Apple Motion (MacOS)

Edit Menu


Command + D

All hotkeys for Apple Motion (MacOS)

General Interface
Open a project

Command + O

General Interface
Create a project

Command + N

General Interface
Create a project from the Project Browser

Option + Command + N

General Interface
Open the project’s Properties Inspector

Command + J

General Interface
Save a project

Command + S

General Interface
Save a project as a new project

Shift + Command + S

General Interface
Close a project or active window

Command + W

General Interface
Import a file

Command + I

General Interface
Import a file as a project

Shift + Command + I

General Interface
Export movie

Command + E

General Interface
Export a selection as a movie

Option + Command + E

General Interface
Print the current view of the canvas

Command + P

General Interface
Undo the last change

Command + Z

General Interface
Redo the last change

Shift + Command + Z

General Interface
Cut the selection

Command + X

General Interface
Copy the selection

Command + C

General Interface
Paste the selection

Command + V

General Interface
Duplicate selection

Command + D

General Interface
Select all items

Command + A

General Interface
Deselect all items

Shift + Command + A

General Interface
Delete the selection


General Interface
Minimize the active window

Command + M

General Interface
Open Motion Preferences

Command + ,

General Interface
Display Page Setup dialog

Shift + Command + P

General Interface
Hide Motion

Command + H

General Interface
Hide other open application files

Option + Command + H

General Interface
Quit Motion

Command + Q

General Interface
Play/pause a project


General Interface
Turn on/off animation recording


General Interface
Go to the start of a project


General Interface
Go to the end of a project


General Interface
Show or hide the toolbar

Option + Command + T

Motion Menu
Open Motion Preferences

Command + ,

Motion Menu
Hide Motion

Command + H

Motion Menu
Hide other open application files

Option + Command + H

File Menu
Create a project from the Project Browser

Command + N

File Menu
Open a project

Command + O

File Menu
Close a project

Command + W

File Menu
Save a project

Command + S

File Menu
Save a project as a new project

Shift + Command + S

File Menu
Import a file

Command + I

File Menu
Import files as a project

Shift + Command + I

File Menu
Close all open projects

Option + Command + W

File Menu
Open the Page Setup window

Shift + Command + P

File Menu
Print the current canvas view

Command + P

Edit Menu
Undo the last change

Command + Z

Edit Menu
Redo the last change

Shift + Command + Z

Edit Menu

Command + X

Edit Menu

Command + C

Edit Menu

Command + V

Edit Menu
Paste special

Option + Command + V

Edit Menu

Command + D

Edit Menu


Edit Menu
Transform Control points (on a complex shape)

Shift + Option + Command + T

Edit Menu
Select all items

Command + A

Edit Menu
Deselect all items

Shift + Command + A

Edit Menu
Open the project’s Properties Inspector

Command + J

Edit Menu
Find and replace

Command + F

Edit Menu
Show spelling and grammar

Command + :

Edit Menu
Start Dictation

Fn twice

Edit Menu
Emoji and Symbols

Ctrl + Command + Spacebar

Mark Menu
Mark In point of a selected object or set the play range when no object is selected


Mark Menu
Mark Out point of a selected object or set the play range when no object is selected


Mark Menu
Move the selected object’s In point to the location of the playhead

Shift + {

Mark Menu
Move the selected object’s Out point to the location of the playhead

Shift + }

Mark Menu
Add a project marker at the current frame (with no selection) or add object marker (with selection)


Mark Menu
Add a project marker at the current frame (with no selection) or add object marker (with selection)


