Hotkeys and shortcuts for Access 2010 (Windows)

(Total 722)

Ctrl + F
Manage Access Features - Find and Replace
Find and replace dialog box
Ctrl + H
Manage Access Features - Find and Replace
(Find and) Replace dialog box
Shift + F4
Manage Access Features - Find and Replace
Find next
Alt + Ctrl + F
Manage Access Features - Find and Replace
Go to the Navigation Pane search box from anywhere in the database
Ctrl + X / Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V
Manage Access Features - Form Controls
Cut / Copy / Paste
Arrow Keys
Manage Access Features - Form Controls
Move selected control up/down/left/right (Optionally, add Ctrl to key combination)
Shift + Arrow Down / Shift + Arrow Up
Manage Access Features - Form Controls
Increase / decrease height of the selected control
Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left
Manage Access Features - Form Controls
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
Manage Access Features - Wizards
Toggle the focus forward between controls in the wizard
Alt + N
Manage Access Features - Wizards
Move to the next page of the wizard
Alt + B
Manage Access Features - Wizards
Move to the previous page of the wizard
Alt + F
Manage Access Features - Wizards
Complete the wizard
Shift + F10
Manage Access Features - Menus
Show the shortcut menu
Manage Access Features - Menus
Show the access keys (of F10)
Alt + Space
Manage Access Features - Menus
Show the program icon menu
Arrow Down / Arrow Up
Manage Access Features - Menus
Select the next / select previous command in menu
Arrow Left / Arrow Right
Manage Access Features - Menus
Select the menu to the left / menu to the right
Home / End
Manage Access Features - Menus
Select first / select last command in menu
Manage Access Features - Menus
Close the visible menu and submenu at the same time
Manage Access Features - Menus
Close the visible menu; or, with a submenu visible, to close the submenu
Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Manage Access Features - Dialog Boxes
Switch to next tab / switch to previous tab in a dialog box
Tab / Shift + Tab
Manage Access Features - Dialog Boxes
Move to the next / switch to previous option or option group
Arrow Keys
Manage Access Features - Dialog Boxes
Move between options
Manage Access Features - Dialog Boxes
Select current button
Alt + Arrow Down
Manage Access Features - Dialog Boxes
Open the selected drop-down list box
Manage Access Features - Dialog Boxes
Close the selected drop-down list box
Manage Access Features - Dialog Boxes
Perform the action assigned to the default button in the dialog box
Manage Access Features - Dialog Boxes
Cancel the command and close the dialog box
Alt + F4
Manage Access Features - Dialog Boxes
Close a dialog box
Home / End
Manage Access Features - Text Boxes
Move beginning / move to end of an entry
Ctrl + Arrow Left / Ctrl + Arrow Right
Manage Access Features - Text Boxes
Move one word to the left or right
Shift + Home / Shift + End
Manage Access Features - Text Boxes
Select from cursor to end / to beginning
Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right
Manage Access Features - Text Boxes
Extend selection one character to the left / to the right
Alt + F8
Manage Access Features - Field List Pane
Toggle the Field List pane
Manage Access Features - Field List Pane
Add the selected field to the form or report detail section
Arrow Up / Arrow Down
Manage Access Features - Field List Pane
Move up / move down the Field List pane
Shift + Tab
Manage Access Features - Field List Pane
Move to the upper Field List pane from the lower pane
Manage Access Features - Field List Pane
Move to the lower Field List pane from the upper pane
Tab / Shift + Tab
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select next field / select previous field
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns
Shift + Space
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns
Switch between selecting the current record and the first field of the current record,
Shift + Arrow Up / Shift + Arrow Down
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns
Extend selection to previous record/ to next record
Ctrl + A
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select all records (or Ctrl+Shift+Space)
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns
Turn on Extend mode
Arrow Left / Arrow Right
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns
Extend a selection to adjacent fields in the same row in Datasheet view
Arrow Up / Arrow Down
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns
Extend a selection to adjacent rows in Datasheet view
Shift + F8
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns
Undo the previous extension
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns
Cancel Extend mode
Ctrl + Space
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select the current column
Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select the column to the right / to the left, if the current column is selected
Ctrl + Shift + F8
Manage Access Features - Select and move Fields or Columns
Turn on Move mode
Arrow Right / Arrow Left
Manage Access Features - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor one character to the right / to the left
Ctrl + Arrow Right / Ctrl + Arrow Left
Manage Access Features - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor one word to the right / to the left
Home / End
Manage Access Features - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor to the beginning / to the end of the field
Ctrl + Home / Ctrl + End
Manage Access Features - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor to the beginning / to the end of the line in multi-line fields
Ctrl + Delete
Manage Access Features - Edit Text and Data
Delete all characters to the right of the insertion point
Ctrl + Z
Manage Access Features - Edit Text and Data
Undo Changes
Ctrl + Y
Manage Access Features - Edit Text and Data
Redo Changes
Manage Access Features - Edit Text and Data
Cancel / undo changes in the current field or current record
Ctrl + ;
Manage Access Features - Insert Data
Insert the current date
Ctrl + :
Manage Access Features - Insert Data
Insert the current time
Ctrl + Alt + Space
Manage Access Features - Insert Data
Insert the default value for a field
Ctrl + '
Manage Access Features - Insert Data
Insert the value from the same field in the previous record
Ctrl + [ + ]
Manage Access Features - Insert Data
Add a new record
Ctrl + -
Manage Access Features - Insert Data
In a datasheet, delete the current record
Shift + Enter
Manage Access Features - Insert Data
Save changes to the current record
Manage Access Features - Insert Data
Switch between the values in a check box or option button
Ctrl + Enter
Manage Access Features - Insert Data
Insert a new line
Manage Access Features - Refresh Fields
Recalculate the fields in the window or the contents of a Lookup field
Shift + F9
Manage Access Features - Refresh Fields
Requery the underlying tables
Manage Access Features - Design View
Switch between Edit and Navigation mode
Manage Access Features - Design View
Toggle the property sheet
Manage Access Features - Design View
Switch to Form view from form Design view
Manage Access Features - Design View
Switch between the windows, or between design panes / properties / etc
Manage Access Features - Design View
Open the Visual Basic Editor from a selected property in the property sheet for a form or report
Alt + F8
Manage Access Features - Design View
Invokes the Field List pane in a form, report, or data access page. If the Field List pane is already open, focus moves to the Field List pane.
