

Start debugging main project

Ctrl + F5

All hotkeys for NetBeans

Finding, searching, and replacing
Search word at insert point

Ctrl + F3

Finding, searching, and replacing
Find next in file


Finding, searching, and replacing
Find previous in file

↑   Shift + F3

Finding, searching, and replacing
Find in file

Ctrl + F

Finding, searching, and replacing
Replace in file

Ctrl + H

Finding, searching, and replacing
Find usages

Alt + F7

Finding, searching, and replacing
Find in projects

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F

Finding, searching, and replacing
Replace in projects

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + H

Finding, searching, and replacing
Find usages results

Alt + ↑   Shift + U

Finding, searching, and replacing
Turn off search result highlights

Alt + ↑   Shift + H

Finding, searching, and replacing

Ctrl + R

Finding, searching, and replacing
Convert selection to uppercase

Ctrl + U then U

Finding, searching, and replacing
Convert selection to lowercase

Ctrl + U then L

Finding, searching, and replacing
Toggle case of selection

Ctrl + U then S

Finding, searching, and replacing
Paste formatted

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + V

Finding, searching, and replacing
Show Clipboard History

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + D

Finding, searching, and replacing
Jump to quick search field

Ctrl + I

Finding, searching, and replacing
Copy file path

Alt + ↑   Shift + L

Navigating through source code
Go to type

Ctrl + O

Navigating through source code
Go to file

Alt + ↑   Shift + O

Navigating through source code
Go to JUnit test

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + T

Navigating through source code
Go to source

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + B

Navigating through source code
Go to declaration

Ctrl + B

Navigating through source code
Go to line

Ctrl + G

Navigating through source code
Toggle add/remove bookmark

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + M

Navigating through source code
Next bookmark

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + .

Navigating through source code
Previous bookmark

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ,

Navigating through source code
Next usage/compile error

Ctrl + .

Navigating through source code
Previous usage/compile error

Ctrl + ,

Navigating through source code
Select next element

Alt + ↑   Shift + .

Navigating through source code
Select previous element

Alt + ↑   Shift + ,

Navigating through source code
Select in Projects

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 1

Navigating through source code
Select in Files

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 2

Navigating through source code
Select in Favorites

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 3

Navigating through source code
Move caret to matching bracket

Ctrl + [

Navigating through source code
Next word match

Ctrl + K

Navigating through source code
Previous word match

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + K

Navigating through source code
Go backward

Alt +

Navigating through source code
Go forward

Alt +

Compiling, testing and running
Set request parameters

Ctrl + Q

Navigating through source code
Down Next/previous marked occurence

Alt + ↑  ↓

Coding in C and C++
Go to declaration

Alt + ↑   Shift + C

Evaluate expression

Ctrl + F9

Coding in Java
Generate code

Alt + Insert

Coding in Java
Fix all class imports

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + I

Coding in Java
Fix selected class's import

Alt + ↑   Shift + I

Coding in Java
Format selection

Alt + ↑   Shift + F

Coding in Java
Shift lines left / right

Alt + ↑   Shift + ←  →

Coding in Java
Copy lines up/down

Alt + ↑   Shift + ↑  ↓

Coding in Java
Rectangular Selection (Toggle)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + R

Coding in Java
Inspect members/hierarchy

Ctrl + F12

Coding in Java
Inspect members/hierarchy

Alt + F12

Coding in Java
Add comment lines

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C

Coding in Java
Remove comment lines

Ctrl + /

Coding in Java
Delete current line

Ctrl + E

Compiling, testing and running
Compile package / file


Compiling, testing and running
Build main project


Compiling, testing and running
Clean and build main project

↑   Shift + F11

Compiling, testing and running
Create Unit test

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + U

Compiling, testing and running
Run unit test on file

Ctrl + F6

Compiling, testing and running
Run unit test on project

Alt + F6

Compiling, testing and running
Run main project


Compiling, testing and running
Run main file

↑   Shift + F6

Opening and toggling between views
Switch between open documents by order used

Ctrl + ⭾ Tab

Opening and toggling between views
Switch between open documents by order used

Ctrl + `

Opening and toggling between views
Maximize window (toggle)

↑   Shift + Esc

Opening and toggling between views
Close selected window

Ctrl + F4

Opening and toggling between views
Close selected window

Ctrl + W

Opening and toggling between views
Close all windows

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F4

Opening and toggling between views
Open contextual menu

↑   Shift + F10

Opening and toggling between views
Switch between open documents by order of tabs

Ctrl + Page Up

Opening and toggling between views
Switch between open documents by order of tabs

