Sublime Text (Windows)


Delete from cursor to end of line

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

All hotkeys for Sublime Text (Windows)

Navigation - Standard Navigation
Move one word left arrow/ right arrow

Ctrl + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Navigation - Standard Navigation
Move one sub-word left arrow/ right arrow

Alt + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Navigation - Standard Navigation
Move one page up arrow/ down arrow

Page Up / Page Down

Navigation - Standard Navigation
Move to beginning of line/ end of line

Home / End

Navigation - Standard Navigation
Scroll page up arrow/ down arrow without changing cursor position

Ctrl + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Navigation - Fancy Navigation
Move to opening bracket of faction, repeat for closing bracket

Ctrl + M

Navigation - Fancy Navigation
Show Function List and navigate

Ctrl + R

Navigation - Fancy Navigation
Show Function List without changing cursor position

Ctrl + Shift + R

Navigation - Fancy Navigation
Go to word in current file

Ctrl + ;

Navigation - Fancy Navigation
Jump forward/ backwards to/ from previous positions or selections

Alt + - / + on Numeric Keypad

Navigation - Fancy Navigation
Goto line

Ctrl + G

Navigation - Fancy Navigation
Center screen to cursor

Ctrl + K C

Navigation - Standard Selections
Extend selection one character left arrow/ right arrow

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Navigation - Standard Selections
Extend selection one word left arrow/ right arrow

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Navigation - Standard Selections
Extend selection one sub-word left arrow/ right arrow

Alt + Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Navigation - Standard Selections
Extend selection one line up arrow/ down arrow

Shift + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Navigation - Standard Selections
Extend selection one page up arrow/ down arrow

Shift + Page Up / Page Down

Navigation - Standard Selections
Extend selection to beginning/ end of line

Shift + Home / End

Navigation - Standard Selections
Extend selection to beginning of file/ end of file

Ctrl + Shift + Home / End

Navigation - Standard Selections
Select All

Ctrl + A

Navigation - Advanced Selections
Select Line,

Ctrl + L

Navigation - Advanced Selections
Select current word, continue press D for expanding selection. Then continue in multi-line editing mode

Ctrl + D

Navigation - Advanced Selections
Select all occurrences of current word, then continue in multi-line editing mode

Alt + F3

Navigation - Advanced Selections
With multiple lines selected - enter multi-line editing mode.

Ctrl + Shift + L

Navigation - Advanced Selections
Cancel Selection


Navigation - Advanced Selections
Select lines in this indention

Ctrl + Shift + J

Navigation - Advanced Selections
Expand Selection

Ctrl + Shift + A

Navigation - Advanced Selections
Expand selection

Ctrl + Shift + Space

Navigation - Advanced Selections
Select current function enclosed by brackets or parentheses

Ctrl + Shift + M

Selections - Standard Navigation
Move one word left arrow/ right arrow

Ctrl + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Selections - Standard Navigation
Move one sub-word left arrow/ right arrow

Alt + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Selections - Standard Navigation
Move one page up arrow/ down arrow

Page Up / Page Down

Selections - Standard Navigation
Move to beginning of line/ end of line

Home / End

Selections - Standard Navigation
Scroll page up arrow/ down arrow without changing cursor position

Ctrl + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Selections - Fancy Navigation
Move to opening bracket of faction, repeat for closing bracket

Ctrl + M

Selections - Fancy Navigation
Show Function List and navigate

Ctrl + R

Selections - Fancy Navigation
Show Function List without changing cursor position

Ctrl + Shift + R

Selections - Fancy Navigation
Go to word in current file

Ctrl + ;

Selections - Fancy Navigation
Jump forward/ backwards to/ from previous positions or selections

Alt + - / + on Numeric Keypad

Selections - Fancy Navigation
Goto line

Ctrl + G

Selections - Fancy Navigation
Center screen to cursor

Ctrl + K C

Selections - Standard Selections
Extend selection one character left arrow/ right arrow

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Selections - Standard Selections
Extend selection one word left arrow/ right arrow

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Selections - Standard Selections
Extend selection one sub-word left arrow/ right arrow

Alt + Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Selections - Standard Selections
Extend selection one line up arrow/ down arrow

Shift + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Selections - Standard Selections
Extend selection one page up arrow/ down arrow

Shift + Page Up / Page Down

Selections - Standard Selections
Extend selection to beginning/ end of line

Shift + Home / End

Selections - Standard Selections
Extend selection to beginning of file/ end of file

Ctrl + Shift + Home / End

Selections - Standard Selections
Select All

Ctrl + A

Selections - Advanced Selections
Select Line,

Ctrl + L

Selections - Advanced Selections
Select current word, continue press D for expanding selection. Then continue in multi-line editing mode

Ctrl + D

Selections - Advanced Selections
Select all occurrences of current word, then continue in multi-line editing mode

Alt + F3

Selections - Advanced Selections
With multiple lines selected - enter multi-line editing mode.