Shift + F7
Manage Access Features - Design View
Switch to Form or Report Design View (from Visual Basic Editor with code module open)
Alt + Enter
Manage Access Features - Design View
Display a property sheet
Ctrl + X / Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V
Manage Access Features - Design View
Cut / Copy / Paste
Arrow Keys
Manage Access Features - Design View
Move selected control up/down/left/right along the grid
Ctrl + Arrow Keys
Manage Access Features - Design View
Move selected control up/down/left/right by one pixel
Shift + Arrow Down / Shift + Arrow Up
Manage Access Features - Design View
Increase / decrease height of the selected control
Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left
Manage Access Features - Design View
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
Manage Access Features - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to the record number box, type in number and press enter
Tab / Shift + Tab
Manage Access Features - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to next / move to previous field in current record
Home / End
Manage Access Features - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to first / move to last field in current record
Arrow Down / Arrow Up
Manage Access Features - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to next / move to previous record
Ctrl + Arrow Down / Ctrl + Arrow Up
Manage Access Features - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to last record / move to first record (or current field in next record / in previous record when in subdatasheet)
Ctrl + Home / Ctrl + End
Manage Access Features - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to first field in first record / last field in last record
Page Down / Page Up
Manage Access Features - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move down one screen / move up one screen
Ctrl + Page Down / Ctrl + Page Up
Manage Access Features - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move right one screen / left one screen
Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Manage Access Features - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
In subdatasheet: Exit to next / to previous record
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down
Manage Access Features - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Expand subdatasheet
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up
Manage Access Features - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Collapse subdatasheet
Alt + F5
Manage Access Features - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move from subdatasheet to record number box, enter record number and press enter
Manage Access Features - Database Diagram
Move from a table cell to the table's title bar
Manage Access Features - Database Diagram
Move from a table's title bar to the last cell you edited
Manage Access Features - Database Diagram
Move from table title bar to table title bar, or from cell to cell inside a table
Alt + Arrow Down
Manage Access Features - Database Diagram
Expand a list inside a table
Arrow Down / Arrow Up
Manage Access Features - Database Diagram
Move up / down in a list
Manage Access Features - Database Diagram
Change the setting in a check box
Home / End
Manage Access Features - Database Diagram
Go to the first cell / go to last cell in row
Page Down / Page Up
Manage Access Features - Database Diagram
Go to next / go to previous page of the diagram
F6 / Shift + F6
Manage Access Features - Query Designer
Move forward / backwards among the Query Designer panes
Tab / Shift + Tab
Manage Access Features - Query Designer
Move forward / backwards among tables, views, functions, or join line.
Arrow Keys
Manage Access Features - Query Designer
Move between columns in a table, view, or function
Manage Access Features - Query Designer
Choose the selected data column for output (or use +/-)
Manage Access Features - Query Designer
Remove the selected table, view, function, or join line
Manage Access Features - Query Designer
In Grid Pane: toggle between edit mode and cell selection mode
Manage Access Features - Query Designer
Insert row between existing columns
Tab / Shift + Tab
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Move to the right / to the left
Enter / Shift + Enter
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Move down / move up
Shift + Enter
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Select cell above current cell
Ctrl + Enter / Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Select detail cell for next item / previous item in row
Shift + Arrow Keys
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Expand selection
Ctrl + A
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Select entire PivotTable View
Shift + F10
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Display context menu
Alt + Enter
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Display property dialog box
Alt + F4
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Close property dialog box
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Cancel refresh operation in progress
Ctrl + E
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Export contents to Excel
Ctrl + 8
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Toggle expand indicators (plus and minus signs)
Ctrl + [ + on numeric keyboard
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Expand selected item
Ctrl + - on numeric keyboard
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Collapse current item
Alt + Arrow Down
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Open list for currently selected item
Ctrl + T
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Toggle AutoFilter
Ctrl + Shift + A
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Sort data ascending (A-Z)
Ctrl + Shift + Z
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Sort data descending (Z-A)
Alt + Shift + Arrow Up / Alt + Shift + Arrow Up
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Move selected member up / down
Alt + Shift + Arrow Right / Alt + Shift + Arrow Left
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Move selected member right / left
Ctrl + L
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Display Field List pane
Ctrl + Shift + S
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Add new total field using sum summary
Ctrl + Shift + C
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Add new total field using count summary
Ctrl + Shift + M
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Add new total field using min summary
Ctrl + Shift + X
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Add new total field using max summary
Ctrl + Shift + E
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Add new total field using average summary
Ctrl + Shift + D
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Add new total field using standard deviation summary
Ctrl + Shift + T
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Add new total field using standard deviation population summary
Ctrl + Shift + B
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Turn subtotals and grand totals on or off for selected field
Ctrl + F
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Add a calculated detail field
Ctrl + 1
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Move selected field to row area
Ctrl + 2
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Move selected field to column area
Ctrl + 3
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Move selected field to filter area
Ctrl + 4
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Move selected field to detail area
Ctrl + Arrow Left / Ctrl + Arrow Right
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Move selection up one level / down one level
Ctrl + Shift + ~
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Apply the general number format to values
Ctrl + Shift + $
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Apply the currency format to values
Ctrl + Shift + %
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Apply the percentage format to values
Ctrl + Shift + ^
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Apply the exponential number format to values
Ctrl + Shift + #
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Apply the date format to values
Ctrl + Shift + @
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Apply the time format, with the hour, minute, and AM or PM, to values in the selected total or detail field
Ctrl + Shift + !
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Apply the numeric format, with two decimal places, thousands separator, and a minus sign for negative values, to values in the selected total or detail field
Ctrl + B
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Make text bold in the selected field of the PivotTable view
Ctrl + U
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Make text underlined in the selected field of the PivotTable view
Ctrl + I
Manage Access Features - Pivot Table
Make text italic in the selected field of the PivotTable view
Manage Access Features - Manage Windows
Toggle the Navigation Pane
Ctrl + F6
Manage Access Features - Manage Windows
Cycle between open windows
Manage Access Features - Manage Windows
Restore the selected minimized window when all windows are minimized
Ctrl + F8
Manage Access Features - Manage Windows
Turn on Resize mode for the active window when it is not maximized; press the arrow keys to resize the window
