JetBrains RubyMine (Linux)


Extract Variable

Ctrl + Alt + V

All hotkeys for JetBrains RubyMine (Linux)

General Shortcuts
Open Corresponding Tool Window

Ctrl + 0..9

General Shortcuts
Save All

Ctrl + S

General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + Y

General Shortcuts
Toggle Maximize Editor

Ctrl + Shift + F12

General Shortcuts
Go back to Previous Tool Window


General Shortcuts
Go to Editor


General Shortcuts
Hide Active or Last Active Window

Shift + Esc

General Shortcuts
Switch Editor Tabs and IDE Tool Windows

Ctrl + Tab

General Shortcuts
Open Setting Dialog

Ctrl + Alt + S

General Shortcuts
Close Current Active Tab

Ctrl + F4

General Shortcuts
Quick Switch Current Scheme

Ctrl + `

General Shortcuts
Add to Favourites

Alt + Shift + F

General Shortcuts
Inspect Current file with Current file

Alt + Shift + I

Find and Replace

Ctrl + F

Find and Replace

Ctrl + R

Find and Replace
Search Everywhere

Double Shift

Find and Replace
Find Next


Find and Replace
Find Previous

Shift + F3

Find and Replace
Find in Path

Ctrl + Shift + F

Find and Replace
Replace in Path

Ctrl + Shift + R

Editing Shortcuts
Basic Code Completion

Ctrl + Spacebar

Editing Shortcuts
Complete Current Statement

Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar

Editing Shortcuts
Quick Documentation Lookup

Ctrl + Q

Editing Shortcuts
Brief Info

Ctrl + Mouse Over

Editing Shortcuts
Complete Statement

Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Editing Shortcuts
Parameter Information

Ctrl + P

Editing Shortcuts
Override Methods

Ctrl + O

Editing Shortcuts
Generate Code

Alt + Insert

Editing Shortcuts
Move Line(Selection) Up/Down

Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow / Down Arrow

Editing Shortcuts
Surround With..(Begin..End etc.)

Ctrl + Alt + T

Editing Shortcuts
Comment/Uncomment with Line Comment

Ctrl + /

Editing Shortcuts
Comment/Uncomment with Block Comment

Ctrl + Shift + /

Editing Shortcuts
Show Description of Error or Warning at Caret

Ctrl + F1

Editing Shortcuts
Indent Selected Lines


Editing Shortcuts
Unindent Selected Lines

Shift + Tab

Editing Shortcuts
Show Intention Actions and Quick Fixes

Alt + Enter

Editing Shortcuts
Reformat Code

Ctrl + Alt + L

Editing Shortcuts
Duplicate Current Line

Ctrl + D

Editing Shortcuts
Cut/Copy/Paste Current line to Clipboard

Ctrl + X / Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V

Editing Shortcuts
Paste from Buffer

Ctrl + Shift + V

Editing Shortcuts
AutoIndent Lines

Ctrl + Alt + I

Editing Shortcuts
Delete line at caret

Ctrl + Y

Editing Shortcuts
Start New line

Shift + Enter

Editing Shortcuts
Show Intention Actions/Quick-Fixes

Alt + Enter

Editing Shortcuts
Decrease Current Selection to Previous State

Ctrl + Shift + W

Editing Shortcuts
Select Successively Incresing Code blocks

Ctrl + W

Editing Shortcuts
Expand All

Ctrl + Shift + NumPad +

Editing Shortcuts
Collapse All

Ctrl + Shift + NumPad -

Editing Shortcuts
Expand/Collapse Code block

Ctrl + NumPad + / Ctrl + NumPad -

Editing Shortcuts
Delete to end word

Ctrl + Del

Editing Shortcuts
Delete to word start

Ctrl + Backspace

Editing Shortcuts
Select till code block end

Ctrl + Shift + ]

