Atom (text editor) 1.0 (MacOS)

File Management

Save as

Command + Shift + S

All hotkeys for Atom (text editor) 1.0 (MacOS)


Command + ,

Toggle command palette

Command + Shift + P

Browse list of open files

Command + B

Reload Atom

Command + Option + R

Change synatx highlighting

Command + Shift + L

Show available code snippets

Option + Shift + S

Markdown preview

Command + Shift + M

Toggle Developer Tools

Command + Option + I

File Management
New file

Command + N

File Management
New Window

Command + Shift + N

File Management
Open file (type the name to perform a search)

Command + P

File Management
Open file

Command + O

File Management
Open folder

Command + Shift + O

File Management

Command + S

File Management
Save as

Command + Shift + S

File Management
Close tab

Command + W

File Management
Close window

Command + Shift + W

Editing Lines
Go to line

Command + G

Editing Lines
Select line

Command + L

Editing Lines
Duplicate line

Command + Shift + D

Editing Lines
Delete line

Command + Shift + K

Editing Lines
Move line up/down

Command + Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Editing Lines
Toggle comment line

Command + /

Editing Lines
New line below

Command + Return

Editing Lines
Indent / outdent selected lines

Command + [ / ]

Editing Lines
Join lines

Command + J

Editing Words and Brackets
Move to beginning / end of current word

Option + B / F

Editing Words and Brackets
Select to beginning / end of current word

Option + Shift + B / F

Editing Words and Brackets
Delete to beginning of current word

Command + Del / Option + H

Editing Words and Brackets
Delete to end of current word

Command + Delete / Option + D

Editing Words and Brackets
Complete bracket

Command + Option + .

Editing Words and Brackets
Go to matching bracket

Command + M

Editing Words and Brackets
Select code inside matching brackets

Command + Option + M

Code Folding
Fold all code at indent level 1 ... 9

Command + K then Command + 1 ... 9

Code Folding
Fold / unfold code

Command + Option + /

Code Folding
Fold selected code

Command + Option + F

Code Folding
Fold / unfold all code

Command + Option + [ / ]

Find and Replace
Find in current file

Command + F

Find and Replace
Find in project

Command + Shift + F

Find and Replace
Find next


Find and Replace
Find previous

Shift + F3

Find and Replace
Replace all

Command + Enter

Find and Replace
Use Regex in search

Command + Option + /

Find and Replace
Match case in search

Command + Option + C

Find and Replace
Search only in selection

Command + Option + S

Find and Replace
Match whole word

Command + Option + W

Increase / decrease text size

Command + Shift + = / -

Reset text size

Command + 0

Toggle fullscreen


Tree View
Toggle focus Tree View

Command + 0 / Option + \

Tree View
Toggle tree view

Command + K then B or Command + \

Tree View
Select next/previous item

J / K

Tree View
Expand / collapse selected directory

H / L OR Arrow Right / Arrow Left

Tree View
Recursively expand / collapse directories

Option + Arrow Left / Arrow Right / Command + Option + [ / ]

Tree View
Open selected item


Tree View
Move selected item

M / F2

Tree View
Delete current item

Del / Delete

Tree View
Duplicate selected item


Tree View
Open selected item in pane 1 ... 9

Command + 1 ... 9

Tree View
Add new file


Tree View
Add new folder

Shift + A

Tree View
Toggle display of VCS ignored files


Github Integration
Open on Github: blame

Option + G , then B

Github Integration
Open on Github: copy-url

Option + G , then C

Github Integration
Open on Github: repository

Option + G , then G

Github Integration
Open on Github: history

Option + G , then H

Github Integration
Open on Github: issues

Option + G , then I

Github Integration
Open on Github: file

Option + G , then O

Github Integration
Open on Github: branch-compare

Option + G , then R

Manage Diffs
Toggle list of diffs in file

Option + G , then D

Manage Diffs
Move to next/previous diff in file

Option + G , then Arrow Down / Arrow Up

Similar combinations for other applications

Unity3D 3 (MacOS)
Save scene as
Manage Files

Command + Shift + S

Camtasia 2 (MacOS)
Save as
Timeline & Editing

Command + Shift + S

Safari Browser (MacOS)
Start Sampling
Menu Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

