

Edit your preferences

Ctrl + F12

All hotkeys for Opera

Collapse all threads

↑   Shift +

Expand all threads

↑   Shift +

Select the next link or form input in that direction

↑   Shift +

Select the next link or form input in that direction

↑   Shift +

Panel keys: Actions
Open transferred file

⤶ Enter

Panel keys: Actions
Compose message to contact

↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter

Navigation: History
Go to previous page in history


Navigation: History
Go to previous page in history

Alt +

Navigation: History
Go to next page in history


Navigation: History
Go to next page in history

Alt +

Loading keys: Transmission
Reload (get latest version of) page


Form keys
Right-adjust text in form

Ctrl + R

E-mail keys: Navigation
Set focus to message list


E-mail keys: Navigation
Set focus to message


Page keys: Basics
Browse in new tab

Ctrl + T

Tab keys: Switching
Cycle to next tab (defaults to recently used order)

Ctrl + ⭾ Tab

Page keys: Basics
Close active tab

Ctrl + W

Panel keys: Activation
Activate panels for keyboard navigation


Panel keys: Activation
Toggle last active panel

↑   Shift + F4

Panel keys: Activation
Toggle last active panel with panel selector


Navigation: History
Go to previous page in history

⬅ Backspace

Move one line up

Move one line down

Move one character to the right

Move one character to the left

Move one screen-full up

Page Up

E-mail keys: Navigation
Move one screen-full up

↑   Shift + Space

Move one screen-full down

Page Down

E-mail keys: Navigation
Move one screen-full down, then go to next unread


Move one screen-full to the left

Ctrl + Page Up

Move one screen-full to the right

Ctrl + Page Down

Go to top


Go to bottom


Form keys
Go to next element in form

⭾ Tab

Form keys
Go to previous element in form

↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab

Edit item properties

Alt + ⤶ Enter

Text keys: Editing
Toggle text-style italic

Ctrl + I

Focus keys
Restore original address in address field and set focus to page


Display context (right-click) menu

Ctrl + M

System keys
Open file

Ctrl + O

E-mail keys: Reading and sending
Save message draft (continue later)

Ctrl + S

System keys
Save copy of page with all images and elements

Ctrl + Alt + S

System keys
Print page

Ctrl + P

System keys
Close Opera

Ctrl + Q

System keys
Hide Opera

Ctrl + H

Text keys: Editing
Undo recent changes

Ctrl + Z

Text keys: Editing
Redo recent changes

Ctrl + Y

Text keys: Editing
Copy selection to clipboard

Ctrl + C

Text keys: Editing
Copy selection to clipboard

Ctrl + Insert

Text keys: Editing
Move selection to clipboard

Ctrl + X

Text keys: Editing
Move selection to clipboard

↑   Shift + Del

Text keys: Editing
Paste from clipboard

Ctrl + V

Text keys: Editing
Paste from clipboard

↑   Shift + Insert

Text keys: Editing
Copy selected text to "Notes" panel

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C

Text keys: Editing
Copy text in clipboard to "Notes" panel

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + V

E-mail keys: Navigation
Go to previous unread message

Ctrl + U

Text keys: Editing
Select all

Ctrl + A

Text keys: Editing
Delete selection (or character right of cursor)


Loading keys: Access
Paste and go in current or new tab

Ctrl + B

Search while viewing help page

Ctrl + F

Text keys: Find
Find next instance of text

Ctrl + G

Text keys: Find
Find next instance of text


Text keys: Find
Find previous instance of text

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + G

Text keys: Find
Find previous instance of text

↑   Shift + F3

Text keys: Find
Search for text in links in page (press F9 first to set focus on page)


Text keys: Find
Search for text in links in page (press F9 first to set focus on page)

↑   Shift + /

Text keys: Find
Search for text in page (press F9 first to set focus on page)


Text keys: Find
Search for text in page (press F9 first to set focus on page)


Loading keys: Access
Go to your home page

Ctrl + Space

Loading keys: Access
Go to your home page

Alt + Home

Loading keys: Access
Enter a Web address


Loading keys: Access
Paste and go in background tab

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + B

Loading keys: Access
Enter nickname for fast bookmark access

↑   Shift + F2

Loading keys: Access
Save page address as new bookmark

Ctrl + D

Link keys
Save selected link as new bookmark

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + D

Loading keys: Transmission
Reload selected frame

Alt + F5

Loading keys: Transmission
Reload selected frame

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + R

Loading keys: Transmission
Reload all open pages

Ctrl + F5

Loading keys: Transmission
Reload all open pages

Ctrl + Alt + R

Loading keys: Transmission
Read selected text using voice function


Navigation: History
Go to next page in history

Ctrl +

Navigation: History
Go to next page in history

Ctrl + ]

