Nuclide (Linux)

Project Explorer’s file tree

Toggles whether the Project Explorer’s File Tree is shown.

Ctrl + \

All hotkeys for Nuclide (Linux)

Use OmniSearch to open files

Ctrl + T

Toggle Project Explorer

Ctrl + /

Toggle between the Editing Area and the Project Explorer’s File Tree

Ctrl + 0

Split the current file to the pane

Ctrl + K then ← ↑ → ↓

Code diagnostics
Display the window showing you messages about your code. Possible messages include lint, compiler errors, etc.

Alt + ↑   Shift + D

Toggles the Outline View for a supported file so you can easily navigate to class and function definitions.

Alt + O

Toggles the Context View.

Ctrl + I

In projects such as Hack or Flow, this will allow you to find all the references to a selected, highlighted entity in your project.

Alt + ↑   Shift + Ctrl + F

Allows you to search for Hack function, classes and constants within you Hack project.

Alt + Ctrl + Y

Automatically tries to insert missing require statements to your Flow or JavaScript project.

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + I

Code diagnostics
Nuclide can fix certain types of problems for you automatically, including various lint problems. This will allow all those to be fixed in the current file.

Alt + ↑   Shift + A

Code diagnostics
Go to the first diagnostic.

Alt + Ctrl + <

Code diagnostics
Go to the last diagnostic.

Alt + Ctrl + >

Code diagnostics
Go to the previous diagnostic.

Alt + <

Code diagnostics
Go to the next diagnostic.

Alt + >

Project Explorer’s file tree
Expand the current directory.

Project Explorer’s file tree
Collapse the current directory.

Project Explorer’s file tree
Expand all the directories from the current to the final directory child.

Alt +

Project Explorer’s file tree
Collapse all the directories to the top parent.

Alt +

Project Explorer’s file tree
Collapse the entire Project Explorer’s File Tree to the root.

Ctrl + {

Project Explorer’s file tree
Remove a file or directory from the tree. You will be prompted first to avoid accidental mistakes.


Project Explorer’s file tree
Toggles whether the Project Explorer’s File Tree is shown.

Ctrl + \

Project Explorer’s file tree
Move the selection to the very top of the Project Explorer’s File Tree.


Project Explorer’s file tree
Move the selection to the very bottom of the Project Explorer’s File Tree.


Project Explorer’s file tree
Opens the selected entry in the Project Explorer’s File Tree. If a directory is selected, then the directory is expanded. If a file is selected, then the file is opened in the main Editing Area.

⤶ Enter

Editor panes
Moves the currently active file in the editor to a bottom pane.

Ctrl + K then

Editor panes
Moves the currently active file in the editor to a right pane.

Ctrl + K then

Editor panes
Moves the currently active file in the editor to a top pane.

Ctrl + K then

Editor panes
Moves the currently active file in the editor to a left pane.

Ctrl + K then

Project Explorer’s file tree
Shows the file that is currently active in the main workspace in the Project Explorer’s File Tree.

Ctrl + |

Project Explorer’s file tree
Toggles the focus of the current active file.

Ctrl + O

Use this for a global search of anything within your project, including all files, currently open files, etc.

Ctrl + P

This lets you switch between files that are currently open in the editor. Useful for quickly accessing files if you have a bunch of files open.

Alt + Ctrl + 0

This will show you files that you have recently opened and used in previous sessions of Nuclide.

Alt + Ctrl + R

This allows you to search for files based on patterns.

Alt + Ctrl + T

Find files related to the current file. A file is related if they have the same basename, but a different extension, for example.

Alt + Ctrl + N

Task runner
Executes the Build task for the currently selected Task Runner or the default one

Alt + B then B

Task runner
Executes the Debug task for the currently selected Task Runner or the default one

Alt + B then D

Task runner
Executes the Run task for the currently selected Task Runner or the default one

Alt + B then R

Task runner
Executes the Test task for the currently selected Task Runner or the default one

Alt + B then T

Task runner
Executes the currently selected Task

Alt + B then P

Toggle the developer tools UI.

Alt + Ctrl + I

Shows the process attachment UI where you will choose the process on which you would like to debug (e.g., a Node process, etc.)

↑   Shift + Ctrl + A

Shows the process launch UI where you will choose the process on which you would like to debug (e.g., a Node process, etc.)

Ctrl + F8

Toggle the Console pane.

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + J

After stopping at a breakpoint, and possibly stepping through code, this will enable debugging to continue to the next breakpoint or end of the process.


After breaking at a certain position or breakpoint, it will continue to cursor location.

↑   Shift + F8

If a breakpoint is set, this will unset that breakpoint and vice-versa.


Step over a piece of code. For example, if you are stopped at a method call, this will execute that method without stepping through it line-by-line.


Step into a piece of code. For example, if you are stopped at a method call, this will go into the first line of that method.


If you have stepped into a piece of code, this will step out to the point on which you entered that piece of code. For example, if you stepped into a method, this will step out back to the method call itself.

↑   Shift + F11

Detach debugger.

↑   Shift + F5

Restart the current debugging session with the same configuration settings.

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F8

Move cursor to a previous position

Ctrl + <

Move cursor to a next position

Ctrl + >

When using Hyperclick, this will confirm the Hyperclick action you want to take.