Apple Numbers (MacOS)
Save as
General Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Sync settings
Develop Module

Command + Shift + S

Nuke 10 (MacOS)
Save As
Global Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Open the Manage Scripts dialog box
General Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

Corel Painter 2017 (MacOS)
Save As
General Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

Corel Painter 2017 (MacOS)
Export Source Image
General Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

InDesign CC (MacOS)
Save As
File Menu Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

3D Coat (MacOS)
Save Incrementally
File Menu

Command + Shift + S

ArchiCAD 20 (MacOS)
Save as
File Menu Commands

Command + Shift + S

Finale (MacOS)
Sharp symbol
Text Tool

Command + Shift + S

Hexagon 2 (MacOS)
Incremental Save
Pan Selection and editor Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

Zoho Sheet (MacOS)
Save As File
File Operations

Command + Shift + S

Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)
Save As
Saving, Exporting, and Rendering

Command + Shift + S

Zoho Show (MacOS)
Save As File
File Operations

Command + Shift + S

Silhouette Studio (MacOS)
Save as

Command + Shift + S

TextMate 2 (MacOS)
Save As
General Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

Adobe Flash Professional (MacOS)
Scale and Rotate

Command + Shift + S

Slack (MacOS)
Starred Item
Navigation Controls

Command + Shift + S

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
Save Project As..
General Controls

Command + Shift + S

Adobe Animate CC (MacOS)
Scale and Rotate
Edit and Modify

Command + Shift + S

Cloud9 (MacOS)
Save As
File Operations

Command + Shift + S

Autodesk Mudbox 2017 (MacOS)
Save Scene As
File Input and Output

Command + Shift + S

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (MacOS)
Save As

Command + Shift + S

Steinberg Cubase 9 (MacOS)
Save as

Command + Shift + S

Opera (MacOS)
Save link target (such as document or image)

Command + Shift + S

Opera (MacOS)
Send composed message

Command + Shift + S

Poser Pro (MacOS)
Save as

Command + Shift + S

Chief Architect (MacOS)
General Framing Tools - Build Framing
Other Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

VideoPad Video Editor (MacOS)
Save project as

Command + Shift + S

qBittorrent (MacOS)
Resume All
Edit Menu

Command + Shift + S

Adobe Captivate 2017 (MacOS)
Save the project with different name
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

Vuze (MacOS)
Stop all torrents
General Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

Aptana Studio 3 (MacOS)
Save All
Other Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (MacOS)
Save All
File Menu

Command + Shift + S

RStudio (MacOS)
Source the current document

Command + Shift + S

OpenSCAD (MacOS)
Save As
View Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

Modo (MacOS)
Save scene as

Command + Shift + S

Save all files
47 Shortcuts for SAP Web IDE (MacOS)

Command + Shift + S

Geany (MacOS)
Save all

Command + Shift + S

Vectorworks (MacOS)
View Menu

Command + Shift + S

Arduino (MacOS)
Save As Sketch
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (MacOS)

Command + Shift + S

Foxit Reader (MacOS)
Save As
30 Shortcuts for Foxit Reader (MacOS)

Command + Shift + S

WavPad Sound Editor (MacOS)
Save as
File Operation

Command + Shift + S

Ableton Live 9 (MacOS)
Save Live Set As...
Working with Sets and the Program

Command + Shift + S

Sage Simply Accounting (MacOS)
Open the form option settings for packing slips
Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows

Command + Shift + S

SolveSpace (MacOS)
Stop Tracing …

Command + Shift + S

FlexiSign Pro 8.1 (MacOS)
Save As
Other Shortcuts

Command + Shift + S

Pencil2D (MacOS)
Save As
29 Shortcuts for Pencil2D (MacOS)

Command + Shift + S

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Save As
Saving, Exporting, and Rendering

Command + Shift + S