Mark Menu
Open the Edit Marker dialog

Option + Command + M

Mark Menu
Mark In point of play range

Option + Command + I

Mark Menu
Mark Out point of play range

Option + Command + O

Mark Menu
Reset play range

Option + X

Mark Menu
Turn on Loop Playback

Shift + L

Mark Menu
Turn animation recording on and off


Mark Menu
Open the Recording Options window

Option + A

Mark Menu
Go to the start of a project


Mark Menu
Go to the end of a project


Mark Menu
Go to the start of the play range

Shift + Home

Mark Menu
Go to the end of the play range

Shift + End

Mark Menu
Go to the previous frame

Left Arrow

Mark Menu
Go to the next frame

Right Arrow

Mark Menu
Go backward ten frames

Shift + Left Arrow

Mark Menu
Go forward ten frames

Shift + Right Arrow

Mark Menu
Go to the previous keyframe

Option + K

Mark Menu
Go to the next keyframe

Shift + K

Mark Menu
Go to the previous marker

Option + Command + Left Arrow

Mark Menu
Go to the next marker

Option + Command + Right Arrow

Mark Menu
Go to the selection In point

Shift + I

Mark Menu
Go to the selection Out point

Shift + O

Mark Menu
Perform a RAM preview of the play range area

Command + R

Mark Menu
Perform a RAM preview of the current selection

Option + Command + R

Mark Menu
Perform a RAM preview for the whole project

Option + Shift + Command + R

Object Menu
Add an empty group to the project

Shift + Command + N

Object Menu
Add a camera to the project

Option + Command + C

Object Menu
Add a light to the project

Shift + Command + L

Object Menu
Add a drop zone to the project

Shift + Command + D

Object Menu
Add a rig to the project

Ctrl + Command + R

Object Menu
Move the selected object to the top of the Layers list

Shift + Command + ]

Object Menu
Move the selected object to the bottom of the Layers list

Shift + Command + [

Object Menu
Move the selected object up the Layers list by one level

Command + ]

Object Menu
Move the selected object down the Layers list by one level

Command + [

Object Menu
Group the selected objects into a new layer

Shift + Command + G

Object Menu
Ungroup a group of objects

Option + Command + G

Object Menu
Make an object active or deactivate an object

Ctrl + T

Object Menu
For an audio track, enable/disable the Solo button of the selected track; for an object, solo the object

Ctrl + S

Object Menu
Isolate the selected group or layer

Ctrl + I

Object Menu
Lock/unlock an object

Ctrl + L

Object Menu
Unsolo only the video portion of a file that contains video

Ctrl + Shift + S

Object Menu
Convert a 2D group to 3D, or convert a 3D group to 2D

Ctrl + D

Object Menu
Add an image mask to the selected object

Shift + Command + M

Object Menu
Add a keyframe (to the last modified parameter for the selected object)

Ctrl + K

Object Menu
Convert the applied behaviors to keyframes

Command + K

Object Menu
Convert a simple shape to a complex shape (with editable Control points)

Option + Command + B

Object Menu
Make the selected object the cell source for a particle emitter


Object Menu
Replicate the selected object


Object Menu
Clone the selected layer


Object Menu
Open the Media list and Inspector to display the source and properties of media objects

Shift + F

View Menu
Zoom in

Command + =

View Menu
Zoom out

Command + -

View Menu
Zoom to 100 percent

Option + Z

View Menu
Zoom to fit in window

Shift + Z

View Menu
Show full view area (the portion of layers that extend beyond the edge of the canvas)

Shift + V

View Menu
Zoom Timeline in

Option + Command + =

View Menu
Zoom Timeline out

Option + Command + -

View Menu
Zoom Timeline to project duration

Option + Command + 0

View Menu
Set 3D view to active camera

Ctrl + A

View Menu
Set 3D view to perspective camera

Ctrl + P

View Menu
Set 3D view to next camera

Ctrl + C

View Menu
Select the current active camera

Ctrl + Option + C

View Menu
Reset 3D camera view

Ctrl + R

View Menu
Fit the selected objects into view


View Menu
Frame the selected object

Shift + Command + F

View Menu
Focus on the selected object

Ctrl + F

View Menu
Show all color channels

Shift + C

View Menu
Show the transparent channel

Shift + T

View Menu
Show the alpha channel overlay

Option + Shift + T

View Menu
Show the RGB channels only

Option + Shift + C

View Menu
Show the red channel

Shift + R

View Menu
Show the green channel

Shift + G

View Menu
Show the blue channel

Shift + B

View Menu
Show the alpha channel

Shift + A

View Menu
Show the inverted alpha channel

Option + Shift + A

View Menu
Switch between the current channel and alpha channels


View Menu
Show the canvas at full resolution

Shift + Q

View Menu
Enable/disable lighting in the canvas

Option + L

View Menu
Enable/disable shadows in the canvas

Ctrl + Option + S

View Menu
Enable/disable reflections in the canvas

Ctrl + Option + R

View Menu
Enable/disable depth of field in the canvas

Ctrl + Option + D

View Menu
Enable/disable motion blur in the canvas

Option + M

View Menu
Enable/disable field rendering in the canvas

Option + F

View Menu
Enable/disable frame blending in the canvas

Ctrl + Option + B

View Menu
Show overlays

Command + /

View Menu
Show the rulers

Shift + Command + R

View Menu
Show/hide the grid

Command + '

