BricsCAD (MacOS)

Other Shortcuts

Toggles the display of the grid

Command + G

All hotkeys for BricsCAD (MacOS)

Function Key Shortcuts
Opens the Bricscad Help


Function Key Shortcuts
Toggles the display of the Prompt History window


Function Key Shortcuts
Toggles the tablet mode


Function Key Shortcuts
Sets the isoplane (see Using Isometric snap)


Function Key Shortcuts
Sets the readout of the coordinate field in the status bar


Function Key Shortcuts
Toggles the display of the grid


Function Key Shortcuts
Toggles the Ortho setting


Function Key Shortcuts
Toggles the Snap setting


Function Key Shortcuts
Toggles the Polar Tracking setting


Function Key Shortcuts
Toggles the Entity Snap Tracking setting


Function Key Shortcuts
Toggles the Quad display


Function Key Shortcuts
Launches the VBARUN command

Alt + F8

Function Key Shortcuts
Launches the VBAIDE command

Alt + F11

Movement Shortcuts
Moves the view Up

Page Up

Movement Shortcuts
Moves the view Down

Page Down

Movement Shortcuts
Moves the view to the Left

Shift + Left Arrow

Movement Shortcuts
Moves the view to the Right

Shift + Right Arrow

Movement Shortcuts
Moves the view Up

Shift + Up Arrow

Movement Shortcuts
Moves the view Down

Shift + Down Arrow

Other Shortcuts
Toggles the properties bar

Command + 1

Other Shortcuts
Opens the Drawing Explorer

Command + 2

Other Shortcuts
Toggles the display of the command bar

Command + 9

Other Shortcuts
Selects entities

Command + A

Other Shortcuts
Toggles the Snap setting

Command + B

Other Shortcuts
Copies the selection to the clipboard (COPYCLIP command)

Command + C

Other Shortcuts
Copies the selection along with a base point (COPYBASE command)

Command + Shift + C

Other Shortcuts
Sets the isoplane (see Using Isometric snap)

Command + E

Other Shortcuts
Toggles entity snaps on/off

Command + F

Other Shortcuts
Toggles the display of the grid

Command + G

Other Shortcuts
Toggle svalue of the PICKSTYLE system variable, which controls the selection of groups and associative hatches

Command + H

Other Shortcuts
Sets the readout of the coordinate field in the status bar

Command + I

Other Shortcuts
Repeats the previously issued command

Command + J

Other Shortcuts
Attach a hyperlink to an object or modify an existing hyperlink (HYPERLINK command)

Command + K

Other Shortcuts
Toggles the Ortho setting

Command + L

Other Shortcuts
Repeats the previously issued command

Command + M

Other Shortcuts
Creates a New drawing (NEW command)

Command + N

Other Shortcuts
Opens an existing drawing (OPEN command)

Command + O

Other Shortcuts
Prints the current drawing (PRINT command)

Command + P

Other Shortcuts
Toggles the Properties bar

Command + Shift + P

Other Shortcuts
Quits the application prompts to save changes (QUIT command)

Command + Q

Other Shortcuts
Iterates through viewports

Command + R

Other Shortcuts
Saves the current drawing (QSAVE command)

Command + S

Other Shortcuts
Turns the tablet on/off

Command + T

Other Shortcuts
Pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the drawing (PASTECLIP command)

Command + V

Other Shortcuts
Pastes the contents of the Clipboard in a specified format (PASTESPEC command)

Command + Alt + V

Other Shortcuts
Pastes  the contents of the Clipboard as a block (PASTEBLOCK command)

Command + Shift + V

Other Shortcuts
Cuts the selection and puts it on the clipboard (CUTCLIP command)

Command + X

Other Shortcuts
Redoes the last action undone (REDO command)

Command + Y

Other Shortcuts
Undoes the last action (UNDO command)

Command + Z

Other Shortcuts
Cancels the running command

Command + \

Other Shortcuts
Toggles the display of the command bar

Shift + F2

Other Shortcuts
Turns the Status Bar on/off (STATBAR command)

Shift + F3

Other Shortcuts
Turns the Scroll Bars on/off (SCROLLBAR command)

Shift + F4

Other Shortcuts
Launches the Visual Basic Project Manager (VBAMAN command)

Shift + F8

Other Shortcuts
Launchesup the VBA COM Add-In Manager (ADDINMAN command)

Shift + F11

Similar combinations for other applications

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Generate or generate again (Pattern Maker only)
Shortcut Keys for working with Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker

Command + G

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Group layers
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Layers Panel

Command + G

Thunderbird (MacOS)
Find text again next in Current Message
Find Messages

Command + G / F3

Firefox (MacOS)
Find Again
Page Search

Command + G

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Generate or generate again
Photoshop CS5 Panels - Pattern Maker Only

Command + G

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Group layers
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Layers Panel

Command + G

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Generate or generate again
Extract and Pattern Maker (plug-in) - Pattern Maker Only

Command + G

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Group layers
Shortcut Keys for using the Layers panel

Command + G

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Find the next occurrence of the specified data
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Command + G

uTorrent (MacOS)
Setup Guide
21 Shortcuts for uTorrent (MacOS)

Command + G

Google Chrome (MacOS)
Find next match of Search

Command + G

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Find the next occurrence of the specified data
Text Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Command + G

