Sublime Text (Windows)

Menu Control

New Window

Ctrl + Shift + N

All hotkeys for Sublime Text (Windows)

Navigation - Standard Navigation
Move one word left arrow/ right arrow

Ctrl + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Navigation - Standard Navigation
Move one sub-word left arrow/ right arrow

Alt + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Navigation - Standard Navigation
Move one page up arrow/ down arrow

Page Up / Page Down

Navigation - Standard Navigation
Move to beginning of line/ end of line

Home / End

Navigation - Standard Navigation
Scroll page up arrow/ down arrow without changing cursor position

Ctrl + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Navigation - Fancy Navigation
Move to opening bracket of faction, repeat for closing bracket

Ctrl + M

Navigation - Fancy Navigation
Show Function List and navigate

Ctrl + R

Navigation - Fancy Navigation
Show Function List without changing cursor position

Ctrl + Shift + R

Navigation - Fancy Navigation
Go to word in current file

Ctrl + ;

Navigation - Fancy Navigation
Jump forward/ backwards to/ from previous positions or selections

Alt + - / + on Numeric Keypad

Navigation - Fancy Navigation
Goto line

Ctrl + G

Navigation - Fancy Navigation
Center screen to cursor

Ctrl + K C

Navigation - Standard Selections
Extend selection one character left arrow/ right arrow

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Navigation - Standard Selections
Extend selection one word left arrow/ right arrow

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Navigation - Standard Selections
Extend selection one sub-word left arrow/ right arrow

Alt + Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Navigation - Standard Selections
Extend selection one line up arrow/ down arrow

Shift + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Navigation - Standard Selections
Extend selection one page up arrow/ down arrow

Shift + Page Up / Page Down

Navigation - Standard Selections
Extend selection to beginning/ end of line

Shift + Home / End

Navigation - Standard Selections
Extend selection to beginning of file/ end of file

Ctrl + Shift + Home / End

Navigation - Standard Selections
Select All

Ctrl + A

Navigation - Advanced Selections
Select Line,

Ctrl + L

Navigation - Advanced Selections
Select current word, continue press D for expanding selection. Then continue in multi-line editing mode

Ctrl + D

Navigation - Advanced Selections
Select all occurrences of current word, then continue in multi-line editing mode

Alt + F3

Navigation - Advanced Selections
With multiple lines selected - enter multi-line editing mode.

Ctrl + Shift + L

Navigation - Advanced Selections
Cancel Selection


Navigation - Advanced Selections
Select lines in this indention

Ctrl + Shift + J

Navigation - Advanced Selections
Expand Selection

Ctrl + Shift + A

Navigation - Advanced Selections
Expand selection

Ctrl + Shift + Space

Navigation - Advanced Selections
Select current function enclosed by brackets or parentheses

Ctrl + Shift + M

Selections - Standard Navigation
Move one word left arrow/ right arrow

Ctrl + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Selections - Standard Navigation
Move one sub-word left arrow/ right arrow

Alt + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Selections - Standard Navigation
Move one page up arrow/ down arrow

Page Up / Page Down

Selections - Standard Navigation
Move to beginning of line/ end of line

Home / End

Selections - Standard Navigation
Scroll page up arrow/ down arrow without changing cursor position

Ctrl + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Selections - Fancy Navigation
Move to opening bracket of faction, repeat for closing bracket

Ctrl + M

Selections - Fancy Navigation
Show Function List and navigate

Ctrl + R

Selections - Fancy Navigation
Show Function List without changing cursor position

Ctrl + Shift + R

Selections - Fancy Navigation
Go to word in current file

Ctrl + ;

Selections - Fancy Navigation
Jump forward/ backwards to/ from previous positions or selections

Alt + - / + on Numeric Keypad

Selections - Fancy Navigation
Goto line

Ctrl + G

Selections - Fancy Navigation
Center screen to cursor

Ctrl + K C

Selections - Standard Selections
Extend selection one character left arrow/ right arrow

Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Selections - Standard Selections
Extend selection one word left arrow/ right arrow

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Selections - Standard Selections
Extend selection one sub-word left arrow/ right arrow

Alt + Shift + Arrow Left / Arrow Right

Selections - Standard Selections
Extend selection one line up arrow/ down arrow

Shift + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Selections - Standard Selections
Extend selection one page up arrow/ down arrow

Shift + Page Up / Page Down

Selections - Standard Selections
Extend selection to beginning/ end of line

Shift + Home / End

Selections - Standard Selections
Extend selection to beginning of file/ end of file

Ctrl + Shift + Home / End

Selections - Standard Selections
Select All

Ctrl + A

Selections - Advanced Selections
Select Line,

Ctrl + L

Selections - Advanced Selections
Select current word, continue press D for expanding selection. Then continue in multi-line editing mode

Ctrl + D

Selections - Advanced Selections
Select all occurrences of current word, then continue in multi-line editing mode

Alt + F3

Selections - Advanced Selections
With multiple lines selected - enter multi-line editing mode.

Ctrl + Shift + L

Selections - Advanced Selections
Cancel Selection


Selections - Advanced Selections
Select lines in this indention

Ctrl + Shift + J

Selections - Advanced Selections
Expand Selection

Ctrl + Shift + A

Selections - Advanced Selections
Expand selection

Ctrl + Shift + Space

Selections - Advanced Selections
Select current function enclosed by brackets or parentheses

Ctrl + Shift + M

Cool Text Manipulation
Move line or selection up arrow/ down arrow

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Cool Text Manipulation
Insert line after and position cursor at beginning of new line

Ctrl + Enter

Cool Text Manipulation
Insert line after and position cursor at beginning of new line

Ctrl + Enter

Cool Text Manipulation
Join line below at end of current line

Ctrl + J

Cool Text Manipulation
Duplicate lines (on Sublime 3 on Windows this seem to no longer work, try Ctrl+Shift+D instead)