View Menu
Show/hide the guides

Command + ;

View Menu
Show/hide the dynamic guides

Shift + Command + ;

View Menu
Show/hide the safe zones


View Menu
Show/hide the film zones

Shift + "

View Menu
Lock the guides

Option + Command + ;

View Menu
Enable/disable snapping to guides


View Menu
Show 3D overlays

Option + Command + /

View Menu
Show 3D grid

Shift + Command + '

View Menu
Show the Font dialog

Command + T

View Menu
Show the macOS Colors window

Shift + Command + C

Share Menu
Export movie

Command + E

Share Menu
Export selection to movie

Option + Command + E

Window Menu
Minimize the active window

Command + M

Window Menu
Show the Properties Inspector


Window Menu
Show the Behaviors Inspector


Window Menu
Show the Filters Inspector


Window Menu
Show the Object Inspector


Window Menu
Show/hide the Project pane


Window Menu
Show/hide the Timing pane


Window Menu
Show/hide the HUD


Window Menu
Show/hide the Background Task list


Window Menu
Enter/exit Player mode


Window Menu
Show/hide the Library

Command + 2

Window Menu
Show/hide the Inspector

Command + 3

Window Menu
Show/hide the Layers list or Project pane

Command + 4

Window Menu
Show/hide the Media list

Command + 5

Window Menu
Show/hide the Audio list

Command + 6

Window Menu
Show/hide the Video Timeline

Command + 7

Window Menu
Show/hide the Keyframe Editor

Command + 8

Window Menu
Show/hide the Audio Timeline

Command + 9

Help Menu
Open Motion Help menu

Shift + Command + ?

Audio List Controls
Show/hide the Audio list

Command + 6

Audio List Controls
Make object active or inactive

Ctrl + T

Audio List Controls
Lock/unlock an audio file

Ctrl + L

Audio List Controls
Enable/disable the Solo button of a selected track

Ctrl + S

Audio List Controls
Move selection up one level in the Audio list

Up Arrow

Audio List Controls
Move selection down one level in the Audio list

Down Arrow

Audio List Controls

Command + I

Global Tranform Commands
Activate the current transform tool (when another item in the transform tools pop+up menu is selected)


Global Tranform Commands
Choose the Select/Transform tool

Shift + S

Global Tranform Commands
Cycle through the transform modes (press repeatedly until the transform mode you want is selected)


Global Tranform Commands
Constrain the movement of an object to the X axis or Y axis

Shift + Drag the object

Global Tranform Commands
Override snapping while moving an object

Command + Drag the object

Global Tranform Commands
Duplicate a selected object

Option + Drag the object

Select/Transform Tool
Scale an object proportionally

Shift + Drag the object handle

Select/Transform Tool
Scale an object from its anchor point

Option + Drag the object handle

Select/Transform Tool
Scale an object proportionally from its anchor point

Option + Shift + Drag the object handle

Select/Transform Tool
Snap the rotation of an object to 45+degree increments

Shift + Drag the object rotation handle

Select/Transform Tool
Select the 3D transform tool


Crop Tool
Crop an object proportionally

Shift + Drag the object handle

Crop Tool
Crop an object from its center

Option + Drag the object handle

Crop Tool
Crop an object proportionally from its center

Option + Shift + Drag the object handle

Crop Tool
Pan a cropped object within the bounding box

Command + Drag over the object

Crop Tool
Move the bounding box around a cropped object

Drag over the object

Crop Tool
Move the bounding with the cropped object

Option + Command + Drag over the object

Edit Points Tool
Add a point to a path

Double+ Click the path / Option + Click the path

Edit Points Tool
Convert a point to linear

Command + Click the point

Edit Points Tool
Convert a linear point to Bezier

Command + Drag the point

Edit Points Tool
Scale a tangent proportionally

Command + Drag the tangent handle

Edit Points Tool
Break or relink a tangent handle

Option + Drag the tangent handle

Edit Points Tool
Constrain a tangent handle to 45+degree increments

Shift + Drag the tangent handle

Edit Points Tool
Adjust a B+Spline point bias

Command + Drag the B+Spline point

Edit Points Tool
Switch a B+Spline point bias

Command + Click the B+Spline point

Edit Ellipse and Edit Rectangle Tools
Convert a simple ellipse, rectangle, or mask to a complex shape or mask (with editable Ctrl points)