Alt + Ctrl + ⤶ Enter

Toggle the Nuclide Health tab, which show details about the Nuclide process itself (how much CPU, memory is being used, etc.).

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + H

Copy the relative path of the current file to the clipboard.

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + X

Copy the absolute path of the current file to the clipboard.

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + X

Copy the relative path of the current file starting at the root of the Mercurial repository.

Ctrl + Alt + X

Similar combinations for other applications

Phoenix Viewer (Windows)
Look at Last Chatter

Ctrl + \

Google Docs (Windows)
Clear formatting (or Ctrl+Space)
Format Text

Ctrl + \

Total Commander 8 (Windows)
Jump to the root directory (US keyboard)
Main Shortcuts

Ctrl + \

Microsoft Excel 2011 (MacOS)
Select cells in a row that don't match the value in the active cell in that row. You must select the row starting with the active cell.
Selecting cells, columns, or rows

Ctrl + \

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Align Center
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Format Text

Ctrl + \

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Align Center
Text Shortcuts - Format Text

Ctrl + \

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Resize application (floating) window to fit screen. Press again to resize window for contents to fill screen
Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows

Ctrl + \

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Align Center
Database Management Shortcuts - Format Text

Ctrl + \

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)
Full Screen
Display Menu

Ctrl + \

AutoCAD 2016 (Windows)
Cancels current command

Ctrl + \

1Password (Windows)
Invoke the 1Password extension to fill the displayed form
Browser Shortcuts

Ctrl + \

1Password (Windows)
Auto+type the username and password (with an intervening Tab) into the program in the foreground, if that program is associated with the Login in the main 1Password program, as described above
In Other Programs

Ctrl + \

Adobe Bridge CC (Windows)
Next View
35 Shortcuts for Adobe Bridge CC (Windows)

Ctrl + \

Autodesk Mudbox 2017 (Windows)
Toggle Falloff
Sculpt and Paint Tool

Ctrl + \

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Hide selection
Application - View

Ctrl + \

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Hide selection
Spline Modeler - View

Ctrl + \

Microsoft Excel 2016 (MacOS)
Select cells in a row that don't match the value in the active cell in that row. You must select the row starting with the active cell.
Select cells, columns, or rows

Ctrl + \

Yahoo Mail (Web Application)
Close Current Tab

Ctrl + \

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Hide selection
Vertex Modeler - View

Ctrl + \

WinSCP 5 (Windows)
Open root directory

Ctrl + \

Visual Studio Code (Windows)
Split editor
Editor Management

Ctrl + \

CodeLite 10 (Windows)
Next word part. Shift extends selection.

Ctrl + \

Geany (Linux)
Go to Next Word Part
Moving around in the document

Ctrl + \

Geany (Windows)
Go to Next Word Part
Moving around in the document

Ctrl + \

Go to root folder
File management

Ctrl + \

GibbsCAM (Windows)
Change CS(HVD)
Modify Menu

Ctrl + \

DaVinci Resolve 14 (Windows)
Split clip

Ctrl + \

Vectorworks (Windows)
Set Working Plane
Modify Menu

Ctrl + \

BricsCAD (Windows)
Cancels the running command
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + \

BricsCAD (Linux)
Cancels the running Ctrl
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + \

Cancel current command
Manage Workflow

Ctrl + \

Unselect All But Current
Working with dialog boxes

Ctrl + \

Adobe Bridge CC
Go to next view
Other most used shortcuts

Ctrl + \

Clear all formatting

Ctrl + \

Atom (Windows)
(Source: Tree View) tree-view:toggle
All shortcuts

Ctrl + \

Fill Login on current web page. Requires the 1Password extension
Global keyboard shortcuts

Ctrl + \

Switch between single and multiple selection mode.
Selecting text

Ctrl + \

Zoho Mail
Close tab
Global: Tab

Ctrl + \

Adobe Premiere Pro (Windows)
Show/hide application title

Ctrl + \

Toggle fade out active
Region Operations

Ctrl + \

Google Sheets (Android)
Clear formatting
Format cells

Ctrl + \

Google Sheets
Clear formatting
Format cells

Ctrl + \

GNU Emacs
Enable or disable input method
International character sets

Ctrl + \

Align center

Ctrl + \

Python IDLE for Windows
Show call tip
Edit menu

Ctrl + \

The Bat!
Invert case
Message Editor

Ctrl + \

Visual Studio Code (Linux)
Split editor
Editor management

Ctrl + \

Visual Studio Code (Windows)
Split editor
Editor management

Ctrl + \

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
then <keybs>E</keybs>   Display the Error List Window (Transact-SQL Editor only)
Windows management

Ctrl + \

Chrome DevTools
Pause script execution or resume
Sources panel

Ctrl + \

Open root directory

Ctrl + \

Remove formatting
Formatting text

Ctrl + \

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Resize application window or floating window to fit screen. (Press again to resize window so that contents fill the screen.)
Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, and Windows

Ctrl + \

DBeaver 6.0.3
Execute current query in a new tab
SQL Editor

Ctrl + \

Replace a string or a regular expression

Ctrl + \

Show / hide UI

Ctrl + \

Scrivener 1.9.9
Script elements popup

Ctrl + \