audio Editing Operations
Repeat previous command with not clicking OK

Command + R

Audio Editing Operations
Open Convert sample type dialog box

Shift + T

Audio Editing Operations
Capture noise reduction profile

Shift + P

Audio Editing Operations
Activate left channel for editing

Up Arrow

Audio Editing Operations
Activate right channel for editing

Down Arrow

Audio Editing Operations
Make display more logarithmic

Command + Option + Up Arrow

Audio Editing Operations
Make display more linear

Command + Option + Down Arrow

Audio Editing Operations
Make display full logarithmic

Command + Option + PgUp

Audio Editing Operations
Make display full linear

Command + Option + PgDn

Audio Editing Operations
Increse/Decrese spectral resolution

Shift + Command + Up Arrow / Down Arrow

Audio Editing Operations
Repeat last command

Command + R

Mixing Tracks
Select the same input/output for all audio track

Command + Shift + Select

Mixing Tracks
Activate or deactivate mute/solo/record tracks

Command + Shift + Click

Mixing Tracks
Adjust Knob in large increment

Shift + Drag

Mixing Tracks
Adjust knob in small increment

Command + Drag

Mixing Tracks
Maintain time position

Shift + Drag

Mixing Tracks
Reposition envelop segment without Keyframe

Command + Drag

Mixing Tracks
Nudge Selected clip to left

Option + ,

Mixing Tracks
Nudge Selected clip to right

Option + Period

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Add marker

M / *

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Move to next marker

Command + Option + Right Arrow

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Move to previous marker

Command + Option + Left Arrow

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Clip gain

Command + G

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts

Command + K

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Delete Selected marker

Command + 0

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Delete All Marker

Command + Option + 0

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Rename selected marker


Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Select all

Command + A

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Deselect All

Command + Shift + A

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Spot Healing Brush


Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Ripple delete selected clip

Shift + Del

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Time selection in selected clip

Option + Del

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Time selection in all track

Command + Option + Del

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts

Command + C

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Copy to new

Option + Shift + C

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Lasso selection tool


Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts


Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Mark selection tool


Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Edit original

Command + E

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Clear time selection


Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Zero crossing adjust left side to left

Shift + H

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Zero crossing adjust selection inward

Shift + I

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Zero crossing adjust left side to right

Shift + J

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts

Command + C / Command + X / Command + V

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Mix Paste

Command + Shift + V

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts

Command + Z

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts

Command + Shift + Z

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Select frequency selection tool


Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Select rectangular marquee tool


Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Snapping enabled


Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts

Command + T

Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Razor tool


Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Move tool


Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Slip tool


Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts
Paintbrush selection tool


Similar combinations for other applications

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Move mask when Edge Touchup tool is selected
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Extract Only

Command +drag

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Move mask when Edge Touchup tool is selected
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Extract Only

Command +drag

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Fill a selection with image under the pointer
Vanishing Point

Command +drag

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Create 90 degree plane off parent plane
Vanishing Point

Command +drag

Apple Keynote (MacOS)
Rotate object
Objects on Canvas

Command + Drag

Apple Numbers (MacOS)
Object Manipulation

Command + Drag

Adobe Flash Professional (MacOS)
Duplicates a shape.Press the control key first (Mac OS and Windows) and drag a selected shape or group of shapes to duplicate those shapes where you release the mouse button.
Other tricks - With the arrow cursor

Command + Drag

Apple Pages (MacOS)
Turn off alignment guides
Manipulating fixed objects

Command + drag

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (MacOS)
Preview Zoom
Terrain Exporter

Command + Drag

Tableau (MacOS)
Adds a group of marks to the selection
Navigation and Selection Shortcuts

Command + Drag

Tableau (MacOS)
Copies a field in the view to be placed on another shelf or card
Field Selection Shortcuts

Command + Drag

Ableton Live 9 (MacOS)
Change Velocity From NoteEditor
Clip View MIDI Editor

Command drag

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Scale around center point in Free Transform mode

Command +drag

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Set brush size for a paint tool
Paint Tools

Command +drag