Option + Command + B

Pan and Zoom Tools
Select the Pan tool


Pan and Zoom Tools
Select the Zoom tool


Pan and Zoom Tools
Zoom out with the Zoom tool selected

Option + Click in the canvas

Rectangle and Circle Tools
Select the Rectangle Shape tool


Rectangle and Circle Tools
Select the Circle Shape tool


Rectangle and Circle Tools
Draw a shape proportionally

Shift + Drag in the canvas

Rectangle and Circle Tools
Draw a shape from its center

Option + Drag in the canvas

Rectangle and Circle Tools
Draw a shape proportionally from its center

Option + Shift + Drag in the canvas

Rectangle and Circle Tools
Snap the rotation of an object to 45+degree increments

Shift + Drag a rotation handle

Bezier Mask Tools
Select the Bezier Mask tool

Option + B

Bezier Mask Tools
Switch between the Bezier Mask and B-Spline Mask tools

Option + B

Bezier Mask Tools
Close the mask shape


Bezier Mask Tools
Add a point to the path

Double Click a path

Bezier Mask Tools
Add a point to the path

Command + Click a path

Bezier Mask Tools
Convert a point to linear

Command + Click a point

Bezier Mask Tools
Create tangents on a point

Command + Drag a point

Bezier Mask Tools
Scale tangents proportionally

Command + Drag a tangent handle

Bezier Mask Tools
Break or relink a tangent handle

Option + Drag a tangent handle

Bezier Mask Tools
Constrain a tangent handle to 45+degree increments

Option + Shift + Drag a tangent handle

Bezier Mask Tools
Cancel shape drawing and delete the open mask


Bezier Mask Tools
Exit mask+drawing mode


B-Spline Mask Tools
Select the B-Spline Mask tool

Option + B

B-Spline Mask Tools
Switch between the Bezier Mask and B-Spline Mask tools

Option + B

B-Spline Mask Tools
Close the mask shape


B-Spline Mask Tools
Add a point to the path

Double Click a path

B-Spline Mask Tools
Add a point to the path

Command + Click a path

B-Spline Mask Tools
Adjust a B-Spline point bias

Command + Drag a B-Spline point

B-Spline Mask Tools
Switch a B-Spline point bias

Command + Click a B-Spline point

B-Spline Mask Tools
Cancel mask drawing and delete the open shape


B-Spline Mask Tools
Exit mask drawing mode


B-Spline Mask Tools
Select the Bezier Mask tool

Option + B

Create a group

Shift + Command + N

Bring an object up one level in the Layers list

Command + ]

Send an object down one level in the Layers list

Command + [

Place the selected objects in a new group

Shift + Command + G

Ungroup a group of objects so you can manipulate each object

Option + Command + G

Make the object active or deactivate the object

Ctrl + T

Enable/disable the Solo button of a selected track

Ctrl + S

Isolate the selected group or layer

Ctrl + I

Lock/unlock an object

Ctrl + L

Move up one level in the Layers list

Up Arrow

Move down one level in the Layers list

Down Arrow

Expand a group in the Layers list

Option + Left Arrow

Collapse a group in the Layers list

Option + Right Arrow


Command + I

Add an image mask to the selected object

Shift + Command + M

Convert the applied behaviors to keyframes

Command + K

Open the Media list and Inspector to reveal the source and properties of media objects

Shift + F

Clone the selected layer


Show/hide the Library

Command + 2

Select the first item in the sidebar or file stack


Move up one item in the sidebar or file stack

Up Arrow

Move down one item in the sidebar or file stack

Down Arrow

Move left one item in the file stack

Left Arrow

Move right one item in the file stack

Right Arrow

Media List
Show/hide the Media list

Command + 5

Media List
Move up one level in the Media list

Up Arrow

Media List
Move down one level in the Media list

Down Arrow

Media List

Command + I

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Nudge one frame forward

Command + Right Arrow

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Nudge one frame backward

Command + Left Arrow

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Nudge ten frames forward

Shift + Command + Right Arrow

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Nudge ten frames backward

Shift + Command + Left Arrow

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Move the selected object to the In point

Shift + {

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Move the selected object to the Out point

