⌘ + S
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Save an item
⌘ + P
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Print an item
⌘ + Z
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Undo the last action
⌘ + Y
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Redo the last action
⌘ + M
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Minimize the active window
⌘ + Shift + N
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Create a new folder in the navigation pane
⌘ + N
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Create new email (in Mail view)
⌘ + \ (Backslash)
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Hide the reading pane or show it on the right
⌘ + Shift + \ (Backslash)
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Hide the reading pane or show it below
⌘ + Shift + M
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Move the selected item to a different folder
⌘ + Shift + C
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Copy the selected item to a different folder
⌘ + A
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Select all items in the item list, if the item list is the active pane
⌘ + Option + R
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Minimize or expand the ribbon
⌘ + H
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Hide Outlook
⌘ + Q
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Quit Outlook
Fn + Fn
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Start dictation
⌘ + Ctrl + " " (Spacebar)
The following table shows frequently used shortcuts in Outlook 2016 for Mac.
Insert emoji
⌘ + 1
Work in windows and dialogs
Go to Mail view
⌘ + 2
Work in windows and dialogs
Go to Calendar view
⌘ + 3
Work in windows and dialogs
Go to Contacts view
⌘ + 4
Work in windows and dialogs
Go to Tasks view
⌘ + 5
Work in windows and dialogs
Go to Notes view
⌘ + 7
Work in windows and dialogs
Open the Sync Status window or make it the active window
⌘ + 8
Work in windows and dialogs
Open the Sync Errors or make it the active window
⌘ + 0 (Zero)
Work in windows and dialogs
Open the Contacts Search window
⌘ + , (Comma)
Work in windows and dialogs
Open the Outlook Preferences dialog box
⌘ + ~ (Tilde)
Work in windows and dialogs
Cycle forward through open windows
⌘ + Shift + ~ (Tilde)
Work in windows and dialogs
Cycle back through open windows
⌘ + W
Work in windows and dialogs
Close the active window
⌘ + O
Work in windows and dialogs
Open the selected item
Work in windows and dialogs
Move forward through controls in a window
Shift + Tab
Work in windows and dialogs
Move back through controls in a window
⌘ + N
Send and receive mail
Create a new message
⌘ + Return
Send and receive mail
Send the open message
⌘ + K
Send and receive mail
Send all messages in the Outbox and receive all incoming messages
⌘ + Shift + K
Send and receive mail
Send all the messages in the Outbox
⌘ + S
Send and receive mail
Save the open message and store it in the Drafts folder
⌘ + E
Send and receive mail
Add an attachment to the open message
⌘ + : (Colon)
Send and receive mail
Open the Spelling and Grammar dialog box
⌘ + Ctrl + C
Send and receive mail
Check recipient names in the open messages
⌘ + R
Send and receive mail
Reply to the sender of the message or, if the message is from a mailing list, reply to the mailing list
⌘ + Shift + R
Send and receive mail
Reply to all
⌘ + J
Send and receive mail
Forward the message
⌘ + O
Send and receive mail
Open the selected message in a separate window
⌘ + Option + ' (Apostrophe)
Send and receive mail
Clear the flag for the selected message
⌘ + Shift + J
Send and receive mail
Mark the selected message as junk mail
⌘ + Shift + Option + J
Send and receive mail
Mark the selected message as not junk mail
Ctrl + (Opening Bracket)
Send and receive mail
Display the previous message
Shift + Ctrl + (Closing Bracket)
Send and receive mail
Display the next message
Ctrl + (Opening Bracket)
Send and receive mail
Navigate to the previous pane in the Mail view
Shift + Ctrl + (Closing Bracket)
Send and receive mail
Navigate to the next pane in the Mail view
⌘ + Shift + M
Send and receive mail
Move the selected message to a folder
⌘ + - (Hyphen)
Send and receive mail
Decrease the display size of text in an open message or in the reading pane
⌘ + + (Plus Sign)
Send and receive mail
Increase the display size of text in an open message or in the reading pane
" " (Spacebar)
Send and receive mail
Scroll down to the next screen of text or, if you are at the end of a message, display the next message
Shift + " " (Spacebar)
Send and receive mail
Scroll up to the previous screen of text or, if you are at the beginning of a message, display the previous message
Send and receive mail
Delete the selected message
Shift + Delete
Send and receive mail
Permanently delete the selected message
⌘ + Delete
Send and receive mail
Delete the current message, and, if the message window is open, close it
⌘ + T
Send and receive mail
Mark selected messages as read
⌘ + Shift + T
Send and receive mail
Mark selected messages as unread
⌘ + Option + T
Send and receive mail
Mark all messages in a folder as read
⌘ + Option + F
Use Search
Search current folder
⌘ + Shift + F
Use Search
Do an advanced search in Outlook (add Item Contains filter for searching)
⌘ + F
Use Search
Find text within an item
⌘ + G
Use Search
Find the next instance of the text you searched for in an item
⌘ + Shift + G
Use Search
Find the previous instance of the text you searched for in an item
⌘ + 2
Use the Calendar
Open the Calendar window
⌘ + N
Use the Calendar
Create a new appointment
⌘ + O
Use the Calendar
Open the selected calendar event
Use the Calendar
Delete the calendar event
⌘ + T
Use the Calendar
Switch the view to include today
⌘ + Arrow Left
Use the Calendar
In Day view, move to the previous day. In Week and Work Week views, move to the previous week. In Month view, move to the previous month.
⌘ + Arrow Right
Use the Calendar
In Day view, move to the next day. In Week and Work Week views, move to the next week. In Month view, move to the next month.