Alt + Space
Manage Access Features - Manage Windows
Display the control menu
Shift + F10
Manage Access Features - Manage Windows
Display the shortcut menu
Ctrl + W / Ctrl + F4
Manage Access Features - Manage Windows
Close the active window
Alt + F11
Manage Access Features - Manage Windows
Switch between the Visual Basic Editor and the previous active window
Ctrl + P
Manage Access Features - Print Preview
Open the Print dialog box (or p)
Manage Access Features - Print Preview
Open the page setup dialog box
Manage Access Features - Print Preview
Cancel print/ layout preview (or escape)
Tab / Shift + Tab
Manage Access Features - Help Window
Go to next / go to previous text or hyperlink
Manage Access Features - Help Window
Perform action for currently selected item
Alt + Arrow Left / Alt + Arrow Right
Manage Access Features - Help Window
Move back / move forward
Ctrl + P
Manage Access Features - Help Window
Open the Print dialog box
Arrow Up / Arrow Down
Manage Access Features - Help Window
Move up / move down in small increments
Page Up / Page Down
Manage Access Features - Help Window
Move up / move down one one page
Shift + F10
Manage Access Features - Help Window
Show context menu
Manage Access Features - Other Shortcuts
Display hyperlink
Manage Access Features - Other Shortcuts
Check spelling
Shift + F2
Manage Access Features - Other Shortcuts
Open the Zoom box
Alt + Enter
Manage Access Features - Other Shortcuts
Display a property sheet in Design view
Ctrl + F2
Manage Access Features - Other Shortcuts
Invoke a Builder
Ctrl + Arrow Right / Ctrl + Arrow Left
Manage Access Features - Other Shortcuts
Toggle forward / toggle backwards between views when in a table, or other elements
Ctrl + F
Working with Text and Data - Find and Replace
Find and replace dialog box
Ctrl + H
Working with Text and Data - Find and Replace
(Find and) Replace dialog box
Shift + F4
Working with Text and Data - Find and Replace
Find next
Alt + Ctrl + F
Working with Text and Data - Find and Replace
Go to the Navigation Pane search box from anywhere in the database
Ctrl + X / Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V
Working with Text and Data - Form Controls
Cut / Copy / Paste
Arrow Keys
Working with Text and Data - Form Controls
Move selected control up/down/left/right (Optionally, add Ctrl to key combination)
Shift + Arrow Down / Shift + Arrow Up
Working with Text and Data - Form Controls
Increase / decrease height of the selected control
Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left
Working with Text and Data - Form Controls
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
Working with Text and Data - Wizards
Toggle the focus forward between controls in the wizard
Alt + N
Working with Text and Data - Wizards
Move to the next page of the wizard
Alt + B
Working with Text and Data - Wizards
Move to the previous page of the wizard
Alt + F
Working with Text and Data - Wizards
Complete the wizard
Shift + F10
Working with Text and Data - Menus
Show the shortcut menu
Working with Text and Data - Menus
Show the access keys (of F10)
Alt + Space
Working with Text and Data - Menus
Show the program icon menu
Arrow Down / Arrow Up
Working with Text and Data - Menus
Select the next / select previous command in menu
Arrow Left / Arrow Right
Working with Text and Data - Menus
Select the menu to the left / menu to the right
Home / End
Working with Text and Data - Menus
Select first / select last command in menu
Working with Text and Data - Menus
Close the visible menu and submenu at the same time
Working with Text and Data - Menus
Close the visible menu; or, with a submenu visible, to close the submenu
Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Working with Text and Data - Dialog Boxes
Switch to next tab / switch to previous tab in a dialog box
Tab / Shift + Tab
Working with Text and Data - Dialog Boxes
Move to the next / switch to previous option or option group
Arrow Keys
Working with Text and Data - Dialog Boxes
Move between options
Working with Text and Data - Dialog Boxes
Select current button
Alt + Arrow Down
Working with Text and Data - Dialog Boxes
Open the selected drop-down list box
Working with Text and Data - Dialog Boxes
Close the selected drop-down list box
Working with Text and Data - Dialog Boxes
Perform the action assigned to the default button in the dialog box
Working with Text and Data - Dialog Boxes
Cancel the command and close the dialog box
Alt + F4
Working with Text and Data - Dialog Boxes
Close a dialog box
Home / End
Working with Text and Data - Text Boxes
Move beginning / move to end of an entry
Ctrl + Arrow Left / Ctrl + Arrow Right
Working with Text and Data - Text Boxes
Move one word to the left or right
Shift + Home / Shift + End
Working with Text and Data - Text Boxes
Select from cursor to end / to beginning
Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right
Working with Text and Data - Text Boxes
Extend selection one character to the left / to the right
Alt + F8
Working with Text and Data - Field List Pane
Toggle the Field List pane
Working with Text and Data - Field List Pane
Add the selected field to the form or report detail section
Arrow Up / Arrow Down
Working with Text and Data - Field List Pane
Move up / move down the Field List pane
Shift + Tab
Working with Text and Data - Field List Pane
Move to the upper Field List pane from the lower pane
Working with Text and Data - Field List Pane
Move to the lower Field List pane from the upper pane
Tab / Shift + Tab
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select next field / select previous field
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns
Shift + Space
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns
Switch between selecting the current record and the first field of the current record,
Shift + Arrow Up / Shift + Arrow Down
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns
Extend selection to previous record/ to next record
Ctrl + A
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select all records (or Ctrl+Shift+Space)
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns
Turn on Extend mode
Arrow Left / Arrow Right
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns
Extend a selection to adjacent fields in the same row in Datasheet view
Arrow Up / Arrow Down
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns
Extend a selection to adjacent rows in Datasheet view
Shift + F8
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns
Undo the previous extension
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns
Cancel Extend mode
Ctrl + Space
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select the current column
Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select the column to the right / to the left, if the current column is selected
Ctrl + Shift + F8
Working with Text and Data - Select and move Fields or Columns
Turn on Move mode
Arrow Right / Arrow Left
Working with Text and Data - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor one character to the right / to the left
Ctrl + Arrow Right / Ctrl + Arrow Left
Working with Text and Data - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor one word to the right / to the left
Home / End
Working with Text and Data - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor to the beginning / to the end of the field
Ctrl + Home / Ctrl + End
Working with Text and Data - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor to the beginning / to the end of the line in multi-line fields
Ctrl + Delete
Working with Text and Data - Edit Text and Data
Delete all characters to the right of the insertion point
Ctrl + Z
Working with Text and Data - Edit Text and Data
Undo Changes
Ctrl + Y
Working with Text and Data - Edit Text and Data
Redo Changes
Working with Text and Data - Edit Text and Data
Cancel / undo changes in the current field or current record
Ctrl + ;
Working with Text and Data - Insert Data
Insert the current date
Ctrl + :
Working with Text and Data - Insert Data
Insert the current time
Ctrl + Alt + Space
Working with Text and Data - Insert Data
Insert the default value for a field
Ctrl + '
Working with Text and Data - Insert Data
Insert the value from the same field in the previous record
Ctrl + [ + ]
Working with Text and Data - Insert Data
Add a new record
Ctrl + -
Working with Text and Data - Insert Data
In a datasheet, delete the current record
Shift + Enter
Working with Text and Data - Insert Data
Save changes to the current record
Working with Text and Data - Insert Data
Switch between the values in a check box or option button
Ctrl + Enter
Working with Text and Data - Insert Data
Insert a new line
Working with Text and Data - Refresh Fields
Recalculate the fields in the window or the contents of a Lookup field
Shift + F9
Working with Text and Data - Refresh Fields
Requery the underlying tables
Working with Text and Data - Design View
Switch between Edit and Navigation mode
Working with Text and Data - Design View
Toggle the property sheet
Working with Text and Data - Design View
Switch to Form view from form Design view
Working with Text and Data - Design View
Switch between the windows, or between design panes / properties / etc
Working with Text and Data - Design View
Open the Visual Basic Editor from a selected property in the property sheet for a form or report
Alt + F8
Working with Text and Data - Design View
Invokes the Field List pane in a form, report, or data access page. If the Field List pane is already open, focus moves to the Field List pane.
