Safari Browser (MacOS)

Menu Shortcuts


Command + R

All hotkeys for Safari Browser (MacOS)

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Switch to first tab

Command + 1

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Switch to last tab

Command + 9

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Switch to next tab

Command + Tab

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Switch to specified tab

Command + 1-8

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Switch to previous tab

Command + Shift + Tab

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Close the current tab

Command + W or Command + F4

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Close the browser

Alt + F4

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Reopen the last closed tab

Command + Shift + T

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Open new tab

Command + T

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Open new browser window

Command + N

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Zoom in

Command + MouseWheelUp

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Zoom out

Command + MouseWheelDown

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Default Zoom level

Command + 0

General Shortcuts (Browser)
FullScreen Mode

F11 or Spacebar

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Go to address bar

Command + L

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Prefix www. and Post .com in address bar

Command + Enter

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Open the loaction in address bar

Alt + Enter

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Go to address bar for search

Command + K or Command + E

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Open the page search box

Command + F

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Find the next match in page search box

Command + G

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Find the previous match in page search box

Command + Shift + G

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Print current page

Command + P

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Save Current page

Command + S

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Open a file of computer in browser

Command + O

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Open the page source code

Command + U

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Open developer tools


General Shortcuts (Browser)
Start/finish editing bookmark name


General Shortcuts (Browser)
Save browser window

Command + Ctrl + S

General Shortcuts (Browser)

Command + ?

General Shortcuts (Browser)

Command + .

General Shortcuts (Browser)

Command + ,

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Define in dictionary

Command + =

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Spelling correction

Command + shift + :

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Spelling checking

Command + ;

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Zoom text

Command + +

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Zoom out text

Command + -

General Shortcuts (Browser)
Open Setting

Command + Option + ,

General Shortcuts (Browser)
AppleScript Result

Command + Shift + *

Navigation/Scroll Operation


Navigation/Scroll Operation
Reload and skip cache

Command + F5

Navigation/Scroll Operation


Navigation/Scroll Operation

Alt + Left Arrow or Delete

Navigation/Scroll Operation

Alt + Right Arrow or Shift + Delete

Navigation/Scroll Operation
Scroll to top-left corner of web page

Command + Up arrow

Navigation/Scroll Operation
Scroll to bottom-right corner of web page

Command + Down arrow

Navigation/Scroll Operation
Scroll page horizontally

Left/Right Arrow

Navigation/Scroll Operation
Scroll Page vertically

Up/down Arrow

Navigation/Scroll Operation
Scroll Page by fullscreen

Option + Arrow Keys

Navigation/Scroll Operation

Command + Home

Mouse actions
Close the tab

Middle click on tab

Mouse actions
Open a link in background tab

Command + Left Click

Mouse actions
Open a link in a new window

Shift + Left Click

Mouse actions
Open a link in foreground tab

Command + Shift + Left Click

Mouse actions
Download file

Option + Click

Mouse actions
Add bookmark directly

Shift + Add bookmark Click

Mouse actions
Open bookmark in a new window

Command + Double Click

Mouse actions
Put selected items in folder

Option + Click New Folder

Mouse actions
Open bookmark

Double click or Spacebar

Menu Shortcuts
Select all

Command + A

Menu Shortcuts
Show/hide favourites bar

Command + B

Menu Shortcuts
Add bookmark

Command +D

Menu Shortcuts
Hide browser

Command + H

Menu Shortcuts
Go to selection

Command + J

Menu Shortcuts

Command + M

Menu Shortcuts
Close browser

Command + Q

Menu Shortcuts

Command + C

Menu Shortcuts

Command + V

Menu Shortcuts

Command + X

Menu Shortcuts

Command + R

Menu Shortcuts

Command + Z

Menu Shortcuts

Command + Shift + Z

Menu Shortcuts
Full Screen mode

Command + Shift + F

Menu Shortcuts
Go to Home Page

Command + Shift + H

Menu Shortcuts

Command + Shift + M

Menu Shortcuts
Page setup loading

Command + Shift + P

Menu Shortcuts
Start Sampling

Command + Shift + S

Menu Shortcuts
Stop Sampling

Command + Shift + T

Menu Shortcuts
Form autofilling

Command + Shift + A

Menu Shortcuts
Bluetooth transfer

Command + Shift + B

Menu Shortcuts
Block plugins

Command + Shift + K

Menu Shortcuts
Add bookmark to menu

Command + Shift + D

Menu Shortcuts
Close window

Command + Shift + W

Menu Shortcuts
Make stickey notes

Command + Shift + Y

Menu Shortcuts
Open URL

Command + Shift + U

Menu Shortcuts
Show all bookmarks

Command + Option + B

Menu Shortcuts
Empty cache

Command + Option + E

Menu Shortcuts
Minimize all

Command + Option + M

Menu Shortcuts
View Source

Command + Option + V

Menu Shortcuts
Add safaristand bookmarks

Command + Ctrl + D

Menu Shortcuts
Search from google

Command + Option + F

Menu Shortcuts
Show Activities

Command + Option + A

Menu Shortcuts

Similar combinations for other applications

Thunderbird (MacOS)
Reply to Message (sender only)
Compose and Edit Message

Command + R

Firefox (MacOS)
Reload Page
Page Manipulation

F5 / Command + R

Unity3D 3 (MacOS)

