Camtasia 2 (MacOS)

Text Shortcuts


Command + Shift + B

All hotkeys for Camtasia 2 (MacOS)

Recording Shortcuts
Start recording / Pause Recording

Command + Shift + 2

Recording Shortcuts
Stop recording

Command + Option + 2

Recording Shortcuts
New recording

Command + Shift + N

Timeline & Editing
New project

Command + N

Timeline & Editing

Command + S

Timeline & Editing
Save as

Command + Shift + S

Timeline & Editing
Open project

Command + O

Timeline & Editing
Import media

Command + I

Timeline & Editing
Undo / Redo

Command + Z / Command + Shift + Z

Timeline & Editing
Ripple delete

Command + Delete

Timeline & Editing
Selection on timeline

Shift +Drag

Timeline & Editing
Select preceding / succeeding media

Option + Arrow Left / Option + Arrow Right

Timeline & Editing
Select all

Command + A

Timeline & Editing
Deselect all

Command + Shift + A

Timeline & Editing
Jump to beginning

Command + Enter

Timeline & Editing
Jump to end

Command + Ctrl + E

Timeline & Editing
Jump to next edit / previous edig

Ctrl + . / , (period)

Timeline & Editing
Jump to next / previous keyframe

Option + K / Shift + K

Timeline & Editing
Jump forward / backwards 15 frames

Ctrl + Shift + . / , (period)

Timeline & Editing
Zoom in / zoom out on timeline

Command + Shift + = / minus

Timeline & Editing
Zoom timeline to fit

Command + Shift + 0

Timeline & Editing
Zoom timeline to max

Command + Shift + 9

Timeline & Editing
Open Camtasia Preferences dialog

Command + ,

Timeline & Editing
Add marker

Option + M

Timeline & Editing
Add marker to media

Ctrl + Option + M

Timeline & Editing
Jump to first marker / to last marker

Option + Shift + . / , (period)

Timeline & Editing
Jump to next marker

Ctrl + Option + . / , (period)

Timeline & Editing
Cut / Copy / Paste

Command +X, Command+C, Command+ V

Timeline & Editing
Ripple cut

Command + Shift + X

Timeline & Editing
Stitch selected media

Command + Option + I

Timeline & Editing
Copy properties

Command + Shift + C

Timeline & Editing
Paste properties

Command + Shift + V

Timeline & Editing
Split selection at playhead

Command + T

Timeline & Editing
Split all at playhead

Command + Shift + T

Timeline & Editing
Add custom video animation

Option + A

Timeline & Editing
Add SmartFocus animation

Ctrl + Option + A

Timeline & Editing
Replay current caption segment


Timeline & Editing
Next caption / previous caption


Timeline & Editing
Increase / decrease track height

Option + = / minus

Timeline & Editing


Timeline & Editing
Rewind to start


Timeline & Editing
Show assets

Command + 1

Timeline & Editing
Show properties

Command + 2

Timeline & Editing
Show marker track

Ctrl + M

Timeline & Editing
Enable/disable snapping

Command + ; (semicolon)

Timeline & Editing
Step through timeline frame-by-frame

. / ,

Canvas Shortcuts
Zoom in / Zoom Out

Command + = / minus

Canvas Shortcuts
Zoom to fit

Command + 0

Canvas Shortcuts
Zoom to 100%

Option + Z

Canvas Shortcuts
Pan the canvas

Hold spacebar and click and drag on canvas

Canvas Shortcuts
Disable aspect ratio snapping

Hold Shift

Canvas Shortcuts
Toggle between normal and crop mode

Hold Option

Canvas Shortcuts
Resize clip from center

Hold Control after click

Canvas Shortcuts
Nudge canvas assets

Press corresponding arrow keys

Text Shortcuts
Edit text

Option + Enter

Text Shortcuts

Command + Shift + B

Text Shortcuts

Command + Shift + I

Text Shortcuts

Command + Shift + U

Text Shortcuts
Align left

Command + {

Text Shortcuts
Align center

Command + |

Text Shortcuts
Align right

Command + }

Text Shortcuts
Copy style

Command + Option + C

Text Shortcuts
Paste style

Command + Option + V

Text Shortcuts
Show special characters

Command + Option + T

Text Shortcuts
Show text properties

Command + Option + F

Share Shortcuts

Command + E

Share Shortcuts
Advanced export

Command + Shift + E

Similar combinations for other applications

Unity3D 3 (MacOS)
Manage Files

Command + Shift + B

Thunderbird (MacOS)
Open Address Book
Other Shortcuts

Command + Shift + B

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Style Text Bold
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Format Text

Command + Shift + B

Google Chrome (MacOS)
Show or hide bookmarks bar
Bookmarks Shortcuts

Command + Shift + B

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Style Text Bold
Text Shortcuts - Format Text

Command + Shift + B

Google Mail (MacOS)
Add Bcc recipient
Compose Messages

Command + Shift + B

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Style Text Bold
Database Management Shortcuts - Format Text

Command + Shift + B

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Clear Quick Collection

Command + Shift + B

Safari Browser (MacOS)
Bluetooth transfer
Menu Shortcuts

Command + Shift + B

InDesign CC (MacOS)
Formatting Shortcuts

Command + Shift + B

Apple Keynote (MacOS)
Send object to back
Objects on Canvas

Command + Shift + B

Hexagon 2 (MacOS)
Show Hidden Faces
Pan Selection and editor Shortcuts

Command + Shift + B

TextMate 2 (MacOS)
Select Enclosing Brackets
General Shortcuts

Command + Shift + B

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
Go to Type Declaration
Navigation Shortcuts

Command + Shift + B

Adobe Flash Builder (MacOS)
Toggle Breakpoint
24 Shortcuts for Adobe Flash Builder (MacOS)

Command + Shift + B

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
Go to Type Declaration
Navigation Controls

Command + Shift + B

Cloud9 (MacOS)
Beautify Text
Code Manipulation

Command + Shift + B (MacOS)
Case View

Command + Shift + B

Opera (MacOS)
Paste and go in background tab
Access Loading

Command + Shift + B

Apple Notes (MacOS)
Apply Body Format
Editing Notes

Command + Shift + B

InCopy CC (MacOS)
Working with Types

Command + B / Command + Shift + B

Brackets (MacOS)
Skip and Add Next match
Multiple Cursors

Command + Shift + B

VideoPad Video Editor (MacOS)
Set Bookmark at Cursor
Sequence Player

Command + Shift + B

Tableau (MacOS)
Bigger cell size

Command + Shift + B

RStudio (MacOS)
Build and reload

Command + Shift + B

CuteFTP (MacOS)
Change item queue order (place at bottom)
72 Shortcuts for CuteFTP (MacOS)

Command + Shift + B

WavPad Sound Editor (MacOS)
Open Bookmark List
Bookmarks and Regions

Command + Shift + B

Apple XCode 8 (MacOS)
Build and Run

Command + Shift + B