Shift + F7
Working with Text and Data - Design View
Switch to Form or Report Design View (from Visual Basic Editor with code module open)
Alt + Enter
Working with Text and Data - Design View
Display a property sheet
Ctrl + X / Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V
Working with Text and Data - Design View
Cut / Copy / Paste
Arrow Keys
Working with Text and Data - Design View
Move selected control up/down/left/right along the grid
Ctrl + Arrow Keys
Working with Text and Data - Design View
Move selected control up/down/left/right by one pixel
Shift + Arrow Down / Shift + Arrow Up
Working with Text and Data - Design View
Increase / decrease height of the selected control
Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left
Working with Text and Data - Design View
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
Working with Text and Data - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to the record number box, type in number and press enter
Tab / Shift + Tab
Working with Text and Data - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to next / move to previous field in current record
Home / End
Working with Text and Data - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to first / move to last field in current record
Arrow Down / Arrow Up
Working with Text and Data - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to next / move to previous record
Ctrl + Arrow Down / Ctrl + Arrow Up
Working with Text and Data - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to last record / move to first record (or current field in next record / in previous record when in subdatasheet)
Ctrl + Home / Ctrl + End
Working with Text and Data - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to first field in first record / last field in last record
Page Down / Page Up
Working with Text and Data - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move down one screen / move up one screen
Ctrl + Page Down / Ctrl + Page Up
Working with Text and Data - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move right one screen / left one screen
Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Working with Text and Data - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
In subdatasheet: Exit to next / to previous record
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down
Working with Text and Data - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Expand subdatasheet
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up
Working with Text and Data - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Collapse subdatasheet
Alt + F5
Working with Text and Data - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move from subdatasheet to record number box, enter record number and press enter
Working with Text and Data - Database Diagram
Move from a table cell to the table's title bar
Working with Text and Data - Database Diagram
Move from a table's title bar to the last cell you edited
Working with Text and Data - Database Diagram
Move from table title bar to table title bar, or from cell to cell inside a table
Alt + Arrow Down
Working with Text and Data - Database Diagram
Expand a list inside a table
Arrow Down / Arrow Up
Working with Text and Data - Database Diagram
Move up / down in a list
Working with Text and Data - Database Diagram
Change the setting in a check box
Home / End
Working with Text and Data - Database Diagram
Go to the first cell / go to last cell in row
Page Down / Page Up
Working with Text and Data - Database Diagram
Go to next / go to previous page of the diagram
F6 / Shift + F6
Working with Text and Data - Query Designer
Move forward / backwards among the Query Designer panes
Tab / Shift + Tab
Working with Text and Data - Query Designer
Move forward / backwards among tables, views, functions, or join line.
Arrow Keys
Working with Text and Data - Query Designer
Move between columns in a table, view, or function
Working with Text and Data - Query Designer
Choose the selected data column for output (or use +/-)
Working with Text and Data - Query Designer
Remove the selected table, view, function, or join line
Working with Text and Data - Query Designer
In Grid Pane: toggle between edit mode and cell selection mode
Working with Text and Data - Query Designer
Insert row between existing columns
Tab / Shift + Tab
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Move to the right / to the left
Enter / Shift + Enter
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Move down / move up
Shift + Enter
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Select cell above current cell
Ctrl + Enter / Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Select detail cell for next item / previous item in row
Shift + Arrow Keys
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Expand selection
Ctrl + A
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Select entire PivotTable View
Shift + F10
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Display context menu
Alt + Enter
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Display property dialog box
Alt + F4
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Close property dialog box
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Cancel refresh operation in progress
Ctrl + E
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Export contents to Excel
Ctrl + 8
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Toggle expand indicators (plus and minus signs)
Ctrl + [ + on numeric keyboard
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Expand selected item
Ctrl + - on numeric keyboard
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Collapse current item
Alt + Arrow Down
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Open list for currently selected item
Ctrl + T
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Toggle AutoFilter
Ctrl + Shift + A
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Sort data ascending (A-Z)
Ctrl + Shift + Z
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Sort data descending (Z-A)
Alt + Shift + Arrow Up / Alt + Shift + Arrow Up
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Move selected member up / down
Alt + Shift + Arrow Right / Alt + Shift + Arrow Left
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Move selected member right / left
Ctrl + L
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Display Field List pane
Ctrl + Shift + S
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Add new total field using sum summary
Ctrl + Shift + C
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Add new total field using count summary
Ctrl + Shift + M
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Add new total field using min summary
Ctrl + Shift + X
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Add new total field using max summary
Ctrl + Shift + E
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Add new total field using average summary
Ctrl + Shift + D
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Add new total field using standard deviation summary
Ctrl + Shift + T
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Add new total field using standard deviation population summary
Ctrl + Shift + B
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Turn subtotals and grand totals on or off for selected field
Ctrl + F
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Add a calculated detail field
Ctrl + 1
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Move selected field to row area
Ctrl + 2
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Move selected field to column area
Ctrl + 3
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Move selected field to filter area
Ctrl + 4
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Move selected field to detail area
Ctrl + Arrow Left / Ctrl + Arrow Right
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Move selection up one level / down one level
Ctrl + Shift + ~
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Apply the general number format to values
Ctrl + Shift + $
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Apply the currency format to values
Ctrl + Shift + %
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Apply the percentage format to values
Ctrl + Shift + ^
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Apply the exponential number format to values
Ctrl + Shift + #
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Apply the date format to values
Ctrl + Shift + @
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Apply the time format, with the hour, minute, and AM or PM, to values in the selected total or detail field
Ctrl + Shift + !
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Apply the numeric format, with two decimal places, thousands separator, and a minus sign for negative values, to values in the selected total or detail field
Ctrl + B
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Make text bold in the selected field of the PivotTable view
Ctrl + U
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Make text underlined in the selected field of the PivotTable view
Ctrl + I
Working with Text and Data - Pivot Table
Make text italic in the selected field of the PivotTable view
Working with Text and Data - Manage Windows
Toggle the Navigation Pane
Ctrl + F6
Working with Text and Data - Manage Windows
Cycle between open windows
Working with Text and Data - Manage Windows
Restore the selected minimized window when all windows are minimized
Ctrl + F8
Working with Text and Data - Manage Windows
