Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

New / Select TM

Command + Shift + N / Command + Shift + O

All hotkeys for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Add Note

Option + Shift + N

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Add Term

Command + Option + T

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Clear All Target Segments

Option + Shift + Delete

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Clear Target Segment

Command + Option + X

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

Command + W / Command + F4

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Close All

Command + Shift + W / Command + Shift + F4

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Commit All segments to TM

Command + Option + End

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Commit Current Segment to TM

Option + End

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Confirm / Unconfirm

Option + Enter

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

Command + C / Command + Insert

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Copy All Sources

Command + Option + lnsert

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Copy Placeable

Command + Option + Down / Option + Shift + Down

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Copy Placeables in current segment

Command + Shift + A

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Copy Source

Option + Insert

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Copy Term

Command + Option + 0

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Copy Word

Command + Tab

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Current Segment Leverage

Option + -

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

Command + X / Shift + Delete

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)


100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Delete Next Word

Command + Delete

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Delete Note

Option + Shift + D

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Delete Previous Word

Command + Del

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Edit Note

Option + Shift + E

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Edit Terms

Command + Option + Enter

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Edit Terms

Command + Option + Enter

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

Option + Shift + X

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Expand Segment

Option + Page Down

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Find / Replace

Command + F / Command + H

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Go To First Segment

Command + Home

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Go To Last Segment

Command + End

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Go to Segment

Command + G

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Last Modified Segment

Shift + F5

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Leverage Next Tu

Option + Right Arrow

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Leverage Previous Tu

Option + Left Arrow

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Line End


100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Line Start


100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Maximize Active View or Editor

Command + M

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
New / Select Terms

Option + N

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
New / Select TM

Command + Shift + N / Command + Shift + O

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Next Editor

Command + F6

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Next Perspective

Command + F8

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Next Placeable

Command + Option + Right / Option + Shift + Right

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Next Segment (No Commit)

Command + Down Arrow

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Next Segment (TM Commit)

Option + Down Arrow

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Next Term

Command + Option + 9

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Next Term / Placeable

Command + Option + Right Arrow

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Next View

Command + F7

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Next Word

Command + Right Arrow

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Online Help


100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Open Edit Menu

Option + E

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Open File

Command + O

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Open File Menu

Option + F

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Open Help Menu

Option + H

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Open Project

Command + Shift + P

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Open Terms Menu

Option + T

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Open TM Menu

Option + M

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Open Window Menu

Option + W

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

Command + V

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Preview in MS Word

Command + Option + P

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Previous Editor

Command + Shift + F6

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Previous Perspective

Command + Shift + F8

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Previous Placeable

Command + Option + Left / Option + Shift + Left Arrow

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Previous Segment (No Commit)

Command + Up Arrow

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Previous Segment (TM Commit)

Option + Up Arrow

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Previous Term

Command + Option + 8

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Previous Term / Placeable

Command + Option + Left Arrow

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Previous View

Command + Shift + F7

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Previous Word

Command + Left Arrow

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

Command + P

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Quick Access

Command + 3

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Quick Clean

Command + Option + Q

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

Command + Y

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Remove Term / Placeable

Command + Shift + Up Arrow

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Restore Segment

Option + Delete

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Retrieve Selected Segment

Command + Option + M

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Retrieve Selected Tu

Option + F12

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

Command + S

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Save Translated File

Command + Option + S

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Select All

Command + A

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Select Until Line End

Shift + End

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Select Until Line Start

Shift + Home

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Show Key Assist

Command + Shift + L

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Show View

Option + Shift + Q then Q

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Show View (View: )

Option + Shift + Q then X

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Show View (View: Outline)

Option + Shift + Q then O

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Show Whitespace Characters

Command + Shift + 8

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Shrink Segment

Option + Page Up

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Spell Check


100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Switch Between Source And Target

Shift + Tab

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
TM Admin Preferences

Command + Option + Shift + T

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
TM Lookup

Command + Shift + T

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
TM Source Lookup

Command + Shift + F

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

Command + Shift + Q

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Translate All

Command + Shift + End

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Translate Until Fuzzy

Command + Option + F

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Translate Until No Match

Command + Shift + Page Down

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)

Command + Z

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Update Selected

Command + Option + Page Down

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Uppercase / Lowercase

Shift + F3

100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (MacOS)
Window Size

Option + Spacebar

Similar combinations for other applications

Google Earth 5 (MacOS)
Create new folder
Create Items on Map

Command + Shift + N

Google Earth 5 (MacOS)
Create new image Overlay
Create Items on Map

Command + Shift + O

Thunderbird (MacOS)
Paste as quotation
Compose and Edit Message

Command + Shift + O

Firefox (MacOS)
Organize Bookmarks
General Browser Controls

Command + Shift + O

Google Chrome (MacOS)
Open new Chrome window in incognito mode
Manage Tabs

Command + Shift + N

Camtasia 2 (MacOS)
New recording
Recording Shortcuts

Command + Shift + N

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Open catalog
Managing Photos and Catalogs

Command + Shift + O

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Create a new folder in the Library module
Managing Photos and Catalogs