Editing Shortcuts
Select till code block start

Ctrl + Shift + [

Editing Shortcuts
Toggle Carnel/Snake Case

Shift + Alt + U

Editing Shortcuts
Switch case for Word at Caret or Selected block

Ctrl + Shift + U






Shift + F6


Ctrl + Alt + N

Refactor this Quick List

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T

Extract Method

Ctrl + Alt + M

Extract Field

Ctrl + Alt + F

Extract parameter

Ctrl + Alt + P

Extract Constant

Ctrl + Alt + C

Extract Variable

Ctrl + Alt + V

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Class

Ctrl + N

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to File

Ctrl + Shift + N

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Symbol

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N

Navigation Shortcuts
Next highlighted Error


Navigation Shortcuts
Previous highlighted Error

Shift + F2

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Top of Page

Ctrl + PgUp

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Bottom of Page

Ctrl + PgDn

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Line

Ctrl + G

Navigation Shortcuts
Recent files Popup

Ctrl + E

Navigation Shortcuts
Select current file/Symbol in any View

Alt + F1

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Next/Previous Tab

Alt + Left Arrow / Alt + Right Arrow

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Declaration

Ctrl + B

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Type Declaration

Ctrl + Shift + B

Navigation Shortcuts
Navigate back/forward

Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow / Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to last edit location

Ctrl + Shift + Backspace

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to super method/super class

Ctrl + U

Navigation Shortcuts
Type Hierarchy

Ctrl + H

Navigation Shortcuts
Toggle Bookmark


Navigation Shortcuts
Toggle Bookmark with Mnemonic

Ctrl + F11

Navigation Shortcuts
Show Bookmarks

Shift + F11

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Numbered Bookmark

Ctrl + 0..9

Navigation Shortcuts
Show Navigation bar

Alt + Home

Navigation Shortcuts
Edit Source


Navigation Shortcuts
Show Diagram

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + U

Navigation Shortcuts
File Structure Popup

Ctrl + F12

Navigation Shortcuts
Move to code block end/start

Ctrl + ] / Ctrl + [

Navigation Shortcuts
Go to Previous/Next Method

Alt + Up Arrow / Alt + Down Arrow

Navigation Shortcuts
Open Quick Definition Lookup

Ctrl + Shift + I

Run to Cursor

Alt + F9

Step Out

Shift + F8

Step Over


Step Into


Quick Evaluate Expression

Ctrl + Alt + F8

Evaluate Expression

Alt + F8

Toggle Breakpoint

Ctrl + F8

View Breakpoints

Ctrl + Shift + F8

Resume Program


Show Execution Point

Alt + F10

Compile and Run
Open Run Configuration

Alt + Shift + F10

Compile and Run
Open Debug Configuration

Alt + Shift + F9

Compile and Run

Shift + F10

Compile and Run

Shift + F9

Compile and Run
Run Rake Task

Ctrl + Alt + R

Usage Search
Find Usage in File

Ctrl + F7

Usage Search
Find Usage

Alt + F7

Usage Search
Highlight Usage in File

Ctrl + Shift + F7

Usage Search
Show Usage

Ctrl + Alt + F7

VCS/Local History
View Diffrenece

Ctrl + D

VCS/Local History
Commit Project to VCS

Ctrl + K

VCS/Local History
Update Project from VCS

Ctrl + T

VCS/Local History
View Recent Changes

Ctrl + Shift + E

VCS/Local History
VCS Operations Popup

Alt + `

Live Templates
Insert Live Template

Ctrl + J

Live Templates
Surround with Live Template

Ctrl + Alt + J

Navigate to Rails Model/View/Controllers

Alt + Shift + N

Preview Rails View in Browser

Alt + F2

Reload Application Sources in Rails Console

Ctrl + R

Insert in RHTML

Ctrl + Shift + .

Run Rails Generator

Ctrl + Alt + G

Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Paste special
Common tasks

Ctrl + Alt + V

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
If data exists in clipboard: Display the Paste Special dialog box.
Work with Data Selections - Work with Clipboard

Ctrl + Alt + V

Tally 9.0 (Windows)
To paste the text from Tally (At creation and alternation screens)
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + V

SharpDevelop 4.0 (Windows)
Show local variables

Ctrl + Alt + V

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
If data exists in clipboard: Display the Paste Special dialog box.
Insert and Edit Data - Work with Clipboard

Ctrl + Alt + V

Google Docs (Windows)
Paste formatting
Format Text

Ctrl + Alt + V

Mindjet Mindmanager 2012 (Windows)
Paste as callout/same level (this latter is rarely used)
Most used - Move topics

