Ableton Live 9 (Windows)

Clip View MIDI Editor

Copy Notes

Ctrl drag

All hotkeys for Ableton Live 9 (Windows)

Showing and Hiding Results
Toggle Full Screen Mode


Showing and Hiding Results
Toggle Second Window

Ctrl + Shift + W

Showing and Hiding Results
Toggle Session/ArrangementView


Showing and Hiding Results
Toggle Device/Clip View

Shift + Tab / F12

Showing and Hiding Results
Hide/Show Detail View

Ctrl + Alt + L / Shift + F12

Showing and Hiding Results
Toggle Hot-Swap Mode


Showing and Hiding Results
Toggle DrumRack/last-selected Pad


Showing and Hiding Results
Hide/Show Info View

Shift + ?

Showing and Hiding Results
Hide/Show Browser

Ctrl + Alt + B

Showing and Hiding Results
Hide/Show Overview

Ctrl + Alt + O

Showing and Hiding Results
Hide/Show In/Out

Ctrl + Alt + I

Showing and Hiding Results
Hide/Show Sends

Ctrl + Alt + S

Showing and Hiding Results
Hide/Show Mixer

Ctrl + Alt + M

Showing and Hiding Results
Open the Preferences

Ctrl + ,

Showing and Hiding Results
Close Window/Dialog


Adjusting Values

Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Adjusting Values
Finer Resolution for Dragging


