Google Instant Search (Web Application)

In Search Results

Open result in new foreground tab

command + shift + enter

All hotkeys for Google Instant Search (Web Application)

In Search Box
Type search term, Instant Search updates as you type

az in Search Box

In Search Box
Jump from Search Box to Search Results (arrow icon left to first result appears)

enter in Search Box

In Search Box
Choose Suggestions in Dropdown Selection List

arrow up / arrow down

In Search Box
Continue typing to update Search Results

az in Selection List

In Search Box
Update Search Result and jump to Search Results

enter in Selection List

In Search Box
Open first result ('I'm feeling luck' feature)

arrow right in Search Selection List

In Search Results
Return to search box. Instead escape, you can also just continue typing

escape or az

In Search Results
Jump to next / jump to previous search result (arrow icon moves to next result). arrow up on first result returns focus to Search Box.

arrow down / arrow up

In Search Results
Open result page

enter in search result

In Search Results
Open result in new browser window

shift + enter in search result

In Search Results
Open result in new background tab

command + enter

In Search Results
Open result in new foreground tab

command + shift + enter

In Search Results
Download result

option + enter in search result

Similar combinations for other applications

Thunderbird (MacOS)
Send Message later
Compose and Edit Message

Command + Shift + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Enter locked Loupe view
Using Secondary Window

Command + Shift + Enter

Sublime Text (MacOS)
Insert Line Before
General Editing Shortcuts

Command + Shift + Enter

Eclipse Helios (MacOS)
Insert Line Above current line
Text Editing Shortcuts

Command + Shift + Enter

IntelliJ (MacOS)
Complete Statement
Editing Shortcuts

Command + Shift + Enter

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
Complete Current Statement
Editing Shortcuts

Command + Shift + Enter

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
Complete Statement
Editing Shortcuts

Command + Shift + Enter

JetBrains PyCharm (MacOS)
Complete Current Statement
Editing Shortcuts

Command + Shift + Enter

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
Complete Current Statement
Editing Shortcuts

Command + Shift + Enter

JetBrains PyCharm (MacOS)
Complete Statement
Editing Shortcuts

Command + Shift + Enter

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
Complete Statement
Editing Shortcuts

Command + Shift + Enter (MacOS)
Update, send and resolve
Case View

Command + Shift + Enter

Opera (MacOS)
Open selected link in background tab

Command + Shift + Enter

Opera (MacOS)
Open bookmark in background tab

Command + Shift + Enter

Brackets (MacOS)
Add New Line Before Current Line
Code Writing

Command + Shift + Enter

Flock (MacOS)
Complete .org address
45 Shortcuts for Flock (MacOS)

Command + Shift + Enter

RStudio (MacOS)
Source the current document (with echo)

Command + Shift + Enter

Adobe Dreamweaver (MacOS)
Open/Add Line Above
Coding Shortcuts

Command + Shift + Enter