Apple Numbers (MacOS)

Object Manipulation

Resize from center

Option + Drag

All hotkeys for Apple Numbers (MacOS)

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts
Display font panel

Command + T +

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts

Command + B

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts

Command + I

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts

Command + U

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts
Font Zoom in/Zoom out

Command + + / Command + -

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts
Align text left

Command + {

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts
Align text right

Command + }

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts
Align text justify

Command + Option + |

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts
Delete previous character


Formatting and Editing Shortcuts
Delete next character

Del forward

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + Command + +

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + Command + -

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts
Edit Hyperlink without disabling

Arrow Keys

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts

Command + C / Command + X / Command + V

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts
Paste and match formatting with destintion text

Command + Option + Shift + V

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts
Insert paragraph break


Formatting and Editing Shortcuts
Insert nonbreaking space

Option + Spacebar

Formatting and Editing Shortcuts
Insert line break

Shift + Return / Ctrl + Return

General Shortcuts
New spreadsheet

Command + N

General Shortcuts
Open template chooser

Command + Shift + N

General Shortcuts
Save spreadsheet

Command + S

General Shortcuts
Open existing spreadsheet

Command + O

General Shortcuts
Save as

Command + Shift + S

General Shortcuts
Print selected spreadsheet

Command + P

General Shortcuts

Command + F

General Shortcuts
Find next

Command + G

General Shortcuts
Find previous

Command + Shift + G

General Shortcuts
Use selection for find

Command + E

General Shortcuts
Scroll to find selection

Command + J

General Shortcuts
Spelling check

Command + ;

General Shortcuts
Spelling window

Command + :

General Shortcuts
Zoom in

Command + >

General Shortcuts
Close window

Command + W

General Shortcuts
Minimize window

Command + M

General Shortcuts
Show preferences

Command + ,

General Shortcuts
Show inspector window

Command + Option + I

General Shortcuts
Show document rulers

Command + R

General Shortcuts
Display layout

Shift + Command + L

General Shortcuts
Close numbers

Command + Q

General Shortcuts
Hide other windows

Command + Option + H

General Shortcuts
Hide numbers

Command + H

General Shortcuts
Show colors window

Command + Shift + C

Navigation Shortcuts
Scroll one screen up


Navigation Shortcuts
Scroll one screen down


Navigation Shortcuts
Scroll one screen left

Option + PgUp

Navigation Shortcuts
Scroll one screen right

Option + PgDn

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to beginning of spreadsheet


Navigation Shortcuts
Go to end of spreadsheet


Navigation Shortcuts
Go to previous spreadsheet

Command + PgUp

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to next spreadsheet

Command + PgDn

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to previous sheet if selected in sheets pane

Left Arrow / Up Arrow

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to next sheet if selected in sheets pane

