
Other Shortcuts

Open the location you are going to in a new tab (Exception: The location change is triggered by a script)

↑   Shift

All hotkeys for Xyplorer

Other Shortcuts
Start File Find when any control on the find files tab is focused (except the textbox on the Contents tab, where this key just creates a new paragraph)

⤶ Enter

Other Shortcuts
Open with...

Ctrl + Alt + ⤶ Enter

File Menu
Open Focused Item

Ctrl + ⤶ Enter

File Menu

Ctrl + O

File Menu
Copy Here with Increment

Ctrl + D

File Menu
Copy Here with Current Date

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Alt + D

File Menu
Copy Here with Last Modified Date

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + D

File Menu
Copy Here As...

Ctrl + S

File Menu
Copy Here to New Subfolder...

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C

File Menu
Move Here to New Subfolder...

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + X

Other Shortcuts
Remove selected item


Other Shortcuts
Remove selected item from Catalog (no prompt)

↑   Shift + Del

File Menu
Delete (Skip Locked)

Ctrl + Del

Other Shortcuts
Select toggle all/nothing.


File Menu
Batch Rename

↑   Shift + F2

Other Shortcuts
Show Properties dialog of the focused item (AltGr + Return to avoid beep sound)

Alt + ⤶ Enter

File Menu
Quick File View

Ctrl + Q

Other Shortcuts
Close Floating Preview


File Menu
Exit without Saving

Ctrl + Alt + F4

File Menu

Alt + F4

File Menu
Copy Item Path/Name: Copy name(s) with path to clipboard (of all selected items in List)

Ctrl + P

File Menu
Copy Item Name: Copy name(s) (w/o path) to clipboard (of all selected items in List)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + P

Edit Menu

Ctrl + Z

Edit Menu

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Z

Edit Menu
Action Log

Ctrl + Alt + Z

Edit Menu

Ctrl + X

Other Shortcuts
Copy Preview

Ctrl + C

Edit Menu

Ctrl + V

Edit Menu
Paste Here to New Subfolder...

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + V

Edit Menu
Move To...

↑   Shift + F7

Edit Menu
Copy To...

Ctrl + F7

Edit Menu
Backup To...

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F7

Edit Menu
New Path...

Ctrl + Alt + N

Other Shortcuts
Select all.

Ctrl + A

Edit Menu
Deselect All: deselect all items currently listed

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + A

Edit Menu
Invert Selection

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + I

Other Shortcuts
Mouse Down Blow Up: Shrink to Fit

Ctrl + M

Edit Menu
Select By Selected Type(s)

Ctrl + Alt + M

Edit Menu
Select Items...

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + M

Edit Menu
Select All Files

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Alt + M

Other Shortcuts
Opens Find Text dialog.

Ctrl + F

Edit Menu
Find Now

Ctrl + Alt + F

Other Shortcuts
Opens Find Text dialog if there wasn't any previous search in that edit box.


Edit Menu
Toggle Quick Search

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F3

Other Shortcuts
Opens Find Text dialog if there wasn't any previous search in that edit box.

↑   Shift + F3

Edit Menu
Show All Items In Branch

Ctrl + F3

Edit Menu
Create New Folder

Ctrl + N

Edit Menu
Create new Text File

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + N

Other Shortcuts
Convert selected text to Title Case (converts the first letter of every word in string to upper case)


View Menu

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + R

Other Shortcuts
Color Histogram

Ctrl + R

View Menu
Refresh Tree


View Menu
Refresh Current Folder

↑   Shift + F4

View Menu
Reset Tree: rebuilds the whole folder tree and then carries you back to the location where you were before, while closing all other open branches

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F4

Other Shortcuts
Convert selected text to lower case

Ctrl + F5

View Menu
Reset List: update the data, scroll back to top, set focus to the first item (if any), unselect any selections.

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F5

Other Shortcuts
Convert selected text to UPPER CASE

↑   Shift + F5

View Menu
Show/Hide hidden files and folders

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + H

Other Shortcuts
Transparency Grid

Ctrl + T

Other Shortcuts
Go Home

Alt + Home

View Menu
Lock Location

Ctrl + L

Other Shortcuts
White Border

Ctrl + W

Other Shortcuts
Close current tab

Ctrl + F4

View Menu
Close All Other Unlocked Tabs

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + W

View Menu
Set Visual Filter...