Adjusting Values
Return to Default


Adjusting Values
Type in Value


Adjusting Values
Go to Next Field

. + ,

Adjusting Values
Abort Value Entry


Adjusting Values
Confirm Value Entry


Scroll Down/Up

Arrow Up / Arrow Down

Close/Open Folders

Right and left arrow

Load Selected Item fromBrowser


Preview Selected File

Shift + Enter

Search in Browser

Ctrl + F

Jump to Search Results

Down arrow

Play from Start Marker/Stop


Continue Play from StopPoint

Shift + Space

Play Arrangement ViewSelection


Move Insert Marker toBeginning




Back to Arrangement


Activate/Deactivate Track1......8



Ctrl + X


Ctrl + C


Ctrl + V


Ctrl + D




Ctrl + Z


Ctrl + Y


Ctrl + R

Select all

Ctrl + A

Loop Brace and Start/End Markers
Move Start Marker toPosition

Shift + click

Loop Brace and Start/End Markers
Nudge Loop Left/Right

Right and left arrow

Loop Brace and Start/End Markers
Move Loop By Loop Length

Up & Down Arrows

Loop Brace and Start/End Markers
Halve/Double Loop Length

Ctrl + Up and Down arrow

Loop Brace and Start/End Markers
Shorten/Lengthen Loop

Ctrl + Right and Left arrow

Loop Brace and Start/End Markers
Select Material in Loop

Ctrl + Shift + L

Session view Ctrls
Launch Selected Clip/Slot


Session view Ctrls
Select Neighboring Clip/Slot

Arrow Keys

Session view Ctrls
Select all Clips/Slots

Ctrl + A

Session view Ctrls
Copy Clips

Ctrl + Drag

Session view Ctrls
Add/Remove Stop Button

Ctrl + E

Session view Ctrls
Insert MIDI clip

Ctrl + Shift + M

Session view Ctrls
Insert Scene

Ctrl + I

Session view Ctrls
Insert Captured Scene

Ctrl + Shift + I

Session view Ctrls
Move Nonadjacent ScenesWithout Collapsing

Ctrl + Up & down arrow

Session view Ctrls
Drop Browser Clips as aScene


Arrangement View Ctrls
Split Clip at Selection

Ctrl + E

Arrangement View Ctrls
Consolidate Selection intoClip

Ctrl + J

Arrangement View Ctrls
Create Fade/Crossfade

Ctrl + Alt + F

Arrangement View Ctrls
Loop Selection

Ctrl + L

Arrangement View Ctrls
Insert Silence

Ctrl + I

Arrangement View Ctrls
Pan Left/Right of Selection

Ctrl + Alt

Arrangement View Ctrls
Unfold all Tracks

Alt Unfold button

Arrangement View Ctrls
Scroll Display to FollowPlayback

Ctrl + Shift + F

Ctrls for Tracks
Insert Audio Track

Ctrl + T

Ctrls for Tracks
Insert MIDI Track

Ctrl + Shift + T

Ctrls for Tracks
Insert Return Track

Ctrl + Alt + T

Ctrls for Tracks
Rename Selected Track

Ctrl + R

Ctrls for Tracks
While Renaming, Go to nextTrack


Ctrls for Tracks
Group Selected Tracks

Ctrl + G

Ctrls for Tracks
Ungroup Tracks

Ctrl + Shift + G

Ctrls for Tracks
Show Grouped Tracks


Ctrls for Tracks
Hide Grouped Tracks


Ctrls for Tracks
Move Nonadjacent TracksWithout Collapsing

Ctrl + Arrow Keys

Ctrls for Tracks
Arm/Solo Multiple Tracks

Ctrl Click

Ctrls for Tracks
Add Device from Browser


Ctrls for Breakpoint Envelopes
Finer Resolution for Dragging


Ctrls for Breakpoint Envelopes
Enable Dragging OverBreakpoints


Ctrls for Breakpoint Envelopes
Create Curved AutomationSegment


Key/Mini Map Mode and the Computer Keyboard
Toggle MIDI Map Mode

Ctrl + M

Key/Mini Map Mode and the Computer Keyboard
Toggle Key Map Mode

Ctrl + K

Key/Mini Map Mode and the Computer Keyboard
Computer MIDI Keyboard

Ctrl + Shift + K

Zooming, Display and Selection
Zoom in


Zooming, Display and Selection
Zoom out


Zooming, Display and Selection
Drag/Click to Append to aSelection


Zooming, Display and Selection
Click to Add AdjacentClips/Tracks/Scenes toMulti-Selection


Zooming, Display and Selection
Click to Add NonadjacentClips/Tracks/Scenes to aMulti-Selection


Zooming, Display and Selection
Follow (Auto-Scroll)

Ctrl + Shift + F

Zooming, Display and Selection
Pan Left/Right of Selection

Ctrl + Alt

Clip view Sample Display

Ctrl + U

Clip view Sample Display
Quantize Settings

Ctrl + Shift + U

Clip view Sample Display
Move Selected Warp Marker

Right & left arrow

Clip view Sample Display
Insert Warp Marker

Ctrl + I

Clip view Sample Display
Select Warp Marker

Ctrl + Right and left arrow

Clip view Sample Display
Scroll Display to FollowPlayback

Ctrl + Shift + F

Clip view Sample Display
Move Clip Region with StartMarker

Shift + Right & left arrow

Clip View MIDI Editor

Ctrl + U

Clip View MIDI Editor
Quantize Settings

Ctrl + Shift + U

Clip View MIDI Editor
Scroll Editor Vertically

Page Up / Page Down

Clip View MIDI Editor
Scroll Editor Horizontally

Ctrl + Ppage up / Ctrl + Page Down

Clip View MIDI Editor
Copy Notes

Ctrl drag

Clip View MIDI Editor
Change Velocity From NoteEditor

Alt drag

Clip View MIDI Editor
Move Insert Marker toBeginning


Clip View MIDI Editor
Move Insert Marker to End


Clip View MIDI Editor
Scroll Display to FollowPlayback

Ctrl + Shift + F

Clip View MIDI Editor
Move Clip Region with StartMarker

Shift + Right and left arrow

Grid Snapping And Drawing
Toggle Draw Mode


Grid Snapping And Drawing
Narrow Grid

Ctrl + 1

Grid Snapping And Drawing
Widen Grid

Ctrl + 2

Grid Snapping And Drawing
Triplet Grid

Ctrl + 3

Grid Snapping And Drawing
Snap to Grid

Ctrl + 4

Grid Snapping And Drawing
Fixed/Zoom-Adaptive Grid

Ctrl + 5

Grid Snapping And Drawing
Bypass Snapping WhileDragging


Global Quantization
Sixteenth-Note Quantization

Ctrl + 6

Global Quantization
Eighth-Note Quantization

Ctrl + 7

Global Quantization
Quarter-Note Quantization

Ctrl + 8

Global Quantization
1-Bar Quantization

Ctrl + 9

Global Quantization
Quantization Off

Ctrl + 0

Working with Sets and the Program
New Live Set

Ctrl + N

Working with Sets and the Program
Open Live Set

Ctrl + O

Working with Sets and the Program
Save Live Set

Ctrl + S

Working with Sets and the Program
Save Live Set As...

