All hotkeys for Spotify (MacOS)
GeneralCreate new playlist |
Command + N |
GeneralCut |
Command + X |
GeneralCopy |
Command + C |
GeneralCopy (alternative link) |
Command + Alt + C |
GeneralPaste |
Command + V |
GeneralDelete |
Del/Backspace |
GeneralSelect all |
Command + A |
GeneralPlay/pause |
Space |
GeneralNext track |
Ctrl + Command + Right |
GeneralPrevious track |
Ctrl + Command + Left |
GeneralVolume up |
Command + Up |
GeneralVolume down |
Command + Down |
GeneralMute |
Command + Shift + Down |
GeneralMax volume |
Command + Shift + Up |
GeneralShow help |
Command + Shift + ? |
GeneralFilter (in Songs and Playlists) |
Command + F |
GeneralGive focus to search field |
Command + Alt + F |
GeneralGo back |
Command + Alt + Left |
GeneralGo forward |
Command + Alt + Right |
GeneralPlay selected row |
Enter |
GeneralPreferences |
Command + , |
GeneralLogout active user |
Command + Shift + W |
GeneralQuit |
Command + Q |
GeneralHide window |
Command + H |
GeneralHide other applications' windows |
Command + Alt + H |
GeneralClose window |
Command + W |
GeneralMinimize window |
Command + M |
GeneralRestore from minimized |
Command + Alt + 1 |