Turn on Resize mode for the active window when it is not maximized; press the arrow keys to resize the window
Alt + Space
Working with Text and Data - Manage Windows
Display the control menu
Shift + F10
Working with Text and Data - Manage Windows
Display the shortcut menu
Ctrl + W / Ctrl + F4
Working with Text and Data - Manage Windows
Close the active window
Alt + F11
Working with Text and Data - Manage Windows
Switch between the Visual Basic Editor and the previous active window
Ctrl + P
Working with Text and Data - Print Preview
Open the Print dialog box (or p)
Working with Text and Data - Print Preview
Open the page setup dialog box
Working with Text and Data - Print Preview
Cancel print/ layout preview (or escape)
Tab / Shift + Tab
Working with Text and Data - Help Window
Go to next / go to previous text or hyperlink
Working with Text and Data - Help Window
Perform action for currently selected item
Alt + Arrow Left / Alt + Arrow Right
Working with Text and Data - Help Window
Move back / move forward
Ctrl + P
Working with Text and Data - Help Window
Open the Print dialog box
Arrow Up / Arrow Down
Working with Text and Data - Help Window
Move up / move down in small increments
Page Up / Page Down
Working with Text and Data - Help Window
Move up / move down one one page
Shift + F10
Working with Text and Data - Help Window
Show context menu
Working with Text and Data - Other Shortcuts
Display hyperlink
Working with Text and Data - Other Shortcuts
Check spelling
Shift + F2
Working with Text and Data - Other Shortcuts
Open the Zoom box
Alt + Enter
Working with Text and Data - Other Shortcuts
Display a property sheet in Design view
Ctrl + F2
Working with Text and Data - Other Shortcuts
Invoke a Builder
Ctrl + Arrow Right / Ctrl + Arrow Left
Working with Text and Data - Other Shortcuts
Toggle forward / toggle backwards between views when in a table, or other elements
Ctrl + F
Working with Access Views - Find and Replace
Find and replace dialog box
Ctrl + H
Working with Access Views - Find and Replace
(Find and) Replace dialog box
Shift + F4
Working with Access Views - Find and Replace
Find next
Alt + Ctrl + F
Working with Access Views - Find and Replace
Go to the Navigation Pane search box from anywhere in the database
Ctrl + X / Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V
Working with Access Views - Form Controls
Cut / Copy / Paste
Arrow Keys
Working with Access Views - Form Controls
Move selected control up/down/left/right (Optionally, add Ctrl to key combination)
Shift + Arrow Down / Shift + Arrow Up
Working with Access Views - Form Controls
Increase / decrease height of the selected control
Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left
Working with Access Views - Form Controls
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
Working with Access Views - Wizards
Toggle the focus forward between controls in the wizard
Alt + N
Working with Access Views - Wizards
Move to the next page of the wizard
Alt + B
Working with Access Views - Wizards
Move to the previous page of the wizard
Alt + F
Working with Access Views - Wizards
Complete the wizard
Shift + F10
Working with Access Views - Menus
Show the shortcut menu
Working with Access Views - Menus
Show the access keys (of F10)
Alt + Space
Working with Access Views - Menus
Show the program icon menu
Arrow Down / Arrow Up
Working with Access Views - Menus
Select the next / select previous command in menu
Arrow Left / Arrow Right
Working with Access Views - Menus
Select the menu to the left / menu to the right
Home / End
Working with Access Views - Menus
Select first / select last command in menu
Working with Access Views - Menus
Close the visible menu and submenu at the same time
Working with Access Views - Menus
Close the visible menu; or, with a submenu visible, to close the submenu
Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Working with Access Views - Dialog Boxes
Switch to next tab / switch to previous tab in a dialog box
Tab / Shift + Tab
Working with Access Views - Dialog Boxes
Move to the next / switch to previous option or option group
Arrow Keys
Working with Access Views - Dialog Boxes
Move between options
Working with Access Views - Dialog Boxes
Select current button
Alt + Arrow Down
Working with Access Views - Dialog Boxes
Open the selected drop-down list box
Working with Access Views - Dialog Boxes
Close the selected drop-down list box
Working with Access Views - Dialog Boxes
Perform the action assigned to the default button in the dialog box
Working with Access Views - Dialog Boxes
Cancel the command and close the dialog box
Alt + F4
Working with Access Views - Dialog Boxes
Close a dialog box
Home / End
Working with Access Views - Text Boxes
Move beginning / move to end of an entry
Ctrl + Arrow Left / Ctrl + Arrow Right
Working with Access Views - Text Boxes
Move one word to the left or right
Shift + Home / Shift + End
Working with Access Views - Text Boxes
Select from cursor to end / to beginning
Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right
Working with Access Views - Text Boxes
Extend selection one character to the left / to the right
Alt + F8
Working with Access Views - Field List Pane
Toggle the Field List pane
Working with Access Views - Field List Pane
Add the selected field to the form or report detail section
Arrow Up / Arrow Down
Working with Access Views - Field List Pane
Move up / move down the Field List pane
Shift + Tab
Working with Access Views - Field List Pane
Move to the upper Field List pane from the lower pane
Working with Access Views - Field List Pane
Move to the lower Field List pane from the upper pane
Tab / Shift + Tab
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select next field / select previous field
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns
Shift + Space
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns
Switch between selecting the current record and the first field of the current record,
Shift + Arrow Up / Shift + Arrow Down
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns
Extend selection to previous record/ to next record
Ctrl + A
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select all records (or Ctrl+Shift+Space)
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns
Turn on Extend mode
Arrow Left / Arrow Right
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns
Extend a selection to adjacent fields in the same row in Datasheet view
Arrow Up / Arrow Down
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns
Extend a selection to adjacent rows in Datasheet view
Shift + F8
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns
Undo the previous extension
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns
Cancel Extend mode
Ctrl + Space
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select the current column
Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select the column to the right / to the left, if the current column is selected
Ctrl + Shift + F8
Working with Access Views - Select and move Fields or Columns
Turn on Move mode
Arrow Right / Arrow Left
Working with Access Views - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor one character to the right / to the left
Ctrl + Arrow Right / Ctrl + Arrow Left
Working with Access Views - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor one word to the right / to the left
Home / End
Working with Access Views - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor to the beginning / to the end of the field
Ctrl + Home / Ctrl + End
Working with Access Views - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor to the beginning / to the end of the line in multi-line fields
Ctrl + Delete
Working with Access Views - Edit Text and Data
Delete all characters to the right of the insertion point
Ctrl + Z
Working with Access Views - Edit Text and Data
Undo Changes
Ctrl + Y
Working with Access Views - Edit Text and Data
Redo Changes
Working with Access Views - Edit Text and Data
Cancel / undo changes in the current field or current record
Ctrl + ;
Working with Access Views - Insert Data
Insert the current date
Ctrl + :
Working with Access Views - Insert Data
Insert the current time
Ctrl + Alt + Space
Working with Access Views - Insert Data
Insert the default value for a field
Ctrl + '
Working with Access Views - Insert Data
Insert the value from the same field in the previous record
Ctrl + [ + ]
Working with Access Views - Insert Data
Add a new record
Ctrl + -
Working with Access Views - Insert Data
In a datasheet, delete the current record
Shift + Enter
Working with Access Views - Insert Data
Save changes to the current record
Working with Access Views - Insert Data
Switch between the values in a check box or option button
Ctrl + Enter
Working with Access Views - Insert Data
Insert a new line
Working with Access Views - Refresh Fields
Recalculate the fields in the window or the contents of a Lookup field
Shift + F9
Working with Access Views - Refresh Fields
Requery the underlying tables
Working with Access Views - Design View
Switch between Edit and Navigation mode
Working with Access Views - Design View
Toggle the property sheet
Working with Access Views - Design View
Switch to Form view from form Design view
Working with Access Views - Design View
Switch between the windows, or between design panes / properties / etc
Working with Access Views - Design View
Open the Visual Basic Editor from a selected property in the property sheet for a form or report
Alt + F8
Working with Access Views - Design View
Invokes the Field List pane in a form, report, or data access page. If the Field List pane is already open, focus moves to the Field List pane.
