Ableton Live 9 (MacOS)

Zooming, Display and Selection

Click to Add NonadjacentClips/Tracks/Scenes to aMulti-Selection


All hotkeys for Ableton Live 9 (MacOS)

Showing and Hiding Results
Toggle Full Screen Mode


Showing and Hiding Results
Toggle Second Window

Command + Shift + W

Showing and Hiding Results
Toggle Session/ArrangementView


Showing and Hiding Results
Toggle Device/Clip View

Shift + Tab / F12

Showing and Hiding Results
Hide/Show Detail View

Command + Option + L / Shift + F12

Showing and Hiding Results
Toggle Hot-Swap Mode


Showing and Hiding Results
Toggle DrumRack/last-selected Pad


Showing and Hiding Results
Hide/Show Info View

Shift + ?

Showing and Hiding Results
Hide/Show Browser

Command + Option + B

Showing and Hiding Results
Hide/Show Overview

Command + Option + O

Showing and Hiding Results
Hide/Show In/Out

Command + Option + I

Showing and Hiding Results
Hide/Show Sends

Command + Option + S

Showing and Hiding Results
Hide/Show Mixer

Command + Option + M

Showing and Hiding Results
Open the Preferences

Command + ,

Showing and Hiding Results
Close Window/Dialog


Adjusting Values

Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Adjusting Values
Finer Resolution for Dragging


