Hotkeys and shortcuts for InCopy CC (Windows)

(Total 141)

Shift + Esc
Switch between Text tool and Note tool
Alt + Shift
Temporarily switch from Text tool to Note Tool
Alt + Spacebar
Temporarily switch to Hand tool (Layout view)
Ctrl + Spacebar
Temporarily switch to Zoom tool (Layout view)
Ctrl + Spacebar
Temporarily switch to Zoom In tool (Layout view)
Ctrl + Alt + Spacebar
Temporarily switch to Zoom Out tool (Layout view)
Ctrl + Shift + PgUp/PgDn
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to first/last page (Layout view)
Shift + PgUp/PgDn
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to previous/next page (Layout view)
Right Arrow / Left Arrow
Navigation Shortcuts
Move right/left one character
Up Arrow / Down Arrow
Navigation Shortcuts
Move up/down one line
Ctrl + Right Arrow / Left Arrow
Navigation Shortcuts
Move right/left one word
Ctrl + ] / Ctrl + [
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to beginning of sentence forward/backward (Galley and Story views)
Home / End
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to beginning/end of line
Ctrl + Up Arrow / Down Arrow
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to previous/next paragraph
Ctrl + Alt + ]
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to next story (Galley view)
Ctrl + Alt + [
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to previous story (Galley view)
Ctrl + Home / End
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to beginning/end of story
Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow
Navigation Shortcuts
Select one character to the right/left
Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow
Navigation Shortcuts
Select one word to the right/left
Shift + Home / End
Navigation Shortcuts
Select to the start/end of the line
Ctrl + Shift + P
Navigation Shortcuts
Select current paragraph (Galley and Story views)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow
Navigation Shortcuts
Select sentence forward/backward (Galley and Story views)
Shift + Up Arrow / Down Arrow
Navigation Shortcuts
Select one line above/below
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow / Down Arrow
Navigation Shortcuts
Select one paragraph before/after
Ctrl + Shift + Home / End
Navigation Shortcuts
Select to beginning/end of story
Ctrl + Backspace/Delete
Navigation Shortcuts
Delete word in front of insertion point (Galley and Story views)
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace/Delete
Navigation Shortcuts
Delete current sentence (Galley and Story views)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Delete
Navigation Shortcuts
Delete current paragraph (Galley and Story views)
Ctrl + Alt + /
Navigation Shortcuts
Recompose all stories
Ctrl + Alt + 2
Navigation Shortcuts
Toggle current and previous view
Ctrl + F6
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Next window
Ctrl + Shift + F6
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Previous window
PgUp / PgDn
Navigation Shortcuts
Scroll up/down one screen
Alt + Shift + PgUp / PgDn
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to first/last spread
Ctrl + Alt + PgUp / PgDn
Navigation Shortcuts
Go to first previous/ next spread
Ctrl + Alt + =
Navigation Shortcuts
Fit selection in window
Ctrl + 5/2/4
Navigation Shortcuts
Increase screen to 50%/ 200%/400%
Ctrl + Alt + 5
Navigation Shortcuts
Access view percent field
Ctrl + . / ,
Moving and Transforming Graphics
Increase/Decrease size/scale by 1%
Ctrl + Alt + . / ,
Moving and Transforming Graphics
Increase/Decrease size/scale by 5%
Arrow Keys
Moving and Transforming Graphics
Move selection
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys
Moving and Transforming Graphics
Move selection by 1/10th
Shift + Arrow Keys
Moving and Transforming Graphics
Move selection by 10 times
Working with Text
Enables the Position tool in text
Ctrl + Shift + X
Working with Text
Normal horizontal scale
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + X
Working with Text
Normal vertical scale
Ctrl + Shift + > / <
Working with Text
Increase/Decrease text point size
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + > / <
Working with Text
Increase/Decrease text point size five times
Alt + Up Arrow / Down Arrow
Working with Text
Increase/Decrease leading (horizontal text)
Alt + Right Arrow / Left Arrow
Working with Text
Increase/Decrease leading (vertical text)
Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow / Down Arrow
Working with Text
Increase/Decrease leading five times (horizontal text)
Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow / Left Arrow
Working with Text
Increase/Decrease leading five times (vertical text)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + A
Working with Text
Auto leading
Alt + Right Arrow / Left Arrow
Working with Text
Increase/Decrease kerning/tracking
Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow / Left Arrow
Working with Text
Increase/Decrease kerning/tracking five times
Ctrl + Alt + Q
Working with Text
Reset all manual kerning preferences (reset track to 0)
Alt + Shift + Up Arrow / Down Arrow
Working with Text
Increase/Decrease baseline shift (horizontal text)
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow
Working with Text
Increase/Decrease baseline shift (vertical text)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Up Arrow / Down Arrow
Working with Text
Increase/Decrease baseline shift five times (horizontal text)
Ctrl + Alt + \ / Backspace
Working with Text
Increase/Decrease word space kerning
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + \ / Backspace
Working with Text
Increase/Decrease word space kerning five times
Ctrl + Shift + L / C / R
Working with Text
Align text left/center/right