Shift + F7
Working with Access Views - Design View
Switch to Form or Report Design View (from Visual Basic Editor with code module open)
Alt + Enter
Working with Access Views - Design View
Display a property sheet
Ctrl + X / Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V
Working with Access Views - Design View
Cut / Copy / Paste
Arrow Keys
Working with Access Views - Design View
Move selected control up/down/left/right along the grid
Ctrl + Arrow Keys
Working with Access Views - Design View
Move selected control up/down/left/right by one pixel
Shift + Arrow Down / Shift + Arrow Up
Working with Access Views - Design View
Increase / decrease height of the selected control
Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left
Working with Access Views - Design View
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
Working with Access Views - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to the record number box, type in number and press enter
Tab / Shift + Tab
Working with Access Views - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to next / move to previous field in current record
Home / End
Working with Access Views - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to first / move to last field in current record
Arrow Down / Arrow Up
Working with Access Views - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to next / move to previous record
Ctrl + Arrow Down / Ctrl + Arrow Up
Working with Access Views - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to last record / move to first record (or current field in next record / in previous record when in subdatasheet)
Ctrl + Home / Ctrl + End
Working with Access Views - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to first field in first record / last field in last record
Page Down / Page Up
Working with Access Views - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move down one screen / move up one screen
Ctrl + Page Down / Ctrl + Page Up
Working with Access Views - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move right one screen / left one screen
Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
Working with Access Views - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
In subdatasheet: Exit to next / to previous record
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down
Working with Access Views - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Expand subdatasheet
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up
Working with Access Views - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Collapse subdatasheet
Alt + F5
Working with Access Views - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move from subdatasheet to record number box, enter record number and press enter
Working with Access Views - Database Diagram
Move from a table cell to the table's title bar
Working with Access Views - Database Diagram
Move from a table's title bar to the last cell you edited
Working with Access Views - Database Diagram
Move from table title bar to table title bar, or from cell to cell inside a table
Alt + Arrow Down
Working with Access Views - Database Diagram
Expand a list inside a table
Arrow Down / Arrow Up
Working with Access Views - Database Diagram
Move up / down in a list
Working with Access Views - Database Diagram
Change the setting in a check box
Home / End
Working with Access Views - Database Diagram
Go to the first cell / go to last cell in row
Page Down / Page Up
Working with Access Views - Database Diagram
Go to next / go to previous page of the diagram
F6 / Shift + F6
Working with Access Views - Query Designer
Move forward / backwards among the Query Designer panes
Tab / Shift + Tab
Working with Access Views - Query Designer
Move forward / backwards among tables, views, functions, or join line.
Arrow Keys
Working with Access Views - Query Designer
Move between columns in a table, view, or function
Working with Access Views - Query Designer
Choose the selected data column for output (or use +/-)
Working with Access Views - Query Designer
Remove the selected table, view, function, or join line
Working with Access Views - Query Designer
In Grid Pane: toggle between edit mode and cell selection mode
Working with Access Views - Query Designer
Insert row between existing columns
Tab / Shift + Tab
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Move to the right / to the left
Enter / Shift + Enter
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Move down / move up
Shift + Enter
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Select cell above current cell
Ctrl + Enter / Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Select detail cell for next item / previous item in row
Shift + Arrow Keys
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Expand selection
Ctrl + A
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Select entire PivotTable View
Shift + F10
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Display context menu
Alt + Enter
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Display property dialog box
Alt + F4
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Close property dialog box
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Cancel refresh operation in progress
Ctrl + E
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Export contents to Excel
Ctrl + 8
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Toggle expand indicators (plus and minus signs)
Ctrl + [ + on numeric keyboard
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Expand selected item
Ctrl + - on numeric keyboard
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Collapse current item
Alt + Arrow Down
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Open list for currently selected item
Ctrl + T
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Toggle AutoFilter
Ctrl + Shift + A
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Sort data ascending (A-Z)
Ctrl + Shift + Z
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Sort data descending (Z-A)
Alt + Shift + Arrow Up / Alt + Shift + Arrow Up
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Move selected member up / down
Alt + Shift + Arrow Right / Alt + Shift + Arrow Left
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Move selected member right / left
Ctrl + L
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Display Field List pane
Ctrl + Shift + S
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Add new total field using sum summary
Ctrl + Shift + C
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Add new total field using count summary
Ctrl + Shift + M
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Add new total field using min summary
Ctrl + Shift + X
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Add new total field using max summary
Ctrl + Shift + E
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Add new total field using average summary
Ctrl + Shift + D
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Add new total field using standard deviation summary
Ctrl + Shift + T
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Add new total field using standard deviation population summary
Ctrl + Shift + B
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Turn subtotals and grand totals on or off for selected field
Ctrl + F
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Add a calculated detail field
Ctrl + 1
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Move selected field to row area
Ctrl + 2
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Move selected field to column area
Ctrl + 3
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Move selected field to filter area
Ctrl + 4
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Move selected field to detail area
Ctrl + Arrow Left / Ctrl + Arrow Right
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Move selection up one level / down one level
Ctrl + Shift + ~
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Apply the general number format to values
Ctrl + Shift + $
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Apply the currency format to values
Ctrl + Shift + %
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Apply the percentage format to values
Ctrl + Shift + ^
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Apply the exponential number format to values
Ctrl + Shift + #
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Apply the date format to values
Ctrl + Shift + @
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Apply the time format, with the hour, minute, and AM or PM, to values in the selected total or detail field
Ctrl + Shift + !
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Apply the numeric format, with two decimal places, thousands separator, and a minus sign for negative values, to values in the selected total or detail field
Ctrl + B
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Make text bold in the selected field of the PivotTable view
Ctrl + U
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Make text underlined in the selected field of the PivotTable view
Ctrl + I
Working with Access Views - Pivot Table
Make text italic in the selected field of the PivotTable view
Working with Access Views - Manage Windows
Toggle the Navigation Pane
Ctrl + F6
Working with Access Views - Manage Windows
Cycle between open windows
Working with Access Views - Manage Windows
Restore the selected minimized window when all windows are minimized
Ctrl + F8
Working with Access Views - Manage Windows
Turn on Resize mode for the active window when it is not maximized; press the arrow keys to resize the window
Alt + Space
Working with Access Views - Manage Windows
Display the control menu
Shift + F10
Working with Access Views - Manage Windows
Display the shortcut menu
Ctrl + W / Ctrl + F4
Working with Access Views - Manage Windows
Close the active window
Alt + F11
Working with Access Views - Manage Windows
Switch between the Visual Basic Editor and the previous active window
Ctrl + P
Working with Access Views - Print Preview
Open the Print dialog box (or p)
Working with Access Views - Print Preview
Open the page setup dialog box
Working with Access Views - Print Preview
Cancel print/ layout preview (or escape)
Tab / Shift + Tab
Working with Access Views - Help Window
Go to next / go to previous text or hyperlink
Working with Access Views - Help Window
Perform action for currently selected item
Alt + Arrow Left / Alt + Arrow Right
Working with Access Views - Help Window
Move back / move forward
Ctrl + P
Working with Access Views - Help Window
Open the Print dialog box
Arrow Up / Arrow Down
Working with Access Views - Help Window