Adjusting Values
Return to Default


Adjusting Values
Type in Value


Adjusting Values
Go to Next Field

. + ,

Adjusting Values
Abort Value Entry


Adjusting Values
Confirm Value Entry


Scroll Down/Up

Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Close/Open Folders

Right and left arrow

Load Selected Item fromBrowser


Preview Selected File

Shift + Enter

Search in Browser

Command + F

Jump to Search Results

Down arrow

Play from Start Marker/Stop


Continue Play from StopPoint

Shift + Space

Play Arrangement ViewSelection


Move Insert Marker toBeginning

Function + Left arrow



Back to Arrangement


Activate/Deactivate Track1......8



Command + X


Command + C


Command + V


Command + D




Command + Z


Command + Y


Command + R

Select all

Command + A

Loop Brace and Start/End Markers
Move Start Marker toPosition

Shift + click

Loop Brace and Start/End Markers
Nudge Loop Left/Right

Right and left arrow

Loop Brace and Start/End Markers
Move Loop By Loop Length

Up & Down Arrows

Loop Brace and Start/End Markers
Halve/Double Loop Length

Command + Up and Down arrow

Loop Brace and Start/End Markers
Shorten/Lengthen Loop

Command + Right and Left arrow

Loop Brace and Start/End Markers
Select Material in Loop

Command + Shift + L

Session view Commands
Launch Selected Clip/Slot


Session view Commands
Select Neighboring Clip/Slot

Arrow Keys

Session view Commands
Select all Clips/Slots

Command + A

Session view Commands
Copy Clips

Alt + Drag

Session view Commands
Add/Remove Stop Button

Command + E

Session view Commands
Insert MIDI clip

Command + Shift + M

Session view Commands
Insert Scene

Command + I

Session view Commands
Insert Captured Scene

Command + Shift + I

Session view Commands
Move Nonadjacent ScenesWithout Collapsing

Command + Up & down arrow

Session view Commands
Drop Browser Clips as aScene


Arrangement View Commands
Split Clip at Selection

Command + E

Arrangement View Commands
Consolidate Selection intoClip

Command + J

Arrangement View Commands
Create Fade/Crossfade

Command + Option + F

Arrangement View Commands
Loop Selection

Command + L

Arrangement View Commands
Insert Silence

Command + I

Arrangement View Commands
Pan Left/Right of Selection

Command + Option

Arrangement View Commands
Unfold all Tracks

Option Unfold button

Arrangement View Commands
Scroll Display to FollowPlayback

Command + Shift + F

Commands for Tracks
Insert Audio Track

Command + T

Commands for Tracks
Insert MIDI Track

Command + Shift + T

Commands for Tracks
Insert Return Track

Command + Option + T

Commands for Tracks
Rename Selected Track

Command + R

Commands for Tracks
While Renaming, Go to nextTrack


Commands for Tracks
Group Selected Tracks

Command + G

Commands for Tracks
Ungroup Tracks

Command + Shift + G

Commands for Tracks
Show Grouped Tracks


Commands for Tracks
Hide Grouped Tracks


Commands for Tracks
Move Nonadjacent TracksWithout Collapsing

Command + Arrow Keys

Commands for Tracks
Arm/Solo Multiple Tracks

Command Click

Commands for Tracks
Add Device from Browser


Commands for Breakpoint Envelopes
Finer Resolution for Dragging


Commands for Breakpoint Envelopes
Enable Dragging OverBreakpoints


Commands for Breakpoint Envelopes
Create Curved AutomationSegment


Key/Mini Map Mode and the Computer Keyboard
Toggle MIDI Map Mode

Command + M

Key/Mini Map Mode and the Computer Keyboard
Toggle Key Map Mode

Command + K

Key/Mini Map Mode and the Computer Keyboard
Computer MIDI Keyboard

Command + Shift + K

Zooming, Display and Selection
Zoom in


Zooming, Display and Selection
Zoom out


Zooming, Display and Selection
Drag/Click to Append to aSelection


Zooming, Display and Selection
Click to Add AdjacentClips/Tracks/Scenes toMulti-Selection


Zooming, Display and Selection
Click to Add NonadjacentClips/Tracks/Scenes to aMulti-Selection


Zooming, Display and Selection
Follow (Auto-Scroll)

Command + Shift + F

Zooming, Display and Selection
Pan Left/Right of Selection

Command + Option

Clip view Sample Display

Command + U

Clip view Sample Display
Quantize Settings

Command + Shift + U

Clip view Sample Display
Move Selected Warp Marker

Right & left arrow

Clip view Sample Display
Insert Warp Marker

Command + I

Clip view Sample Display
Select Warp Marker

Command + Right and left arrow

Clip view Sample Display
Scroll Display to FollowPlayback

Command + Shift + F

Clip view Sample Display
Move Clip Region with StartMarker

Shift + Right & left arrow

Clip View MIDI Editor

Command + U

Clip View MIDI Editor
Quantize Settings

Command + Shift + U

Clip View MIDI Editor
Scroll Editor Vertically

Page Up / Page Down

Clip View MIDI Editor
Scroll Editor Horizontally

Shift + Ppage up / Shift + Page Down

Clip View MIDI Editor
Copy Notes

Alt drag

Clip View MIDI Editor
Change Velocity From NoteEditor

Command drag

Clip View MIDI Editor
Move Insert Marker toBeginning

Function + left arrow

Clip View MIDI Editor
Move Insert Marker to End


Clip View MIDI Editor
Scroll Display to FollowPlayback

Command + Shift + F

Clip View MIDI Editor
Move Clip Region with StartMarker

Shift + Right and left arrow

Grid Snapping And Drawing
Toggle Draw Mode


Grid Snapping And Drawing
Narrow Grid

Command + 1

Grid Snapping And Drawing
Widen Grid

Command + 2

Grid Snapping And Drawing
Triplet Grid

Command + 3

Grid Snapping And Drawing
Snap to Grid

Command + 4

Grid Snapping And Drawing
Fixed/Zoom-Adaptive Grid

Command + 5

Grid Snapping And Drawing
Bypass Snapping WhileDragging


Global Quantization
Sixteenth-Note Quantization

Command + 6

Global Quantization
Eighth-Note Quantization

Command + 7

Global Quantization
Quarter-Note Quantization

Command + 8

Global Quantization
1-Bar Quantization

Command + 9

Global Quantization
Quantization Off

Command + 0

Working with Sets and the Program
New Live Set

Command + N

Working with Sets and the Program
Open Live Set

Command + O

Working with Sets and the Program
Save Live Set

Command + S

Working with Sets and the Program
Save Live Set As...

