Brackets (MacOS)

Code Writing

Add New Line After Current Line

Command + Enter

All hotkeys for Brackets (MacOS)

Zoom in/Zoom out Font

Command + + / Command + -

Go to Default

Command + 0

Live Preview

Command + Alt + P

Live Preview Highlight

Command + Shift + C

Hide/Show Sidebar

Command + Shift + H

File Operation
Quick Open

Command + Shift + O

File Operation
Open File

Command + O

File Operation
Close Current File

Command + W

File Operation
Close All File

Command + Shift + W

File Operation
New File

Command + N

File Operation
Switch Project

Command + Alt + R

File Operation
Rename Current File


Code Writing

Command + C

Code Writing

Command + X

Code Writing

Command + V

Code Writing

Command + D

Code Writing
Single lIne Comment

Command + /

Code Writing
Add New Line After Current Line

Command + Enter

Code Writing
Add New Line Before Current Line

Command + Shift + Enter


Arrow Keys

Move to Next Word

Alt + Right Arrow

Move to Previous Word

Alt + Left Arrow

Move to End of Line

Command + Right Arrow

Move to Beginning of Line

Command + Left Arrow

Move to Beginning of File

Command + Up Arrow

Move to End of File

Command + Down Arrow

Scroll Up

Command + Alt + Up Arrow

Scroll Down

Command + Alt + Down Arrow

Code Selection
Select All

Command + A

Code Selection
Select Current Word

Command + B

Code Selection
Select to Beginning of Line

Command + Shift + Left Arrow

Code Selection
Select to End of Line

Command + Shift + Right Arrow

Code Selection
Select to Beginning of File

Command + Shift + Up Arrow

Code Selection
Select to End of File

Command + Shift + Down Arrow

Code Selection
Select Next Character

Shift + Right Arrow

Code Selection
Select Previous Character

Shift + Left Arrow

Code Selection
Select previous line

Shift + Up Arrow

Code Selection
Select next Line

Shift + Down Arrow

Moving Code
Move current line/Selection Up

Command + Ctrl + Up Arrow

Moving Code
Move Current Line/Selection down

Command + Ctrl + Down Arow

Moving Code
Indent Right

Command + ]

Moving Code
Indent Left

Command + [

Moving Code
Indent Right


Moving Code
Indent Left

Shift + Tab

Quick edit

Command + E

Go to Next Rule in List

Alt + Up Arrow

Go to Previous Rule in List

Alt + Down Arrow

Close Quick Edit


Create New Rule

Command + N

Find and Replace

Command + F

Find and Replace

Command + Alt + F

Find and Replace
Find Next

Command + G

Find and Replace
Find in Files

Command + Shift + F

Find and Replace
Replace in Files

Command + Shift + Alt + F

Multiple Cursors
Add Next match to your selection

Command + B

Multiple Cursors
Undo selection

Command + U

Multiple Cursors
Redo Selection

Command + Shift + U

Multiple Cursors
Add to Your Selection

Command + Click

Multiple Cursors
Skip and Add Next match

Command + Shift + B

Multiple Cursors
Find All and Select

Command + Ctrl + G

Multiple Cursors
Add Cursor to Previous Line

Alt + Shift + Up Arrow

Multiple Cursors
Add Cursor to next Lines

Alt + Shift + Down Arrow

Multiple Cursors
Split Selection into Lines

Command + Alt + L

Multiple Cursors
Switch to Single Selection


Quick Documents

Command + K

Go to Line

Command + L

Go to Definition

Command + T

Quick Open

Command + Shift + O

Jump to Definition

Command + J

Quick edit

Command + E

Similar combinations for other applications

Google Instant Search (Web Application)
Open result in new background tab
In Search Results

command + enter

Thunderbird (MacOS)
Send Message now
Compose and Edit Message

Command + Enter

InDesign CS5 (MacOS)
Apply width, height, or scale value proportionally
Transform Panels

Command + Enter

Qt Creator (MacOS)
Trigger a refactoring action in this scope

Command + Enter

Camtasia 2 (MacOS)
Jump to beginning
Timeline & Editing

Command + Enter

Google Mail (MacOS)
Send Message
Compose Messages

Command + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Play impromptu slide show
Comparing Photos in the Library Module

Command + Enter

Safari Browser (MacOS)
Prefix www. and Post .com in address bar
General Shortcuts (Browser)

Command + Enter

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Add a new field in the Field Picker dialog box
General Shortcuts

Command + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Play impromptu slide show
Develop Module

Command + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Play impromptu slide show
Slideshow Module

Command + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Play impromptu slide show
Print Module

Command + Enter

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Play impromptu slide show
Web Module

Command + Enter

Apple Pages (MacOS)
Insert page break
Formatting text

Command + Enter

Zoho Writer (MacOS)
To give page break in document

Command + Enter

Zoho Writer (MacOS)
To Give Page Break in document
Format Text

Command + Enter

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (MacOS)
Replace all
Find and Replace

Command + Enter

Sublime Text (MacOS)
Insert Line After
General Editing Shortcuts

Command + Enter

Trello (Web Application)
Save Text(Mac)
General Shortcuts

Command + Enter

IntelliJ (MacOS)
Smart line split
Editing Shortcuts

Command + Enter

Slack (MacOS)
Create a new snippet
Files and Snippets

Command + Enter

JetBrains PyCharm (MacOS)
Smart line Split
Editing Shortcuts

Command + Enter

Eclipse Helios (MacOS)
Open Selected Task
Task View Shortcuts

Command + Enter (MacOS)
Open selected cases
Filter View

Command + Enter

Adobe XD (Experience Design) (MacOS)
Window Menu

Command + Enter (MacOS)
Update and send
Case View

Command + Enter

Opera (MacOS)
Log in/autofill form using the Wand

Command + Enter

Adobe Captivate 2017 (MacOS)
Stop recording

Command + Enter

Adobe Captivate 2017 (MacOS)
Preview the project
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Command + Enter

Flock (MacOS)
Complete .com address
45 Shortcuts for Flock (MacOS)

Command + Enter

QuickTime Player (MacOS)
Play or pause all movies
Movie playback shortcuts

Command + Enter

Aptana Studio 3 (MacOS)
Other Shortcuts

Command + Enter

RStudio (MacOS)
Run current line/selection

Command + Enter

CuteFTP (MacOS)
Edit selected file (also creates a line-break when in the integrated editor's Find/Replace utility)
72 Shortcuts for CuteFTP (MacOS)

Command + Enter

Inkscape (MacOS)
In XML editor, set the attribute value

Command + Enter

Geany (MacOS)
Show macro list
Build,Make and Compile

Command + Enter