Command + Shift + N

Apple Keynote (MacOS)
Create new documnet
General Shortcuts

Command + Shift + N

Apple Numbers (MacOS)
Open template chooser
General Shortcuts

Command + Shift + N

Corel Painter 2017 (MacOS)
New Layer

Command + Shift + N

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Open a remote file
General Shortcuts

Command + Shift + O

Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)
Open Opacity dialog box for Layers
Modify Layer Properties

Command + Shift + O

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Create a new preset
Develop Module

Command + Shift + N

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Create a new slide show template folder
Slideshow Module

Command + Shift + N

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Inset current user name
Insert and Replace Values

Command + Shift + N

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Create a new print template folder
Print Module

Command + Shift + N

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Create a new web gallery template folder
Web Module

Command + Shift + N

3D Coat (MacOS)
Import Model
File Menu

Command + Shift + O

ArchiCAD 20 (MacOS)
New Object
File GDL Objects

Command + Shift + N

ArchiCAD 20 (MacOS)
Open Object
File GDL Objects

Command + Shift + O

ArchiCAD 20 (MacOS)
Save Project As
File GDL Objects

Command + Shift + N

3D Coat (MacOS)
Add New Layer
Layers Operations

Command + Shift + N

Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)
New Mask

Command + Shift + N

Finale (MacOS)
Natural symbol
Text Tool

Command + Shift + N

Zoho Sheet (MacOS)
Focus Name Box

Command + Shift + N

Apple Mail (MacOS)
Get New Mail
General Shortcuts

Command + Shift + N

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (MacOS)
New Window
File Management

Command + Shift + N

Adobe Flash Professional (MacOS)
Open as Library

Command + Shift + O

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (MacOS)
Open folder
File Management

Command + Shift + O

Adobe Flash Professional (MacOS)
Optimize Curves

Command + Shift + O

Eclipse Helios (MacOS)
Organize Imports
Text Editing Shortcuts

Command + Shift + O

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
Show/hide movie track only
Various Editors

Command + Shift + O

Sketch 3 (MacOS)
Convert text to outlines
Font Editing

Command + Shift + O

IntelliJ (MacOS)
Go to File
Navigation Shortcuts

Command + Shift + O

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
Go to File
Navigation Shortcuts

Command + Shift + O

JetBrains PyCharm (MacOS)
Go to File
Navigation Shortcuts

Command + Shift + N

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
Go to File
Navigation Controls

Command + Shift + O

Adobe Animate CC (MacOS)
Open as Library

Command + Shift + O

Apple Contacts (MacOS)
Create a New Group/Folder
17 Shortcuts for Apple Contacts (MacOS)

Command + Shift + N

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (MacOS)
Revert to Terrain Active When TE was Opened
Terrain Editing

Command + Shift + N

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (MacOS)
Animation SetUp

Command + Shift + N

JetBrains PhpStorm (MacOS)
Go to File

Command + Shift + O

OmniFocus (MacOS)
New Project
File Menu

Command + Shift + N

Clip Studio Paint (Manga Studio) (MacOS)
New Layer

Command + Shift + N

Apple Notes (MacOS)
Create New Folder

Command + Shift + N

iBooks (MacOS)
Add Books to Your Library
Keyboard Controls

Command + Shift + O

Brackets (MacOS)
Quick Open
File Operation

Command + Shift + O

Flock (MacOS)
Create new collection (in favorites manager)
45 Shortcuts for Flock (MacOS)

Command + Shift + N

Brackets (MacOS)
Quick Open

Command + Shift + O

qBittorrent (MacOS)
Add Torrent Link
File Menu

Command + Shift + O

Adobe Captivate 2017 (MacOS)
Add a new animation slide
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Command + Shift + N

Adobe Captivate 2017 (MacOS)
Add a new rollover image
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Command + Shift + O

Unity3D 5 (MacOS)
New Empty Game Object
Game Object

Command + Shift + N

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (MacOS)
New Solution
File Menu

Command + Shift + N

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (MacOS)
Step Over
Debug Menu

Command + Shift + O

RStudio (MacOS)
New document (except on chrome/windows)

Command + Shift + N

RStudio (MacOS)
Source a file

Command + Shift + O

Geany (MacOS)
Open selected file

Command + Shift + O

WavPad Sound Editor (MacOS)
File Operation

Command + Shift + O

Vectorworks (MacOS)
Tool Menu

Command + Shift + O

Vectorworks (MacOS)
Window Menu

Command + Shift + N

WavPad Sound Editor (MacOS)
Copy to new
Edit Operations

Command + Shift + N

FlexiSign Pro 8.1 (MacOS)
Convert to Outlines

Command + Shift + O

SolveSpace (MacOS)
Show Naked Edges

Command + Shift + N

Apple XCode 8 (MacOS)
Open Quickly
File Navigation

Command + Shift + O

Adobe Dreamweaver (MacOS)
New in same window
Coding Shortcuts

Command + Shift + N

Adobe Dreamweaver (MacOS)
New File
Files Panel

Command + Shift + N

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Open Opacity dialog box for selected layers
Modifying Layer Properties

Command + Shift + O

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
New mask

Command + Shift + N