Navigation: History
Go to previous page in history

Ctrl +

Navigation: History
Go to previous page in history

Ctrl + [

Navigation: History

↑   Shift + Z

Navigation: History
Fast Forward

↑   Shift + X

Navigation: History
Fast Forward

↑   Shift + ⬅ Backspace

Navigation: History
Show entire forward history

Alt + X

Navigation: History
Show entire backward history

Alt + Z

Link keys
Open selected link in background tab

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Space

Navigation: Site navigation

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F

Navigation: Site navigation

Ctrl + ↑   Shift +

Navigation: Site navigation

Ctrl + ↑   Shift +

Navigation: Site navigation

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ⬅ Backspace

Navigation: Site navigation
Remove the last part of any Web address (such as a sub-directory) and go to that address

Ctrl + ⬅ Backspace

Display modes
Load and display all images


Display modes
Toggle loading of images

↑   Shift + I

Display modes
Toggle between "Author mode" and "User mode"

↑   Shift + G

Display modes
Preview page as if printed

↑   Shift + P

Display modes
Use entire screen for browsing


Display modes
Toggle "Fit to width"

Ctrl + F11

Display modes
Pretend to be small-screen device

↑   Shift + F11

View page source

Ctrl + F3

View source of active frame

Alt + F3

Validate source of active page or frame

Ctrl + Alt + V

Validate source of active page or frame in the background

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + V

Increase zoom % by steps of 10


Access keys
(to <keybs>9</keybs>) Enter HTML access keys


Decrease zoom % by steps of 10


Decrease zoom % by steps of 10


Increase zoom % by steps of 100 (1000% is maximum)

Ctrl + +

Increase zoom % by steps of 100 (1000% is maximum)


Decrease zoom % by steps of 100 (20% is minimum)

Ctrl + -

Decrease zoom % by steps of 100 (20% is minimum)


Restore zoom to 100%


Restore zoom to 100%


Access keys
(to <keybs>Z </keybs>


Link keys
Select next link in page

Ctrl +

Link keys
Select previous link in page


Link keys
Select previous link in page

Ctrl +

Panel keys: Actions
Open bookmark in background tab

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter

Link keys
Copy selected link address

Ctrl + Alt + C

E-mail keys: Reading and sending
Send composed message

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + S

Spatial navigation keys
Navigate between links and form elements

↑   Shift + ← ↑ → ↓

Spatial navigation keys
Cycle through headers in page


Spatial navigation keys
Cycle through headers in page


Spatial navigation keys
Cycle through elements in page


Spatial navigation keys
Cycle through elements in page


Spatial navigation keys
Cycle through frames in page


Spatial navigation keys
Cycle through frames in page

↑   Shift + 3

Address bar keys
Autocomplete Web address, by default adds "www." and ".com"

Ctrl + ⤶ Enter

Focus keys
Set focus to address field

Ctrl + L

Access keys
Toggle HTML access keys

↑   Shift + Esc

Page keys: Basics
Browse in duplicate of active tab

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + N

Page keys: Basics
Close active tab

Ctrl + F4

Application windows
Close application window

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + W

Application windows
Close application window

Alt + F4

Page keys: Basics
Close all open tabs

Ctrl + Alt + W

Page keys: Basics
Close all open tabs except active

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Alt + W

Page keys: Basics
Undo closing tab

Ctrl + Alt + Z

Application windows
Browse in new application window

Ctrl + N

Tab keys: Switching
Cycle to next tab (defaults to recently used order)

Alt + Page Down

Tab keys: Switching
Cycle to previous tab (defaults to recently used order)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab

Tab keys: Switching
Cycle to previous tab (defaults to recently used order)