Shift + }

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Mark the In point of the play range or selected object


TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Mark the Out point of the play range or selected object


TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Reset the play range by moving the In and Out points to the first and last frames of the project

Option + X

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Bring an object up one level in the Timeline layers list

Command + ]

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Send an object down one level in the Timeline layers list

Command + [

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Enable/disable loop playback

Shift + L

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Open the Recording Options dialog

Option + A

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Go to the start of the play range

Shift + Home

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Go to the end of the play range

Shift + End

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Go to the In point of the selected object

Shift + I

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Go to the Out point of the selected object

Shift + O

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Go to the previous frame

Left Arrow

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Go to the next frame

Right Arrow

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Go backward ten frames

Shift + Left Arrow

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Go forward ten frames

Shift + Right Arrow

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Go to the next marker

Option + Command + Left Arrow

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Go to the previous marker

Option + Command + Right Arrow

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Render a RAM preview for the play range

Command + R

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Render a RAM preview for the selected object

Option + Command + R

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Render a RAM preview for the project

Option + Shift + Command + R

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Add a marker at the current frame


TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Add a marker at the current frame


TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Open the Edit Marker dialog

Option + Command + M

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Play/pause the project


TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Turn on/off animation recording


TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Go to the start of project


TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Go to the end of project


TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Convert the applied behaviors to keyframes

Command + K

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Ripple delete (remove the current selection and close the gap in the Timeline)

Shift + Delete

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Paste special

Option + Shift + V

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Zoom Timeline in

Option + Command + =

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Zoom Timeline out

Option + Command + -

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Fit Timeline in window

Shift + Z

TimeLine Editing and Navigation
Zoom Timeline to project duration

Option + Command + 0

KeyFraming Controls
Add a point to the path

Double Click a path / Option + Click a path

KeyFraming Controls
Create tangents on a point

Command + Drag a Bezier point

KeyFraming Controls
Convert a point to linear

Command + Click a Bezier point

KeyFraming Controls
Adjust a B+Spline point bias

Command + Drag a B-Spline point

KeyFraming Controls
Switch a B+Spline point bias

Command + Click a B-Spline point

KeyFraming Controls
Scale tangents proportionally

Command + Drag a tangent handle

KeyFraming Controls
Break or relink a tangent handle

Option + Drag a tangent handle

KeyFraming Controls
Constrain a tangent to 45 degrees and original value

Shift + Drag a tangent handle

Shape and Mask Controls
Draw a shape proportionally with the Rectangle, Circle Shape, and Mask tools

Shift + Drag in the canvas

Shape and Mask Controls
Draw a shape from its center with the Rectangle, Circle Shape, and Mask tools

Option + Drag in the canvas

Shape and Mask Controls
Draw a shape proportionally from its center with the Rectangle, Circle Shape, and Mask tools

Option + Shift + Drag in the canvas

Shape and Mask Controls
Cancel spline drawing and delete the open spline


Shape and Mask Controls
Exit spline drawing mode and complete the existing spline drawing


Shape and Mask Controls
Add a point to the path

Double Click a path

Shape and Mask Controls
Add a point to the path

Option + Click a path

Shape and Mask Controls
Convert a point to linear

Command + Click a Bezier point

Shape and Mask Controls
Create tangents on a point

Command + Drag a Bezier point

Shape and Mask Controls
Scale tangents proportionally

Command + Drag a tangent handle

Shape and Mask Controls
Adjust a B+Spline point bias

Command + Drag a B-Spline point

Shape and Mask Controls
Switch a B+Spline point bias

Command + Click a B-Spline point

Shape and Mask Controls
Break or relink a tangent handle

Option + Drag a tangent handle

Shape and Mask Controls
Constrain a tangent to 45 degrees and original value

Shift + Drag a tangent handle

Shape and Mask Controls
Convert a simple shape to a complex shape (with editable Ctrl points)

