Aptana Studio 3 (Windows)

Other Shortcuts

Convert to Lowercase

Ctrl + Shift + Y

All hotkeys for Aptana Studio 3 (Windows)

Windows Shortcuts
Maximize Window

Ctrl + M

Windows Shortcuts
Shortcut Key prompt

Ctrl + Shift + L

Windows Shortcuts
Close Current Tab Window

Ctrl + Shift + W

Windows Shortcuts
Next Editor Tab

Ctrl + F6

Windows Shortcuts
Previous Editor Tab

Ctrl + Shift + F6

Windows Shortcuts
Next view

Ctrl + F7

Windows Shortcuts
Previous View

Ctrl + Shift + F7

Next Word

Ctrl + Right Arrow

Previous Word

Ctrl + Left Arrow


Ctrl + ,

Jump to Beginning of File

Ctrl + Home

Jump to End of File

Ctrl + End

Scroll Up

Ctrl + Up Arrow

Scroll Down

Ctrl + Down Arrow

To Move Up

Alt + Up Arrow

To Move Down

Alt + Down Arrow

Delete Rows

Ctrl + D

Delete A Word

Ctrl + Delete

Delete Word from Left Side

Ctrl + Backspace

Delete to End of line

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Select to Beginning of Line

Shift + Home

Select to End of Line

Shift + End

Select Word towards Left

Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow

Select Word towards Right

Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow

Find and Replace
Find Next

Ctrl + K

Find and Replace
Find Previous

Ctrl + Shift + K

Find and Replace

Ctrl + F

Find and Replace

Ctrl + H

Find and Replace
In Workspace Search

Ctrl + Alt + G

Other Shortcuts
Hump to Line

Ctrl + L

Other Shortcuts
Jump to Last Edit

Ctrl + Q

Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Z

Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Y

Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + S

Other Shortcuts
Save All

Ctrl + Shift + S

Other Shortcuts
To copy rows above

Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow

Other Shortcuts
To copy rows below

Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow

Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + J

Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + F

Other Shortcuts
Convert to Lowercase

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Other Shortcuts
Convert to Uppercase

Ctrl + Shift + X

Other Shortcuts
Automatic Word Completion

Ctrl + Alt + /

Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Enter

Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + /

Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Copy item to folder
Messages in Main View - Message List and Single Messages

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Copy item to folder
Messages in Compose View - Message List and Single Messages

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Phoenix Viewer (Windows)
Set environment to Midday

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Google Docs (Windows)
Get definitions
Edit Documents

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Microsoft Outlook 2010 (Windows)
Copy item to folder
Calendar Shortcuts - Message List and Single Messages

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Oracle SQL Developer 4 (Windows)
Delete to end of line
Code Editor

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Audacity 2 (Windows)
Select > In All Sync-Locked Tracks
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Axialis IconWorkshop (Windows)
New - Windows icon project from this image...
File Menu

Ctrl + Shift + Y

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Open the Spelling dialog box when alerted of a misspelled word
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Skype for Business (Lync) 2016 (Windows)
Show or hide the sharing stage
Conversation window

Ctrl + Shift + Y

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Open the Spelling dialog box when alerted of a misspelled word
Text Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Skype for Business (Lync) 2016 (Windows)
Show or hide the sharing stage.
Conversation or Meeting Stage

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Copy an item
Common Commands: Common To Most Views

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Open settings dialog box for selected solid, light, camera, null, or adjustment layers

Ctrl + Shift + Y

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Open the Spelling dialog box when alerted of a misspelled word
Database Management Shortcuts - Delete and Edit Text

Ctrl + Shift + Y

ArchiCAD 20 (Windows)
3D Cutting Planes

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Zoho Mail (Web Application)
Save Template
Predefined Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Corel PhotoPaint X6 (Windows)
Snap to Guidelines
View Menu

Ctrl + Shift + Y

InCopy CC (Windows)
Working with Types

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Chief Architect (Windows)
Floor Defaults
Floor Tools

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Informix Genero 2.5.0 (Windows)
Delete to end of line
Editing Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Copy the background
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Delphi 10 (Windows)
Delete to the end of line
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Titanium (Windows)
To Lower Case
Text Editing

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Titanium (Windows)
New Widget Dialog

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Sage Simply Accounting (Windows)
Show tax summary for this transaction
Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows

Ctrl + Shift + Y

FlexiSign Pro 8.1 (Windows)
Redo Multiple

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Adobe Photoshop Elements (Windows)
Return to default font style

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Windows)
Copy an item.
Shortcuts for all Outlook 2007 Items

Ctrl + Shift + Y

IrfanView 4.42 (Windows)
Auto crop image borders
Copy / Paste / Select

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Open settings dialog box for selected solid, light, camera, null, or adjustment layer

Ctrl + Shift + Y