Ctrl + Page Down

Opening and toggling between views
Reopen recently closed file

Ctrl + Alt + T

Opening and toggling between views
Toggle between editor types

Ctrl + Alt + Page Up

Opening and toggling between views
Toggle between editor types

Ctrl + Alt + Page Down

Opening and toggling between views
Zoom text in / out

Alt + Mouse wheel up and down

Opening and toggling between views
Toggle inspect mode

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + S

Start debugging main project

Ctrl + F5

Start debugging current file

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F5

Start debugging test for file

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F6

Stop debugging session

↑   Shift + F5

Continue debugging session


Run to cursor location in file


Step into


Step over


Step out

Ctrl + F7

Go to called method

Ctrl + Alt +

Go to calling method

Ctrl + Alt +

Toggle breakpoint

Ctrl + F8

New breakpoint

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F8

New watch

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F7

Similar combinations for other applications

Android Emulator (Windows)
Volume up (or + on numeric keyboard with Num Lock off)
Other Device Keys

Ctrl + F5

Firefox (Linux)
Reload page with cache override
Inside Webpages

Ctrl + F5 / Ctrl + R

Firefox (Windows)
Reload page with cache override
Inside Webpages

Ctrl + F5 / Ctrl + R

Google Chrome (Windows)
Reload current webpage with cache override
Browse between Webpages

Ctrl + F5 / Shift + F5

Inpage (Windows)
To increase space between selected text
For formatting

Ctrl + F5

SharpDevelop 4.0 (Windows)
Run application without debugger
Building Projects and Solutions

Ctrl + F5

Google Chrome (Linux)
Reload current webpage with cache override
Browse between Webpages

Ctrl + F5 / Shift + F5

Mindjet Mindmanager 2012 (Windows)
Most used - See maps better

Ctrl + F5

Total Commander 8 (Windows)
Sort by date/time
Main Shortcuts

Ctrl + F5

Mindjet Mindmanager 2012 (Windows)
Reorganizing - See maps better

Ctrl + F5

Opera (Linux)
Reload without cache

Shift + F5 / Ctrl + F5

Evernote (Windows)
Set note list to Table view
Main Application Shortcuts - Change View and Display

Ctrl + F5

Smartplant Review (Windows)
Refresh All
Function Keys

Ctrl + F5

Oracle SQL Developer 4 (Windows)

Ctrl + F5

Android Emulator (Linux)
Volume up (or + on numeric keyboard with Num Lock off)
Other Device Keys

Ctrl + F5

UltraEdit (Windows)
Convert selected text to lower case
Format Menu

Ctrl + F5

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Bypass debugger
Build and Debug

Ctrl + F5

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Restore the size of the active window after you maximize it.
Microsoft Office basics applicable to PowerPoint 2007

Ctrl + F5

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Recompare files
Session Menu

Ctrl + F5

NetBeans 8 (Windows)
Start debugging main project

Ctrl + F5

Beyond Compare (Windows)
Full refresh
Edit Menu

Ctrl + F5

Console2 (Windows)
New tab 4
30 Shortcuts for Console2 (Windows)

Ctrl + F5

Google Slides (Windows)
Present slide
Working Point Navigation Action

Ctrl + F5

Microsoft Visio 2016 (Windows)
Restore the size of visio program
Window/Navigation Shortcut

Ctrl + F5

Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (Windows)
Restore window to previous size
Presentation Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + F5

InDesign CC (Windows)
Update Content
Edit Menu shortcuts

Ctrl + F5

Dynamics AX 2015 (Windows)
Cancel changes and restore the active record.
Working with Forms

Ctrl + F5

Dynamics CRM 2015 (Windows)
Restores the active snap-in console window.
MMC Active Window Shortcuts

Ctrl + F5

Act! CRM (Windows)
Activity Shortcuts

Ctrl + F5

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Restore the size of the active window after you maximize it.
Switching between Windows

Ctrl + F5

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)
Graphic and text style

Ctrl + F5

Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)
Draft View
63 Shortcuts for Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)

Ctrl + F5

DAZ Studio (Windows)
Interrupt script
Script Commands

Ctrl + F5

Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)
View Draft
63 Shortcuts for Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)

Ctrl + F5

Opera (Windows)
Reload all open pages
Transmission Loading

Ctrl + F5

Microsoft Excel 2016 (MacOS)
Move to the Search Sheet dialog
The following table provides the function key shortcuts for Excel 2016 for Mac*

Ctrl + F5

WinSCP 5 (Windows)
Sort files in the active panel by modification time
File Panels

Ctrl + F5

XYplorer (Windows)
Refresh and Reset File List
Function key Shortcuts

Ctrl + F5

Soundforge (Windows)
Restore the active data window
Magnification and View

Ctrl + F5

CA Client Automation (Windows)
Add Watch
Debug Menu

Ctrl + F5

Maxthon (Web Application)

Ctrl + F5

Pegasus Mail (Web Application)
Wrap long lines in the message (setting is sticky )
Message Reader