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down

Cool Text Manipulation

Ctrl + T

Cool Text Manipulation
Sort Lines case sensitive


Cool Text Manipulation
Sort Lines case in-sensitive

Shift + F9

Cool Text Manipulation
Indent/ unindent

Ctrl + ] / [

Cool Text Manipulation
Duplicate line or selection

Ctrl + Shift + D

Cool Text Manipulation
Toggle Comment line

Ctrl + /

Cool Text Manipulation
Toggle Comment block

Ctrl + Shift + /

Cool Text Manipulation
Change selection to Uppercase

Ctrl + k u

Cool Text Manipulation
Change selection to Lowercase

Ctrl + K L

Cool Text Manipulation
Wrap lines to 80 characters and remove indent

Alt + Q

Delete character to the right


Delete character to the left


Delete word to the left

Ctrl + Backspace

Delete word to the right

Ctrl + Delete

Delete from cursor to beginning of line

Ctrl + Shift + Backspace

Delete from cursor to end of line

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Undo and Redo

Ctrl + Z

Undo and Redo

Ctrl + Shift + Z

Undo and Redo
Redo or repeat

Ctrl + Y

Undo and Redo
Soft Undo

Ctrl + U

Undo and Redo
Soft redo

Ctrl + Shift + U

Cut, Copy and Paste

Shift + Delete

Cut, Copy and Paste

Ctrl + Insert

Cut, Copy and Paste

Shift + Insert

Cut, Copy and Paste

Ctrl + X

Cut, Copy and Paste

Ctrl + C

Cut, Copy and Paste

Ctrl + V

Cut, Copy and Paste
Paste and match current indention

Ctrl + Shift + V

Cut, Copy and Paste
Paste from History

Ctrl + K V

Find and Replace
Standard Find

Ctrl + F

Find and Replace
Find and Replace

Ctrl + H

Find and Replace
Find and Replace in open tabs/ files and folders

Ctrl + Shift + F

Find and Replace
Replace next

Ctrl + Shift + H

Find and Replace
Find next/ previous

F3 / Shift + F3

Find and Replace
Creates file with search results from all open files in new tab

Ctrl + Shift + F

Find and Replace
Find and highlight current word in text

Ctrl + D

Find and Replace
Find under

Ctrl + F3

Find and Replace
Find under previous

Ctrl + Shift + F3

Find and Replace
Find all under

Alt + F3

Find and Replace
Slurp find string

Ctrl + E

Find and Replace
Slurp replace string

Ctrl + Shift + E

Menu Control
New Window

Ctrl + Shift + N

Menu Control
Close Window

Ctrl + Shift + W

Menu Control
Open File

Ctrl + O

Menu Control
Reopen last file

Ctrl + Shift + T

Menu Control
New file

Ctrl + N

Menu Control
Save file

Ctrl + S

Menu Control
Save file as

Ctrl + Shift + S

Menu Control
Close File

Ctrl + F4

Menu Control
Close Sublime

Ctrl + W

Bookmarks and Marks
Toggle Bookmark

Ctrl + F2

Bookmarks and Marks
Go to next bookmark


Bookmarks and Marks
Go to previous bookmark

Shift + F2

Bookmarks and Marks
Select all bookmarks

Alt + F2

Bookmarks and Marks
Set Mark

Ctrl + K Space

Bookmarks and Marks
Select to mark

Ctrl + K A

Bookmarks and Marks
Delete to mark

Ctrl + K W

Bookmarks and Marks
Swap with mark

Ctrl + K X

Bookmarks and Marks

Ctrl + K Y

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Toggle sidebar

Ctrl + K B

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Move to next/ previous open tab

Ctrl + Page Down / Page Up

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Move to next/ previous open tab by stack (order they were opened)

Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Reopen last closed tab

Ctrl + Shift + T

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Zoom - increase/ decrease font size

Ctrl + / -

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Quick Open - Show file list of currently opened file

Ctrl + P

Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Toggle full screen


Manage Sublime Window, Files and Tabs
Toggle full screen distraction free

Shift + F11

Split Panes
Split layout to 1 pane

Alt + Shift + 1

Split Panes
Split layout to 2 vertical panes

Alt + Shift + 2

Split Panes
Split layout to 3 vertical panes

Alt + Shift + 3

Split Panes
Split layout to 4 vertical panes

Alt + Shift + 4

Split Panes
Split layout to 2 vertical and 2 horizontal panes

Alt + Shift + 5

Split Panes
Split layout to 2 horizontal panes

Alt + Shift + 8

Split Panes
Focus/ cursor on split pane #1

Ctrl + 1

Split Panes
Focus/ cursor on split pane #2

Ctrl + 2

Split Panes
Focus/ cursor on split pane #3

Ctrl + 3

Split Panes
Focus/ cursor on split pane #4

Ctrl + 4

Split Panes
New pane in pane #1 thru #4

Ctrl + Shift + 1.4

Split Panes
Open new pane, and move current window into new pane

Ctrl + K , then Arrow Up (with Ctrl pressed)

Split Panes
Close current pane

Ctrl + K , then Arrow Down

Split Panes
Move to next pane to the left arrow/ right arrow

Ctrl + K , then left arrow / Arrow Right

Split Panes
Open new tab in pane to the left arrow/ right arrow\

Ctrl + K , then Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Split Panes
Jump to tab 1..10 in current pane

Alt + 10

Fold/ unfold

Ctrl + Shift + [ / ]

