InDesign CC (MacOS)
Formatting Shortcuts
Decrease/Increase font size
Command + Shift + < / Command + Shift + >
All hotkeys for InDesign CC (MacOS)
Efficient Zoom & PanDrag mouse to Zoom |
Command + Spacebar |
Efficient Zoom & PanFit Page in view |
Command + 0 |
Efficient Zoom & PanFit Spread in View |
Command + Option + 0 |
Efficient Zoom & PanZoom in/Zoom out |
Command + + / Command + - |
Efficient Zoom & PanPan in View |
Spacebar + Drag |
Efficient Zoom & PanPan when in Text |
Option + Drag |
Click TechniqueSelect Thru |
Command + Click |
Click TechniqueOverride master |
Command + Shift + Click |
Click TechniqueScale Graphics |
Command + Shift + Drag |
Click Technique |
Formatting ShortcutsDecrease/Increase font size |
Command + Shift + < / Command + Shift + > |
Formatting ShortcutsAdjust Leading size |
Option + Up Arrow / Option + Down Arrow |
Formatting ShortcutsFlush Left |
Command + Shift + L |
Formatting ShortcutsFlush Right |
Command + Shift + R |
Formatting ShortcutsCReturn |
Command + Shift + C |
Formatting ShortcutsJustify |
Command + Shift + J |
Formatting ShortcutsBold |
Command + Shift + B |
Formatting ShortcutsItalic |
Command + Shift + I |
Formatting ShortcutsUnderline |
Command + Shift + U |
Formatting ShortcutsTracking |
Option + Left Arrow |
Formatting ShortcutsKerning |
Option + Right Arrow |
Formatting ShortcutsAdjust baseline shift |
Shift + Option + Up Arrow / Shift + Option + Down Arrow |
PanelsSwatches |
F5 |
PanelsLayers |
F7 |
PanelsStroke |
F10 |
PanelsParagraph styles |
F11 |
PanelsCharacter styles |
Shift + F11 |
PanelsText Wrap |
Command + Option + W |
PanelsLinks |
Command + Shift + D |
PanelsInfo |
F8 |
PanelsCharacter |
Command + T |
PanelsControl |
Command + Option + 6 |
PanelsObject Styles |
Command + F7 |
PanelsColors |
F6 |
PanelsParagraph Styles |
F11 / Command + F11 |
PanelsIndex |
Shift + F8 |
PanelsTables |
Shift + F9 |
PanelsScripts |
Command + Option + F11 |
PanelsText wrap |
Command + Option + W |
File Menu ShortcutsNew File |
Command + N |
File Menu ShortcutsOpen File |
Command + O |
File Menu ShortcutsClose window |
Command + W |
File Menu ShortcutsOpen in bridge |
Command + Option + O |
File Menu ShortcutsPlace |
Command + D |
File Menu ShortcutsSave |
Command + S |
File Menu ShortcutsSave As |
Command + Shift + S |
File Menu Shortcuts |
Command + P |
File Menu ShortcutsPage Setup |
Command + Option + P |
File Menu ShortcutsPackage |
Command + Shift + Option + P |
File Menu ShortcutsQuit Application |
Command + Q |
File Menu ShortcutsExport |
Command + E |
Edit Menu shortcutsUndo |
Command + Z |
Edit Menu shortcutsRedo |
Command + Shift + Z |
Edit Menu shortcutsCopy |
Command + C |
Edit Menu shortcutsCut |
Command + X |
Edit Menu shortcutsPaste |
Command + V |
Edit Menu shortcutsPaste Without formatting |
Command + Shift + V |
Edit Menu shortcutsSelect all |
Command + A |
Edit Menu shortcutsDeselect All |
Command + Shift + A |
Edit Menu shortcutsFind/Change |
Command + F |
Edit Menu shortcutsFind Next |
Command + Option + F |
Edit Menu shortcutsCheck Spelling |
Command + I |
Edit Menu shortcutsPreferences |
Command + K |
Edit Menu shortcutsPaste in Place |
Command + Shift + Option + V |
Edit Menu shortcutsPaste Into |
Command + Option + V |
Edit Menu shortcutsDuplicate |
Command + Shift + Option + D |
Edit Menu shortcutsEdit in Story Editor |
Command + Y |
Edit Menu shortcutsCheck Out |
Command + F9 |
Edit Menu shortcutsCheck In |