Alt + Page Up

Tab keys: Switching
Switch to next tab on tab bar


Tab keys: Switching
Switch to next tab on tab bar

Ctrl + F6

Tab keys: Switching
Switch to previous tab on tab bar


Tab keys: Switching
Switch to previous tab on tab bar

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F6

Tab keys: Arranging
Cascade open tabs top-left to bottom-right

↑   Shift + F5

Tab keys: Arranging
Tile open tabs left to right

↑   Shift + F6

Tab keys: Arranging
Tile open tabs top to bottom

Alt + F6

Tab keys: Arranging
Minimize active tab


Tab keys: Arranging
Switch between restored and maximized tab


Tab keys: Arranging
Restore all tabs

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F3

Tab keys: Arranging
Minimize all tabs

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F4

Tab keys: Arranging
Maximize all tabs

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F5

Panel keys: Activation
Open "Search" panel

Ctrl + 1

Panel keys: Activation
Open "Bookmarks" panel

Ctrl + 2

Panel keys: Activation
Open "Mail" panel

Ctrl + 3

Panel keys: Activation
Open "Contacts" panel

Ctrl + 4

Panel keys: Activation
Open "Chat" panel

Ctrl + 5

Panel keys: Activation
Open "Notes" panel

Ctrl + 6

Panel keys: Activation
Open "Transfers" panel

Ctrl + 7

Panel keys: Activation
Open "History" panel

Ctrl + 8

Panel keys: Activation
Open "Links" panel

Ctrl + 9

Panel keys: Activation
Open "Windows" panel

Ctrl + 0

Panel keys: Actions
Mark all e-mail in selected view as read

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + A

Edit your preferences

Alt + P

Edit your preferences

Ctrl + F12

Quickly edit most popular preferences


Edit browser appearance

↑   Shift + F12

Toggle scroll bars

Ctrl + F7

Toggle address bar

Ctrl + F8

Address bar keys
Show autocomplete drop-down list

Alt + V

Focus keys
Set focus to search field

↑   Shift + F8

Focus keys
Set focus to personal bar

↑   Shift + F7

Manager pages
Manage view for search panel

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 1

Manager pages
Manage bookmarks

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 2

Manager pages
Manage bookmarks

Ctrl + Alt + B

Manager pages
Manage e-mail

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 3

Manager pages
Manage e-mail

Ctrl + Alt + M

Manager pages
Manage contacts

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 4

Manager pages
Manage contacts

Ctrl + Alt + O

Manager pages
Manage view for chat panel

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 5

Manager pages
Manage notes

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 6

Manager pages
Manage notes

Ctrl + Alt + E

Manager pages
Manage transfers

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 7

Manager pages
Manage transfers

Ctrl + Alt + T

Manager pages
Manage history

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 8

Manager pages
Manage history

Ctrl + Alt + H

Manager pages
Manage links

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 9

Manager pages
Manage links

Ctrl + Alt + L

E-mail keys: Navigation
Go to next unread message

Ctrl + J

E-mail keys: Reading and sending
Check e-mail

Ctrl + K

E-mail keys: Reading and sending
Write new message

Ctrl + E

E-mail keys: Reading and sending
Upload queued messages to mail server

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + K

E-mail keys: Navigation
Go to next message


E-mail keys: Navigation
Go to previous message


E-mail keys: Navigation
Go to next unread message


E-mail keys: Navigation
Go to previous unread message


E-mail keys: Navigation
Scroll up in message body (even if focus on message list)

Alt +

E-mail keys: Navigation
Scroll down in message body (even if focus on message list)

Alt +

Mark thread as read


Mark thread as read, go to next unread


Open Opera's help window


Similar combinations for other applications

Firebug (Windows)
Open Firebug in window (for some reason sometimes pressing ctrl+f12 again closes Firefox, use ctrl+w to close the Firebug window instead
Managing Firebug

Ctrl + F12

Firebug (Linux)
Open Firebug in window (for some reason sometimes pressing ctrl+f12 again closes Firefox, use ctrl+w to close the Firebug window instead
Managing Firebug

Ctrl + F12

Android Emulator (Windows)
Switch layout orientation portrait/landscape forwards (or 9 on on numeric keyboard with Num Lock off)
Other Device Keys

Ctrl + F12

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Display symbol declaration
Code Editor - IntelliSense and Code Helper

Ctrl + F12

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Display symbol declaration
Coding - IntelliSense and Code Helper

Ctrl + F12

Total Commander 8 (Windows)
Show user defined files
Main Shortcuts

Ctrl + F12

Visual Studio 2015 (Windows)
Display symbol declaration
Code Snippets (Visual C# Scheme) - IntelliSense and Code Helper

Ctrl + F12

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Choose the Open command (Microsoft Office Button ).
Function key reference: CTRL+Function key

Ctrl + F12

UltraEdit (Windows)
Delete from the cursor to end of line
Edit Menu

Ctrl + F12

Opera (Linux)
Open Settings

Alt + P / Ctrl + F12

Android Emulator (Linux)
Switch layout orientation portrait/landscape forwards (or 9 on numeric keyboard with Num Lock off)
Other Device Keys

