Hotkeys and shortcuts for Microsoft Word 2016 (Windows)

(Total 157)

Ctrl + R
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Right Align selected text
Ctrl + L
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Left Align selected text
Ctrl + A
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Select All
Ctrl + C / Ctrl + Ins
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Copy text/image
Ctrl + V
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Paste text/image/text
Ctrl + X
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Cut text/image
Ctrl + B
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Bold text
Ctrl + U
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Underline Text
Ctrl + I
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Italic text
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Remove selected image/Remove one character from right side
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Rename the file
Ctrl + P
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Print presentation
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Slideshow of presentation
Ctrl + E
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Align Center Selected Phrase
Alt + W
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Zoom Selected
Ctrl + J
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Justify Selected Phrase
Ctrl + K
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Insert Hyperlink
Ctrl + F
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Find particular text
Ctrl + H
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Replace particular text
Ctrl + Z
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Undo changes in presentation
Ctrl + Y
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Redo operation
Ctrl + Shift + Z
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Normal/Plain Text
Shift + F3
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Change cases(UppseCase/LowerCase)
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Spelling Checker
Ctrl + Shift + F
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Change Font Style
Ctrl + Shift + >
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Increase font size
Ctrl + Shift + <
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Decrease font size
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + >
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Alt + Ctrl + Shift + <
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Ctrl + Drag
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Create a copy of selected text
Ctrl + Bkspace
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Delete word from left
Ctrl + Del
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Delete word from right
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Turn extend mode on
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Turn extend mode off
Alt + H + 4
Text Editing/Graphics editing Operations
Apply strikethrough formatting
Ctrl + S / F12
General Operation
Save Document
Ctrl + O
General Operation
Open existing document
Ctrl + N
General Operation
New Document
Ctrl + P
General Operation
Print Document
Alt + F4
General Operation
Ctrl + W
General Operation
Arrow Keys
Navigation Operation
Move operations
Navigation Operation
End of line
Navigation Operation
Starting of line
Ctrl + Up Arrow
Navigation Operation
Phrase or paragraph Up
Ctrl + Down Arrow
Navigation Operation
Phrase or paragraph down
Ctrl + End
Navigation Operation
End of text block
Ctrl + Home
Navigation Operation
Beginning of text block
Shift + Tab
Navigation Operation
To next object
Navigation Operation
To previous object
Alt + H
Access Shortcut
Home tab
Alt + N
Access Shortcut
Insert Tab
Alt + G
Access Shortcut
Design tab
Alt + F
Access Shortcut
File Page
Alt + M
Access Shortcut
Mailing tab
Alt + P
Access Shortcut
Layout tab
Alt + Q
Access Shortcut
Goto tell me box
Alt + R
Access Shortcut
Review tab
Alt + W
Access Shortcut
View tab
Alt + S
Access Shortcut
References tab
Alt + N and C
Insert menu Shortcuts
Alt + N and P
Insert menu Shortcuts
Alt + N and T
Insert menu Shortcuts
Alt + N and V
Insert menu Shortcuts
Cover page
Alt + N and L
Insert menu Shortcuts
Alt + N and H
Insert menu Shortcuts
Alt + N and O
Insert menu Shortcuts
Alt + N and NU
Insert menu Shortcuts
Page Number
Alt + N and K
Insert menu Shortcuts
Alt + N and W
Insert menu Shortcuts
Alt + N and E
Insert menu Shortcuts
Equation options
Alt + N and U
Insert menu Shortcuts
Various Symbol
Alt + N and J
Insert menu Shortcuts
Add Object
Alt + N and F
Insert menu Shortcuts
Online Pictures
Alt + N and B
Insert menu Shortcuts
Page break
Alt + N and I
Insert menu Shortcuts
Alt + N and M
Insert menu Shortcuts
Alt + N and D
Insert menu Shortcuts
Date and Time
Alt + N and A1
Insert menu Shortcuts
Alt + N and X
Insert menu Shortcuts
Alt + N and Q
Insert menu Shortcuts
Quick Parts
Alt + G and TH
Design and Layout Menu option
Alt + G and TC
Design and Layout Menu option
Alt + G and TF
Design and Layout Menu option
Alt + G and D
Design and Layout Menu option
Set as default
Alt + G and TE
Design and Layout Menu option
Alt + G and PC
Design and Layout Menu option
Page color
Alt + G and PB
Design and Layout Menu option
Page border
Alt + G and PW
Design and Layout Menu option
Alt + G and PS
Design and Layout Menu option
Paragraph Spacing
Alt + P and M
Design and Layout Menu option
Alt + P and O
Design and Layout Menu option
Alt + P and SZ
Design and Layout Menu option
Alt + P and J
Design and Layout Menu option
Alt + P and H
Design and Layout Menu option
Alt + P and B
Design and Layout Menu option
Alt + P and LN
Design and Layout Menu option
Line numbers
Alt + P and IL / IR
Design and Layout Menu option
Indent left/right
Alt + P and SB / SA
Design and Layout Menu option
Space before/after
Alt + P and AP
Design and Layout Menu option
Selection pane
Alt + P and AA
Design and Layout Menu option
All Function Key Shortcuts
Get Help or visit Microsoft Office Online.
