
Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens

Switch to Exempt Org. Module

Ctrl + Alt + E

All hotkeys for Lacerte

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Access Clients tab

Alt + C

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Access Detail tab

Alt + D

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Access Forms tab

Alt + F

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Access Diagnostics tab

Alt + I

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Move between tabs

Alt + ←  →

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Open Calendar

Ctrl + H

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Open Lacerte E-mail

Ctrl + L

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Open User Options

Ctrl + O

Letter Editor
Print the current document

Ctrl + P

Letter Editor
Underline selected text

Ctrl + U

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Open Appointment Manager

Ctrl + F5

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Open Help Window


Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Open Help Center


Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Open Client Status Window


Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Open REP dialog


Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Open Technical Support Window


Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Switch to Individual Module

Ctrl + Alt + I

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Switch to Partnership Module

Ctrl + Alt + P

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Switch to Corporate Module

Ctrl + Alt + C

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Switch to S Corporate Module

Ctrl + Alt + S

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Switch to Fiduciary Module

Ctrl + Alt + F

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Switch to Exempt Org. Module

Ctrl + Alt + E

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Switch to Estate Module

Ctrl + Alt + T

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Switch to Gift Module

Ctrl + Alt + G

Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens
Switch to Benefit Plan Module

Ctrl + Alt + B

Letter Editor
Delete the selected text or one character to the right cursor


Batch input
Move from the detail window to the Screen list.


Batch input
Save and exit the Detail screen

Esc then Esc

Batch input
Open the Calculator if the cursor is in an amount field.


Batch input
Move a page at a time

Page Up / Down

Batch input
Move among the lists and the Detail screen

Ctrl + ⭾ Tab

Interactive Detail Input
Move among input fields or selections

Batch input
Move among input fields or selections

⭾ Tab

Interactive Detail Input
Add a new property if the cursor is on the last property at a grid screen

Letter Editor
Select all text in a section

Ctrl + A

Interactive Detail Input
Copy a property (Active in the list panel only)

Ctrl + C

Batch input
Delete a full line of input

Ctrl + D

Interactive Detail Input
Open expanded detail for the current field

Ctrl + E

Interactive Detail Input
Paste a property (Active in the list panel only)

Ctrl + V

Interactive Detail Input
Cut a property (Active in the list panel only)

Ctrl + X

Letter Editor
Undo the last change

Ctrl + Z

Batch input
Select the previous or next tab along the bottom of the screen

Ctrl + ←  →

Interactive Detail Input
Move to the next input section on the screen

Ctrl + Page Up / Down

Client List
Scroll through the Client list without moving the cursor from the highlighted client

Ctrl + ↑  ↓

Batch input
Insert the last number displayed in the calculator into the current input field.

↑   Shift + F6

Client List
Scroll one client at a time in the direction of the arrow

↑  ↓

Batch input
Reset the page and cumulative hash totals to zero

Ctrl + R

Batch input
Move to the first item of the current screen

Ctrl + Home

Batch input
Move to the last item of the current screen

Ctrl + End

Letter Editor
Move to first character of the line


Letter Editor
Move to last character of the line


Client List
Activate the menu bar. You can press Alt + the highlighted letter in a menu or feature to access that menu or feature quickly


Client List
Select or unselect the highlighted client


Letter Editor
Mark a column of text in direction of the arrow

↑   Shift + ↑  ↓

Letter Editor
Move cursor a character or line in the direction of the arrow

← ↑ → ↓

Letter Editor
Move to the previous word

Ctrl +

Letter Editor
Move to the next word

Ctrl +

Letter Editor
Paste text that has been cut or copied

↑   Shift + Insert

Letter Editor
Move up one page or to the top of a subsection

Page Up

Letter Editor
Move down one page or to the bottom of a subsection

Page Down

Letter Editor
Mark text in the direction of the arrow

↑   Shift + ←  →

Letter Editor
Cut the selected text

↑   Shift + Del

Letter Editor
Delete character to left of cursor

⬅ Backspace

Letter Editor
Toggle insert/overstrike


Letter Editor
Make selected text bold

Ctrl + B

Letter Editor
Make selected text italics

Ctrl + I

Letter Editor
Find text

Ctrl + F

Letter Editor
Find next instance of text


Letter Editor
Check spelling


Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Create a column to the left of the current column in a table.
Creating and Manipulating OneNote Tables

ctrl + alt + e

Eclipse Helios (Windows)
Team (SVN Subversive)

