DBeaver 6.0.3

Data editor

Add new row

Alt + Insert

All hotkeys for DBeaver 6.0.3

Database Navigator
Open recent SQL editor for current connection (***). Opens last modified script or creates a new script

Ctrl + ⤶ Enter

SQL Editor
Execute current query in a new tab

Ctrl + \

SQL Editor
Execute current script (**)

Alt + X

SQL Editor
Execute selected SQL expression and print results

Ctrl + Alt + '

SQL Editor
Explain current query execution plan

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + E

SQL Editor
Execute queries of current script simultaneously, showing results in separate tabs

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + X

SQL Editor
Switch active connection (for SQL script)

Ctrl + 9

SQL Editor
SQL completion proposals popup

Ctrl + Space

SQL Editor
SQL completion proposals popup

⌥ Option + Space

SQL Editor
SQL templates proposals popup

Ctrl + Alt + Space

SQL Editor
Format current script (**) using current formatter

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F

SQL Editor
Toggle single/multi line comment

Ctrl + /

SQL Editor
Toggle single/multi line comment

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + /

SQL Editor
Jump to previous/next query

Alt + ↑  ↓

SQL Editor
Maximize editor/results panels

Ctrl + 6

SQL Editor
Minimize editor/results panels

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 6

SQL Editor
Switch editor/results panels

Alt + 6

SQL Editor
Convert selected text into upper/lower case

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + X

SQL Editor
Convert selected text into upper/lower case

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Y

Data viewer
Switch to record/grid mode

⭾ Tab

Data viewer
Switch presentation (grid, plain text, json, etc.)

Ctrl + ~

Data viewer
Foreign keys navigation menu

Ctrl + 1

Data viewer
Navigate to the link in active cell

Alt + Space

Data viewer
Navigate backward in history

Alt +

Data viewer
Navigate forward in history

Alt +

Data viewer
Toggle sorting by current column

Ctrl + 2

Data viewer
Current column filters menu


Data viewer
Current column filter dictionary panel

Ctrl + F11

Data viewer
Toggle right panels on/off


Data viewer
Toggle right panels on/off

Ctrl + 7

Database Navigator
Refresh selected element(s)


Data editor
Activate inline editor

⤶ Enter

Data editor
Open value editor dialog or separate value editor (for LOB values)

↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter

Database Navigator
Delete selected element(s) (if supported)


Data editor
Delete row

Alt + Del

Data editor
Add new row

Alt + Insert

Data editor
Copy current row

Ctrl + Alt + Insert

Data editor
Cancel changes in current cell/row


Database Navigator
Rename current element (if supported)


Database Navigator
Open editor of selected element(s)


Database Navigator
Add bookmark on selected element

Ctrl + D

Database Navigator
Show properties of selected element

Alt + ⤶ Enter

Database Navigator
Open SQL editor for current connection (***). Shows script selector popup


Database Navigator
Open SQL editor for current connection (***). Shows script selector popup

Ctrl + [

Database Navigator
Open new SQL editor for current connection (***). Always creates new script

Ctrl + F3

Database Navigator
Open new SQL editor for current connection (***). Always creates new script

Ctrl + ]

Shows database tools context menu

Alt + ~

Switch active schema/catalog (available if SQL/database editor is open)

Ctrl + 0

Advanced copy. Works in different contexts and performs "smart copy" operation (usually with parameters)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C

Advanced paste. Same as "smart copy" but for "paste".

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + V

Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Cycle through programs in the order that they were started in
Managing 'Windows' in Windows 7 - Remote Desktop

Alt + Insert

SharpDevelop 4.0 (Windows)
Auto code generation: open a dialog where you can select special items
Coding Shortcuts

Alt + Insert

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Cycle through programs in the order that they were started in
Windows Explorer - Remote Desktop

Alt + Insert

Inpage (Windows)
To insert pages
Page Editing

Alt + Insert

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Cycle through programs in the order that they were started in
Windows Admin - Remote Desktop

Alt + Insert

MyLifeOrganized (Windows)
Create a subtask
Managing Tasks

Alt + Insert

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Cycle through programs in the order that they were started in
Ease of Access and Magnifier - Remote Desktop

Alt + Insert

IntelliJ (Linux)
Generate code... (Getters, Setters, Constructors, hashCode/equals, toString)

Alt + Insert

NetBeans 8 (Windows)
Generate code
Coding in Java

Alt + Insert

IntelliJ (Windows)
Generate code... (Getters, Setters, Constructors, hashCode/equals, toString)

Alt + Insert

Windows Remote Desktop (Windows)
Cycles through the programs in the order they were started (equals standard desktop Alt+Insert)
Using Shortcuts in Remote Desktop

Alt + Insert

JetBrains RubyMine (Windows)
Generate Code
Editing Shortcuts

Alt + Insert

JetBrains RubyMine (Linux)
Generate Code
Editing Shortcuts

Alt + Insert

JetBrains PyCharm (Windows)
Generate Code

Alt + Insert

JetBrains PhpStorm (Windows)
Generate Code

Alt + Insert

JetBrains PhpStorm (Linux)
Generate Code

Alt + Insert

Jetbrains CLion (Windows)
Generate code... (Getters, Setters, Constructors, hashCode/equals, toString)
Editing Shortcuts

Alt + Insert

CA PAM RDP Client (Windows)
Cycles through Programs in order they were started
7 Shortcuts for CA PAM RDP Client (Windows)

Alt + Insert

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Create a new class, file or directory See Populating Modules
General Shortcuts

Alt + Insert

Libreoffice Writer (Windows)
3 seconds in Insert mode, Arrow Key inserts row/column, Ctrl+Arrow Key inserts cell

Alt + Insert

Wordfast Pro (Windows)
Copy Source
100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (Windows)

Alt + Insert

Altium Designer (Windows)
Paste on current layer
PCB Editor Only Shortcuts

Alt + Insert

PyCharm 2018.2
Create a new class, file or directory. See Populating Modules.

Alt + Insert

Add a workspace
Switching workspace

Alt + Insert

Citrix Receiver
Cycle through running programs on the remote computer (similar to ALT+ESC)
Windows Remote Desktop Client

Alt + Insert

PDF-XChange Editor
New bookmark before selected

Alt + Insert

IntelliJ IDEA (Windows, Linux)
Generate code

Alt + Insert

Generate code
Coding in Java

Alt + Insert

LibreOffice Writer
3 seconds in Insert mode, Arrow Key inserts row/column, Ctrl + Arrow Key inserts cell

Alt + Insert

The Bat!
Paste as quote
Message Editor

Alt + Insert

Android Studio
Generate code (getters, setters, constructors, hashCode/equals, toString, new file, new class)
Writing code

Alt + Insert

Open Office Writer 3 (Windows)
Provides 3 seconds in Insert mode, during which time pressing an Arrow key inserts a row or column, or ctrl+arrow key will insert a cell.
Working with Tables

Alt + Insert