TextMate 2 (MacOS)

General Shortcuts

Go to Symbol

Command + Shift + T

All hotkeys for TextMate 2 (MacOS)

General Shortcuts

Command + N

General Shortcuts
New Project

Command + Ctrl + N

General Shortcuts

Command + O

General Shortcuts

Command + S

General Shortcuts
Save As

Command + Shift + S

General Shortcuts
Save All

Command + Option + S

General Shortcuts
Save Project

Command + Ctrl + S

General Shortcuts
Save Project As

Command + Shift + Ctrl + S

General Shortcuts
Reveal in Project

Command + Ctrl + R

General Shortcuts

Command + P

General Shortcuts

Command + ?

General Shortcuts

Command + Z

General Shortcuts

Command + Shift + Z

General Shortcuts

Command + C

General Shortcuts

Command + X

General Shortcuts

Command + V

General Shortcuts
Paste Previous

Command + Shift + V

General Shortcuts
Paste from Clipboard

Command + Ctrl + Option + V

General Shortcuts
Paste without Re-indent

Command + Ctrl + V

General Shortcuts


General Shortcuts
Overwrite Mode

Command + Option + O

General Shortcuts
Freehand Editing

Command + Option + E

General Shortcuts
Select Word

Ctrl + W

General Shortcuts
Select Line

Command + Shift + L

General Shortcuts
Select All

Command + A

General Shortcuts
Select Current Scope

Option + Ctrl + B

General Shortcuts
Select Enclosing Brackets

Command + Shift + B

General Shortcuts

Command + F

General Shortcuts
Find Next

Command + G

General Shortcuts
Find Previous

Command + Shift + G

General Shortcuts
Find in Project

Command + Shift + F

General Shortcuts
Replace All

Command + Ctrl + F

General Shortcuts
Find and Replace

Command + Option + F

General Shortcuts
Replace All in Selection

Command + Ctrl + Shift + F

General Shortcuts
Use Selection for Find

Command + E

General Shortcuts
Use Selection for Replace

Command + Shift + E

General Shortcuts
Jump to Selection

Command + J

General Shortcuts

Command + :

General Shortcuts
Check Spelling

Command + ;

General Shortcuts
Check Spelling as you type

Command + Option + ;

General Shortcuts
Special Characters

Command + Option + T

General Shortcuts
Zoom Font

Command + +

General Shortcuts
Zoom out Font

Command + -

General Shortcuts
Display/Hide Bookmarks

Command + Option + B

General Shortcuts
Display/Hide Line numbers

Command + Option + L

General Shortcuts
Display/Hide Project Drawer

Command + Ctrl + Option + D

General Shortcuts
Soft Wrap

Command + Option + W

General Shortcuts
Display/Hide Invisibles

Command + Option + I

General Shortcuts
Fold Current Block


General Shortcuts

Ctrl + U

General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + U

General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Option + U

General Shortcuts
Opposite Case

Ctrl + G

General Shortcuts
Move line Up/Down

Command + Ctrl + Up Arrow / Down Arrow

General Shortcuts
Move Column Up/Down

Command + Ctrl + Left Arrow / Right Arrow

General Shortcuts
Left Shift

Command + [

General Shortcuts
Right Shift

Command + ]

General Shortcuts
Indent Line

Command + Option + [

General Shortcuts
Edit each line in selection

Command + Option + A

General Shortcuts
Reformat Paragraph

Ctrl + Q

General Shortcuts
Reformat and Justify

Ctrl + J

General Shortcuts
Unwrap Paragraph

Ctrl + Option + Q

General Shortcuts
Execute line inserting result

Ctrl + R

General Shortcuts
Filter through Command

Command + Option + R

General Shortcuts
Add/Remove Bookmark

Command + F2

General Shortcuts
Jump to Next/Previous Bookmark

F2 / Shift + F2

General Shortcuts
Navigate Tabs

Command + Option + Left Arrow / Right Arrow

General Shortcuts
Go to Header/Source

Command + Option + Up Arrow

General Shortcuts
Go to File

Command + T

General Shortcuts
Go to Symbol

Command + Shift + T

General Shortcuts
Scroll line Up/Down

Command + Option + Ctrl + Up Arrow / Down Arrow

General Shortcuts
Scroll Column Up/Down

Command + Option + Ctrl + Left Arrow / Right Arrow

General Shortcuts
Go to Line

Command + L

General Shortcuts
Go to Middle Visible Line

Command + Shift + J

General Shortcuts
Sort Lines


General Shortcuts
Show Web preview

Command + Option + Ctrl + P

General Shortcuts
Open Bundle Menu

Ctrl + Esc

General Shortcuts
Select Bundle Item

Command + Ctrl + T

General Shortcuts
Statistics for Document/Selection

Ctrl + Shift + N

Source Shortcut
Comment Line/Selection

Command + /

Source Shortcut
Lookup definition

Ctrl + ]

Source Shortcut
Toggle Single/Double Quotes

Ctrl + "

Source Shortcut
Escaped Double Quotes

Command + "

Source Shortcut
Escaped Single Quotes

Command + Option + "

Source Shortcut
Insert Comment Banner

Ctrl + Shift + B

Source Shortcut
Continue Line Comment


Source Shortcut
Move to EOL and Insert LF

Command + Return

Source Shortcut
Move to EOL and Insert ;

Command + Option + Return

Source Shortcut
Move to Eol and Insert ;+LF

Command + Shift + Return

Source Shortcut

Ctrl + Return

Source Shortcut
Convert Space to Tabs

Command + Ctrl + Shift + T

Source Shortcut
Convert Source to HTML

Ctrl + Shift + H

Source Shortcut
View Source as HTML

Command + Option + Ctrl + P

Apache Shortcut
Search on Apache.org

Ctrl + H

HTML Shortcuts

Ctrl + Option + V

HTML Shortcuts

Ctrl + H

HTML Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + H

HTML Shortcuts
Refresh Browser

Command + R

HTML Shortcuts
Convert to Entities/URL Escapes

Command + &

HTML Shortcuts
Insert Open/Close Tag

Ctrl + <

HTML Shortcuts
Insert Close Tag

Command + Option + .