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Group Layers
Basic Shortcuts for PhotoShop CC 2015 - Layers Basics

Command + G

Safari Browser (MacOS)
Find the next match in page search box
General Shortcuts (Browser)

Command + G

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Group into stack
Comparing Photos in the Library Module

Command + G

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Find the next occurrence of the specified data
Database Management Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Command + G

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Group layers
Basic Shortcuts for PhotoShop CC 2015 - Layers Panel

Command + G

Adobe Premiere CC (MacOS)
Clipping Shortcuts

Command + G

Adobe Audition CC (MacOS)
Clip gain
Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts

Command + G

Apple Numbers (MacOS)
Find next
General Shortcuts

Command + G

Corel Painter 2017 (MacOS)

Command + G

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Group Layers
Manage Panels - Layers Basics

Command + G

InDesign CC (MacOS)
Object Menu shortcuts

Command + G

Hexagon 2 (MacOS)
Group Selection
General Shortcuts

Command + G

ArchiCAD 20 (MacOS)

Command + G

Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)
Group / ungroup selected Shapes
Shape Layers

Command + G / Command + Shift + G

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Group layers
Manage Panels - Layers Panel

Command + G

Zoho Sheet (MacOS)
Go to cell command

Command + G

Anime Studio (MacOS)
View Shortcuts

Command + G

Apple Pages (MacOS)
Find next

Command + G

Silhouette Studio (MacOS)

Command + G

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Find Again: Find the next occurrence of the item previously found. To find the previous occurrence, press Command+Shift+G.
Common Shortcuts

Command + G

Dockable Dialogs

Command + G

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (MacOS)
Go to line
Editing Lines

Command + G

Adobe Flash Professional (MacOS)

Command + G

TextMate 2 (MacOS)
Find Next
General Shortcuts

Command + G

Adobe Acrobat Pro (MacOS)
Move to next search result and highlight it in the document

Command + G

Final Cut Pro (MacOS)
FInd next (in find results)
Finding items

Command + G

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
Find Next
Find and Replace

Command + G

IntelliJ (MacOS)
Find Next
Find and Replace Shortcuts

Command + G

JetBrains PyCharm (MacOS)
Find Next
Find and Replace

Command + G

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
Find Next
Find and Replace

Command + G

Eclipse Helios (MacOS)
Declaration in Workspace
Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Command + G

JetBrains PyCharm (MacOS)
Go to Line
Navigation Shortcuts

Command + G

Adobe XD (Experience Design) (MacOS)

Command + G

Adobe Flash Builder (MacOS)
Find declarations of selected function name in project
24 Shortcuts for Adobe Flash Builder (MacOS)

Command + G

Adobe Animate CC (MacOS)
Edit and Modify

Command + G

Sketch 3 (MacOS)
Group Layers
Arranging Layers,Groups and Artboards

Command + G

Cloud9 (MacOS)
Find Next

Command + G

BrainSuite (MacOS)
Toggle Debug Keys
Main Window

Command + G

JetBrains PhpStorm (MacOS)
Find Next
Find and Replace

Command + G

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (MacOS)
Group Objects

Command + G

JetBrains PhpStorm (MacOS)
Go to Line

Command + G

Steinberg Cubase 9 (MacOS)

Command + G

Opera (MacOS)
Find next instance of text

Command + G

Chief Architect (MacOS)
Center Object
View Mode

Command + G

OmniFocus (MacOS)
Find Next

Command + G

Garageband 10 (MacOS)
Turn Snap to Grid on/off
MIsellaneous Shortcuts

Command + G

Brackets (MacOS)
Find Next
Find and Replace

Command + G

Flock (MacOS)
Find again
45 Shortcuts for Flock (MacOS)

Command + G

VideoPad Video Editor (MacOS)
Go to Timeline Position
Sequence Player

Command + G

Panic Coda (MacOS)
Find Next
Editing Shortcuts

Command + G

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (MacOS)
Find Next

Command + G

OpenSCAD (MacOS)
Find Next
View Shortcuts

Command + G

Geany (MacOS)
Find Next
Finding text,Selecting text

Command + G

Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Go to Segment
100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

Command + G

Ableton Live 9 (MacOS)
Group Selected Tracks
Commands for Tracks

Command + G

Inkscape (MacOS)
Group selected objects

Shift + Command + U / Command + G

Vectorworks (MacOS)
Modify Menu

Command + G

Arduino (MacOS)
Find Next
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (MacOS)

Command + G

Ableton Live 9 (MacOS)
Group/Ungroup Devices
Working with Plug-Ins and Devices

Command + G

WavPad Sound Editor (MacOS)
Select Specified Time
Move And Select Operations

Command + G

Modo (MacOS)
Group selected items (under group locator)

Command + G

Sage Simply Accounting (MacOS)
Find next occurrence
Keyboard Shortcuts in Displayed Reports

Command + G

FlexiSign Pro 8.1 (MacOS)

Command + G

Adobe Dreamweaver (MacOS)
Go to Line
Coding Shortcuts

Command + G

Apple XCode 8 (MacOS)
Find Next
Code Navigation

Command + G

Adobe Dreamweaver (MacOS)
Find Next
Find and Replace

Command + G

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Group selected shapes
Shape Layers

Command + G