Netflix (Web Application)

10 Shortcuts for Netflix (Web Application)

Fast Forward Video

Shift + Right Arrow

All hotkeys for Netflix (Web Application)

10 Shortcuts for Netflix (Web Application)
Full Screen Mode


10 Shortcuts for Netflix (Web Application)
Exit Full Screen Mode


10 Shortcuts for Netflix (Web Application)
Switch Play/Pause

Enter / Spacebar

10 Shortcuts for Netflix (Web Application)


10 Shortcuts for Netflix (Web Application)


10 Shortcuts for Netflix (Web Application)
Rewind Video

Shift + Left Arrow

10 Shortcuts for Netflix (Web Application)
Fast Forward Video

Shift + Right Arrow

10 Shortcuts for Netflix (Web Application)


10 Shortcuts for Netflix (Web Application)
Increase Volume

Up Arrow

10 Shortcuts for Netflix (Web Application)
Decrease Volume

Down Arrow

Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft Visio 2016 (Windows)
Select or cancel a character to the right
Format text

Shift + Right Arrow

Apple Numbers (MacOS)
Extend selection of a character to right
Text Selection

Shift + Right Arrow

Finale (MacOS)
Next beat
Selection Tool

Shift + Right arrow

Finale (Windows)
Next beat
Selection Tool

Shift + Right arrow

Hexagon 2 (MacOS)
Move Right
General Shortcuts

Shift + Right arrow

Hexagon 2 (Windows)
Move Right
General Shortcuts

Shift + Right arrow

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Go forward ten frames
Mark Menu

Shift + Right Arrow

iMovie (MacOS)
Forward ten frames

Shift + Right Arrow

Apple Pages (MacOS)
Extend selection one character to the right
Selecting text

Shift + Right Arrow

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Select or cancel selection one character to the right.
Navigation Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

Ace Projects (Windows)
Select right
Selection Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Increase the shape’s width by 10%.
Working with OfficeArt Objects

Shift + Right Arrow

AutoCad Architecture 2017 (Windows)
Increase theselection by one character at a time
Text Editing

Shift + RIght arrow

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Extend text selection one character to the right.
Document Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

Final Cut Pro (MacOS)
Forward one second

Shift + Right arrow

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)
Character select right
Coding Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

Zimbra Collaboration Suite 8 (Windows)
Show Next Conversation
Mail Converastion View

Shift + Right Arrow

Blender 3D (Windows)
Go to Last Frame

Shift + Right Arrow

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (Windows)
Move Positive on X-axis by 10.24 BU
Object Translation

Shift + Right Arrow

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (MacOS)
Move Positive on X-axis by 10.24 BU
Object Translation

Shift + Right Arrow

Blender 3D (Windows)
Move Text Cursor to End of Line

Shift + Right Arrow

Steinberg Cubase 9 (Windows)
Add right

Shift + Right arrow

Steinberg Cubase 9 (MacOS)
Add right

Shift + Right arrow

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)
Super nudge right
Objest Nudge Commands

Shift + Right arrow

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)
Super nudge right
Objest Nudge Commands

Shift + RIght arrow

InCopy CC (Windows)
Select one character to the right/left
Navigation Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow

InCopy CC (MacOS)
Select one character to the right/left
Navigation Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow

Opera (MacOS)
Expand all folders/views in panel

Shift + Right Arrow

Opera (Windows)
Expand all folders/views in panel

Shift + Right Arrow

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro (Windows)
Accelerate playback speed in negative direction
PlayBack Functions

Shift + Right Arrow

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)
Select character to right
Cursor Moves Using Text Tool

Shift + RIght arrow

InCopy CC (MacOS)
Select cells to the right/left

Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow

InCopy CC (Windows)
Select cells to the right/left

Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Go forward ten frames
TimeLine Editing and Navigation

Shift + Right Arrow

Brackets (MacOS)
Select Next Character
Code Selection

Shift + Right Arrow

Informix Genero 2.5.0 (Windows)
Select right one character
Selection Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Move the caret one character to the right selecting the text
Basic Editing

Shift + Right Arrow

Soundforge (Windows)
Select from the cursor to the next/previous screen pixel
Data Selection

Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow

Soundforge (Windows)
Select the next event
Event Tool

Shift + Right Arrow

Delphi 10 (Windows)
Selects the character to the right of the cursor
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Shift + Right Arrow

progeCAD (Windows)
Pans the drawing window view right by one screen
51 Shortcuts for progeCAD (Windows)

Shift + Right Arrow

TurboCAD (Windows)
Rotate camera right
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Shift + Right Arrow

SpaceClaim (Windows)
Nudge Secondary Dimension by Big Distance or angle
71 Shortcuts for SpaceClaim (Windows)

Shift + Left Arrow / Shift + Right Arrow

AVS Audio Editor (Windows)
Increase the right selection boundary

Shift + Right Arrow

BricsCAD (Windows)
Moves the view to the Right
Movement Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

BricsCAD (Linux)
Moves the view to the Right
Movement Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

BricsCAD (MacOS)
Moves the view to the Right
Movement Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

KeyCreator (Windows)
Rotate Right

Shift + Right Arrow

Altium Designer (Windows)
Move 3D body right along X-axis by 10x Snap Grid increment
3D Body Placement Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

Altium Designer (Windows)
Scroll right through chartthenone page at a time
SimData Editor Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

Altium Designer (Windows)
ExtEnd selection right one character
Common Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

Adobe Dreamweaver (MacOS)
Character select right
Coding Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow