Microsoft Visio 2016 (Windows)

Format text

Select or cancel a character to the right

Shift + Right Arrow

All hotkeys for Microsoft Visio 2016 (Windows)

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Select Painter Tool

Ctrl + 1

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Select Text Tool

Ctrl + 2

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Select Connector Tool

Ctrl + 3

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Select Pencil Tool

Ctrl + 4

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Select TextBox Tool

Ctrl + Shift + 4

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Select the freedom Tool

Ctrl + 5

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Select Line Tool

Ctrl + 6

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Select Arc Tool

Ctrl + 7

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Select Rectangle Tool

Ctrl + 8

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Select Ellipse Tool

Ctrl + 9

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Select Crop Tool

Ctrl + Shift + 2

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Switch format painter on/off

Ctrl + Shift + P

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Rename the shape


Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Find Shape

Ctrl + F

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Replace Shape

Ctrl + H

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Copy,Paste and Cut respectively Shape

Ctrl + C / Ctrl + V / Ctrl + X

Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Delete the selected shape


Select Various Tool/Shape Shortcuts
Nudge selected Shape by 1 px

Shift + Arrow Keys

Format text
Open the home tab

Alt + H

Format text
Open text dialog box


Format text
Open format task pane


Format text
Open the snap & glue features

Alt + F9

Format text
Align text left

Ctrl + Shift + L

Format text
Align text right

Ctrl + Shift + R

Format text
Align text center horizontally

Ctrl + Shift + C

Format text
Justify text horizontally

Ctrl + Shift + J

Format text
Top-Align text Vertically

Ctrl + Shift + T

Format text
Align text center vertically

Ctrl + Shift + M

Format text
Bottom align text vertically

Ctrl + Shift + V

Format text
Move one word to the left

Ctrl + Left Arrow

Format text
Move one word to the right

Ctrl + Right Arrow

Format text
Select or cancel a character to the left

Shift + Left Arrow

Format text
Select or cancel a character to the right

Shift + Right Arrow

Format text
Select or cancel a word to the left

Ctrl + Shift + Left arrow

Format text
Select or cancel a word to the right

Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow

Format text
Update the file


Format text
Display shortcut menu for selected item

Shift + F10

Format text
Select all text

Ctrl + A

Format text
Turn on /off Bold

Ctrl + B

Format text
Turn on/off underline

Ctrl + U

Format text
Turn on/off Italic

Ctrl + I

Format text
Turn on/off double underline

Ctrl + Shift + D

Format text
Turn on/off all caps

Ctrl + Shift + A

Format text
Turn on/off small caps

Ctrl + Shift + K

Format text
Turn on/off subscript

Ctrl + + + =

Format text
Turn on/off superscript

Ctrl + Shift + =

Format text
Increase font size

Ctrl + Shift + >

Format text
Reduce font size

Ctrl + Shift + <

Window/Navigation Shortcut
Move to the beginning


Window/Navigation Shortcut
Move to the end of entry


Window/Navigation Shortcut
Full screen view


Window/Navigation Shortcut
Exit Full screen view


Window/Navigation Shortcut
Open the next page in drawing


Window/Navigation Shortcut
Open the previous page in drawing


Window/Navigation Shortcut
Zoom in

Alt + F6

Window/Navigation Shortcut
Zoom out

Alt + Shift + F6

Window/Navigation Shortcut
Fit to window

Ctrl + Shift + W

Window/Navigation Shortcut
Switch window in app

Alt + Tab

Window/Navigation Shortcut
Close the current window

Alt + F4

Window/Navigation Shortcut
Maximize the selected window

Ctrl + F10

Window/Navigation Shortcut
Restore the size of visio program

Ctrl + F5

Window/Navigation Shortcut
Display shortcut menu

Alt + Spacebar

Window/Navigation Shortcut
Move between shapes/text

Arrow Keys

Window/Navigation Shortcut
Open help window


Window/Navigation Shortcut
Close help window

Alt + F4

Window/Navigation Shortcut
Go back to Visio 16 Home

Alt + Home

Window/Navigation Shortcut
Cycle through open drawings

Ctrl + Tab

File Operation
Save Diagram

Ctrl + S

File Operation
Open existing diagram

Ctrl + O

File Operation
Open the page dialog box

Shift + F4

File Operation
Open the recorder pages in dialog box

Ctrl + Alt + P

File Operation
Undo Changes

Ctrl + Z

File Operation
Copy the picture from screen


File Operation
Copy the picture from selected window

Alt + PrtScn

Similar combinations for other applications

Apple Numbers (MacOS)
Extend selection of a character to right
Text Selection

Shift + Right Arrow

Finale (MacOS)
Next beat
Selection Tool

Shift + Right arrow

Finale (Windows)
Next beat
Selection Tool

Shift + Right arrow

Hexagon 2 (MacOS)
Move Right
General Shortcuts

Shift + Right arrow

Hexagon 2 (Windows)
Move Right
General Shortcuts

Shift + Right arrow

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Go forward ten frames
Mark Menu

