Hotkeys and shortcuts for Microsoft Projects 2007 (Windows)

(Total 74)

Arrow Keys
Use the Network Diagram View
Move to a different Network Diagram box.
Shift + Arrow Keys
Use the Network Diagram View
Add Network Diagram boxes to the selection.
Ctrl + Arrow Keys
Use the Network Diagram View
Move a Network Diagram box. Note: Manual positioning must be set first. Click Layout on the Format menu, and then click Allow manual box positioning.
home and end respectively
Use the Network Diagram View
Move to the leftmost or rightmost Network Diagram box in the project.
Ctrl + home and ctrl + end respectively
Use the Network Diagram View
Move to the top or lowest Network Diagram box in the view or project.
page up and page down respectively
Use the Network Diagram View
Move up or down one window height.
Ctrl + page up or ctrl + page down respectively
Use the Network Diagram View
Move left or right one window width.
enter and shift + enter respectively
Use the Network Diagram View
Select the next field in the Network Diagram box.
Alt + Space
Navigate views and windows
Activate the Control menu.
Navigate views and windows
Activate the entry bar to edit text in a field.
f10 or alt
Navigate views and windows
Activate the menu bar.
Alt + - (Hyphen)
Navigate views and windows
Activate the project control menu.
Shift + F6
Navigate views and windows
Activate the split bar.
Alt + F4
Navigate views and windows
Close the program window.
Navigate views and windows
Display all filtered tasks or all filtered resources.
Alt + F3
Navigate views and windows
Display the Column Definition dialog box.
Shift + F11
Navigate views and windows
Open a new window.
Shift + Backspace
Navigate views and windows
Reduce a selection to a single field.
Shift + F3
Navigate views and windows
Reset sort order to ID order.
Navigate views and windows
Select a drawing object.
Shift + F2
Navigate views and windows
Display task, resource or assignment information.
Shift + F8
Navigate views and windows
Turn on or off the Add To Selection mode.
Ctrl + F9
Navigate views and windows
Turn on or off Auto Calculate.
Navigate views and windows
Turn on or off the Extend Selection mode.
Alt + Arrow Keys
Navigate views and windows
Move left, right, up, or down to view different pages in the Print Preview window.
Alt + Shift + arrow right and alt + Shift + arrow left respectively
Outline a project
Indent the selected task.
Alt + Shift + = or alt + Shift + plus (Plus sign on numeric keypad)
Outline a project
Show subtasks.
Alt + Shift + - (Hyphen) or alt + Shift + - (Minus Sign on Numeric Keypad)
Outline a project
Hide subtasks.
Alt + Shift + * (asterisk on the numeric keypad)
Outline a project
Show all tasks.
Arrow Keys
Select and edit in a dialog box
Move between fields at the bottom of a form.
Alt + 1 (left) or alt + 2 (right)
Select and edit in a dialog box
Move into tables at the bottom of a form.
Select and edit in a dialog box
Move to the next task or resource.
Shift + Enter
Select and edit in a dialog box
Move to the previous task or resource.
Ctrl + Delete
Select and edit in a sheet view
Clear or reset the selected field.
Ctrl + x , ctrl + c , ctrl + V
Select and edit in a sheet view
Cut, Copy, Paste selected data
Ctrl + D
Select and edit in a sheet view
Fill down.
Ctrl + f or shift + F5
Select and edit in a sheet view
Display the Find dialog box.
Shift + F4
Select and edit in a sheet view
In the Find dialog box, continue to the next instance of the search results.
Select and edit in a sheet view
Use the Go To command (Edit menu).
Ctrl + f2 and ctrl + Shift + f2 respectivdely
Select and edit in a sheet view
Link or unlink tasks.
Shift + Backspace
Select and edit in a sheet view
Reduce the selection to one field.
Ctrl + Z
Select and edit in a sheet view
Undo the last action.
Alt + home and alt + end respectively
Select and edit in a sheet view
Move to the beginning or end of a project (timescale).
Alt + arrow left and alt + arrow right respectively
Select and edit in a sheet view
Move the timescale left or right
home and end respectively or ctrl + arrow left and ctrl + arrow right respectively
Select and edit in a sheet view
Move to the first field or last field in a row.
Ctrl + arrow up and ctrl + arrow down respectively
Select and edit in a sheet view
Move to the first or last row
Ctrl + home and ctrl + end respectively
Select and edit in a sheet view
Move to the first or last field of the first row.
Ctrl + tab or ctrl + Shift + Tab
Select and edit in a sheet view
Move focus between the side pane and the view on the right side.
Select and edit in a sheet view
Select different controls in the side pane if focus is in the side pane.
Select and edit in a sheet view
Select or clear check boxes and option buttons if focus is in the side pane.
Ctrl + R
Select and edit in a sheet view
Update the Project Guide.
Shift + page down and shift + page up respectively
Select and edit in a sheet view
Extend the selection up or down one page.
Shift + arrow down and shift + arrow up respectively
Select and edit in a sheet view
Extend the selection down or up one row.
Shift + home and shift + end respectivewly
Select and edit in a sheet view
Extend the selection to the first or last field in a row.
Ctrl + Shift + home and ctrl + Shift + end respectively
Select and edit in a sheet view
Extend the selection to the start or end of the information.
Ctrl + Shift + arrow up and ctrl + Shift + arrow down respectively
Select and edit in a sheet view
Extend the selection to the first or last row.
Ctrl + Shift + Space
Select and edit in a sheet view
Select all rows and columns.
Ctrl + Space
Select and edit in a sheet view
Select a column.
Shift + Space
Select and edit in a sheet view
Select a row.
enter and shift + enter respectively
Select and edit in a sheet view
Move within a selection down or up one field.
tab and shift + tab respectively
Select and edit in a sheet view
Move within a selection right or left one field.
Select and edit in the entry bar
Accept an entry.
Select and edit in the entry bar
Cancel an entry.
Select and edit in the entry bar
Delete one character to the left.
Select and edit in the entry bar
Delete one character to the right.
Ctrl + Delete
Select and edit in the entry bar
Delete one word to the right.
Shift + End
Select and edit in the entry bar
Extend the selection to the end of the text.
Shift + Home
Select and edit in the entry bar
Extend the selection to the start of the text.
Select and edit in the entry bar
Turn on or off Overtype mode.
Alt + page up and alt + page down respectively
Use a timescale
Move the timescale left or right one page.
Alt + home and alt + end respectively
Use a timescale
Move the timescale to beginning or end of the project.
Alt + arrow left and alt + arrow right respectively
Use a timescale
Scroll the timescale left or right
Ctrl + / (slash on the numeric keypad)
Use a timescale
Show smaller time units.
Ctrl + * (asterisk on the numeric keypad)
Use a timescale
Show larger time units.