Pro Tools (Windows)

Options Menu

Auto-spot clips

Ctrl + Alt + P

All hotkeys for Pro Tools (Windows)

File Menu
New session...

Ctrl + N

File Menu
Open session...

Ctrl + O

File Menu
Open recent

Ctrl + Shift + O

File Menu
Close session

Ctrl + Shift + W

File Menu

Ctrl + S

File Menu
Bounce to - Disk...

Ctrl + Alt + B

File Menu
Import - Session data...

Alt + Shift + I

File Menu
Import - Audio...

Ctrl + Shift + I

File Menu
Import - MIDI...

Ctrl + Alt + I

File Menu
Import - Video...

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I

File Menu
Print score...

Ctrl + P

File Menu

Ctrl + Q

Edit Menu

Ctrl + Z

Edit Menu

Ctrl + Shift + Z

Edit Menu
Restore last selection

Ctrl + Alt + Z

Edit Menu

Ctrl + X

Edit Menu

Ctrl + C

Edit Menu

Ctrl + V

Edit Menu

Ctrl + B

Edit Menu
Cut special - Cut clip gain

Start + Shift + X

Edit Menu
Copy special - Copy clip gain

Start + Shift + C

Edit Menu
Paste special - Merge

Alt + M

Edit Menu
Paste special - Repeat to fill selection

Ctrl + Alt + V

Edit Menu
Paste special - To current automation type

Ctrl + Start + V

Edit Menu
Clear special - Clear clip gain

Start + Shift + B

Edit Menu
Select all

Ctrl + A

Edit Menu
Selection - Change timeline to match edit

Alt + Shift + 5

Edit Menu
Selection - Change edit to match timeline

Alt + Shift + 6

Edit Menu
Selection - Play edit

Alt + [

Edit Menu
Selection - Play timeline

Alt + ]

Edit Menu

Ctrl + D

Edit Menu

Alt + R

Edit Menu

Alt + H

Edit Menu
Insert silence

Ctrl + Shift + E

Edit Menu
Trim clip - To selection

Ctrl + T

Edit Menu
Trim clip - Start to selection

Alt + Shift + 7

Edit Menu
Trim clip - End to selection

Alt + Shift + 8

Edit Menu
Separate clip - At selection

Ctrl + E

Edit Menu
Heal separation

Ctrl + H

Edit Menu
Consolidate clip

Alt + Shift + 3

Edit Menu
Mute clips

Ctrl + M

Edit Menu
Strip silence

Ctrl + U

Edit Menu
TCE edit to timeline selection

Alt + Shift + U

Edit Menu
Automation - Copy to send...

Ctrl + Alt + H

Edit Menu
Automation - Thin

Ctrl + Alt + T

Edit Menu
Automation - Write to current

Ctrl + /

Edit Menu
Automation - Write to all enabled

Ctrl + Alt + /

Edit Menu
Automation - Trim to current

Ctrl + Shift + /

Edit Menu
Automation - Trim to all enabled

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + /

Edit Menu
Automation - Glide to current

Alt + /

Edit Menu
Automation - Glide to all enabled

Alt + Shift + /

Edit Menu
Fades - Create...

Ctrl + F

Edit Menu
Fades - Fade to start

Alt + D

Edit Menu
Fades - Fade to end

Alt + G

View Menu
Narrow mix

Ctrl + Alt + M

Track Menu

Ctrl + Shift + N

Track Menu

Ctrl + G

Track Menu

Alt + Shift + D

Track Menu
Set record tracks to input only

Alt + K

Track Menu
Scroll to track...

Ctrl + Alt + F

Track Menu
Clear all clip indicators

Alt + C

Clip Menu
Edit lock/unlock

Ctrl + L

Clip Menu
Time lock/unlock

Alt + Start + L

Clip Menu
Send to back

Alt + Shift + B

Clip Menu
Bring to front

Alt + Shift + F

Clip Menu
Rating - None

Ctrl + Alt + Start + NumPad 0

Clip Menu
Rating - 1..5

Ctrl + Alt + Start + NumPad 1 .. 5

Clip Menu

Ctrl + Alt + G

Clip Menu

Ctrl + Alt + U

Clip Menu

Ctrl + Alt + R

Clip Menu

Ctrl + Alt + L

Clip Menu

Ctrl + R

Clip Menu

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R

Clip Menu
Identify/Remove sync point

Ctrl + ,

Clip Menu
Quantize to grid

Ctrl + 0 (zero)

Clip Menu
Elastic properties

Alt + NumPad 5

Event Menu
Time operations - Time operations window

Alt + NumPad 1

Event Menu
Tempo operations - Tempo operations window

Alt + NumPad 2

Event Menu
Event operations - Event operations window

Alt + NumPad 3

Event Menu
Event operations - Quantize...

Alt + 0 (zero)

Event Menu
Event operations - Change duration...

Alt + P

Event Menu
Event operations - Transpose...

Alt + T

Event Menu
Event operations - Select/split notes...

Alt + Y

Event Menu
MIDI real-time properties

Alt + NumPad 4

Event Menu
Beat detective

Ctrl + NumPad 8

Event Menu
Identify beat...

