Sierra Chart (Windows)

SpreadSheet Menu

Open Intraday Chart

Ctrl + Alt + I

All hotkeys for Sierra Chart (Windows)

File Menu
New/Open Historical Chart

Ctrl + H

File Menu
New/Open Intradat Chart

Ctrl + I

File Menu
Open ChartBook

Ctrl + B

File Menu
Save All

Ctrl + A

File Menu

Ctrl + F11

File Menu

Ctrl + S

File Menu
Connect to Data Feed


Edit Menu
Reload All Charts

Ctrl + R

Edit Menu
Copy Chart Value

Alt + Shift + C

Chart Menu
Chart settings


Chart Menu
Use Evening/Full Session

Ctrl + G

Chart Menu
Vertical Grid

Alt + Shift + V

Chart Menu
Reload and Recalculate


Chart Menu

Ctrl + Insert

Chart Menu
Detach/Attach Chart Window

Ctrl + Alt + D

Chart Menu
Reset Scales

Alt + Shift + R

Chart Menu
Go to Date Time

Ctrl + Alt + G

Chart Menu
Scroll All Charts to End

Ctrl + End

Analysis Menu


Tools Menu

Alt + 1

Tools Menu
Adjust Regions

Alt + 0

Tools Menu
Chart Values/Crosshair

Alt + 3

Tools Menu

Alt + H

Tools Menu
Zoom In

Alt + Z

Tools Menu

Alt + 4

Tools Menu

Alt + 6

Tools Menu
Parallel Lines

Alt + 9

Tools Menu
Horizontal Lines

Alt + 8

Tools Menu
Price Retracement

Alt + 7

Tools Menu
Parallel Rays

Ctrl + Shift + 9

Tools Menu
Horizontal Rays

Ctrl + Shift + H

Tools Menu
Price Projection

Ctrl + Alt + P

Tools Menu
Fibonacci Fan

Ctrl + Shift + F

Tools Menu

Ctrl + Alt + Y

Tools Menu
Time Expansion

Ctrl + Alt + 1

Tools Menu
Zig Zag

Ctrl + Alt + 2

Tools Menu
Gann Grid

Ctrl + Alt + 3

Tools Menu

Ctrl + 6

Tools Menu
Pitchfork-Schiff Median

Alt + Shift + 6

Tools Menu

Ctrl + Alt + 4

Tools Menu
Pitchfork-Modified Schiff

Alt + Shift + 5

Tools Menu
Extending Rectangle

Ctrl + Alt + T

Tools Menu

Ctrl + Alt + 5

Tools Menu
Tool Settings

Ctrl + Alt + 7

Tools Menu
Move Drawing

Alt + M

Tools Menu
Adjust Drawing

Ctrl + 5

Tools Menu
Copy and Move Drawing

Ctrl + L

Tools Menu
Copy and Adjust Drawing

Alt + Shift + 1

Tools Menu
Erase Drawing Mode

Alt + 5

Tools Menu
Erase All Text

Alt + Shift + T

Tools Menu
Erase All Non-Text Drawing

Alt + Shift + L

Tools Menu
Manage Chart Drawing Window

Ctrl + Alt + M

Tools Menu
Global Cursor On

Ctrl + 3

Tools Menu
Synchronize Chart

Ctrl + Shift + S

SpreadSheet Menu
Edit Formula


SpreadSheet Menu
Fix Column

Ctrl + 1

SpreadSheet Menu
Open Intraday Chart

Ctrl + Alt + I

SpreadSheet Menu
Open Historincal Chart

Ctrl + Alt = H

SpreadSheet Menu
Prior Sheet

Ctrl + PgUp

SpreadSheet Menu
Next Sheet

Ctrl + PgDn

SpreadSheet Menu
Detach/Attach SpreadSheet

Ctrl + Alt + D

SpreadSheet Menu

Ctrl + 2

Trade Menu
Open Trade Window for Chart

Ctrl + Shift + T

Trade Menu
Chart Trade Mode On

Ctrl + Shift + C

Trade Menu
Trading Chart DOM On

Ctrl + Shift + D

Trade Menu
Show Order Fills

Ctrl + Shift + O

Trade Menu
Trade Orders and Positions

Ctrl + Shift + P

Trade Menu
Trade Activity Log

Ctrl + Shift + A

Trade Menu
Trade Service Log

Ctrl + Shift + L

Trade Menu
General Trade Settings

Ctrl + Shift + G

Window Menu

Ctrl + Alt + X

Window Menu

Ctrl + Alt + R

Window Menu
Windows and Chartbooks

Ctrl + W

Window Menu
Message Log

Ctrl + M

Window Menu
Alert Manager

Ctrl + Alt + A

Window Menu
Current Quote Window

Alt + Q

Window Menu
Chart Values Window


Window Menu
Tool Values Window

Alt + V

Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Invert colors in Magnifier display
Managing 'Windows' in Windows 7 - Magnifier

Ctrl + Alt + I

Eclipse Helios (Windows)
Add to svn:ignore
Team (SVN Subversive)