Fold by level 1….9

Ctrl + K , then Ctrl + 1 .… 9

Unfold all

Ctrl + K , then Ctrl + J

Toggle spell checking


Find next misspelling

Ctrl + F6

Find previous misspelling

Ctrl + Shift + F6

Toggle Console

Ctrl + `

Toggle word wrap - View - Word wrap

Alt + V , then W

Similar combinations for other applications

Adobe Reader 9 (Linux)
Goto page number specified

Ctrl + Shift + n

Adobe Reader X (Windows)
Goto page number specified

Ctrl + Shift + N

Firebug (Windows)
Focus Watch Side Panel

Ctrl + Shift + N

Firebug (Linux)
Focus Watch Side Panel

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Apply the Normal style to the current note.
Specific OneNote Shortcuts for Selecting, Editing, and Formatting

ctrl + shift + n

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Clear all formatting applied to the selected text.
Specific OneNote Shortcuts for Selecting, Editing, and Formatting

ctrl + shift + n

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Demote to body text.
Working with documents: Outline view

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Create new folder
Managing 'Windows' in Windows 7 - Manipulate Items in Explorer

Ctrl + Shift + N

SharpDevelop 4.0 (Windows)
New solution
Manage SharpDevelop Projects

Ctrl + Shift + N

Google Chrome (Windows)
Open a new incognito window
Manage Tabs

Ctrl + Shift + N

Unity3D 3 (Windows)
New Game Object
Game Objects

Ctrl + Shift + n

Google Chrome (Linux)
Open new Chrome window in incognito mode
Manage Tabs

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Create new folder
Windows Explorer - Manipulate Items in Explorer

Ctrl + Shift + N

Phoenix Viewer (Windows)
Set environment to Sunset

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Create new folder
Windows Admin - Manipulate Items in Explorer

Ctrl + Shift + N

Opera (Linux)
New private tab

Ctrl + Shift + N

Mindjet Mindmanager 2012 (Windows)
Add a complete map-part from the Map Parts pane
Add info

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Apply the Normal style.
Character and paragraph formatting Apply paragraph styles

Ctrl + Shift + N

Evernote (Windows)
Create a new notebook
Main Application Shortcuts - Managing Evernote

Ctrl + Shift + n

Microsoft Windows 8 (Windows)
Create new folder
Windows Explorer - Manage Items in Explorer

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Create new folder
Ease of Access and Magnifier - Manipulate Items in Explorer

Ctrl + Shift + N

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Create a new folder in the Library module
Managing photos and catalog

Ctrl + Shift + N

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Create new project
Manage Visual Studio

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Create note
Create Items

Ctrl + Shift + N

Oracle SQL Developer 4 (Windows)
Unshared SQL Worksheet

Ctrl + Shift + N

IntelliJ (Linux)
To quickly open any file.

Ctrl + Shift + N

IntelliJ (Windows)
To quickly open any file.

Ctrl + Shift + N

Texmaker 4.0.2 (Windows)
Numbered equation
"Math" menu

Ctrl + Shift + N

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Create a new preset
Develop Module

Ctrl + Shift + N

Directory Opus (Windows)
Copy file names
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Shift + N

Adobe Reader X (Linux)
Goto page number specified

Ctrl + Shift + N

Presonus Studio One (Windows)
New project
File Menu

Ctrl + Shift + N

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Create a new slide show template folder
Slideshow module

Ctrl + Shift + N

IntelliJ (Linux)
Go to file

Ctrl + Shift + N

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Create a new print template folder
Print module

Ctrl + Shift + N

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Create a new web gallery template folder
Web module

Ctrl + Shift + N

IntelliJ (Windows)
Go to file

Ctrl + Shift + N

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Next difference
Search Menu - Text Compare

Ctrl + Shift + N

Pro Tools (Windows)
Track Menu

Ctrl + Shift + N

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Next difference
Search Menu - Text Merge

Ctrl + Shift + N

Linux Mint (Linux)
New folder
File Manager (Nemo) - Navigating Directories

Ctrl + Shift + N

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Linux)
New Window
File Management

Ctrl + Shift + n

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Windows)
New Window
File Management

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Apply Normal style
Format Paragraphs and Apply Styles

Ctrl + Shift + N

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Add a text note
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Demote to body text (set style to normal)
Outline View

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Windows 10 (Windows)
Create new folder
Manage Items in Explorer