Ctrl + I

Event Menu
All MIDI notes off

Ctrl + Shift + .

Options Menu
Loop record

Alt + L

Options Menu

Ctrl + Shift + P

Options Menu

Ctrl + Shift + T

Options Menu
Transport online

Ctrl + J

Options Menu
Video track online

Ctrl + Shift + J

Options Menu

Ctrl + K

Options Menu
Loop playback

Ctrl + Shift + L

Options Menu
Dynamic transport

Ctrl + Start + P

Options Menu
Link timeline and edit selection

Shift + /

Options Menu
Auto-spot clips

Ctrl + Alt + P

Options Menu
Edit/Tool mode keyboard lock

Start + Shift + T

Setup Menu

Ctrl + NumPad 2

Window Menu
Configurations - Window configuration list

Ctrl + Alt + J

Window Menu
Hide all floating windows

Ctrl + Alt + Start + W

Window Menu
Close window

Ctrl + W

Window Menu

Ctrl + =

Window Menu
MIDI editor

Start + =

Window Menu
Score editor

Alt + Start + =

Window Menu
MIDI event list

Alt + =

Window Menu
MIDI editors - Bring to front

Alt + N

Window Menu
MIDI editors - Send to back

Alt + Shift + N

Window Menu
Task manager

Alt + '

Window Menu

Alt + ;

Window Menu

Alt + O

Window Menu
Browsers - Bring to front

Alt + J

Window Menu
Browsers - Send to back

Alt + Shift + J

Window Menu

Ctrl + NumPad 1

Window Menu
Big counter

Ctrl + NumPad 3

Window Menu

Ctrl + NumPad 4

Window Menu
Memory locations

Ctrl + NumPad 5

Window Menu
Video universe

Ctrl + NumPad 7

Window Menu

Ctrl + NumPad 9

Half-speed playback

Shift + Space

Half-speed record

Ctrl + Shift + Space , Shift + F12

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts

NumPad 0

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts

NumPad 1

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts

NumPad 2

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts

NumPad 3

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Loop Playback toggle

NumPad 4

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Loop Record toggle

NumPad 5

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Quick Punch toggle

NumPad 6

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Metronome toggle

NumPad 7

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Countoff toggle

NumPad 8

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
MIDI Merge

NumPad 9

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Add Memory Location

NumPad Enter

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Main Counter Select

NumPad *

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Selection Counter Select

NumPad /

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Nudge Forward

NumPad +

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Nudge Backward

NumPad -

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts

Ctrl NumPad 1

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Session Setup

Ctrl NumPad 2

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Main Counter

Ctrl NumPad 3

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Automation Enable

Ctrl NumPad 4

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Memory Locations

Ctrl NumPad 5

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Machine Track Arming

Ctrl NumPad 6

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Video Universe

Ctrl NumPad 7

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Beat Detective

Ctrl NumPad 8

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts

Ctrl NumPad 9

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Quantize (in Event Operations window)

Alt NumPad 0

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Time Operations

Alt NumPad 1

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Tempo Operations

Alt NumPad 2

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Event Operations

Alt NumPad 3

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Real-Time Properties

Alt NumPad 4

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Elastic Properties

Alt NumPad 5

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Link Timeline and Edit Selection

Shift NumPad /

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Recall Memory Location

NumPad . (Number) .

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Add Windows Configuration

NumPad . +

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Add Windows Configuration (specific number)

NumPad . (Number) +

Numeric Keypad Shortcuts
Recall Windows Configuration

NumPad . (Number) *

Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Start playback of a selected audio or video recording.
Various Other OneNote Shortcuts - Manage Audio and Video in OneNote

ctrl + alt + p

Unity3D 3 (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + p

SharpDevelop 4.0 (Windows)
Show Breakpoints

Ctrl + Alt + P

Inpage (Windows)
To open dialog box of pint setup
For File Releated

Ctrl + Alt + p

Google Docs (Windows)
Open discussion view
Comment View

Ctrl + Alt + P

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Show attach to process window
Build and Debug

Ctrl + Alt + P

IntelliJ (Linux)
Extract Parameter

Ctrl + Alt + P

IntelliJ (Windows)
Extract Parameter

Ctrl + Alt + P

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Print one copy
Print module

Ctrl + Alt + P

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Preview in browser
Web module

Ctrl + Alt + P

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Set proxy for selected Footage item

Ctrl + Alt + P

Microsoft Visio 2016 (Windows)
Open the recorder pages in dialog box
File Operation

Ctrl + Alt + P

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Print without the Print dialog box
General keyboard shortcuts (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + P

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Print one copy
Print Module

Ctrl + Alt + P

InDesign CC (Windows)
Page Setup
File Menu Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + P

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Preview in browser
Web Module

Ctrl + Alt + P

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Print without Print dialog box
Browse-Mode Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + P

3D Coat (Windows)
Edit Projection in External Editor
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Alt + P