Ctrl + J

View Menu
Filter by Selection(s)

↑   Shift + Alt + J

View Menu
Filter by Selected Extension(s)

Ctrl + Alt + J

View Menu
Filter Out Selected Extension(s)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Alt + J

Other Shortcuts
Autosize Columns Now

Ctrl + Num +

View Menu
Shrink Name Column

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Num +

View Menu
Sort by Random Order

Ctrl + Alt + R

Other Shortcuts
Jump back and forth between this and the previous page


Go Menu
Go to Previous Item in List: jump to the previously focused and selected item in the current file list.

↑   Shift + Alt + F7

Go Menu
Go to Last Target

Ctrl + Alt + F7

Other Shortcuts
Remove the item right before the currently selected item

⬅ Backspace

Go Menu

↑   Shift + ⬅ Backspace

Other Shortcuts
Delete the previous word

Ctrl + ⬅ Backspace

Go Menu

Alt +

Go Menu

Alt +

Other Shortcuts
Show Histogram

Ctrl + H

Go Menu
Tab List...

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + T

Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + G

Go Menu
Go to from Here...: enter/paste a location to jump to (preset to current path)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + G

Go Menu
Go to Line...: enter/paste a line number to jump to

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + L

Go Menu
Go to Application Folder

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Alt + G

Favorites Menu
Toggle Favorite Folder: toggle favorite status of current folder

Ctrl + B

Favorites Menu
Toggle Highlighted Folder: toggle highlighted status of current folder

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + B

Favorites Menu
Toggle Boxed Branch: toggle boxed branch status of current folder

Ctrl + Alt + B

Tools Menu
Configuration: show configuration window


Tools Menu
Customize Keyboard Shortcuts

↑   Shift + F9

Tools Menu
Customize Toolbar

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F9

Tools Menu
Customize File Icons

↑   Shift + Alt + F9

Tools Menu
Toggle Age (date display format)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + E

Panes Menu
Dual Pane


Panes Menu
Horizontal Panes

Ctrl + F10

Panes Menu
Toggle Active Pane

Ctrl + Alt + F10

Panes Menu
Move to Other Pane

↑   Shift + F6

Panes Menu
Copy to Other Pane

Ctrl + F6

Panes Menu
Backup to Other Pane

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F6

Window Menu
Show Address Bar

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F12

Window Menu
Show Toolbar

Ctrl + F12

Other Shortcuts
Run Script


Window Menu
Show Tree

↑   Shift + F8

Window Menu
Show Catalog

Ctrl + F8

Other Shortcuts
Full Screen


Help Menu
Contents and Index: Display the XYplorer help file


Other Shortcuts
Select the next file whose name starts with that letter or number

A - Z

Other Shortcuts
Zoom Out

Num -

Other Shortcuts
Zoom In

Num +

Other Shortcuts
Original Size

Num /

Other Shortcuts
Fully expand selected node

Num *

Other Shortcuts
Fully collapse current drive. The drive root will automatically be selected.

Ctrl + Num /

Other Shortcuts
Optimize tree

↑   Shift + Num /

Other Shortcuts
All common navigation keys just like Explorer

← ↑ → ↓

Other Shortcuts
Jump to the top folder (Drive, \\Server, Desktop, MyDocuments) of the current folder

Ctrl + Home

Other Shortcuts
Move the focused item into view

↑   Shift + Alt + F6

Other Shortcuts
Open Command Prompt Here

Ctrl + Alt + P

Other Shortcuts
32-bit or 64-bit Context Menu (depends on setting in Configuration | Shell Integration)

Context menu button

Other Shortcuts
32-bit Context Menu

↑   Shift + Context menu button

Other Shortcuts
64-bit Context Menu

Ctrl + Context menu button

Other Shortcuts
(find results only) Jump to currently focused file in its folder

Ctrl +

Other Shortcuts
All time-consuming processes (finding files, calculating folder sizes...) can always be stopped by pressing ESC.


Other Shortcuts
If Scroll Lock is ON then the Up and Down arrow keys scroll the list keeping the current item (the focused and selected item) in the same screen position.


Other Shortcuts
Insert selected item


Other Shortcuts
Duplicate Item

Ctrl + Insert

Other Shortcuts
Open Selected List Item(s), using the clicked application

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter

Mouse Tricks
Show a Catalog item's location in the Tree, without selecting the tree folder nor displaying its contents in the file list.

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Alt + ⤶ Enter

Other Shortcuts
Cycle thru tabs (forward)

Ctrl + ⭾ Tab

Other Shortcuts
Cycle thru tabs (backward)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab

Audio/Video Preview
Go to beginning.