Option + Command + B

3D Controls
Select the 3D transform tool


3D Controls
Switch the 3D transform tool between position+only and universal


3D Controls
Switch the 3D transform tool between rotate+only and universal


3D Controls
Switch the 3D transform tool between scale+only and universal


3D Controls
Set 3D View to Active Camera

Ctrl + A

3D Controls
Set 3D View to Perspective

Ctrl + P

3D Controls
Set 3D View to next camera

Ctrl + C

3D Controls
Reset the 3D camera view

Ctrl + R

3D Controls
Switches a group between 2D and 3D

Ctrl + D

how/hide the Inspector

Command + 3

Increase a slider value by an increment of one

Up Arrow

Decrease a slider value by an increment of one

Down Arrow

Increase a slider value by an increment of ten

Shift + Up Arrow

Create a particle emitter


Add an image mask to the selected layer

Shift + Command + M

In the Keyer filter, zoom incrementally into the Chroma Control

Z and Click the color wheel

In the Keyer filter, zoom incrementally out of the Chroma Control

Option + Z and Click the color wheel

In the Keyer filter, zoom smoothly into the Chroma Control

Z and Drag right in the color wheel

In the Keyer filter, zoom smoothly out of the Chroma Control

Z and Drag left in the color wheel

In the Keyer filter, zoom smoothly in or out of the Chroma Control

Spacebar + Command

In the Keyer filter, pan the Chroma Control

H and Drag the color wheel

In the Keyer filter, reset the chroma zoom and center (when the pointer is over the Chroma Control)

Shift + Z

Select the next object above

Up Arrow

Select the next object below

Down Arrow

Nudge the selected objects one pixel

Command + Arrow Keys

Nudge the selected objects 10 pixels

Shift + Arrow Keys

Add/Remove selected objects using the region box

Shift + Drag in the canvas

Select multiple objects in a group or layer

Command + Click an object/objects

Add to selection

Shift + Click an object

Similar combinations for other applications

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Delete current selection (Pattern Maker only)
Shortcut Keys for working with Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker

Command + D

Firefox (MacOS)
Add Bookmark
General Browser Controls

Command + D

Unity3D 3 (MacOS)

Command + D

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Deselect a point
Shortcut Keys for using the Curves dialog box

Command + D

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Delete current selection
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Pattern Maker Only

Command + D

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Deselect all
Shortcut Keys for using Vanishing Point

Command + D

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Delete current selection
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Pattern Maker Only

Command + D

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Deselect all pins
Puppet Warp

Command + D

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Deselect all
Vanishing Point

Command + D

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Duplicate the selected object
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Arrange Objects

Command + D

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Deselect a point

Command + D

Comsol 5 (MacOS)
Clear the selection of domains, boundaries, edges, or points
Model Tree

Command + D

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Assign Date
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Command + D

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Duplicate the selected object
Text Shortcuts - Arrange Objects

Command + D

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Deselects all measurements
Measurement (PS Extended)

Command + D

uTorrent (MacOS)
Add Torrent (no default save)
21 Shortcuts for uTorrent (MacOS)

Command + D

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Deselect all frames except the current frame
DICOM files (PS Extended)

Command + D

Google Chrome (MacOS)
Add bookmark for current webpage
Bookmarks Shortcuts

Command + D

Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)
Duplicate selected Layers, Masks, effects, etc.

Command + D

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Assign Date
Text Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Command + D

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Basic Shortcuts for PhotoShop CC 2015 - Select Basics

Command + D

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Duplicate the selected object
Database Management Shortcuts - Arrange Objects

Command + D

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Deselect all photos
Comparing Photos in the Library Module

Command + D / Command + Shift + A

Safari Browser (MacOS)
Add bookmark
Menu Shortcuts

Command +D

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Assign Date
Database Management Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Command + D

Adobe Premiere CC (MacOS)
Video transition
Clipping Shortcuts

Command + D

Nuke 10 (MacOS)
Duplicate Selected
Global Shortcuts

Command + D

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Duplicate a record, request, or layout object
General Shortcuts

Command + D

Apple Numbers (MacOS)
Duplicate objects
Object Manipulation

Command + D

Apple Keynote (MacOS)
Duplicate object
Objects on Canvas

Command + D

InDesign CC (MacOS)
File Menu Shortcuts

Command + D

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Duplicate a record
Browse Mode Shortcuts

Command + D

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Manage Panels - Select Basics

Command + D

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Duplicate a find request
Find Mode Shortcuts

Command + D

Furni Delete Tool

Command + D

ArchiCAD 20 (MacOS)
Edit Menu Commands

Command + D

Hexagon 2 (MacOS)
General Shortcuts

Command + D

3D Coat (MacOS)
Unfreeze all
Freeze Operations

Command + D

Zoho Sheet (MacOS)
Fill Down

Command + D

Finder (MacOS)
Duplicate the selected files.

