MuseScore (MacOS)

Pitch Shortuts

Lower Pitch By Octave

Command + Down Arrow

All hotkeys for MuseScore (MacOS)

Navigation Shortcuts
Beginning of Score


Navigation Shortcuts
End of Score


Navigation Shortcuts
Next Score

Command + Tab

Navigation Shortcuts
Previous Score

Shift + Command + Tab

Navigation Shortcuts
Zoom In

Command + +

Navigation Shortcuts
Zoom Out

Command + -

Note Input Shortcuts
Begin Note Input Mode


Note Input Shortcuts
Leave Note Input Mode


Duration Shortcuts
Half Duration Of Previous Note


Duration Shortcuts
Double Duration Of Previous Note


Duration Shortcuts
Decrease Duration By a Dot

Shift + Q

Duration Shortcuts
Increase Duration By a Dot

Shift + W

Voices Shortcuts
Voice 1

Command + Option + 1

Voices Shortcuts
Voice 2

Command + Option + 2

Voices Shortcuts
Voice 3

Command + Option + 3

Voices Shortcuts
voice 4

Command + Option + 4

Pitch Shortuts
Repeat Previous Note or Chord


Pitch Shortuts
Raise Pitch By Octave

Command + Up Arrow

Pitch Shortuts
Lower Pitch By Octave

Command + Down Arrow

Pitch Shortuts
Repeat Selection


Pitch Shortuts
Raise Pitch By Semi-Tone

Up Arrow

Pitch Shortuts
Lower Pitch By Semi-Tone

down Arrow

Interval Shortcuts
Add Inreval Above Current Note

Option + Num

Layout Shortcuts
Flip Direction


Layout Shortcuts
Mirror Note Head

Shift + X

Layout Shortcuts
Increase Stretch of Measure(S)


Layout Shortcuts
Decrease Stretch of Measure(S)


Layout Shortcuts
page Back On Selected Barline

Command + Return

Articulations Shortcuts

Shift + S

Articulations Shortcuts

Shift + N

Articulations Shortcuts

Shift + V

Articulations Shortcuts

Shift + O

Articulations Shortcuts


Articulations Shortcuts


Text Entry Shortcuts
Staff Text

Command + T

Text Entry Shortcuts
System Text

Command + Shift + T

Text Entry Shortcuts
Tempo Text

Option + T

Text Entry Shortcuts
Rehearsal Mark

Command + M

Lyrics Entry shortcuts
Enter Lyrics on a Note

Command + L

Lyrics Entry shortcuts
Previous Lyrics Syllable

Shift + Space

Lyrics Entry shortcuts
Move Lyric Syllable Left by 0.01sp

Option + left Arrow

Lyrics Entry shortcuts
Move Lyric Syllable Right by 0.01sp

Option + Right Arrow

Lyrics Entry shortcuts
Up to Previous Stanza

Command + Up Arrow

Lyrics Entry shortcuts
Down to Next Stanza

Command + Down Arrow

Display Shortcuts


Display Shortcuts
Play Panel


Display Shortcuts


Display Shortcuts


Display Shortcuts


Display Shortcuts
Selection Filter


Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Toggle Visibility on Selected Element(S)


Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Show Instruments Dialog


Miscellaneous Shortcuts
Toggle Multi-Measure Rests On or Off


Similar combinations for other applications

Firefox (MacOS)
Select Next Search Engine
Search Bar

Command + Down Arrow

Firefox (MacOS)
Media Control

Command + Down Arrow

Google Mail (MacOS)
Move current task up and down in task list
Tasks in Gmail

Command + Up Arrow / Command + Down Arrow

Safari Browser (MacOS)
Scroll to bottom-right corner of web page
Navigation/Scroll Operation

Command + Down arrow

Finale (MacOS)
Move to next system
Utility Menu

Command + Down arrow

Finale (MacOS)
Add selected expression to staff belo
Expression Tool

Command + Down arrow

Apple Mail (MacOS)
Archive an email message
Editing Shortcuts

Command + Down Arrow

Finder (MacOS)
Open the selected item.

Command + Down Arrow

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Move the insertion point to the end of the document.
Document Shortcuts

Command + Down Arrow

Silhouette Studio (MacOS)
Duplicate below

Command + Down arrow

Adobe Flash Professional (MacOS)
Move Behind

Command + Down Arrow

Adobe Acrobat Pro (MacOS)
Move focus up or down one row without changing the selection
PDF Portfolios

Command + Up Arrow / Command + Down Arrow

Asana (Web Application)
Move Down
Task Action Shortcuts(On Mac Plateform)

Command + Down Arrow

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Open the selected item.
Finder Shortcuts

Command + Down Arrow

Sublime Text (MacOS)
Scroll to end of file
Scrolling Shortcuts

Command + Down Arrow

Rocket.Chat (Web Application)
Move to the End of the Message
On Mac Plateform

Command + Down Arrow

IntelliJ (MacOS)
View Source
Navigation Shortcuts

Command + Down Arrow

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
View Source
Navigation Shortcuts

Command + Down Arrow

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
View Source
Navigation Controls

Command + Down Arrow

Adobe Animate CC (MacOS)
Move Behind
Edit and Modify

Command + Down Arrow

JetBrains PhpStorm (MacOS)
View Source

Command + Down Arrow

Steinberg Cubase 9 (MacOS)
Zoom tracks exclusive

Z / Command + Down arrow

Brackets (MacOS)
Move to End of File

Command + Down Arrow

Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Next Segment (No Commit)
100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

Command + Down Arrow

Apple XCode 8 (MacOS)
End of File
Code Navigation

Command + Down Arrow

Pencil2D (MacOS)
Zoom out
29 Shortcuts for Pencil2D (MacOS)

Command + Down Arrow

Adobe Dreamweaver (MacOS)
Go to Next Paragraph (Design View)
Coding Shortcuts

Command + Down Arrow