Ctrl + F12

Oracle SQL Developer 4 (Windows)
SQL Tuning Advisor

Ctrl + F12

IntelliJ (Linux)
File structure popup

Ctrl + F12

IntelliJ (Windows)
File structure popup

Ctrl + F12

FL Studio (Windows)
Close all unfocused windows
Window Navigation

Ctrl + F12

Axialis IconWorkshop (Windows)
Automatic reorganization
Window Menu

Ctrl + F12

Autodesk Maya 2015 (Windows)
Covert polygon selection to UVs

Ctrl + F12

Autodesk Maya 2017 (Windows)
Covert polygon selection to UVs

Ctrl + F12

Dynamics NAV 2015 (Windows)
Select the address bar

Ctrl + F12

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Open a project file (display the Open dialog box).
File Management

Ctrl + F12

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Display the Open dialog box.
Working with dialog boxes

Ctrl + F12

Microsoft Word 2016 (Windows)
Choose the Open command (Microsoft Office Button ).
All Function Key Shortcuts

Ctrl + F12

JetBrains PyCharm (Windows)
File Structure Popup

Ctrl + F12

JetBrains RubyMine (Windows)
File Structure Popup
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + F12

JetBrains RubyMine (Linux)
File Structure Popup
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + F12

Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)
Table Formats
63 Shortcuts for Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)

Ctrl + F12

Corel Ventura 10 (Windows)
Order Backward One
Alignment of Objects

Ctrl + F12

Corel Quattro Pro X8 (Windows)
Show Properties of Current Spreadsheet
Function Keys

Ctrl + F12

XYplorer (Windows)
Show Toolbar
Function key Shortcuts

Ctrl + F12

Jetbrains CLion (Windows)
File structure popup
Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + F12

Delphi 10 (Windows)
View units
193 Shortcuts for Delphi 10 (Windows)

Ctrl + F12

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Display the Structure pop-up window for quick navigation through the current file
Navigation between Source Code

Ctrl + F12

Libreoffice Writer (Windows)
Insert or edit Table
Function Keys

Ctrl + F12

Soundforge (Windows)
Navigation and Playback

Enter / Ctrl + F12

RStudio (Windows)
Next tab

Ctrl + F12

RStudio (MacOS)
Next tab

Ctrl + F12

Titanium (Windows)
Focus Editor
Quick Access

Ctrl + F12

dbForge SQL Complete
Script object as CREATE/ALTER

Ctrl + F12

Show Toolbar
Window Menu

Ctrl + F12

ChessBase 13
Go to My databases
Database window

Ctrl + F12

RStudio (Mac)
Next tab

Ctrl + F12

Next tab

Ctrl + F12

Target 3001! (Windows)
Open Reorganisation Dialog
Function key Shortcuts

Ctrl + F12

Battlezone 98 Redux
Group weapon

Ctrl + F12

Adobe Illustrator
Save the document as script files
Work with documents

Ctrl + F12

SuperMemo (Windows)
Repair Collection
129 Shortcuts for SuperMemo (Windows)

Ctrl + F12

Claws Mail
Toggles menu bar visibility
Main window

Ctrl + F12

Wild growth
Action bar

Ctrl + F12

PyCharm 2018.2
Display the Structure pop-up window for quick navigation through the current file.
Navigation in source code

Ctrl + F12

Bluebeam Revu
Toggle stay on top

Ctrl + F12

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018
Spell Check...

Ctrl + F12

KDE Plasma Desktop
Show Desktop
Working with desktop

Ctrl + F12

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (Most used shortcuts)

Ctrl + F12

Microsoft Word 2016
Choose the Open command
Ctrl + Function keys

Ctrl + F12

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)

Ctrl + F12

Inspect members/hierarchy
Coding in Java

Ctrl + F12

IntelliJ IDEA (Windows, Linux)
File structure popup

Ctrl + F12

WordPerfect X8
Table Formats

Ctrl + F12

LibreOffice Calc
Ungroups the selected data range
Function keys

Ctrl + F12

LibreOffice Writer
Insert or edit Table
Function keys

Ctrl + F12

Split files

Ctrl + F12

Read selected text aloud

Ctrl + F12

View units

Ctrl + F12

Microsoft Access 2016
Open an existing database
Work with database files

Ctrl + F12

The Bat!
Set access password
Using the account

Ctrl + F12

Render animation

Ctrl + F12

Increase DOSBox cycles (speeds up the emulation)

Ctrl + F12

Android Studio
Open file structure pop-up
Navigating and searching

Ctrl + F12

Customize syntax schemes
Syntax scheme, font

Ctrl + F12

Scrivener 1.9.9
Show index card keywords

Ctrl + F12