Ctrl + Shift + V / Ctrl + Alt + V

Mindjet Mindmanager 2012 (Windows)
Paste as callout/same level (this latter is rarely used)
Reorganizing - Move topics

Ctrl + Shift + V / Ctrl + Alt + V

Phoenix Viewer (Windows)
View Admin Options

Ctrl + Alt + V

Evernote (Windows)
Paste clipboard into Evernote as a new note
Shortcuts that can be used any time

Ctrl + Alt + v

JetBrains Resharper 6 (Windows)
Inspection Results window
Code analysis

Ctrl + Alt + V

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
If data exists in clipboard: Display the Paste Special dialog box.
Format Data - Work with Clipboard

Ctrl + Alt + V

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Paste special.
Work with Text and Objects

Ctrl + Alt + V

Photoshop Lightroom 4 (Windows)
Paste settings from previous photo
Develop Module

Ctrl + Alt + V

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
If data exists in clipboard: Display the Paste Special dialog box.
Formulas and Names - Work with Clipboard

Ctrl + Alt + V

IntelliJ (Linux)
Extract Variable

Ctrl + Alt + V

IntelliJ (Windows)
Extract Variable

Ctrl + Alt + V

Audacity 2 (Windows)
Paste text as new label
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Alt + V

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Paste the style of another object
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Select and Modify Objects

Ctrl + Alt + V

Pro Tools (Windows)
Paste special - Repeat to fill selection
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Alt + V

Microsoft Excel 2013 (Windows)
If data exists in clipboard: Display the Paste Special dialog box
Excel Basics

Ctrl + Alt + v

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
If data exists in clipboard: Display the Paste Special dialog box.
The Rest - Work with Clipboard

Ctrl + Alt + V

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Paste the style of another object
Text Shortcuts - Select and Modify Objects

Ctrl + Alt + V

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Vanishing Point
Basic Shortcuts for Photoshop CC 2015 - Filter Basics

Ctrl + Alt + V

FileMaker Pro (Windows)
Paste the style of another object
Database Management Shortcuts - Select and Modify Objects

Ctrl + Alt + V

Adobe Premiere CC (Windows)
Paste Attributes
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + V

Adobe After Effects CC (Windows)
Paste Layers at current time

Ctrl + Alt + V

Photoshop Lightroom CC (Windows)
Paste settings from previous photo
Develop Module

Ctrl + Alt + V

Corel Painter 2017 (Windows)
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + V

Finale (Windows)
Paste Multiple
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Alt + V

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Vanishing Point
Manage Panels - Filter Basics

Ctrl + Alt + V

InDesign CC (Windows)
Paste Into
Edit Menu shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + V

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Paste special.
Working with OfficeArt Objects

Ctrl + Alt + V

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Paste special.
Working with OfficeArt Objects

Ctrl + Alt + V

ZenDesk (Windows)
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + V

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Open Paste Special Menu (requires a prior copy to Clipboard)
Cut, Copy, Paste, and Paste Special

Ctrl + Alt + V

JetBrains RubyMine (Windows)
Extract Variable

Ctrl + Alt + V

JetBrains PyCharm (Windows)
Introduce Variable

Ctrl + Alt + V

JetBrains PhpStorm (Windows)
Introduce Variable

Ctrl + Alt + V

JetBrains PhpStorm (Linux)
Introduce Variable

Ctrl + Alt + V

Microsoft Teams (Windows)
Start a Video Call
Calling Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + V

Opera (Windows)
Validate source of active page or frame

Ctrl + Alt + V

Chief Architect (Windows)
Paste Hold Position
General Editing

Ctrl + Alt + V

MusicBee (Windows)
Volume Mute On/Off
Playback Controls

Ctrl + Alt + V

Brackets (Windows)
Run Snippet
99 Shortcuts for Brackets (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + V

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Import video file
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + V

Informix Genero 2.5.0 (Windows)
Split window vertically
Buffers and File

Ctrl + Alt + V

VideoPad Video Editor (Windows)
Paste Clip in Sequence (overwrite)

Ctrl + Alt + V

MediaMonkey (Windows)
View Visualization (toggle)
Standard Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + V

Jetbrains CLion (Windows)
Introduce Variable

Ctrl + Alt + V

XYplorer (Windows)
Paste Text Into New File
General Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + V

