TextMate 2 (MacOS)
General Shortcuts
Scroll line Up/Down
Command + Option + Ctrl + Up Arrow / Down Arrow
All hotkeys for TextMate 2 (MacOS)
General ShortcutsNew |
Command + N |
General ShortcutsNew Project |
Command + Ctrl + N |
General ShortcutsOpen |
Command + O |
General ShortcutsSave |
Command + S |
General ShortcutsSave As |
Command + Shift + S |
General ShortcutsSave All |
Command + Option + S |
General ShortcutsSave Project |
Command + Ctrl + S |
General ShortcutsSave Project As |
Command + Shift + Ctrl + S |
General ShortcutsReveal in Project |
Command + Ctrl + R |
General Shortcuts |
Command + P |
General ShortcutsHelp |
Command + ? |
General ShortcutsUndo |
Command + Z |
General ShortcutsRedo |
Command + Shift + Z |
General ShortcutsCopy |
Command + C |
General ShortcutsCut |
Command + X |
General ShortcutsPaste |
Command + V |
General ShortcutsPaste Previous |
Command + Shift + V |
General ShortcutsPaste from Clipboard |
Command + Ctrl + Option + V |
General ShortcutsPaste without Re-indent |
Command + Ctrl + V |
General ShortcutsCompletion |
Esc |
General ShortcutsOverwrite Mode |
Command + Option + O |
General ShortcutsFreehand Editing |
Command + Option + E |
General ShortcutsSelect Word |
Ctrl + W |
General ShortcutsSelect Line |
Command + Shift + L |
General ShortcutsSelect All |
Command + A |
General ShortcutsSelect Current Scope |
Option + Ctrl + B |
General ShortcutsSelect Enclosing Brackets |
Command + Shift + B |
General ShortcutsFind |
Command + F |
General ShortcutsFind Next |
Command + G |
General ShortcutsFind Previous |
Command + Shift + G |
General ShortcutsFind in Project |
Command + Shift + F |
General ShortcutsReplace All |
Command + Ctrl + F |
General ShortcutsFind and Replace |
Command + Option + F |
General ShortcutsReplace All in Selection |
Command + Ctrl + Shift + F |
General ShortcutsUse Selection for Find |
Command + E |
General ShortcutsUse Selection for Replace |
Command + Shift + E |
General ShortcutsJump to Selection |
Command + J |
General ShortcutsSpelling |
Command + : |
General ShortcutsCheck Spelling |
Command + ; |
General ShortcutsCheck Spelling as you type |
Command + Option + ; |
General ShortcutsSpecial Characters |
Command + Option + T |
General ShortcutsZoom Font |
Command + + |
General ShortcutsZoom out Font |
Command + - |
General ShortcutsDisplay/Hide Bookmarks |
Command + Option + B |
General ShortcutsDisplay/Hide Line numbers |
Command + Option + L |
General ShortcutsDisplay/Hide Project Drawer |
Command + Ctrl + Option + D |
General ShortcutsSoft Wrap |
Command + Option + W |
General ShortcutsDisplay/Hide Invisibles |
Command + Option + I |
General ShortcutsFold Current Block |
F1 |
General ShortcutsUppercase |
Ctrl + U |
General ShortcutsLowercase |
Ctrl + Shift + U |
General ShortcutsTitlecase |
Ctrl + Option + U |
General ShortcutsOpposite Case |
Ctrl + G |
General ShortcutsMove line Up/Down |
Command + Ctrl + Up Arrow / Down Arrow |
General ShortcutsMove Column Up/Down |
Command + Ctrl + Left Arrow / Right Arrow |
General ShortcutsLeft Shift |
Command + [ |
General ShortcutsRight Shift |
Command + ] |
General ShortcutsIndent Line |
Command + Option + [ |
General ShortcutsEdit each line in selection |