Shift + Ctrl + (Opening Bracket)
Use the Calendar
Navigate to the previous pane in the Calendar view
Shift + Ctrl + (Closing Bracket)
Use the Calendar
Navigate to the next pane in the Calendar view
⌘ + N
Work with people and contacts
Create a new contact
⌘ + O
Work with people and contacts
Open the selected contact
Work with people and contacts
Delete the contact
Ctrl + (Opening Bracket)
Work with people and contacts
Close the current open contact and open the previous contact
Ctrl + (Closing Bracket)
Work with people and contacts
Close the current open contact and open the next contact
Shift + Ctrl + (Opening Bracket)
Work with people and contacts
Navigate to the previous pane in the People view
Shift + Ctrl + (Closing Bracket)
Work with people and contacts
Navigate to the next pane in the People view
⌘ + 4
Manage tasks
Move to the Task window
⌘ + N
Manage tasks
Create a new task
⌘ + O
Manage tasks
Open the selected task
Manage tasks
Delete the task
Ctrl + (Opening Bracket)
Manage tasks
Close the current open task and open the previous task in the Tasks list
Ctrl + (Closing Bracket)
Manage tasks
Close the current open task and open the next task in the Tasks list
Shift + Ctrl + (Opening Bracket)
Manage tasks
Navigate to the previous pane in the Tasks view
Shift + Ctrl + (Closing Bracket)
Manage tasks
Navigate to the next pane in the Tasks view
⌘ + 5
Use notes
Move to the Notes window
⌘ + N
Use notes
Create a new note
⌘ + O
Use notes
Open the selected note
Use notes
Delete the note
Ctrl + (Opening Bracket)
Use notes
Close the current open note and open the previous note in the Notes list
Ctrl + (Closing Bracket)
Use notes
Close the current open note and open the next note in the Notes list
Shift + Ctrl + (Opening Bracket)
Use notes
Navigate to the previous pane in the Notes view
Shift + Ctrl + (Closing Bracket)
Use notes
Navigate to the next pane in the Notes view
⌘ + J
Use notes
Send a note as an email
⌘ + Ctrl + J
Use notes
Send a note as an HTML attachment to an email. First place the focus on the note in the list of notes.
⌘ + X
Edit and format text
Cut the selected text to the clipboard
⌘ + C
Edit and format text
Copy a selection to the clipboard
⌘ + V
Edit and format text
Paste a selection from the clipboard
⌘ + Shift + Option + V
Edit and format text
Paste a selection from the clipboard and match the destination style
⌘ + B
Edit and format text
Make the selected text bold
⌘ + I
Edit and format text
Make the selected text italic
⌘ + U
Edit and format text
Underline the selected text
⌘ + Shift + X
Edit and format text
Strike through the selected text
⌘ + Ctrl + K
Edit and format text
Insert a hyperlink
Arrow Left
Edit and format text
Move the cursor left one character
Arrow Right
Edit and format text
Move the cursor right one character
Arrow Up
Edit and format text
Move the cursor up one line
Arrow Down
Edit and format text
Move the cursor down one line
Option + Arrow Up
Edit and format text
Move the cursor to the beginning of the current paragraph
Option + Arrow Down
Edit and format text
Move the cursor to the end of the current paragraph
Option + Arrow Left
Edit and format text
Move the cursor to the beginning of the current word
Option + Arrow Right
Edit and format text
Move the cursor to the end of the current word
Forward Delete + { (Opening Brace)
Edit and format text
Decrease indent
Forward Delete + } (Closing Brace)
Edit and format text
Increase indent
Edit and format text
Delete the character to the left of the cursor, or delete the selected text
Forward Delete or if your keyboard doesn't have a Forward Delete key, use FN + Delete
Edit and format text
Delete the character to the right side of the cursor, or delete the selected text
Edit and format text
Insert a tab stop
⌘ + Arrow Left
Edit and format text
Move the cursor to the beginning of the line
⌘ + Arrow Right
Edit and format text
Move the cursor to the end of the line
⌘ + Arrow Up
Edit and format text
Move the cursor to the top of the message body
⌘ + Arrow Down
Edit and format text
Move the cursor to the bottom of the message body
⌘ + Home
Edit and format text
Move the cursor to the beginning of the selected text
⌘ + End
Edit and format text
Move the cursor to the end of the selected text
Page up
Edit and format text
Scroll up
Page down
Edit and format text
Scroll down
Ctrl + 1
Flag messages, contacts, and tasks for follow up
Flag the selected item for follow up, with Today as Due Date
Ctrl + 2
Flag messages, contacts, and tasks for follow up
Flag the selected item for follow up, with Tomorrow as Due Date
Ctrl + 3
Flag messages, contacts, and tasks for follow up
Flag the selected item for follow up, with This Week as Due Date
Ctrl + 4
Flag messages, contacts, and tasks for follow up
Flag the selected item for follow up, with Next Week as Due Date
Ctrl + 5
Flag messages, contacts, and tasks for follow up
Flag the selected item for follow up, with No Due Date
Ctrl + 6
Flag messages, contacts, and tasks for follow up
Flag the selected item for follow up, and add a custom Due Date
Ctrl + = (Equal Sign)
Flag messages, contacts, and tasks for follow up
Flag the selected item for follow up, and add a reminder
Ctrl + 0 (Zero)
Flag messages, contacts, and tasks for follow up
Mark the selected item as Complete
⌘ + Option + ' (Apostrophe)
Flag messages, contacts, and tasks for follow up
Clear the selected item's follow-up flag