Command + Shift + S

Working with Sets and the Program
Quit Live

Command + Q

Working with Sets and the Program
Hide Live

Command + H

Working with Sets and the Program
Export Audio/Video

Command + Shift + R

Working with Sets and the Program
Export MIDI file

Command + Shift + E

Working with Plug-Ins and Devices
Show/Hide Plug-In Windows

Command + Alt + P

Working with Plug-Ins and Devices
Open Second/MultipleWindows with Plug-In EditButton


Working with Plug-Ins and Devices
Group/Ungroup Devices

Command + G

Working with Plug-Ins and Devices
Activate/Deactivate AllDevices in Group

Alt Device avtivator

Working with Plug-Ins and Devices
Click to Append Devices to aSelected Device


Working with Plug-Ins and Devices
Load Selected Device FromBrowser


Working with Plug-Ins and Devices
Open Mac Keystroke Plug-InWindow with Plug-In EditButton


Similar combinations for other applications

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Select contiguous items of the same kind
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Action Panel

Shift +click the action/ Command

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Select discontiguous items of the same kind
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Action Panel

Command +click the action/ Command

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Change Cancel button to Default
Shortcut Keys for using the Filter Gallery


Firefox (MacOS)
Zoom In/Zoom Out
Page Manipulation

Command + + / Command + -

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Temporarily switch to Zoom In tool
Shortcut Keys for using the Camera Raw dialog box


Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Select contiguous items of the same kind
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Action Panel

Shift +click the action/ Command

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Select discontiguous items of the same kind
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Action Panel

Command +click the action/ Command

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Switch from Path Selection, Pen, Add Anchor Point, delete Anchor Point, or Convert Point tools, to Direct Selection tool
Shortcut Keys for editing paths


Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Shortcut Keys for transforming selections, selection borders, and paths


Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Display the bounding box for transforming text when editing text, or activate Move tool if cursor is inside the bounding box
Shortcut Keys for selecting, editing, and navigating through text


Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Toggle between Slice tool and Slice Selection tool
Shortcut Keys for slicing and optimizing


Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Select contiguous items of the same kind
Shortcut Keys for using the Actions panel

shift -click the action/ Command

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Select discontiguous items of the same kind
Shortcut Keys for using the Actions panel

command -click the action/ Command

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Change Cancel button to Default
Filter Gallery


Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Temporarily switch to Zoom In tool. (Doesn’t work when Straighten tool is selected. If Crop tool is active, temporarily switches to Straighten tool.)
Camera Raw Dialog Box


Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Transform Selections, Selection Borders, and Paths


Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Switch from Path Selection, Pen, Add Anchor Point, Delete Anchor Point, or Convert Point tools, to Direct Selection tool
Edit Paths


Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Display the bounding box for transforming text when editing text, or activate Move tool if cursor is inside the bounding box
Select and Edit text


Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Toggle between Slice tool and Slice Selection tool
Slicing and Optimizing


Google Chrome (MacOS)
Zoom in / zoom out (or Command+mousewheel)
View Webpages

Command + + / -

Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)
Temporarily activate Selection Tool when a Pen Tool is selected
Activating Tools


Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Lock Layers
Basic Shortcuts for PhotoShop CC 2015 - Layers Basics

Command + /

Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)
In Shape Layer: Temporarily convert Selection Tool to Direct Selection Tool
Activating Tools


Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Select contiguous items of the same kind
Basic Shortcuts for Photoshop CC 2015 - Actions Panel

Shift +Click the action/ Command

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Select discontiguous items of the same kind
Basic Shortcuts for Photoshop CC 2015 - Actions Panel

Ctrl +Click the action/ Command

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Select contiguous items of the same kind
Basic Shortcuts for PhotoShop CC 2015 - Actions Panel

Shift +Click the action/ Command

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Select discontiguous items of the same kind
Basic Shortcuts for PhotoShop CC 2015 - Actions Panel