Zoho Writer (Windows)
Format Tab

Ctrl + Alt + P

ZenDesk (Windows)
Save/Update as Pending

Ctrl + Alt + P

JetBrains RubyMine (Windows)
Extract parameter

Ctrl + Alt + P

JetBrains RubyMine (Linux)
Extract parameter

Ctrl + Alt + P

JetBrains PyCharm (Windows)
Introduce parameter

Ctrl + Alt + P

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)
Add CSS property

Ctrl + Alt + P

Adobe RoboHelp (Windows)
Insert TextOnly PopUp

Ctrl + Alt + P

Brackets (Windows)
Live Preview
99 Shortcuts for Brackets (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + P

IBM Maximo (Windows)
Previous Record

Ctrl + Alt + P

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Remove a slide group.
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + P

WinSCP 5 (Windows)
Open Preferences dialog
Service Commands

Ctrl + Alt + P

MediaMonkey (Windows)
View Properties editor (toggle)
Standard Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + P

XMetal Author (Windows)
Previous Change
26 Shortcuts for XMetal Author (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + P

XYplorer (Windows)
Open Command Prompt Here
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + P

Jetbrains CLion (Windows)
Introduce parameter

Ctrl + Alt + P

Unity3D 5 (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + P

Siemens NX 11 (Windows)
Flexible Printed Circuit Design
Application Menu

Ctrl + Alt + P

Delphi 10 (Windows)
Activate the Tool Palette in filtering mode (start typing, press Enter to drop component)
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + P

Sierra Chart (Windows)
Price Projection
Tools Menu

Ctrl + Alt + P

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Turn the selected expression into a new method parameter

Ctrl + Alt + P

RStudio (Windows)
Run previous sweave/Rmd code

Ctrl + Alt + P

ChessBase 13
Pair of bishops
Commentary symbols

Ctrl + Alt + P

TurboCAD (Windows)
Center the view around defined point
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + P

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Opens the Print Preview window
File Menu

Ctrl + Alt + P

Geany (Linux)
Build,Make and Compile

Ctrl + Alt + P

Geany (Windows)
Build,Make and Compile

Ctrl + Alt + P

SAP Web IDE (Windows)
View Problems
47 Shortcuts for SAP Web IDE (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + P

Wordfast Pro (Windows)
Preview in MS Word
100 Shortcuts for Wordfast Pro (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + P


Ctrl + Alt + P

Open Command Prompt Here
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + P

Vectorworks (Windows)
Page Setup
File Menu

Ctrl + Alt + P

Run previous Sweave/Rmd code

Ctrl + Alt + P

Ableton Live 9 (Windows)
Show/Hide Plug-In Windows
Working with Plug-Ins and Devices

Ctrl + Alt + P

Cisco Jabber
Snap / remove call window
Active calls

Ctrl + Alt + P

Switch to Partnership Module
Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens

Ctrl + Alt + P

Ableton Live 10
Show/Hide Plug-In Windows
Working with Plug-Ins and Devices

Ctrl + Alt + P

Siemens NX
Flexible printed circuit design
Application menu

Ctrl + Alt + P

New point
Composite shot timeline

Ctrl + Alt + P

Zendesk Support
Save / update as pending

Ctrl + Alt + P

ArtRage Studio Pro
Preset Collection
Panel Commands

Ctrl + Alt + P

PyCharm 2018.2
Turn the selected expression into a new method parameter.

Ctrl + Alt + P


Ctrl + Alt + P

Adobe Lightroom Classic
Preview in browser
Working in the Web module

Ctrl + Alt + P

Scroll to previous item in collection

Ctrl + Alt + P

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (Most used shortcuts)

Ctrl + Alt + P

IntelliJ IDEA (Windows, Linux)
Extract parameter

Ctrl + Alt + P

Sweet Home 3D

Ctrl + Alt + P

Live Preview

Ctrl + Alt + P

Comodo IceDragon
Toggle Hand Tool
PDF Viewer

Ctrl + Alt + P

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)

Ctrl + Alt + P

Print without the Print dialog box

Ctrl + Alt + P

Pre-Superscript (1)
2D Math

Ctrl + Alt + P

Activate the Tool Palette in filtering mode (start typing, press Enter to drop component)

Ctrl + Alt + P

View: Show performance meter window
Section: Main

Ctrl + Alt + P

Make Proxy

Ctrl + Alt + P

Direct print image (no dialog box)
Handling files

Ctrl + Alt + P

View properties editor (toggle)

Ctrl + Alt + P

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Open SQL Server Profiler
Code editor

Ctrl + Alt + P

Firefox Quantum
Switch to Presentation Mode
PDF Viewer

Ctrl + Alt + P

Open Preferences dialog
Service commands

Ctrl + Alt + P

Android Studio
Extract parameter

Ctrl + Alt + P

Microsoft OneNote
Play selected audio recording
Select notes and objects

Ctrl + Alt + P

Section planes

Ctrl + Alt + P

IrfanView 4.42 (Windows)
Direct print image (no dialog box)
File Handling

Ctrl + Alt + P

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Set proxy for selected footage item

Ctrl + Alt + P