Delphi 10 (Windows)
Invoke Event window
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + V

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Create a new variable and use the selected expression as its value

Ctrl + Alt + V

RStudio (Windows)
Extract variable from selection

Ctrl + Alt + V

Affinity Photo
Paste Inside

Ctrl + Alt + V

Vectorworks (Windows)
Paste in Place
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Alt + V

Inkscape (Windows)
Paste in place - This places the clipboard objects to the original location from which they were copied

Ctrl + Alt + V

Extract variable from selection

Ctrl + Alt + V

WavePad Sound Editor (Windows)
Paste Mix
Edit Operations

Ctrl + Alt + V

Modo (Windows)
Paste replace keyframes to selected channels

Ctrl + Alt + V

BricsCAD (Windows)
Pastes the contents of the Clipboard in a specified format (PASTESPEC command)
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + V

BricsCAD (Linux)
Pastes the contents of the Clipboard in a specified format (PASTESPEC Ctrl)
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + V

Figma (Web Application)
Paste Properties

Ctrl + Alt + V

MindManager v19 (Windows)
Paste as callout/same level (this latter is rarely used)
Most used - Move topics

Ctrl + Shift + V / Ctrl + Alt + V

Ableton Live 10
Hide/Show Video Window
Showing and hiding views

Ctrl + Alt + V

MindManager v19 (Windows)
Paste as callout/same level (this latter is rarely used)
Reorganizing - Move topics

Ctrl + Shift + V / Ctrl + Alt + V

QuickBooks Desktop
Paste the copied line to the intended row in the invoice*
Editing Transactions/List

Ctrl + Alt + V

Zendesk Support

Ctrl + Alt + V

Evernote for Windows
Paste clipboard

Ctrl + Alt + V

Show Overview
Show and hide tools and windows

Ctrl + Alt + V

ActivePresenter 7
Paste using destination theme

Ctrl + Alt + V

PyCharm 2018.2
Create a new variable and use the selected expression as its value.

Ctrl + Alt + V

Bluebeam Revu
Flip vertical
Markup & editing

Ctrl + Alt + V

Adobe Lightroom Classic
Paste settings from previous photo
Working in the Develop module

Ctrl + Alt + V

PaintShop Pro 2018
Layer overlay
Shortcuts with Ctrl + Alt

Ctrl + Alt + V

Paste in place

Ctrl + Alt + V

Adobe Premiere Pro (Windows)
Paste Attributes

Ctrl + Alt + V

Spartan Multi Clipboard
Display Spartan window

Ctrl + Alt + V

Adobe XD (Windows)
Paste Interaction (in Prototype mode)
Edit menu

Ctrl + Alt + V

Paste Mix
Edit Operations

Ctrl + Alt + V

IntelliJ IDEA (Windows, Linux)
Extract variable

Ctrl + Alt + V

Run Snippet

Ctrl + Alt + V

WordPerfect X8
Paste as unformatted text

Ctrl + Alt + V

Microsoft PowerPoint (Creating presentations)
Open Paste Special dialog box
Delete and copy text and objects

Ctrl + Alt + V

Google Sheets (Android)
Paste format only
Common actions

Ctrl + Alt + V

View: Show navigator window
Section: Main

Ctrl + Alt + V

Invoke Event window

Ctrl + Alt + V

View visualization (toggle)

Ctrl + Alt + V

Microsoft Excel 2016
Displays the Paste Special dialog box. Available only after you have cut or copied an object, text, or cell contents on a worksheet or in another program
CTRL combination shortcut keys

Ctrl + Alt + V

Paste into new layer
Edit menu

Ctrl + Alt + V

Volume Mute on/off

Ctrl + Alt + V

Paste Text to New Label
Edit menu

Ctrl + Alt + V

Validate source of active page or frame

Ctrl + Alt + V

Android Studio
Extract variable

Ctrl + Alt + V

Microsoft Excel 2007 (Windows)
Displays the Paste Special dialog box. Available only after you have cut or copied an object, text, or cell contents on a worksheet or in another program.
CTRL Combinations in Excel 2007

Ctrl + Alt + V

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Paste layers at current time

Ctrl + Alt + V

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Paste special
Undo, Copy and Paste

Ctrl + Alt + V

Paste properties

Ctrl + Alt + V