Ctrl + Alt + I

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Invert colors in Magnifier display
Windows Explorer - Magnifier

Ctrl + Alt + I

Notepad++ 5 (Windows)
Incremental search

Ctrl + Alt + I

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Invert colors in Magnifier display
Windows Admin - Magnifier

Ctrl + Alt + I

Microsoft Windows 7 (Windows)
Invert colors in Magnifier display
Ease of Access and Magnifier - Magnifier

Ctrl + Alt + I

IntelliJ (Linux)
Auto-indent line(s)

Ctrl + Alt + I

IntelliJ (Windows)
Auto-indent line(s)

Ctrl + Alt + I

Audacity 2 (Windows)
Clip Boundaries > Split New
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Alt + I

Presonus Studio One (Windows)
Insert silence
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Alt + I

Pro Tools (Windows)
Import - MIDI...
File Menu

Ctrl + Alt + I

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Windows)
Toggle Developer Tools

Ctrl + Alt + I

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (Linux)
Toggle Developer Tools

Ctrl + Alt + i

Microsoft Windows 10 (Windows)
Invert colors in Magnifier display
Windows Magnifier Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + I

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Import multiple files or image sequences

Ctrl + Alt + I

Adobe Premiere CC (Windows)
Import from media browser
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + I

InDesign CC (Windows)
Hidden Characters
Type Menu Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + I

JetBrains RubyMine (Windows)
AutoIndent Lines
Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + I

JetBrains RubyMine (Linux)
AutoIndent Lines
Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + I

JetBrains PyCharm (Windows)
AutoIndent Lines

Ctrl + Alt + I

Adobe XD (Experience Design) (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + I

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Show or hide the tweening shape hints
Miscellaneous Action

Ctrl + Alt + I

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)
Insert Image

Ctrl + Alt + I

JetBrains PhpStorm (Windows)
AutoIndent Lines

Ctrl + Alt + I

JetBrains PhpStorm (Linux)
AutoIndent Lines

Ctrl + Alt + I

IBM Maximo (Windows)
Insert New Record

Ctrl + Alt + I

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Find PowerPoint slides in the Library
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + I

Jetbrains CLion (Windows)
Auto-indent line(s)
Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + I

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Indent the current line or selected block according to the General settings
Basic Editing

Ctrl + Alt + I

DITA CMS (Windows)
Create Image
22 Shortcuts for DITA CMS (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + I

Siemens NX 11 (Windows)
Application Menu

Ctrl + Alt + I

RStudio (Windows)
Insert chunk (Sweave and Knitr)

Ctrl + Alt + I

ChessBase 13
With the idea
Commentary symbols

Ctrl + Alt + I

TurboCAD (Windows)
Insert the result of the Boolean intersection of two solid objects
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + I

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Hide/Show In/Out
Showing and Hiding Results

Ctrl + Alt + I

Insert chunk (Sweave and Knitr)

Ctrl + Alt + I

Vectorworks (Windows)
Intersect Solids
Model Menu

Ctrl + Alt + I

AVS Video Editor (Windows)
Fade in

Ctrl + Alt + I

Ableton Live 10
Hide/Show In/Out
Showing and hiding views

Ctrl + Alt + I

Switch to Individual Module
Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens

Ctrl + Alt + I

Siemens NX
Application menu

Ctrl + Alt + I

PyCharm 2018.2
Indent the current line or selected block according to the Code Style settings.
Basic editing

Ctrl + Alt + I

ArtRage Studio Pro
Import Image File To Layer…
Layer Commands

Ctrl + Alt + I

Atom (Windows)
Open the Chrome Developer Tools/Console
Frequently used shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + I

Adobe Animate CC (Windows)
Show or hide the tweening shape hints
Miscellaneous actions

Ctrl + Alt + I

Adobe Dimension CC (Windows)
Import image as Light
File menu

Ctrl + Alt + I

PDF-XChange Editor
Show/Hide the Document Info Bar.

Ctrl + Alt + I

Adobe Premiere Pro (Windows)
Import from Media Browser

Ctrl + Alt + I

Insert image

Ctrl + Alt + I

Adobe XD (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + I

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)

Ctrl + Alt + I

IntelliJ IDEA (Windows, Linux)
Auto-indent line(s)

Ctrl + Alt + I

Sweet Home 3D
Import texture

Ctrl + Alt + I

Add to svn:ignore
Team (SVN Subversive)

Ctrl + Alt + I

Remove IK constraint
Pose mode

Ctrl + Alt + I

Clip Boundaries > Split New
Edit menu

Ctrl + Alt + I

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Display the Immediate window
Transact-SQL debugger

Ctrl + Alt + I

Android Studio
Auto-indent lines
Writing code

Ctrl + Alt + I

Microsoft OneNote
Fast-forward the current audio recording by 5 minutes
Select notes and objects

Ctrl + Alt + I

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Import multiple files or image sequences

Ctrl + Alt + I