Ctrl + Shift + J
Working with Text
Justify with last line aligned left
Ctrl + Shift + F
Working with Text
Justify all lines
Shift + Tab
Working with Text
Insert right indent tab
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + /
Working with Text
Update missing font list
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + '
Working with Text
Toggle typographer’s quotes preference
Alt + Click Expanded/Collapsed note bookend
Working with Text
Expand/Collapse all notes except current note
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + J
Working with Types
Open Justification dialog box
Ctrl + Alt + K
Working with Types
Open Keep Options dialog box
Ctrl + Alt + J
Working with Types
Open Paragraph Rules dialog box
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C
Working with Types
Redefine character style
Ctrl + Alt + R
Working with Types
Open Drop Caps and Nested Styles dialog box
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R
Working with Types
Redefine paragraph style
Ctrl + Shift + K
Working with Types
Toggle all caps (on/off)
Ctrl + Alt + L
Working with Types
Toggle small caps (on/off)
Ctrl + Shift + =
Working with Types
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + =
Working with Types
Ctrl + Shift + U
Working with Types
Ctrl + Shift + /
Working with Types
Ctrl + B / Ctrl + Shift + B
Working with Types
Ctrl + Shift + I
Working with Types
Ctrl + Shift + Y
Working with Types
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + G
Working with Types
Toggle align to grid (on/off)
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + H
Working with Types
Toggle auto-hyphenate (on/off)
Ctrl + F1
Find and Replace
Insert selected text into Find What box
Shift + F1
Find and Replace
Insert selected text into Find What box and find next
Ctrl + F3
Find and Replace
Replace selected text with Change To text
Shift + F3
Find and Replace
Replace selected text with Change To text and find next
Ctrl + F2
Find and Replace
Insert selected text into Replace box
Backspace / Delete
Clear cell
Tab / Left Arrow / Right Arrow
Move to next cell
Shift + Tab
Move to previous cell
Up Arrow / Down Arrow
Move up/down through table cells
Alt + PgUp / PgDn
Move to first/last cell in column
Alt + Home / End
Move to first/last cell in row
PgUp / PgDn
Move to first/last row in frame
Shift + Up Arrow / Down Arrow
Select cells above/below
Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow
Select cells to the right/left
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + J
Type Panel and Dialog Boxes
Open Justification dialog box
Alt + Ctrl + J
Type Panel and Dialog Boxes
Open Paragraph Rules dialog box
Alt + Ctrl + K
Type Panel and Dialog Boxes
Open Keep Options dialog box
Ctrl + T
Type Panel and Dialog Boxes
Activate Character panel
Ctrl + Alt + T
Type Panel and Dialog Boxes
Activate Paragraph panel
Select text and press Shift+ Alt + Ctrl + C
Character and Paragraph Styles
Make character style definition match text
Select text and press Shift+ Alt + Ctrl + R
Character and Paragraph Styles
Make paragraph style definition match text
Shift + Alt + Ctrl-double-click style
Character and Paragraph Styles
Change options without applying style
Alt+ Click paragraph style name
Character and Paragraph Styles
Remove style and local formatting
Alt + Shift-click paragraph style name
Character and Paragraph Styles
Clear overrides from paragraph style
F11 / Shift + F11
Character and Paragraph Styles
Show/hide Paragraph and Character Styles panels, respectively
Ctrl + Shift + 5
Load word
Ctrl + Shift + 6
Look up word
Ctrl + Shift + 7
Change word
Right Arrow / Left Arrow
Working with XML
Expand/Collapse element
Alt + Right Arrow / Left Arrow
Working with XML
Expand/Collapse element and child elements
Shift + Up Arrow / Down Arrow
Working with XML
Extend XML selection up/down
Up Arrow / Down Arrow
Working with XML
Move XML selection up/down
PgUp / PgDn
Working with XML
Scroll structure pane up/down one screen
Home / End
Working with XML
Select first/last XML node
Shift + Home / End
Working with XML
Extend selection to first/last XML node
Ctrl + Left Arrow / Right Arrow
Working with XML
Go to previous/next validation error
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F7
Working with XML
Automatically tag text frames and tables
Ctrl + Shift + W
Other Shortcuts
Close current document
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + W
Other Shortcuts
Close all documents
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S
Other Shortcuts
Save all documents
Ctrl + Alt + Z
Other Shortcuts
Expand all stories
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Z
Other Shortcuts
Collapse all stories
Ctrl + Alt + Tab
Other Shortcuts
Show/Hide all toolbars and panels
Ctrl + Alt + N
Other Shortcuts
New default document
Ctrl + Shift + D
Other Shortcuts
Display Links panel
Ctrl + Alt + `
Other Shortcuts
Activate last-used field in panel
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 6
Other Shortcuts
Update beginning to cursor info
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 8
Other Shortcuts
Update copyfit progress info
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 7
Other Shortcuts
Update cursor to end info
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 5
Other Shortcuts
Update selection info
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 4
Other Shortcuts
Update whole story info
Shift + F5
Other Shortcuts
Force redraw
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U
Other Shortcuts
Toggle units
Ctrl + Alt + F8
Other Shortcuts
New text macro
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F8
Other Shortcuts
Edit text macro
Alt + Shift + F8
Other Shortcuts
Insert macro text