↑   Shift + Mouse left click

Other Shortcuts
… to <keybs>8</keybs>: Jump to Panel tabs by number

Ctrl + 1

Other Shortcuts
Next image


Other Shortcuts
Previous image

↑   Shift + Space

Other Shortcuts
Close Full Screen Preview

↑   Shift + F11

Other Shortcuts
Previous image

Page Up

Floating Preview and Full Screen Preview
Previous Image.

Mouse wheel up

Other Shortcuts
Next image

Page Down

Floating Preview and Full Screen Preview
Next Image.

Mouse wheel down

Other Shortcuts
Pan cropped image

↑   Shift + ← ↑ → ↓

Other Shortcuts
First/Last image


Other Shortcuts
First/Last image


Other Shortcuts
Fit All


Other Shortcuts
Fit Width


Other Shortcuts
Fit Height


Other Shortcuts
Zoom to Fill


Other Shortcuts
Original Size


Other Shortcuts
Original Size


Other Shortcuts
Double Size


Other Shortcuts
Double Size


Other Shortcuts
Fine Zoom In

↑   Shift + Num +

Other Shortcuts
Fine Zoom Out

↑   Shift + Num -

Other Shortcuts
Lock Zoom


Other Shortcuts
Lock Zoom Position


Other Shortcuts
Toggle Zoom


Other Shortcuts
Zoom to Fit


Other Shortcuts
Top-align if Vertically Cropped


Other Shortcuts
Add separator


Other Shortcuts
Mouse Down Blow Up


Other Shortcuts
Rotate Left


Other Shortcuts
Rotate Right


Other Shortcuts


Audio/Video Preview
Set end of sub loop.

Ctrl + Mouse right click

Other Shortcuts
Navigate by Click


Other Shortcuts
High Quality Image Resampling


Other Shortcuts
Cycle Background Color


Other Shortcuts
Cycle Background Color Backwards

↑   Shift + B

Other Shortcuts
Show Photo Data


Other Shortcuts
Show Tag Bar


Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + I

Other Shortcuts
Copy Original


Other Shortcuts
Cycle focus in this sequence: Address Bar > Tree > List > Catalog.


Other Shortcuts
Focus left list.

Alt + V

Other Shortcuts
Focus right list.

Alt + B

Other Shortcuts
Select all.

Mouse triple click

Other Shortcuts
If selection: caret to start of selection and unselect. Else: caret to start of text.

Other Shortcuts
If selection: caret to end of selection and unselect. Else: caret to end of text

Floating Preview and Full Screen Preview
Pan a cropped image.

Ctrl + Mouse movement

Other Shortcuts
Focus Address Bar.

Alt + D

Other Shortcuts
In lists with shiftable positions: shift selected item up/down.

Ctrl + ↑  ↓

Other Shortcuts
Open the location you are going to in a new tab (Exception: The location change is triggered by a script)

↑   Shift

Other Shortcuts
Open the location you are going to in the inactive pane.

Ctrl + ↑   Shift

Other Shortcuts
Last Size/Minimize Info Panel

Alt + F12

Other Shortcuts
Maximize/Minimize Info Panel

↑   Shift + F12

Mouse Tricks
Button captions font size.

Ctrl + Mouse wheel up and down

Mouse Tricks
On the white space: scroll focused item into view.

Ctrl + Mouse double click

Mouse Tricks
On a folder: browse the folder in the inactive pane.

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Mouse double click

Floating Preview and Full Screen Preview
Show context menu.

Mouse right click

Audio/Video Preview
Set start of sub loop.

Ctrl + Mouse left click

Mouse Tricks
Open Selected List Item(s), using the clicked application.

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Mouse left click

Mouse Tricks
Open in inactive pane.

Alt + Mouse left click

Mouse Tricks
Open in a new tab in the inactive pane.

↑   Shift + Alt + Mouse left click

Floating Preview and Full Screen Preview
Close preview.

Mouse middle click

Mouse Tricks
Scroll horizontally (if possible).

↑   Shift + Mouse wheel up and down

Mouse Tricks
Increase/Decrease bar height.

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Mouse wheel up and down

Mouse Tricks
Increase/Decrease indent.

↑   Shift + Alt + Mouse wheel up and down

Audio/Video Preview
Go to mouse position.

Mouse left click

Audio/Video Preview
Reset sub loop.

Ctrl + Alt + Mouse left click

Mouse Tricks
Move dragged item to new position.

Mouse movement

Mouse Tricks
(click on splitter) Toggle Info Panel min/max size.

Mouse double click

Mouse Tricks
the white space: Scroll to Top.


Mouse Tricks
Force moving dragged objects.