All Function Key Shortcuts
Move text or graphics.
All Function Key Shortcuts
Repeat the last action.
All Function Key Shortcuts
Choose the Go To command (Home tab).
All Function Key Shortcuts
Go to the next pane or frame.
All Function Key Shortcuts
Extend a selection.
All Function Key Shortcuts
Choose the Spelling command (Review tab).
All Function Key Shortcuts
Update the selected fields.
All Function Key Shortcuts
Show KeyTips.
All Function Key Shortcuts
Go to the next field.
All Function Key Shortcuts
Choose the Save As command (Microsoft Office Button ).
Shift + F1
All Function Key Shortcuts
Start context-sensitive Help or reveal formatting.
Shift + F2
All Function Key Shortcuts
Copy text.
Shift + F3
All Function Key Shortcuts
Change the case of letters.
Shift + F4
All Function Key Shortcuts
Repeat a Find or Go To action.
Shift + F5
All Function Key Shortcuts
Move to the last change.
Shift + F6
All Function Key Shortcuts
Go to the previous pane or frame (after pressing F6).
Shift + F7
All Function Key Shortcuts
Choose the Thesaurus command (Review tab, Proofing group).
Shift + F8
All Function Key Shortcuts
Shrink a selection.
Shift + F9
All Function Key Shortcuts
Switch between a field code and its result.
Shift + F10
All Function Key Shortcuts
Display a shortcut menu.
Shift + F11
All Function Key Shortcuts
Go to the previous field.
Shift + F12
All Function Key Shortcuts
Choose the Save command (Microsoft Office Button ).
Ctrl + F2
All Function Key Shortcuts
Choose the Print Preview command (Microsoft Office Button ).
Ctrl + F3
All Function Key Shortcuts
Cut to the Spike.
Ctrl + F4
All Function Key Shortcuts
Close the window.
Ctrl + F6
All Function Key Shortcuts
Go to the next window.
Ctrl + F9
All Function Key Shortcuts
Insert an empty field.
Ctrl + F10
All Function Key Shortcuts
Maximize the document window.
Ctrl + F11
All Function Key Shortcuts
Lock a field.
Ctrl + F12
All Function Key Shortcuts
Choose the Open command (Microsoft Office Button ).
Ctrl + Shift + F3
All Function Key Shortcuts
Insert the contents of the Spike.
Ctrl + Shift + F5
All Function Key Shortcuts
Edit a bookmark.
Ctrl + Shift + F6
All Function Key Shortcuts
Go to the previous window.
Ctrl + Shift + F7
All Function Key Shortcuts
Update linked information in an Office Word 2007 source document.
Ctrl + Shift + f8 , and arrow keys
All Function Key Shortcuts
Extend a selection or block.
Ctrl + Shift + F9
All Function Key Shortcuts
Unlink a field.
Ctrl + Shift + F11
All Function Key Shortcuts
Unlock a field.
Ctrl + Shift + F12
All Function Key Shortcuts
Choose the Print command (Microsoft Office Button ).
Alt + F1
All Function Key Shortcuts
Go to the next field.
Alt + F3
All Function Key Shortcuts
Create a new Building Block.
Alt + F4
All Function Key Shortcuts
Exit Office Word 2007.
Alt + F5
All Function Key Shortcuts
Restore the program window size.
Alt + F6
All Function Key Shortcuts
Move from an open dialog box back to the document, for dialog boxes such as Find and Replace that support this behavior.
Alt + F7
All Function Key Shortcuts
Find the next misspelling or grammatical error.
Alt + F8
All Function Key Shortcuts
Run a macro.
Alt + F9
All Function Key Shortcuts
Switch between all field codes and their results.
Alt + f10
All Function Key Shortcuts
Maximize the program window.
Alt + F11
All Function Key Shortcuts
Display Microsoft Visual Basic code.
Alt + Shift + F1
All Function Key Shortcuts
Go to the previous field.
Alt + Shift + F2
All Function Key Shortcuts
Choose the Save command (Microsoft Office Button ).
Alt + Shift + F7
All Function Key Shortcuts
Display the Research task pane.
Alt + Shift + F9
All Function Key Shortcuts
Run GOTOBUTTON or MACROBUTTON from the field that displays the field results.
Alt + Shift + F10
All Function Key Shortcuts
Display a menu or message for a smart tag.
Ctrl + Alt + F1
All Function Key Shortcuts
Display Microsoft System Information.
Ctrl + Alt + F2
All Function Key Shortcuts
Choose the Open command (Microsoft Office Button ).