Ctrl + Shift + N

Qt Creator (MacOS)
New project

Ctrl + Shift + N

Qt Creator (Windows)
New project

Ctrl + Shift + N

Notepad++ 6 (Windows)
Jump Up (to next text marked using n-th stye. n is 1 to 5, or 0 for default Found style.
Search menu

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft OneNote 2016 (Windows)
Apply the Normal style

Ctrl + Shift + N

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Create a new folder in the Library module
Managing Photos and Catalogs

Ctrl + Shift + N

Android Studio (Windows)
Go to file
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Add a text note
Text Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Edge Browser (Windows)
Moves current tab to new window
Window / Tab Control

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Create a note
Common Commands: Create Item or File

Ctrl + Shift + N

Adobe Premiere CC (Windows)
New Project
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Apply Normal style

Ctrl + Shift + N

Corel Painter 2017 (Windows)
New Layer

Ctrl + Shift + N

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Add a text note
Database Management Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Ctrl + Shift + N

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Create a new preset
Develop Module

Ctrl + Shift + N

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Create a new slide show template folder
Slideshow Module

Ctrl + Shift + N

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Create a new print template folder
Print Module

Ctrl + Shift + N

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Create a new web gallery template folder
Web Module

Ctrl + Shift + N

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Insert current username
Paste, Select, and Replace Values

Ctrl + Shift + N

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)
New Object
File GDL Objects

Ctrl + Shift + N

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)
Save Project As
File GDL Objects

Ctrl + Shift + N

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
New Mask

Ctrl + Shift + N

3D Coat (Windows)
Add New Layer
Layers Operations

Ctrl + Shift + N

Finale (Windows)
Natural symbol
Text Tool

Ctrl + Shift + N

Zoho Sheet (Windows)
Focus Name Box

Ctrl + Shift + N

Windows Movie Maker (Windows)
Nudges clip to the right
On timeline

Ctrl + Shift + N

Autodesk Inventor 2017 (Windows)
New sheet
Drawing manager

Ctrl + Shift + N

Todoist (Web Application)
Add a task to Top of list
Android Only Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

TextMate 2 (MacOS)
Statistics for Document/Selection
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

JetBrains PyCharm (Windows)
Go to File

Ctrl + Shift + N

JetBrains RubyMine (Windows)
Go to File
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

FileZilla (Windows)
Create a New Directory
28 Shortcuts for FileZilla (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + N

JetBrains RubyMine (Linux)
Go to File
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
Hide/show Instrument Names
Score Editor

Ctrl + Shift + N

Amazon Kindle (Windows)
Export to Flashcards from Notebook
Reading Book

Ctrl + Shift + N

Wrike (MacOS)
New Task
12 Shortcuts for Wrike (MacOS)

Ctrl + Shift + N

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)
New in same window
Coding Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

Windows 10 File Explorer (Windows)
Create new folder
Folder Content (Main Pane) - Manage File/ Folders

Ctrl + Shift + N

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)
New File
Files Panel

Ctrl + Shift + N (Windows)
Deselect all
Filter View

Ctrl + Shift + N

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (Windows)
Revert to Terrain Active When TE was Opened
Terrain Editing

Ctrl + Shift + N

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (Windows)
Animation SetUp

Ctrl + Shift + N

Adobe RoboHelp (Windows)
Apply Normal style
Design Editor

Ctrl + Shift + N

JetBrains PhpStorm (Windows)
Go to File

Ctrl + Shift + N

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Set Shape Number
Application - Sections

Ctrl + Shift + N

JetBrains PhpStorm (Linux)
Go to File

Ctrl + Shift + N

Corel PhotoPaint X6 (Windows)
New from Clipboard
File Menu

Ctrl + Shift + N

Corel PhotoPaint X6 (Windows)
New from Clipboard
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Shift + N

Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)
New Project
63 Shortcuts for Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + N

Corel Ventura 10 (Windows)
En Space
Special Characters

Ctrl + Shift + N

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Set Shape Number
Spline Modeler - Sections