Command + D

1Password (MacOS)
Duplicate currently selected item.
Main App Shortcuts

Command + D

Duplicate Image
Image Operations

Command + D

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Delete a point from the Curve
Curves Dialog Box

Command + D

Silhouette Studio (MacOS)

Command + D

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Select the Desktop folder from within an Open dialog or Save dialog.
Document Shortcuts

Command + D

Apple Photos (MacOS)
Duplicate a photo

Command + D

Adobe Flash Professional (MacOS)

Command + D

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Duplicate the selected files.
Finder Shortcuts

Command + D

Final Cut Pro (MacOS)
Deselect all

Command + D

Sublime Text (MacOS)
Select Word(Repeat select other Occurences
General Editing Shortcuts

Command + D

Eclipse Helios (MacOS)
Delete Line
Text Editing Shortcuts

Command + D

IntelliJ (MacOS)
Duplicate Current Line
Editing Shortcuts

Command + D

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
Duplicate Current Line
Editing Shortcuts

Command + D

JetBrains PyCharm (MacOS)
Duplicate Current Line
Editing Shortcuts

Command + D

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
Duplicate Current Line
Editing Shortcuts

Command + D

Adobe XD (Experience Design) (MacOS)
Edit Menu

Command + D

Sketch 3 (MacOS)
Editing Layers

Command + D

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
View Diffrenece
VCS/Local History

Command + D

Adobe Animate CC (MacOS)
Edit and Modify

Command + D

Cloud9 (MacOS)
Remove/ Delete Line
Remove Text

Command + D

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (MacOS)
General Editing

Command + D

JetBrains PhpStorm (MacOS)
Duplicate Current Line

Command + D

Autodesk Mudbox 2017 (MacOS)
Deselect All

Command + D

Steinberg Cubase 9 (MacOS)

Command + D

Opera (MacOS)
Save page address as new bookmark
Access Loading

Command + D

OmniFocus (MacOS)
Edit Menu

Command + D

Clip Studio Paint (Manga Studio) (MacOS)
DeSelect All
Selection Shortcuts

Command + D

iBooks (MacOS)
Bookmark Page You are Currently Viewing
Keyboard Controls

Command + D

Garageband 10 (MacOS)
Duplicate the selected track
Track Operations

Command + D

Brackets (MacOS)
Code Writing

Command + D

Chief Architect (MacOS)
Make Parallel/Perpendicular
Settings Tools

Command + D

Poser Pro (MacOS)
Drop to floor

Command + D

Flock (MacOS)
Star current page
45 Shortcuts for Flock (MacOS)

Command + D

Aptana Studio 3 (MacOS)
Delete Rows

Command + D

Panic Coda (MacOS)
Next Symbol
Editing Shortcuts

Command + D

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (MacOS)
Go to Declaration
Navigation Shortcuts

Command + D

Unity3D 5 (MacOS)

Command + D

Titanium (MacOS)
Delete Lines
Text Editing

Command + D

Tableau (MacOS)
Connect to data source

Command + D

OpenSCAD (MacOS)
View Shortcuts

Command + D

CuteFTP (MacOS)
Change remote folder
72 Shortcuts for CuteFTP (MacOS)

Command + D

RStudio (MacOS)
Delete line
Editing (Console and Source)

Command + D

Geany (MacOS)
Duplicate line or selection
Cut and Paste

Command + D

Modo (MacOS)
Duplicate selected layer(s) (only in Items mode)
Item List

Command + D

Ableton Live 9 (MacOS)

Command + D

Modo (MacOS)
Reset tool attributes
General Modeling

Command + D

Vectorworks (MacOS)
Edit Menu

Command + D

Inkscape (MacOS)
Duplicate selection

Command + D

WavPad Sound Editor (MacOS)
Edit Operations

Command + D

FlexiSign Pro 8.1 (MacOS)

Command + D

Adobe Photoshop Elements (MacOS)
Deselect a selection
Selecting and Moving Object

Command + D

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Duplicate selected layers, masks, effects, text selectors, animators, puppet meshes, shapes, render items, output modules, or compositions

Command + D

Pencil2D (MacOS)
Deselect All
29 Shortcuts for Pencil2D (MacOS)

Command + D

Adobe Dreamweaver (MacOS)
Duplicate line selection
Coding Shortcuts

Command + D