Move up / move down in small increments
Page Up / Page Down
Working with Access Views - Help Window
Move up / move down one one page
Shift + F10
Working with Access Views - Help Window
Show context menu
Working with Access Views - Other Shortcuts
Display hyperlink
Working with Access Views - Other Shortcuts
Check spelling
Shift + F2
Working with Access Views - Other Shortcuts
Open the Zoom box
Alt + Enter
Working with Access Views - Other Shortcuts
Display a property sheet in Design view
Ctrl + F2
Working with Access Views - Other Shortcuts
Invoke a Builder
Ctrl + Arrow Right / Ctrl + Arrow Left
Working with Access Views - Other Shortcuts
Toggle forward / toggle backwards between views when in a table, or other elements
Ctrl + F
The Rest - Find and Replace
Find and replace dialog box
Ctrl + H
The Rest - Find and Replace
(Find and) Replace dialog box
Shift + F4
The Rest - Find and Replace
Find next
Alt + Ctrl + F
The Rest - Find and Replace
Go to the Navigation Pane search box from anywhere in the database
Ctrl + X / Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V
The Rest - Form Controls
Cut / Copy / Paste
Arrow Keys
The Rest - Form Controls
Move selected control up/down/left/right (Optionally, add Ctrl to key combination)
Shift + Arrow Down / Shift + Arrow Up
The Rest - Form Controls
Increase / decrease height of the selected control
Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left
The Rest - Form Controls
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
The Rest - Wizards
Toggle the focus forward between controls in the wizard
Alt + N
The Rest - Wizards
Move to the next page of the wizard
Alt + B
The Rest - Wizards
Move to the previous page of the wizard
Alt + F
The Rest - Wizards
Complete the wizard
Shift + F10
The Rest - Menus
Show the shortcut menu
The Rest - Menus
Show the access keys (of F10)
Alt + Space
The Rest - Menus
Show the program icon menu
Arrow Down / Arrow Up
The Rest - Menus
Select the next / select previous command in menu
Arrow Left / Arrow Right
The Rest - Menus
Select the menu to the left / menu to the right
Home / End
The Rest - Menus
Select first / select last command in menu
The Rest - Menus
Close the visible menu and submenu at the same time
The Rest - Menus
Close the visible menu; or, with a submenu visible, to close the submenu
Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
The Rest - Dialog Boxes
Switch to next tab / switch to previous tab in a dialog box
Tab / Shift + Tab
The Rest - Dialog Boxes
Move to the next / switch to previous option or option group
Arrow Keys
The Rest - Dialog Boxes
Move between options
The Rest - Dialog Boxes
Select current button
Alt + Arrow Down
The Rest - Dialog Boxes
Open the selected drop-down list box
The Rest - Dialog Boxes
Close the selected drop-down list box
The Rest - Dialog Boxes
Perform the action assigned to the default button in the dialog box
The Rest - Dialog Boxes
Cancel the command and close the dialog box
Alt + F4
The Rest - Dialog Boxes
Close a dialog box
Home / End
The Rest - Text Boxes
Move beginning / move to end of an entry
Ctrl + Arrow Left / Ctrl + Arrow Right
The Rest - Text Boxes
Move one word to the left or right
Shift + Home / Shift + End
The Rest - Text Boxes
Select from cursor to end / to beginning
Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right
The Rest - Text Boxes
Extend selection one character to the left / to the right
Alt + F8
The Rest - Field List Pane
Toggle the Field List pane
The Rest - Field List Pane
Add the selected field to the form or report detail section
Arrow Up / Arrow Down
The Rest - Field List Pane
Move up / move down the Field List pane
Shift + Tab
The Rest - Field List Pane
Move to the upper Field List pane from the lower pane
The Rest - Field List Pane
Move to the lower Field List pane from the upper pane
Tab / Shift + Tab
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select next field / select previous field
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns
Shift + Space
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns
Switch between selecting the current record and the first field of the current record,
Shift + Arrow Up / Shift + Arrow Down
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns
Extend selection to previous record/ to next record
Ctrl + A
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select all records (or Ctrl+Shift+Space)
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns
Turn on Extend mode
Arrow Left / Arrow Right
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns
Extend a selection to adjacent fields in the same row in Datasheet view
Arrow Up / Arrow Down
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns
Extend a selection to adjacent rows in Datasheet view
Shift + F8
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns
Undo the previous extension
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns
Cancel Extend mode
Ctrl + Space
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select the current column
Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns
Select the column to the right / to the left, if the current column is selected
Ctrl + Shift + F8
The Rest - Select and move Fields or Columns
Turn on Move mode
Arrow Right / Arrow Left
The Rest - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor one character to the right / to the left
Ctrl + Arrow Right / Ctrl + Arrow Left
The Rest - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor one word to the right / to the left
Home / End
The Rest - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor to the beginning / to the end of the field
Ctrl + Home / Ctrl + End
The Rest - Edit Text and Data
Move cursor to the beginning / to the end of the line in multi-line fields
Ctrl + Delete
The Rest - Edit Text and Data
Delete all characters to the right of the insertion point
Ctrl + Z
The Rest - Edit Text and Data
Undo Changes
Ctrl + Y
The Rest - Edit Text and Data
Redo Changes
The Rest - Edit Text and Data
Cancel / undo changes in the current field or current record
Ctrl + ;
The Rest - Insert Data
Insert the current date
Ctrl + :
The Rest - Insert Data
Insert the current time
Ctrl + Alt + Space
The Rest - Insert Data
Insert the default value for a field
Ctrl + '
The Rest - Insert Data
Insert the value from the same field in the previous record
Ctrl + [ + ]
The Rest - Insert Data
Add a new record
Ctrl + -
The Rest - Insert Data
In a datasheet, delete the current record
Shift + Enter
The Rest - Insert Data
Save changes to the current record
The Rest - Insert Data
Switch between the values in a check box or option button
Ctrl + Enter
The Rest - Insert Data
Insert a new line
The Rest - Refresh Fields
Recalculate the fields in the window or the contents of a Lookup field
Shift + F9
The Rest - Refresh Fields
Requery the underlying tables
The Rest - Design View
Switch between Edit and Navigation mode
The Rest - Design View
Toggle the property sheet
The Rest - Design View
Switch to Form view from form Design view
The Rest - Design View
Switch between the windows, or between design panes / properties / etc
The Rest - Design View
Open the Visual Basic Editor from a selected property in the property sheet for a form or report
Alt + F8
The Rest - Design View
Invokes the Field List pane in a form, report, or data access page. If the Field List pane is already open, focus moves to the Field List pane.
Shift + F7
The Rest - Design View
Switch to Form or Report Design View (from Visual Basic Editor with code module open)
Alt + Enter
The Rest - Design View
Display a property sheet
Ctrl + X / Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V
The Rest - Design View
Cut / Copy / Paste
Arrow Keys
The Rest - Design View
Move selected control up/down/left/right along the grid
Ctrl + Arrow Keys
The Rest - Design View
Move selected control up/down/left/right by one pixel
Shift + Arrow Down / Shift + Arrow Up
The Rest - Design View
Increase / decrease height of the selected control
Shift + Arrow Right / Shift + Arrow Left
The Rest - Design View
Increase / decrease width of the selected control
The Rest - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to the record number box, type in number and press enter
Tab / Shift + Tab
The Rest - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to next / move to previous field in current record
Home / End
The Rest - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to first / move to last field in current record
Arrow Down / Arrow Up
The Rest - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to next / move to previous record
Ctrl + Arrow Down / Ctrl + Arrow Up
The Rest - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to last record / move to first record (or current field in next record / in previous record when in subdatasheet)
Ctrl + Home / Ctrl + End
The Rest - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move to first field in first record / last field in last record
Page Down / Page Up
The Rest - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move down one screen / move up one screen
Ctrl + Page Down / Ctrl + Page Up
The Rest - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move right one screen / left one screen
Ctrl + Tab / Ctrl + Shift + Tab
The Rest - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
In subdatasheet: Exit to next / to previous record
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Down
The Rest - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Expand subdatasheet
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Up
The Rest - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Collapse subdatasheet
Alt + F5
The Rest - Navigate in Datasheet, Subdatasheet, and Form View
Move from subdatasheet to record number box, enter record number and press enter
The Rest - Database Diagram
Move from a table cell to the table's title bar
The Rest - Database Diagram
Move from a table's title bar to the last cell you edited
The Rest - Database Diagram
Move from table title bar to table title bar, or from cell to cell inside a table
Alt + Arrow Down
The Rest - Database Diagram
Expand a list inside a table
Arrow Down / Arrow Up
The Rest - Database Diagram
Move up / down in a list
The Rest - Database Diagram
Change the setting in a check box
Home / End
The Rest - Database Diagram
Go to the first cell / go to last cell in row
Page Down / Page Up
The Rest - Database Diagram
Go to next / go to previous page of the diagram
F6 / Shift + F6
The Rest - Query Designer
Move forward / backwards among the Query Designer panes
Tab / Shift + Tab
The Rest - Query Designer
Move forward / backwards among tables, views, functions, or join line.