Ctrl + Shift + L

Selections - Advanced Selections
Cancel Selection


Selections - Advanced Selections
Select lines in this indention

Ctrl + Shift + J

Selections - Advanced Selections
Expand Selection

Ctrl + Shift + A

Selections - Advanced Selections
Expand selection

Ctrl + Shift + Space

Selections - Advanced Selections
Select current function enclosed by brackets or parentheses

Ctrl + Shift + M

Cool Text Manipulation
Move line or selection up arrow/ down arrow

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Cool Text Manipulation
Insert line after and position cursor at beginning of new line

Ctrl + Enter

Cool Text Manipulation
Insert line after and position cursor at beginning of new line

Ctrl + Enter

Cool Text Manipulation
Join line below at end of current line

Ctrl + J

Cool Text Manipulation
Duplicate lines (on Sublime 3 on Windows this seem to no longer work, try Ctrl+Shift+D instead)

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down

Cool Text Manipulation

Ctrl + T

Cool Text Manipulation
Sort Lines case sensitive


Cool Text Manipulation
Sort Lines case in-sensitive

Shift + F9

Cool Text Manipulation
Indent/ unindent

Ctrl + ] / [

Cool Text Manipulation
Duplicate line or selection

Ctrl + Shift + D

Cool Text Manipulation
Toggle Comment line

Ctrl + /

Cool Text Manipulation
Toggle Comment block

Ctrl + Shift + /

Cool Text Manipulation
Change selection to Uppercase

Ctrl + k u

Cool Text Manipulation
Change selection to Lowercase

Ctrl + K L

Cool Text Manipulation
Wrap lines to 80 characters and remove indent

Alt + Q

Delete character to the right


Delete character to the left


Delete word to the left

Ctrl + Backspace

Delete word to the right

Ctrl + Delete

Delete from cursor to beginning of line

Ctrl + Shift + Backspace

Delete from cursor to end of line

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Undo and Redo

Ctrl + Z

Undo and Redo

Ctrl + Shift + Z

Undo and Redo
Redo or repeat

Ctrl + Y

Undo and Redo
Soft Undo

Ctrl + U

Undo and Redo
Soft redo

Ctrl + Shift + U

Cut, Copy and Paste

Shift + Delete

Cut, Copy and Paste

Ctrl + Insert

Cut, Copy and Paste

Shift + Insert

Cut, Copy and Paste

Ctrl + X

Cut, Copy and Paste

Ctrl + C

Cut, Copy and Paste

Ctrl + V

Cut, Copy and Paste
Paste and match current indention

Ctrl + Shift + V

Cut, Copy and Paste
Paste from History

Ctrl + K V

Find and Replace
Standard Find

Ctrl + F

Find and Replace
Find and Replace

Ctrl + H

Find and Replace
Find and Replace in open tabs/ files and folders

Ctrl + Shift + F

Find and Replace
Replace next

Ctrl + Shift + H

Find and Replace
Find next/ previous

F3 / Shift + F3

Find and Replace
Creates file with search results from all open files in new tab

Ctrl + Shift + F

Find and Replace
Find and highlight current word in text

Ctrl + D

Find and Replace
Find under

Ctrl + F3

Find and Replace
Find under previous

Ctrl + Shift + F3

Find and Replace
Find all under

Alt + F3

Find and Replace
Slurp find string

Ctrl + E

Find and Replace
Slurp replace string

Ctrl + Shift + E

Menu Control
New Window

Ctrl + Shift + N

Menu Control
Close Window

Ctrl + Shift + W

Menu Control
Open File

Ctrl + O

Menu Control
Reopen last file

Ctrl + Shift + T

Menu Control
New file

Ctrl + N

Menu Control
Save file

Ctrl + S

Menu Control
Save file as

Ctrl + Shift + S

Menu Control
Close File

Ctrl + F4

Menu Control
Close Sublime

Ctrl + W

Bookmarks and Marks
Toggle Bookmark

Ctrl + F2

Bookmarks and Marks
Go to next bookmark


Bookmarks and Marks
Go to previous bookmark

Shift + F2

Bookmarks and Marks
Select all bookmarks

Alt + F2

Bookmarks and Marks
Set Mark

Ctrl + K Space

Bookmarks and Marks
Select to mark

Ctrl + K A

Bookmarks and Marks
Delete to mark

Ctrl + K W

Bookmarks and Marks
Swap with mark

Ctrl + K X

Bookmarks and Marks

Ctrl + K Y

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Toggle sidebar

Ctrl + K B

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Move to next/ previous open tab