Shift + Right Arrow

iMovie (MacOS)
Forward ten frames

Shift + Right Arrow

Apple Pages (MacOS)
Extend selection one character to the right
Selecting text

Shift + Right Arrow

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Select or cancel selection one character to the right.
Navigation Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

Ace Projects (Windows)
Select right
Selection Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Increase the shape’s width by 10%.
Working with OfficeArt Objects

Shift + Right Arrow

AutoCad Architecture 2017 (Windows)
Increase theselection by one character at a time
Text Editing

Shift + RIght arrow

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Extend text selection one character to the right.
Document Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

Final Cut Pro (MacOS)
Forward one second

Shift + Right arrow

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)
Character select right
Coding Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

Zimbra Collaboration Suite 8 (Windows)
Show Next Conversation
Mail Converastion View

Shift + Right Arrow

Blender 3D (Windows)
Go to Last Frame

Shift + Right Arrow

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (Windows)
Move Positive on X-axis by 10.24 BU
Object Translation

Shift + Right Arrow

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (MacOS)
Move Positive on X-axis by 10.24 BU
Object Translation

Shift + Right Arrow

Blender 3D (Windows)
Move Text Cursor to End of Line

Shift + Right Arrow

Steinberg Cubase 9 (Windows)
Add right

Shift + Right arrow

Steinberg Cubase 9 (MacOS)
Add right

Shift + Right arrow

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)
Super nudge right
Objest Nudge Commands

Shift + Right arrow

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)
Super nudge right
Objest Nudge Commands

Shift + RIght arrow

InCopy CC (Windows)
Select one character to the right/left
Navigation Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow

InCopy CC (MacOS)
Select one character to the right/left
Navigation Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow

Opera (MacOS)
Expand all folders/views in panel

Shift + Right Arrow

Opera (Windows)
Expand all folders/views in panel

Shift + Right Arrow

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro (Windows)
Accelerate playback speed in negative direction
PlayBack Functions

Shift + Right Arrow

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)
Select character to right
Cursor Moves Using Text Tool

Shift + RIght arrow

InCopy CC (MacOS)
Select cells to the right/left

Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow

InCopy CC (Windows)
Select cells to the right/left

Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Go forward ten frames
TimeLine Editing and Navigation

Shift + Right Arrow

Brackets (MacOS)
Select Next Character
Code Selection

Shift + Right Arrow

Informix Genero 2.5.0 (Windows)
Select right one character
Selection Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Move the caret one character to the right selecting the text
Basic Editing

Shift + Right Arrow

Soundforge (Windows)
Select from the cursor to the next/previous screen pixel
Data Selection

Shift + Right Arrow / Left Arrow

Soundforge (Windows)
Select the next event
Event Tool

Shift + Right Arrow

Delphi 10 (Windows)
Selects the character to the right of the cursor
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Shift + Right Arrow

progeCAD (Windows)
Pans the drawing window view right by one screen
51 Shortcuts for progeCAD (Windows)

Shift + Right Arrow

TurboCAD (Windows)
Rotate camera right
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Shift + Right Arrow

SpaceClaim (Windows)
Nudge Secondary Dimension by Big Distance or angle
71 Shortcuts for SpaceClaim (Windows)

Shift + Left Arrow / Shift + Right Arrow

Netflix (Web Application)
Fast Forward Video
10 Shortcuts for Netflix (Web Application)

Shift + Right Arrow

AVS Audio Editor (Windows)
Increase the right selection boundary

Shift + Right Arrow

BricsCAD (Windows)
Moves the view to the Right
Movement Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

BricsCAD (Linux)
Moves the view to the Right
Movement Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

BricsCAD (MacOS)
Moves the view to the Right
Movement Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

KeyCreator (Windows)
Rotate Right

Shift + Right Arrow

Altium Designer (Windows)
Move 3D body right along X-axis by 10x Snap Grid increment
3D Body Placement Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

Altium Designer (Windows)
Scroll right through chartthenone page at a time
SimData Editor Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

Altium Designer (Windows)
ExtEnd selection right one character
Common Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow

Adobe Dreamweaver (MacOS)
Character select right
Coding Shortcuts

Shift + Right Arrow