Ctrl + Shift + N

Corel Designer X7 (Windows)
En Space
Inserting Formatting Code

Ctrl + Shift + N

Clip Studio Paint (Manga Studio) (Windows)
New Layer

Ctrl + Shift + N

HTML-Kit (Windows)
Create New Document
87 Shortcuts for HTML-Kit (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + N

Edius (Windows)
New sequence

Ctrl + Shift + N

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Set Shape Number
Vertex Modeler - Sections

Ctrl + Shift + N

Forte (Windows)
Open newsgroup directory
All Window

Ctrl + Shift + N

Flock (Windows)
Create new collection (in favorites manager)

Ctrl + Shift + N

vSphere Client (Windows)
Switch to Networking
vCenter Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

MediaMonkey (Windows)
Forward 5 Seconds
Standard Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

Soundforge (Windows)
Create a new data window without displaying the New Window dialog
Project File Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

Vegas Pro 14 (Windows)
Create new project and bypass the Project Properties dialog
Project File

Ctrl + Shift + N

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Add a new animation slide
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

Maxthon (Web Application)
Open a URL from clipboard in a new tab

Ctrl + Shift + N

Jetbrains CLion (Windows)
Go to file
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

Scottrade (Windows)
Open Streaming News Window
32 Shortcuts for Scottrade (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + N

Siemens NX 11 (Windows)
New Layout
View Menu

Ctrl + Shift + N

XYplorer (Windows)
New Textfile
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

GOM Player (Windows)
Speed - Normal
Playback Speed

Ctrl + Shift + N

Unity3D 5 (Windows)
New Empty Game Object
Game Object

Ctrl + Shift + N

Visual Studio Code (Windows)
New window/instance
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (Windows)
New Solution
File Menu

Ctrl + Shift + N

eSignal (Windows)
New Page
49 Shortcuts for eSignal (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + N

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Navigate directly to a file in project by specifying its name in a pop-up dialog box
Navigation between Source Code

Ctrl + Shift + N

RStudio (Windows)
New document (except on chrome/windows)

Ctrl + Shift + N

TurboCAD (Windows)
Show or Hide Internet palette
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + N

Comodo IceDragon (Windows)
Undo Close Window
Windows and Tabs

Ctrl + Shift + N

Wordfast Pro (Windows)
New / Select TM
100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + N / Ctrl + Shift + O

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Snaps to Grid
View Menu

Ctrl + Shift + N

Vectorworks (Windows)
Window Menu

Ctrl + Shift + N

WavePad Sound Editor (Windows)
Copy to new
Edit Operations

Ctrl + Shift + N

Balsamiq Mockups (Windows)
New Clone of Current Mockup
Working with Mockup Files

Ctrl + Shift + N

ComplyPro 2017B (Windows)
Insert Before
In Grid View

Ctrl + Shift + N

SolveSpace (Windows)
Show Naked Edges

Ctrl + Shift + N

MindManager v19 (Windows)
Add a complete map-part from the Map Parts pane
Add info

Ctrl + Shift + N

Adobe Reader 9 (Windows)
Goto page number specified

Ctrl + Shift + N

Nautilus File Manager 2 (Linux)
New folder
Folder Navigation

Ctrl + Shift + N

Google Earth 5 (Windows)
Create new folder
Create Items on Map

ctrl + shift + n

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Create a note.
Shortcuts to Create Items or Files

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Apply Normal style
Navigate within Documents - Styles

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Apply Normal style.
Shortcuts for Managing E-Mail

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Apply Normal style
Edit Documents - Styles

Ctrl + Shift + N

Windows Media Player 11 (Windows)
Play at normal speed.
Play Music with Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

Windows Media Player 11 (Windows)
Play at normal speed.
Play Videos with Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + N

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
New mask

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Apply Normal style
Formats - Styles

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Apply Normal style
Manage Word View - Styles

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Apply Normal style
Tables - Styles

Ctrl + Shift + N

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Demote to body text (set style to normal)
Outline View

Ctrl + Shift + N