Command + Shift + F9 |
Edit Menu shortcutsUpdate Content |
Command + F5 |
Edit Menu shortcutsQuick apply |
Command + Return |
Layout Menu ShortcutsGo to Page |
Command + J |
Layout Menu ShortcutsAdd Page |
Command + Shift + P |
Layout Menu ShortcutsPrevious/Next Spread |
Option + PgUp / Option + PgDn |
Layout Menu Shortcuts |
Type Menu ShortcutsTabs |
Shift + Command + T |
Type Menu ShortcutsGlyphs |
Shift + Option + F11 |
Type Menu ShortcutsForced link break |
Shift + Return |
Type Menu ShortcutsHidden Characters |
Command + Option + I |
Type Menu Shortcuts |
Object Menu shortcutsTransform again |
Command + Option + 4 |
Object Menu shortcutsGroup |
Command + G |
Object Menu shortcutsUngroup |
Command + Shift + G |
Object Menu shortcutsCompound Path |
Command + 8 |
Object Menu shortcutsDrop Shadow |
Command + Option + M |
Object Menu shortcutsCReturn Content |
Command + Shift + E |
Object Menu shortcutsFill frame proportionlly |
Command + Shift + Option + C |
Object Menu shortcutsBring front |
Command + Shift + [ |
Object Menu shortcutsSend back |
Command + Shift + ] |
Object Menu shortcutsText Frame Options |
Command + B |
View Menu ShortcutsSmart Guides |
Command + U |
View Menu ShortcutsGuides |
Command + ; |
View Menu ShortcutsHigh Quality Display |
Command + Option + H |
View Menu ShortcutsText Threads |
Command + Option + Y |
View Menu ShortcutsFrame edges |
Command + H |
View Menu ShortcutsRulers |
Command + R |
View Menu ShortcutsActual Size |
Command + 1 |
View Menu Shortcuts200% size |
Command + 2 |
View Menu Shortcuts400% size |
Command + 4 |
View Menu Shortcuts50% size |
Command + 5 |
View Menu ShortcutsSet Presentation background to black |
B |
View Menu ShortcutsSet Presentation background to gray |
G |
View Menu ShortcutsSet Presentation background to white |
W |
View Menu ShortcutsShow Cyan plate |
Command + Shift + Option + 1 |
View Menu ShortcutsShow Magenta plate |
Command + Shift + Option + 2 |
View Menu ShortcutsShow Yellow plate |
Command + Shift + Option + 3 |
View Menu ShortcutsShow Black Plate |
Command + Shift + Option + 4 |
View Menu ShortcutsShow 1st spot plate |
Command + Shift + Option + 5 |
View Menu ShortcutsShow 2nd spot plate |
Command + Shift + Option + 6 |
View Menu ShortcutsShow 3rd spot plate |
Command + Shift + Option + 7 |
View Menu ShortcutsShow All Plates |
Command + Shift + Option + ' |
View Menu Shortcuts |
ToolsSelection tool |
V |
ToolsDirect selection tool |
A |
Toolsmagic wind tool |
Y |
ToolsLasso tool |
Q |
ToolsPen tool |
P |
ToolsBlob brush tool |
Shift + B |
ToolsAdd/Delete anchor point tool |
+ / - |
ToolsConvert anchor point tool |
Shift + C |
ToolsType tool |
T |
ToolsLine segment tool |
\ |
ToolsRectangle tool |
M |
ToolsEllipse tool |
L |
ToolsPaintbrush tool |
B |
ToolsPencil tool |
N |
ToolsRotate tool |
R |
ToolsReflect tool |
O |
ToolsScale tool |
S |
ToolsWarp tool |
Shift + R |
ToolsWidth tool |
Shift + W |
ToolsFree Transform tool |
E |
ToolsShape builder tool |
Shift + M |
ToolsPerspective grid tool |
Shift + P |
ToolsPerspective selection tool |
Shift + V |
ToolsSymbol sprayer tool |
Shift + S |
ToolsColumn graph tool |
J |
ToolsMesh tool |
U |
ToolsGradient tool |
G |
ToolsEyedropper tool |
I |
ToolsBlend tool |
W |
ToolsZoom tool |
Z |
ToolsHand tool |
H |
ToolsScissors tool |
C |
ToolsEraser tool |
Shift + E |
ToolsSlice tool |
Shift + K |
ToolsLive paint selection tool |
Shift + L |
ToolsLive Paint selection tool |
K |