Command + Option + A |
General ShortcutsReformat Paragraph |
Ctrl + Q |
General ShortcutsReformat and Justify |
Ctrl + J |
General ShortcutsUnwrap Paragraph |
Ctrl + Option + Q |
General ShortcutsExecute line inserting result |
Ctrl + R |
General ShortcutsFilter through Command |
Command + Option + R |
General ShortcutsAdd/Remove Bookmark |
Command + F2 |
General ShortcutsJump to Next/Previous Bookmark |
F2 / Shift + F2 |
General ShortcutsNavigate Tabs |
Command + Option + Left Arrow / Right Arrow |
General ShortcutsGo to Header/Source |
Command + Option + Up Arrow |
General ShortcutsGo to File |
Command + T |
General ShortcutsGo to Symbol |
Command + Shift + T |
General ShortcutsScroll line Up/Down |
Command + Option + Ctrl + Up Arrow / Down Arrow |
General ShortcutsScroll Column Up/Down |
Command + Option + Ctrl + Left Arrow / Right Arrow |
General ShortcutsGo to Line |
Command + L |
General ShortcutsGo to Middle Visible Line |
Command + Shift + J |
General ShortcutsSort Lines |
F5 |
General ShortcutsShow Web preview |
Command + Option + Ctrl + P |
General ShortcutsOpen Bundle Menu |
Ctrl + Esc |
General ShortcutsSelect Bundle Item |
Command + Ctrl + T |
General ShortcutsStatistics for Document/Selection |
Ctrl + Shift + N |
Source ShortcutComment Line/Selection |
Command + / |
Source ShortcutLookup definition |
Ctrl + ] |
Source ShortcutToggle Single/Double Quotes |
Ctrl + " |
Source ShortcutEscaped Double Quotes |
Command + " |
Source ShortcutEscaped Single Quotes |
Command + Option + " |
Source ShortcutInsert Comment Banner |
Ctrl + Shift + B |
Source ShortcutContinue Line Comment |
Enter |
Source ShortcutMove to EOL and Insert LF |
Command + Return |
Source ShortcutMove to EOL and Insert ; |
Command + Option + Return |
Source ShortcutMove to Eol and Insert ;+LF |
Command + Shift + Return |
Source ShortcutNewLine |
Ctrl + Return |
Source ShortcutConvert Space to Tabs |
Command + Ctrl + Shift + T |
Source ShortcutConvert Source to HTML |
Ctrl + Shift + H |
Source ShortcutView Source as HTML |
Command + Option + Ctrl + P |
Apache ShortcutSearch on Apache.org |
Ctrl + H |
HTML ShortcutsValidate |
Ctrl + Option + V |
HTML ShortcutsDocumentation |
Ctrl + H |
HTML ShortcutsTidy |
Ctrl + Shift + H |
HTML ShortcutsRefresh Browser |
Command + R |
HTML ShortcutsConvert to Entities/URL Escapes |
Command + & |
HTML ShortcutsInsert Open/Close Tag |
Ctrl + < |
HTML ShortcutsInsert Close Tag |
Command + Option + . |
HTML ShortcutsWrap selection in Open/Close Tag |
Ctrl + Shift + W |
HTML ShortcutsWrap Each Selected line as Tag |
Command + Ctrl + Shift + W |
HTML ShortcutsWrap Selection as Link |
Ctrl + Shift + L |
HTML ShortcutsBr |
Ctrl + Return |
HTML ShortcutsStrong |
Command + B |
HTML ShortcutsEmphasize |
Command + I |
XML ShortcutsValidate |
Ctrl + Shift + V |
XML ShortcutsTidy |
Ctrl + Shift + H |
JavaScript ShortcutsDocumentation |
Ctrl + H |
CSS ShortcutsDocumentation |
Ctrl + H |
CSS ShortcutsValidate |
Ctrl + Shift + V |
CSS ShortcutsPreview |
Command + Option + Ctrl + P |
PHP ShortcutsDocumentation |
Ctrl + H |
PHP ShortcutsValidate |
Ctrl + Shift + V |
PHP ShortcutsContinue Block Comment |
Enter |
PHP ShortcutsRun |
Command + Shift + R |