Ctrl + Alt + E

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Open in other editor
Managing photos and catalog

Ctrl + Alt + E

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Show Exception dialog box
Build and Debug

Ctrl + Alt + E

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Display filename corresponding to Frame at current time in Info Panel

Ctrl + Alt + E

Clink (Windows)
Expand environment variable
Clink Commands

Ctrl + Alt + E

Microsoft OneNote 2016 (Windows)
Create column to the left of current column in table
OneNote Tables

Ctrl + Alt + E

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Edit in other Editor
Managing Photos and Catalogs

Ctrl + Alt + E

Corel Painter 2017 (Windows)
Email Image
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + E

Ace Projects (Windows)
Macros recording
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + E

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)
Expand All
Coding Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + E

Amazon Kindle (Windows)
Export Notes from Notebook
Reading Book

Ctrl + Alt + E

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + E

ACDSee (Windows)
Open Export Dialog Box
View Mode

Ctrl + Alt + E

Adobe ColdFusion Builder 2.0 (Windows)
Launch in External Browser
Other Editor

Ctrl + Alt + E

Clip Studio Paint (Manga Studio) (Windows)
Change Layer Type

Ctrl + Alt + E

IBM Maximo (Windows)
Select Work Date
Application Specific Toolbar

Ctrl + Alt + E

IBM Maximo (Windows)
Stop Timer
Application Specific Toolbar

Ctrl + Alt + E

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Edit points of polygon drawing object
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + E

WinSCP 5 (Windows)
Open current directory in Windows Explorer (local panel only)
File Panels

Ctrl + Alt + E

MediaMonkey (Windows)
View Equalizer (toggle)
Standard Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + E

XMetal Author (Windows)
Change Element
26 Shortcuts for XMetal Author (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + E

RStudio (Windows)
Run from current line to document end

Ctrl + Alt + E

Rhino (Windows)
Zoom All Extents
Default Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + E

ChessBase 13
¯ Bishops of same colour
Commentary symbols

Ctrl + Alt + E

CodeLite 10 (Windows)
Focus editor

Ctrl + Alt + E

Run from current line to document end

Ctrl + Alt + E

Vectorworks (Windows)
Multiple Extrude
Model Menu

Ctrl + Alt + E

Ace Editor
Macros recording

Ctrl + Alt + E

Adobe Lightroom Classic
Open in other editor
Managing photos and catalogs

Ctrl + Alt + E

Kindle for PC
Export notes from Notebook (when using the Notebook)
While Reading a Book

Ctrl + Alt + E

Android Messages on Web
Show / hide emoji picker

Ctrl + Alt + E

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (Most used shortcuts)

Ctrl + Alt + E

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)

Ctrl + Alt + E

Sweet Home 3D
Modify rooms

Ctrl + Alt + E

Item: Open items in primary external editor
Section: Main

Ctrl + Alt + E

View equalizer (toggle)

Ctrl + Alt + E

Opens the Export dialog box

Ctrl + Alt + E

Team (SVN Subversive)

Ctrl + Alt + E

Extract all to... (open selection dialog)
Extract without confirmation

Ctrl + Alt + E

Open current directory in Windows Explorer (local panel only)
File panels

Ctrl + Alt + E

Manage notes
Manager pages

Ctrl + Alt + E

Google Earth 5 (Windows)
Email view
Google Earth Features

ctrl + alt + e