Ctrl + F5

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Repeat execution with the same settings, with the same tab of the Run tool window having the focus
Running and Debugging

Ctrl + F5

GOM Player (Windows)
Keep Aspect Ratio
Aspect Ratio

Ctrl + F5

Delphi 10 (Windows)
Add Watch
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Ctrl + F5

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (Windows)
Start without Debugging

Ctrl + F5

Comodo IceDragon (Windows)
Reload (Override cache)
Navigating Through Webpages

Ctrl + F5

Convert selected text to lower case
Other Shortcuts

Ctrl + F5

FEKO (Windows)
Back view
CADFEKO and POSTFEKO : View Operations

Ctrl + F5

FEKO (Linux)
Back view
CADFEKO and POSTFEKO : View Operations

Ctrl + F5

Chromebook (Linux)
Take a screenshot of the current page
34 Shortcuts for Chromebook (Linux)

Ctrl + Window switcher key 1 / Ctrl + F5

IRONCAD (Windows)
Window zoom
Camera Function Keys Assignment

Ctrl + F5

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Toggles between showing or hiding the base image and the Web background
View Menu

Ctrl + F5

KiCad 5.0.2
Zoom to Selection
Page Layout Editor

Ctrl + F5

Battlezone 98 Redux
Select player / mapped group
Unit grouping

Ctrl + F5

Brave Browser (Windows)
Clean Reload
Page Navigation and Display

Ctrl + F5

MindManager v19 (Windows)
Most used - See maps better

Ctrl + F5

SuperMemo (Windows)
Restore default windows layout
129 Shortcuts for SuperMemo (Windows)

Ctrl + F5

Refresh current page. Useful on the dashboards

Ctrl + F5

MindManager v19 (Windows)
Reorganizing - See maps better

Ctrl + F5

Open Appointment Manager
Clients, Detail, Forms and Diagnostics screens

Ctrl + F5

Doctor’s Instructions
Medical history

Ctrl + F5

Altium Designer (Windows)
Add Watch
Embedded Software Editor (.c]then[.asm) Shortcuts

Ctrl + F5

Altium Designer (Windows)
Run simulation for the last time step
VHDL Editor Shortcuts

Ctrl + F5

(Attack) GEB
Action bar

Ctrl + F5

Evernote for Windows
Snippet View

Ctrl + F5

PyCharm 2018.2
Repeat execution with the same settings, with the same tab of the Run tool window having the focus.
Running and debugging

Ctrl + F5

Adobe Bridge CC
Window menu

Ctrl + F5

Compare binary (contents)
View menu

Ctrl + F5

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018
Graphic and Text Styles

Ctrl + F5

Bluebeam Revu
Toggle dimmer switch

Ctrl + F5

Heroes of the Storm
Save a camera location

Ctrl + F5

Fast forward

Ctrl + F5

LightWave 3D
Backdrop options
Layout: General

Ctrl + F5

Chromebook and Chrome OS
Take a screenshot
Popular shortcuts

Ctrl + F5

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (Most used shortcuts)

Ctrl + F5

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)

Ctrl + F5

Comodo IceDragon
Reload (Override cache)
Navigate Through Webpages

Ctrl + F5


Ctrl + F5

WordPerfect X8
View Draft

Ctrl + F5

Directory browser
Options menu

Ctrl + F5


Ctrl + F5

Add Watch

Ctrl + F5

The Bat!
Working with Messages

Ctrl + F5

Firefox Quantum
Reload (override cache)

Ctrl + F5

Chrome DevTools
Hard reload
Global shortcuts

Ctrl + F5

Extract selected
Functional keys

Ctrl + F5

Sort items by date
View menu

Ctrl + F5

GOM Player
Keep aspect ratio
Aspect ratio

Ctrl + F5

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Parse the selected portion of the query editor or the entire query editor if nothing is selected
Code editor

Ctrl + F5

CoffeeCup HTML Editor
Test with favorite browser

Ctrl + F5

Microsoft Excel 2016
Restores the window size of the selected workbook window
Function keys

Ctrl + F5

Sort files in the active panel by modification time
File panels

Ctrl + F5

Save a screenshot (goes to capture folder)

Ctrl + F5

Reload all open pages
Loading keys: Transmission

Ctrl + F5

Total Commander
Sort by date and time
File sorting

Ctrl + F5

Time/date (short form)

Ctrl + F5

Internet Explorer (Windows)
Refresh the current webpage with cache override.
Navigate Webpages in IE8

Ctrl + F5

Microsoft Excel 2007 (Windows)
Restores the window size of the selected workbook window.
Function keys in Excel 2007

Ctrl + F5

Adobe After Effects CS5 (Windows)
Purge snapshot

Ctrl + F5 / F6 / F7 / F8

Scrivener 1.9.9
Open in external editor

Ctrl + F5