Right Arrow / Down Arrow

Moving Around Text
Move around characters

Arrow Keys

Moving Around Text
Move to beginning of current/previous word

Option + Left Arrow

Moving Around Text
Move to end of current/next word

Option + Right Arrow

Moving Around Text
Move to beginning of line

Command + Left Arrow

Moving Around Text
Move to end of line

Command + Right Arrow

Moving Around Text
Move to beginning of paragraph

Option + Up Arrow

Moving Around Text
Move to end of paragraph

Option + Down Arrow

Text Selection
Select All

Command + A

Text Selection
Select a word

Double Click

Text Selection
Select a paragraph

Triple Click

Text Selection
Extend selection of a character to left

Shift + Left Arrow

Text Selection
Extend selection of a character to right

Shift + Right Arrow

Text Selection
Select characters

Click + Drag across character

Text Selection
Select text between the Click locations

Click and Shift + Click at other location

Text Selection
Extend selection to end of current word

Shift + Option + Right Arrow

Text Selection
Extend selection to beginning of current word

Shift + Option + Left Arrow

Text Selection
Extend selection to end of current line

Shift + Command + Right Arrow

Text Selection
Extend selection to beginning of current line

Shift + Command + Left Arrow

Text Selection
Extend selection to the line above

Shift + Up Arrow

Text Selection
Extend selection to the line below

Shift + Down Arrow

Text Selection
Extend selection to end of text

Shift + Command + Down Arrow / Shift + End

Text Selection
Extend selection to beginning of text

Shift + Command + Up Arrow / Shift + Home

Object Manipulation
Draw Shapes

Option + Click Shapes

Object Manipulation
Draw Charts

Option + Click Charts

Object Manipulation
Select all object

Select one object and Command + A

Object Manipulation
Deselect all object

Select one object and Command + Shift + A

Object Manipulation
Move object one point

Arrow Keys

Object Manipulation
Move Object ten points

Shift + Arrow Keys

Object Manipulation
Select additional objects

Command + Click

Object Manipulation
Deselect additional objects

Shift + Click

Object Manipulation
Group objects

Option + Command + G

Object Manipulation
Ungroup objects

Object + Shift + Command + G

Object Manipulation
Lock objects

Command + L

Object Manipulation
Unlock objects

Option + Command + L

Object Manipulation
Duplicate objects

Command + D

Object Manipulation
Resize object


Object Manipulation
Resize from center

Option + Drag

Object Manipulation

Command + Drag

Object Manipulation
Rotate 45 degree

Command + Shift + Drag

Object Manipulation
Mask/Unmask objects

Command + Shift + M

Object Manipulation
Exit mask mode


Object Manipulation
Open shortcut menu for selected item

Ctrl + Click

Object Manipulation
Exit text edit mode

Command + Return

Table Editing
Select all cell contents

Select a cell and Command + A

Table Editing
Select all cell border

Select a border and Command + A

Table Editing
Delete selected table contents


Table Editing
Select cell

Click cell

Table Editing
Select next cell


Table Editing
Select previous cell

Shift + Tab

Table Editing
Stop editing cells and select table

Command + Return

Table Editing
Insert a tab when editing cell

Option + Tab

Table Editing
Open table formatting menu

Ctrl + Click

Table Editing
Open formula editor to edit a formula

Double Click cell

Similar combinations for other applications

Firefox (MacOS)
Copy Bookmark
General Browser Controls

Option + Drag

Firefox (MacOS)
Copy Tab
Window and Tabs

Option + Drag

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Add opacity when Cleanup tool is selected
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Extract Only

Option +drag

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (MacOS)
Draw from the center of a shape (except for polygons, stars, and flares)

Option +drag

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (MacOS)
Keep the sides of a star straight

Option +drag

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (MacOS)
Subtract from selection with Lasso tool
Keys for selecting

Option +drag

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (MacOS)
Cut a straight line with Knife tool
Editing Shapes

Option +drag

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Add opacity when Cleanup tool is selected
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Extract Only

Option +drag

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (MacOS)
Duplicate and transform selection when using Selection tool, Scale tool, Reflect tool, or Shear tool
Transforming Objects

Option +drag

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (MacOS)
Create non-uniform widths
Creating variable width points

Option +drag

Avid Media Composer 7 (MacOS)
Hold key, then place cursor between two tracks. The resize icon will appear. Now when you hold the mouse button down you make the track wider or narrower

Option + drag

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Draw marquee from center (if no other selections are active)
Select and Move Objects

Option +drag

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Switch from Magnetic Lasso tool to Lasso tool
Select and Move Objects

Option +drag

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Draw from center outward
Slicing and Optimizing

Option +drag

Adobe Illustrator CC (MacOS)
Draw from center of shape/Keep the sides of star straight
Drawing Shortcuts

Option + Drag

Adobe Illustrator CC (MacOS)
Subtract from selection with Lasso tool
Selecting Shortcuts

Option + Drag

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Crop from center of photo
Develop Module

Option +drag

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Temporarily switch from brush A or B to Eraser
Develop Module

Option +drag

Adobe Illustrator CC (MacOS)
Cut a straight line with knife tool
Editing Shapes

Option + Drag

InDesign CC (MacOS)
Pan when in Text
Efficient Zoom & Pan

Option + Drag

Finale (MacOS)
Move expression without changing attachment point
Expression Tool

Option + Drag

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Draw marquee from center
Select and Move Objects

Option +Drag

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Switch from Magnetic Lasso Tool to Lasso Tool
Select and Move Objects

Option +Drag

Apple Pages (MacOS)
Duplicate object
Manipulating fixed objects

Option + drag

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Draw from center outward
Slicing and Optimizing

Option +Drag

Adobe XD (Experience Design) (MacOS)
Copy Paste Object
Operations Menu

Option + Drag

Autodesk Mudbox 2017 (MacOS)
Rotate the camera
Camera and Plane Shortcuts

Option + Drag

Autodesk Mudbox 2017 (MacOS)
Pan around an image
Image Browser

Option + Drag