Arrow Keys
The Rest - Query Designer
Move between columns in a table, view, or function
The Rest - Query Designer
Choose the selected data column for output (or use +/-)
The Rest - Query Designer
Remove the selected table, view, function, or join line
The Rest - Query Designer
In Grid Pane: toggle between edit mode and cell selection mode
The Rest - Query Designer
Insert row between existing columns
Tab / Shift + Tab
The Rest - Pivot Table
Move to the right / to the left
Enter / Shift + Enter
The Rest - Pivot Table
Move down / move up
Shift + Enter
The Rest - Pivot Table
Select cell above current cell
Ctrl + Enter / Ctrl + Shift + Enter
The Rest - Pivot Table
Select detail cell for next item / previous item in row
Shift + Arrow Keys
The Rest - Pivot Table
Expand selection
Ctrl + A
The Rest - Pivot Table
Select entire PivotTable View
Shift + F10
The Rest - Pivot Table
Display context menu
Alt + Enter
The Rest - Pivot Table
Display property dialog box
Alt + F4
The Rest - Pivot Table
Close property dialog box
The Rest - Pivot Table
Cancel refresh operation in progress
Ctrl + E
The Rest - Pivot Table
Export contents to Excel
Ctrl + 8
The Rest - Pivot Table
Toggle expand indicators (plus and minus signs)
Ctrl + [ + on numeric keyboard
The Rest - Pivot Table
Expand selected item
Ctrl + - on numeric keyboard
The Rest - Pivot Table
Collapse current item
Alt + Arrow Down
The Rest - Pivot Table
Open list for currently selected item
Ctrl + T
The Rest - Pivot Table
Toggle AutoFilter
Ctrl + Shift + A
The Rest - Pivot Table
Sort data ascending (A-Z)
Ctrl + Shift + Z
The Rest - Pivot Table
Sort data descending (Z-A)
Alt + Shift + Arrow Up / Alt + Shift + Arrow Up
The Rest - Pivot Table
Move selected member up / down
Alt + Shift + Arrow Right / Alt + Shift + Arrow Left
The Rest - Pivot Table
Move selected member right / left
Ctrl + L
The Rest - Pivot Table
Display Field List pane
Ctrl + Shift + S
The Rest - Pivot Table
Add new total field using sum summary
Ctrl + Shift + C
The Rest - Pivot Table
Add new total field using count summary
Ctrl + Shift + M
The Rest - Pivot Table
Add new total field using min summary
Ctrl + Shift + X
The Rest - Pivot Table
Add new total field using max summary
Ctrl + Shift + E
The Rest - Pivot Table
Add new total field using average summary
Ctrl + Shift + D
The Rest - Pivot Table
Add new total field using standard deviation summary
Ctrl + Shift + T
The Rest - Pivot Table
Add new total field using standard deviation population summary
Ctrl + Shift + B
The Rest - Pivot Table
Turn subtotals and grand totals on or off for selected field
Ctrl + F
The Rest - Pivot Table
Add a calculated detail field
Ctrl + 1
The Rest - Pivot Table
Move selected field to row area
Ctrl + 2
The Rest - Pivot Table
Move selected field to column area
Ctrl + 3
The Rest - Pivot Table
Move selected field to filter area
Ctrl + 4
The Rest - Pivot Table
Move selected field to detail area
Ctrl + Arrow Left / Ctrl + Arrow Right
The Rest - Pivot Table
Move selection up one level / down one level
Ctrl + Shift + ~
The Rest - Pivot Table
Apply the general number format to values
Ctrl + Shift + $
The Rest - Pivot Table
Apply the currency format to values
Ctrl + Shift + %
The Rest - Pivot Table
Apply the percentage format to values
Ctrl + Shift + ^
The Rest - Pivot Table
Apply the exponential number format to values
Ctrl + Shift + #
The Rest - Pivot Table
Apply the date format to values
Ctrl + Shift + @
The Rest - Pivot Table
Apply the time format, with the hour, minute, and AM or PM, to values in the selected total or detail field
Ctrl + Shift + !
The Rest - Pivot Table
Apply the numeric format, with two decimal places, thousands separator, and a minus sign for negative values, to values in the selected total or detail field
Ctrl + B
The Rest - Pivot Table
Make text bold in the selected field of the PivotTable view
Ctrl + U
The Rest - Pivot Table
Make text underlined in the selected field of the PivotTable view
Ctrl + I
The Rest - Pivot Table
Make text italic in the selected field of the PivotTable view
The Rest - Manage Windows
Toggle the Navigation Pane
Ctrl + F6
The Rest - Manage Windows
Cycle between open windows
The Rest - Manage Windows
Restore the selected minimized window when all windows are minimized
Ctrl + F8
The Rest - Manage Windows
Turn on Resize mode for the active window when it is not maximized; press the arrow keys to resize the window
Alt + Space
The Rest - Manage Windows
Display the control menu
Shift + F10
The Rest - Manage Windows
Display the shortcut menu
Ctrl + W / Ctrl + F4
The Rest - Manage Windows
Close the active window
Alt + F11
The Rest - Manage Windows
Switch between the Visual Basic Editor and the previous active window
Ctrl + P
The Rest - Print Preview
Open the Print dialog box (or p)
The Rest - Print Preview
Open the page setup dialog box
The Rest - Print Preview
Cancel print/ layout preview (or escape)
Tab / Shift + Tab
The Rest - Help Window
Go to next / go to previous text or hyperlink
The Rest - Help Window
Perform action for currently selected item
Alt + Arrow Left / Alt + Arrow Right
The Rest - Help Window
Move back / move forward
Ctrl + P
The Rest - Help Window
Open the Print dialog box
Arrow Up / Arrow Down
The Rest - Help Window
Move up / move down in small increments
Page Up / Page Down
The Rest - Help Window
Move up / move down one one page
Shift + F10
The Rest - Help Window
Show context menu
The Rest - Other Shortcuts
Display hyperlink
The Rest - Other Shortcuts
Check spelling
Shift + F2
The Rest - Other Shortcuts
Open the Zoom box
Alt + Enter
The Rest - Other Shortcuts
Display a property sheet in Design view
Ctrl + F2
The Rest - Other Shortcuts
Invoke a Builder
Ctrl + Arrow Right / Ctrl + Arrow Left
The Rest - Other Shortcuts
Toggle forward / toggle backwards between views when in a table, or other elements
Ctrl + N
Manage Databases
Open/create new database
Ctrl + O
Manage Databases
Open existing database
Alt + F4
Manage Databases
Quit/ exit Access
Ctrl + P
Manage Databases
Print the current or selected object
Ctrl + S
Manage Databases
Save a database object (or Shift+f12)
Manage Databases
Open the Save As dialog box