Ctrl + Shift + S

Working with Sets and the Program
Quit Live

Ctrl + Q

Working with Sets and the Program
Hide Live

Ctrl + H

Working with Sets and the Program
Export Audio/Video

Ctrl + Shift + R

Working with Sets and the Program
Export MIDI file

Ctrl + Shift + E

Working with Plug-Ins and Devices
Show/Hide Plug-In Windows

Ctrl + Alt + P

Working with Plug-Ins and Devices
Open Second/MultipleWindows with Plug-In EditButton


Working with Plug-Ins and Devices
Group/Ungroup Devices

Ctrl + G

Working with Plug-Ins and Devices
Activate/Deactivate AllDevices in Group

Alt Device avtivator

Working with Plug-Ins and Devices
Click to Append Devices to aSelected Device


Working with Plug-Ins and Devices
Load Selected Device FromBrowser


Similar combinations for other applications

Mindjet Mindmanager 2012 (Windows)
Duplicate (either as sibling, or floating topic)
Most used - Mouse

Ctrl +Drag

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Move mask when Edge Touchup tool is selected
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Extract Only

Ctrl +drag

Mindjet Mindmanager 2012 (Windows)
Duplicate (either as sibling, or floating topic)
Reorganizing - Mouse

Ctrl +Drag

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (Windows)
Connect to an open (& selected) path with Pencil
Panel Shortcuts - Path Editing

Ctrl +drag

Adobe Illustrator CS5 (Windows)
Connect to an open (& selected) path with Pencil
Additional Shortcuts - Path Editing

Ctrl +drag

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Move mask when Edge Touchup tool is selected
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Extract Only

Ctrl +drag

Avid Media Composer 7 (Windows)
Hold key, then place cursor between two tracks. The resize icon will appear. Now when you hold the mouse button down you make the track wider or narrower

Ctrl + drag

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Fill a selection with image under the pointer
Vanishing Point

Ctrl +drag

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Windows)
Create 90 degree plane off parent plane
Vanishing Point

Ctrl +drag

Adobe Flash Professional (Windows)
Duplicates a shape.Press the control key first (Mac OS and Windows) and drag a selected shape or group of shapes to duplicate those shapes where you release the mouse button.
Other tricks - With the arrow cursor

Ctrl +Drag

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (Windows)
Create a copy of selected text
Edit and General Text Operations

Ctrl + Drag

Adobe Audition CC (Windows)
Adjust knob in small increment
Mixing Tracks

Ctrl + Drag

Adobe Audition CC (Windows)
Reposition envelop segment without Keyframe
Mixing Tracks

Ctrl + Drag

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Scale around center point in Free Transform Mode

Ctrl +Drag

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Set brush size for a Paint Tool
Paint Tools

Ctrl +Drag

Microsoft Word 2016 (Windows)
Create a copy of selected text
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations

Ctrl + Drag

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (Windows)
Preview Zoom
Terrain Exporter

Ctrl + Drag

iClone 7 (Windows)
Copy keys or clips
Timeline Shortcuts

Ctrl + Drag

Tableau (Windows)
Adds a group of marks to the selection
Navigation and Selection Shortcuts

Ctrl + Drag

Tableau (Windows)
Copies a field in the view to be placed on another shelf or card
Field Selection Shortcuts

Ctrl + Drag

Vegas Pro 14 (Windows)
Make fine fader/slider adjustments
Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Drag

IRONCAD (Windows)
Snap to increments specified in Handle Snapping
Triball Function Keys - Default Behaviour

Ctrl + Drag

IRONCAD (Windows)
Snap to increments specified in Handle Snapping
Positioning Function Keys - Default Behaviour

Ctrl + Drag

IRONCAD (Windows)
Snap to increments specified in Handle Snapping
2D Drawing Creation - Default Behaviour

Ctrl + Drag

IRONCAD (Windows)
Snap to increments specified in Handle Snapping
Handle - Default Behaviour

Ctrl + Drag

IRONCAD (Windows)
Incremental snap to linear and angular defaults
Triball Function Keys

Ctrl + Drag

MindManager v19 (Windows)
Duplicate (either as sibling, or floating topic)
Most used - Mouse

Ctrl +Drag

MindManager v19 (Windows)
Duplicate (either as sibling, or floating topic)
Reorganizing - Mouse

Ctrl +Drag

Nautilus File Manager 2 (Linux)
Copy file
File Management

Ctrl +drag

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Scale around center point in Free Transform mode

Ctrl +drag

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Set brush size for a paint tool
Paint Tools

Ctrl +drag