Command +Click the action/ Command

Safari Browser (MacOS)
Zoom text
General Shortcuts (Browser)

Command + +

Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)
Add selected items to most recently activated Composition

Command + /

Apple Numbers (MacOS)
Font Zoom in/Zoom out
Formatting and Editing Shortcuts

Command + + / Command + -

Adobe Premiere CC (MacOS)
General Shortcuts

Command + /

Adobe Illustrator CC (MacOS)
Switch to last used selection tools
Selecting Shortcuts


Corel Painter 2017 (MacOS)
Ajust Opacity


FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Open Help
General Shortcuts

Command + /

InDesign CC (MacOS)
Zoom in/Zoom out
Efficient Zoom & Pan

Command + + / Command + -

Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)
Increase / decrease Scale of Layers by 1%
Modify Layer Properties

Command + + / - on numeric keypad

Adobe Illustrator CC (MacOS)
Add new fill
Painting Objects

Command + /

Apple Keynote (MacOS)
Increase/Decrease font size
Text Editing

Command + + / Command + -

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Lock Layers
Manage Panels - Layers Basics

Command + /

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Display current module shortcuts

Command + /

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Select contiguous items of the same kind
Manage Panels - Actions Panel

Shift +Click the action/ Command

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Select discontiguous items of the same kind
Manage Panels - Actions Panel

Ctrl +Click the action/ Command

3D Coat (MacOS)
Freeze border
Freeze Operations

Command + /

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Select contiguous items of the same kind
Manage Panels - Actions Panel

Shift +Click the action/ Command

3D Coat (MacOS)
Expand frozen area
Freeze Operations

Command + +

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Select discontiguous items of the same kind
Manage Panels - Actions Panel

Command +Click the action/ Command

iMovie (MacOS)
Open the precision editor
Video edit

Command + /

ArchiCAD 20 (MacOS)
Zoom In
Display Menu

Command + /

Zoho Sheet (MacOS)
Select the range of array formula cells surrounding a cell
Formula related shortcuts

Command + /

Zoho Show (MacOS)
Strikethrough toggle for selection
Formatting Shortcuts

Command + /

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Show overlays
View Menu

Command + /

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Switch to Move Tool (except when Hand, Slice, Path, Shape, or any Pen Tool is selected
Select and Move Objects


Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Transform Selections, Borders, and Paths


Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Switch to Direct Selection tool (from Path Selection, Pen, etc.)
Edit Paths


Atom (text editor) 1.0 (MacOS)
Toggle comment line
Editing Lines

Command + /

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Display the Bounding Box for transforming text (or activate Move Tool when inside the Bounding Box)
Select and Edit Text


Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Hide or show the status bar in Finder windows.
Finder Shortcuts

Command + /

TextMate 2 (MacOS)
Zoom Font
General Shortcuts

Command + +

Sublime Text (MacOS)
Comment/Uncomment Current Line
General Editing Shortcuts

Command + /

Eclipse Helios (MacOS)
Toggle Comment
Text Editing Shortcuts

Command + /

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Toggle between Slice tool and Slice Selection tool
Slicing and Optimizing


IntelliJ (MacOS)
Comment/Uncomment with Line Comment
Editing Shortcuts

Command + /

Slack (MacOS)
Zoom in/Zoom out
Navigation Controls

Command + + / Command + -

IntelliJ (MacOS)
Expand/Collapse Code block
Editing Shortcuts

Command + + / Command + -

TextMate 2 (MacOS)
Comment Line/Selection
Source Shortcut

Command + /

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
Show Detailed Help
General Controls

Command + /

Slack (MacOS)
Open list of Keyboard shortcuts
Navigation Controls

Command + /

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
Comment/Uncomment with Line Comment
Editing Shortcuts

Command + /

JetBrains PyCharm (MacOS)
Comment/Uncomment with Line Comment
Editing Shortcuts

Command + /

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
Comment/Uncomment with Line Comment
Editing Shortcuts

Command + /

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
Expand/Collapse Code block
Editing Shortcuts