↑   Shift + Mouse movement

Mouse Tricks
(use mouse wheel over Tab heads) Scroll through the tabs

Mouse wheel up and down

Mouse Tricks
Select Tab 1, 2 etc.

Ctrl + 1 - 9

Audio/Video Preview
Go to beginning and stop.

↑   Shift + Mouse right click

Floating Preview and Full Screen Preview
Pan a cropped image.

Mouse movement

Floating Preview and Full Screen Preview
Zoom In.

Ctrl + Mouse wheel up

Floating Preview and Full Screen Preview
Zoom Out.

Ctrl + Mouse wheel down

Floating Preview and Full Screen Preview
Fine Zoom In.

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Mouse wheel up

Floating Preview and Full Screen Preview
Fine Zoom Out.

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Mouse wheel down

Similar combinations for other applications


↑   Shift

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Enter shadow mode (planning)

↑   Shift

Show shortcut list

↑   Shift + /

Open Rails 0.6.2
Move fast
Camera speed

↑   Shift


↑   Shift

Open Rails 0.6.2
Clock backward
Game settings

↑   Shift + +

Hotline Miami

↑   Shift

Solidworks 2019
Select a transparent face on a part.

↑   Shift

FaceRig Studio
(hold) Snapping behavior

↑   Shift

Life Is Strange 2

↑   Shift

Battlezone 98 Redux
Mouse control of menu
Command interface

↑   Shift

American Truck Simulator
Gear up
Main vehicle controls

↑   Shift

Ableton Live 10 (Mac)
Click to Append Devices to a Selected Device
Working with Plug-Ins and Devices

↑   Shift

Ableton Live 10
Click to Add Adjacent Clips/Tracks/Scenes to Multi-Selection
Zooming, Display and Selections

↑   Shift

Substance Painter
(hold) Snapping On
Non-editable shortcuts

↑   Shift

Substance Painter (Mac)
(hold) Snapping On
Non-editable shortcuts

↑   Shift

×100 (For any number field, multiplies the increment/decrement button by 100)

↑   Shift

Adobe Illustrator
Switch between Type and Vertical Type, Area Type and Vertical Area Type, and Path Type and Vertical Path Type tools
Work with type

↑   Shift

(hold) Draw Straight Lines. With the active Vector Tool, you can create a new point aligned at 45° angles to the previous point
Vector points

↑   Shift

Adobe Illustrator (Mac)
Switch between Type and Vertical Type, Area Type and Vertical Area Type, and Path Type and Vertical Path Type tools
Work with type

↑   Shift


↑   Shift

Adobe Photoshop Elements
(press keyboard shortcut (preference setting, Use Shift Key for Tool Switch, must be enabled)) Cycle through tools that have the same keyboard shortcut

↑   Shift

Adobe Photoshop Elements (Mac)
(press keyboard shortcut (preference setting, Use Shift Key for Tool Switch, must be enabled)) Cycle through tools that have the same keyboard shortcut
Tool selection

↑   Shift

Jupyter Notebook
Command mode

↑   Shift

Ignore handles under the mouse

↑   Shift

For Honor

↑   Shift

(moving stacked items) You will only move one stacked item at a time
Game Window

↑   Shift

Adobe Photoshop Elements (Mac)
Cycle through blending modes
Painting and brushes

↑   Shift + +

Novelty Visual Novel Maker
(hold object) Snap to grid

↑   Shift

Autodesk Stingray
Add objects to current selection
Selection and marquee selection

↑   Shift

Autodesk Stingray
Edit tangents (Force locked or broken)
Story editor

↑   Shift/Ctrl

AI War Classic
(hold)      (Galaxy Map, Hover Over Planet) Show links to all adjacent planets

↑   Shift

Kerbal Space Program
Hold to rotate parts in 5° instead of 90° steps
VAB/SPH Commands

↑   Shift

Black Desert Online
Sprint (use with W, A, S, D keys), evasion

↑   Shift

Adobe Lightroom Classic
Increase/decrease selected slider in larger increments
Working in the Develop module

↑   Shift + +

Escape from Tarkov
Sprint (make sure Hold to Sprint/hold breath setting in Settings > Controls is enabled)

↑   Shift

Adobe Lightroom Classic (Mac)
Increase/decrease selected slider in larger increments
Working in the Develop module

↑   Shift + +

Hold down when attacking to prevent the character from moving

↑   Shift

Diablo II
Holding down causes character stay stationary during attack

↑   Shift

Zoom in

↑   Shift + +

Kindle for Mac
Increase speech rate
Using Text-to-Speech

↑   Shift + +

StarCraft 2
(hold when clicking any command) Create a series of commands

↑   Shift

Destiny 2

↑   Shift

Waze Map Editor
Show the keyboard shortcuts

↑   Shift + /

Kindle for PC
Enter first cell
Navigating Within Tables (NVDA)

↑   Shift + +

Draw snapped to grid (straight lines, polygon tool points on edges, squares, etc.)