HTML Shortcuts
Wrap selection in Open/Close Tag

Ctrl + Shift + W

HTML Shortcuts
Wrap Each Selected line as Tag

Command + Ctrl + Shift + W

HTML Shortcuts
Wrap Selection as Link

Ctrl + Shift + L

HTML Shortcuts

Ctrl + Return

HTML Shortcuts

Command + B

HTML Shortcuts

Command + I

XML Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + V

XML Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + H

JavaScript Shortcuts

Ctrl + H

CSS Shortcuts

Ctrl + H

CSS Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + V

CSS Shortcuts

Command + Option + Ctrl + P

PHP Shortcuts

Ctrl + H

PHP Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + V

PHP Shortcuts
Continue Block Comment


PHP Shortcuts

Command + Shift + R

Similar combinations for other applications

Google Earth 5 (MacOS)
Create new Path
Create Items on Map

Command + Shift + T

Thunderbird (MacOS)
Retrieve new messages for all accounts
Retrieve Messages

Command + Shift + T

Firefox (MacOS)
Undo Close Tab
Window and Tabs

Command + Shift + T

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Repeat last duplicate and move
Shortcut Keys for using Vanishing Point

Command + Shift + T

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Repeat last duplicate and move
Vanishing Point

Command + Shift + T

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Add a table
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Command + Shift + T

Google Chrome (MacOS)
Reopen last tab closed. Up to 10 tabs.
Manage Tabs

Command + Shift + T

Camtasia 2 (MacOS)
Split all at playhead
Timeline & Editing

Command + Shift + T

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Add a table
Text Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Command + Shift + T

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Create new subfolder (segmented Tethered capture)
Managing Photos and Catalogs

Command + Shift + T

Safari Browser (MacOS)
Reopen the last closed tab
General Shortcuts (Browser)

Command + Shift + T

Safari Browser (MacOS)
Stop Sampling
Menu Shortcuts

Command + Shift + T

Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)
Open Effect Controls Panel for selected Layers

Command + Shift + T

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Add a table
Database Management Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Command + Shift + T

Adobe Premiere CC (MacOS)
Stopping tab
Marker Operation

Command + Shift + T

Corel Painter 2017 (MacOS)
Add current color to color set
Other Shortcuts

Command + Shift + T

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Omit multiple records
Browse Mode Shortcuts

Command + Shift + T

ArchiCAD 20 (MacOS)
Edit Selection Set
Edit Menu Commands

Command + Shift + T

Finale (MacOS)
Frame Attributes
Text Tool

Command + Shift + T

Silhouette Studio (MacOS)
Cut style = no cut

Command + Shift + T

Adobe Flash Professional (MacOS)
Modify Paragraph

Command + Shift + T

Slack (MacOS)
Open All Threads view
Navigation Controls

Command + Shift + T

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
Show/hide Tempo Track only
Various Editors

Command + Shift + T

Adobe Flash Builder (MacOS)
Open file class type
24 Shortcuts for Adobe Flash Builder (MacOS)

Command + Shift + T

Adobe Animate CC (MacOS)
Modify Paragraph
Edit and Modify

Command + Shift + T

Chief Architect (MacOS)
All Cabinet Defaults
View Mode

Command + Shift + T

Adobe ColdFusion Builder 2.0 (MacOS)
Tag Editor
Other Editor

Command + Shift + T

Apple Notes (MacOS)
Apply Title Format
Editing Notes

Command + Shift + T

iBooks (MacOS)
Show Books's Thumbnail Table of Contents
Keyboard Controls

Command + Shift + T

Flock (MacOS)
Topbar menu
45 Shortcuts for Flock (MacOS)

Command + Shift + T

Adobe Captivate 2017 (MacOS)
Insert a text entry box
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Command + Shift + T

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (MacOS)
Go to Type

Command + Shift + T

RStudio (MacOS)
Test package (desktop)

Command + Shift + T

CuteFTP (MacOS)
Change item queue order (move to top)
72 Shortcuts for CuteFTP (MacOS)

Command + Shift + T

Geany (MacOS)
Go to tag declaration

Command + Shift + T

Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
TM Lookup
100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

Command + Shift + T

Ableton Live 9 (MacOS)
Insert MIDI Track
Commands for Tracks

Command + Shift + T

Modo (MacOS)
Element snap

Command + Shift + T

Vectorworks (MacOS)
Format keys
keys Menu

Command + Shift + T

Sage Simply Accounting (MacOS)
Add time slip activities
Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows

Command + Shift + T

MuseScore (MacOS)
System Text
Text Entry Shortcuts

Command + Shift + T

SolveSpace (MacOS)
Trace Point

Command + Shift + T

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Open or close Effect Controls panel for selected layer
Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows

F3 / Command + Shift + T

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Open Effect Controls panel for selected layers

Command + Shift + T

Adobe Dreamweaver (MacOS)
Show Page Titles
Site Management

Command + Shift + T