Command + + / Command + -

Eclipse Helios (MacOS)
Backward History
Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Command +

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
Expand/Collapse Code block
Editing Shortcuts

Command + + / Command + -

Sketch 3 (MacOS)
Zoom in/Zoom out
Canvas View

Command + + / Command + -

JetBrains PyCharm (MacOS)
Expand/Collapse Code block
Editing Shortcuts

Command + + / Command + -

Adobe Flash Builder (MacOS)
Comment out selected text
24 Shortcuts for Adobe Flash Builder (MacOS)

Command + /

Cloud9 (MacOS)
Toggle Comment
Code Manipulation

Command + /

Adobe XD (Experience Design) (MacOS)
Direct Select
Operations Menu


Adobe XD (Experience Design) (MacOS)
Zoom in/Zoom out
View Menu

Command + + / Command + -

Adobe Bridge CC (MacOS)
Display Help
35 Shortcuts for Adobe Bridge CC (MacOS)

Command + /

Autodesk Mudbox 2017 (MacOS)
Zoom in and out on an image
Image Browser

Command + + / Command + -

Adobe Bridge CC (MacOS)
Increase/Decrease Thumbnail size
35 Shortcuts for Adobe Bridge CC (MacOS)

Command + + / Command + -

JetBrains PhpStorm (MacOS)
Comment/Uncomment with Line Comment

Command + /

Adobe Bridge CC (MacOS)
Zoom in/Zoom out with Loupe Tool(Multiple Selection)
35 Shortcuts for Adobe Bridge CC (MacOS)

Command + + / Command + -

iBooks (MacOS)
Zoom in/Zoom out
Keyboard Controls

Command + + / Command + -

OmniFocus (MacOS)
Zoom in/Zoom out
Format Menu

Command + + / Command + -

Brackets (MacOS)
Zoom in/Zoom out Font

Command + + / Command + -

Adobe Captivate 2017 (MacOS)
Zoom in

Command + +

Brackets (MacOS)
Single lIne Comment
Code Writing

Command + /

Poser Pro (MacOS)
Display>Camera View >Dolly camera

Command + /

qBittorrent (MacOS)
Increase Priority
Edit Menu

Command + +

Houdini (Windows)
OSX Differences


VideoPad Video Editor (MacOS)
Zoom Clip In
Clip Player

Command + +

Panic Coda (MacOS)
Bigger Font
Editing Shortcuts

Command + +

Panic Coda (MacOS)
Un/Comment Selection
Editing Shortcuts

Command + /

Aptana Studio 3 (MacOS)
Other Shortcuts

Command + /

QuickTime Player (MacOS)
Increase the movie size
Movie size shortcuts

Command + +

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (MacOS)
Toggle Line Comments
Edit Menu

Command + /

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (MacOS)
Zoom in/Zoom out

Command + + / Command + -

OpenSCAD (MacOS)
Zoom in/out
View Shortcuts

Command + + / Command + -

Geany (MacOS)
Go to Previous Word Part
Moving around in the document

Command + /

Toggle line comment (Option+H on German language keyboard)
47 Shortcuts for SAP Web IDE (MacOS)

Command + /

Modo (MacOS)
Wireframe Dark
3D Viewport Options

Command + /

Arduino (MacOS)
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (MacOS)

Command + /

ArtRage 4.5 5 (MacOS)
Zoom in

Command + + / Shift + Left Click Drag

Vectorworks (MacOS)
Refresh Instruments
Spotlight Menu

Command + /

MuseScore (MacOS)
Zoom In
Navigation Shortcuts

Command + +

WavPad Sound Editor (MacOS)
Zoom in
Zoom Operations

Command + +

Apple XCode 8 (MacOS)
Comment Selection
Code Editing

Command + /

Adobe Dreamweaver (MacOS)
Toggle line comment
Coding Shortcuts

Command + /

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Add selected items to most recently activated composition

Command + /

Adobe Dreamweaver (MacOS)
Increase Font Size

Command + +