↑   Shift

Adobe Photoshop CC
(Eyedropper tool) Color sampler tool
Using for painting

↑   Shift

Euro Truck Simulator 2
Gear up
Vehicle controls

↑   Shift


↑   Shift

Heroes of the Storm
Hold while clicking to queue multiple actions

↑   Shift

Android Messages on Web
Show these keyboard shortcuts

↑   Shift + /

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Sprint and Fast Rappel / Ladder Descent

↑   Shift

Show these shortcuts

↑   Shift + /

Mouse drag can drag stroke color to objects

↑   Shift

Autodesk SketchBook (Mac)
In Transform mode, press Shift to drag corner and constrain scale

↑   Shift

Autodesk SketchBook (Windows)
In Transform mode, press Shift to drag corner and constrain scale

↑   Shift

Delete current layer

↑   Shift

Clip Studio Paint Pro
(During move) Fix translation direction
Shortcuts used during operation

↑   Shift

elementary OS

↑   Shift

Corel Painter
Select/Deselect mode
Adjuster tools

↑   Shift

Corel Painter (Mac)
Select/Deselect mode
Adjuster tools

↑   Shift

Adobe XD (Windows)
(45°) Line Constrain Rotate
Operations menu

↑   Shift

Adobe XD (Mac)
(45°) Line Constrain Rotate
Operations menu

↑   Shift

Pixelmator Pro
Change brush hardness
Style tool

↑   Shift + +

Adobe Premiere Pro (Windows)
Minimize All Tracks
Multi camera

↑   Shift + +

AWS Cloud9 IDE (Mac)
Font Larger

↑   Shift + +

Pixelmator Pro
Press and hold the Shift key before starting to draw: Unite a shape with the selected shape
Shapes and vectors

↑   Shift

Counter Strike: Global Offensive

↑   Shift

Adobe Photoshop CC
Cycle through blending modes
Using for blending modes

↑   Shift + +

LibreOffice Calc
To select only one sheet in a selection, hold down Shift, and then click the name tab of the sheet

↑   Shift

LibreOffice Draw
key while selecting an object Adds or removes object to or from the selection
Shortcut keys specific to drawings

↑   Shift

Tekla Structures 20
Add to selection

↑   Shift

Show keyboard shortcuts

↑   Shift + /

The Sims 4
Hold while painting walls and floors: Will fill an entire room with the selected floor or wall pattern
Buy and Build mode

↑   Shift

(while creating or scaling a graphic object) The ratio of the object's width to height is fixed
Drawing objects

↑   Shift

(While opening the file)  Use a specified account name and password to open a file

↑   Shift

Guitar Pro
One semi tone up
Note - General

↑   Shift + +

Apple Pages
(press Shift while rotating) Rotate the object 45°
Manipulating objects

↑   Shift

You can hold this key to maintain existing object's aspect ratio while resizing
Drawing shapes

↑   Shift

Flying controls

↑   Shift

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
Hold breath (only in first person view)

↑   Shift

Search for text in links in page (press F9 first to set focus on page)
Text keys: Find

↑   Shift + /

(hold while rotating) Lock rotation to 15° increments
Shape tool

↑   Shift

Eraser tool

↑   Shift

Adobe Acrobat 2017 (Mac)
Temporarily select Dynamic Zoom tool (when Marquee Zoom tool is selected)
Selecting tools

↑   Shift

Adobe Acrobat 2017 (Windows and Unix)
Temporarily select Dynamic Zoom tool (when Marquee Zoom tool is selected)
Selecting tools

↑   Shift

SnagIt 13
Hold to capture 1:1 aspect ratio (square)
Capture hotkeys

↑   Shift

Ability 1
Weapons & abilities

↑   Shift

Diablo III
Attack lock

↑   Shift

Adobe Acrobat 2017 (Windows and Unix)
Right Expand the current bookmark (focus on Bookmarks panel)
Navigation panels

↑   Shift + +

Adobe Acrobat 2017 (Mac)
Right Expand the current bookmark (focus on Bookmarks panel)
Navigation panels

↑   Shift + +

Battlefield V
Crosshair stabilization

↑   Shift

(while resizing) Resize proportionally

↑   Shift