Ctrl + Page Down / Page Up

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Move to next/ previous open tab by stack (order they were opened)

Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Reopen last closed tab

Ctrl + Shift + T

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Zoom - increase/ decrease font size

Ctrl + / -

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Quick Open - Show file list of currently opened file

Ctrl + P

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Toggle full screen


Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Toggle full screen distraction free

Shift + F11

Split Panes
Split layout to 1 pane

Alt + Shift + 1

Split Panes
Split layout to 2 vertical panes

Alt + Shift + 2

Split Panes
Split layout to 3 vertical panes

Alt + Shift + 3

Split Panes
Split layout to 4 vertical panes

Alt + Shift + 4

Split Panes
Split layout to 2 vertical and 2 horizontal panes

Alt + Shift + 5

Split Panes
Split layout to 2 horizontal panes

Alt + Shift + 8

Split Panes
Focus/ cursor on split pane #1

Ctrl + 1

Split Panes
Focus/ cursor on split pane #2

Ctrl + 2

Split Panes
Focus/ cursor on split pane #3

Ctrl + 3

Split Panes
Focus/ cursor on split pane #4

Ctrl + 4

Split Panes
New pane in pane #1 thru #4

Ctrl + Shift + 1.4

Split Panes
Open new pane, and move current window into new pane

Ctrl + K , then Arrow Up (with Ctrl pressed)

Split Panes
Close current pane

Ctrl + K , then Arrow Down

Split Panes
Move to next pane to the left arrow/ right arrow

Ctrl + K , then left arrow / Arrow Right

Split Panes
Open new tab in pane to the left arrow/ right arrow\

Ctrl + K , then Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Split Panes
Jump to tab 1..10 in current pane

Alt + 10

Fold/ unfold

Ctrl + Shift + [ / ]

Fold by level 1….9

Ctrl + K , then Ctrl + 1 .… 9

Unfold all

Ctrl + K , then Ctrl + J

Toggle spell checking


Find next misspelling

Ctrl + F6

Find previous misspelling

Ctrl + Shift + F6

Toggle Console

Ctrl + `

Toggle word wrap - View - Word wrap

Alt + V , then W

Similar combinations for other applications

Firefox (Linux)
Clear private data (menu)
Firefox Features

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Firefox (Windows)
Clear private data (menu)
Firefox Features

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Mindjet Mindmanager 2012 (Windows)
Cut-out (delete topic, and shift-up subtopics one level; good to remove an accidentally inserted parent)
Most used - Previous/next level

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Mindjet Mindmanager 2012 (Windows)
Cut-out (delete topic, and shift-up subtopics one level; good to remove an accidentally inserted parent)
Reorganizing - Previous/next level

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Delete to end of line
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Notepad++ 6 (Windows)
Delete to end of line
Edit menu

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

HTML-Kit (Windows)
Delete from Current Position to End of Line
87 Shortcuts for HTML-Kit (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Aptana Studio 3 (Windows)
Delete to End of line

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

CodeLite 10 (Windows)
Delete to end of line.

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Geany (Linux)
Delete to line end
Cut and Paste

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Geany (Windows)
Delete to line end
Cut and Paste

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Comodo IceDragon (Windows)
Remove recent browsing, search and download history

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Deletes the selected thumbnail from the EasyPalette

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Brave Browser (Windows)
Clear Browsing Data

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

MindManager v19 (Windows)
Cut-out (delete topic, and shift-up subtopics one level; good to remove an accidentally inserted parent)
Most used - Previous/next level

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

MindManager v19 (Windows)
Cut-out (delete topic, and shift-up subtopics one level; good to remove an accidentally inserted parent)
Reorganizing - Previous/next level

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Internet Explorer (Windows)
Open 'Delete Browsing History' Menu.
main for Privacy Settings

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Open Office Writer 3 (Windows)
Delete text to end of sentence
General OpenOffice Writer Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Open Office Writer 3 (Windows)
If nothing is selected, the contents of the next cell will be deleted. If cells are selected, the whole row(s) of the selection will be deleted. If all rows are selected completely or partially, the entire table will be deleted
Working with Tables

Ctrl + Shift + Delete