Command + R

Adobe Photoshop CS4 (MacOS)
Open selected images in Camera Raw dialog box from Bridge
Shortcut Keys for using the Camera Raw dialog box

Command + R

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (MacOS)
Open selected images in Camera Raw dialog box from Bridge
Camera Raw Dialog Box

Command + R

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Group objects
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Arrange Objects

Command + R

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Assign Container
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Command + R

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Change to Pointer mode
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Command + R

Qt Creator (MacOS)
Play last macro

Command + R

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Group objects
Text Shortcuts - Arrange Objects

Command + R

Google Chrome (MacOS)
Reload current webpage
Browse between Webpages

Command + R

uTorrent (MacOS)
RSS Downloader
21 Shortcuts for uTorrent (MacOS)

Command + R

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Assign Container
Text Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Command + R

Google Mail (MacOS)
Refresh page. Sometimes GMail seems to get stuck on certain pages won't allow shortcuts. Things tend to work fine after a page refresh.
Control Main Browser Window (General Browser Shortcuts)

Command + R

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Change to Pointer mode
Text Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Command + R

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Show in Finder (Library/ Develop module)
Managing Photos and Catalogs

Command + R

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Group objects
Database Management Shortcuts - Arrange Objects

Command + R

Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)
Show or hide Rulers

Command + R

Adobe Audition CC (MacOS)
Repeat previous command with not clicking OK
Audio Editing Operations

Command + R

Apple Keynote (MacOS)
Display Rulers
General Shortcuts

Command + R

Adobe Audition CC (MacOS)
Repeat last command
Audio Editing Operations

Command + R

Adobe Premiere CC (MacOS)
Clipping Shortcuts

Command + R

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Assign Container
Database Management Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Command + R

Apple Numbers (MacOS)
Show document rulers
General Shortcuts

Command + R

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Change to Pointer mode
Database Management Shortcuts - Relationships Graph

Command + R

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Show/ hide rulers
Print Module

Command + R

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Reload web gallery
Web Module

Command + R

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Modify last find
Browse Mode Shortcuts

Command + R

Furni Rotate Tool

Command + R

InDesign CC (MacOS)
View Menu Shortcuts

Command + R

Hexagon 2 (MacOS)
General Shortcuts

Command + R

Zoho Sheet (MacOS)
Fill to The Right

Command + R

Anime Studio (MacOS)
General Shortcuts

Command + R

iMovie (MacOS)
Reverse clip direction
Advanced Functions

Command + R

Apple Calendar (MacOS)
Refresh all calendars.
Calender Shortcuts

Command + R

ArchiCAD 20 (MacOS)
Display Menu

Command + R

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Perform a RAM preview of the play range area
Mark Menu

Command + R

Apple Mail (MacOS)
Reply to Message
Receive Message

Command + R

Finder (MacOS)
Show the original file for the selected alias.

Command + R

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Show/Hide Rulers
Manage Views

Command + R

Apple Pages (MacOS)
Show document rulers

Command + R

Zoho Show (MacOS)
Right align
Formatting Shortcuts

Command + R

Zoho Writer (MacOS)
To Justify Right
Format Text

Command + R

Adobe Flash Professional (MacOS)
Import Image/Sound/etc...

Command + R

Apple Photos (MacOS)
Rotate photo clockwise

Command + R

Silhouette Studio (MacOS)

Command + R

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Show the original file for the selected alias.
Finder Shortcuts

Command + R

Sublime Text (MacOS)
Go to Symbol
Navigation Shortcuts

Command + R

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
Find and Replace

Command + R

IntelliJ (MacOS)
Find and Replace Shortcuts

Command + R

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Start up from macOS Recovery.
Start Up and Boot Options

Command + R

JetBrains PyCharm (MacOS)
Find and Replace

Command + R

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
Find and Replace

Command + R

TextMate 2 (MacOS)
Refresh Browser
HTML Shortcuts

Command + R

Eclipse Helios (MacOS)
Run to Line

Command + R

Adobe Animate CC (MacOS)
Import Image/Sound etc..

Command + R

Adobe XD (Experience Design) (MacOS)
Make Repeat Grid

Command + R

Sketch 3 (MacOS)
Arranging Layers,Groups and Artboards

Command + R

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
Reload Application Sources in Rails Console

Command + R

BrainSuite (MacOS)
Toggle first overlay volume on/off
Main Window

Command + R

JetBrains PhpStorm (MacOS)
Find and Replace

Command + R

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (MacOS)

Command + R

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (MacOS)

Command + R

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (MacOS)
Resume Render

Command + R

Steinberg Cubase 9 (MacOS)
Open score editor

Command + R

Opera (MacOS)
Reload (get latest version of) page
Transmission Loading

Command + R

Clip Studio Paint (Manga Studio) (MacOS)
Show/Hide Rulers

Command + R

Opera (MacOS)
Right adjust text in form

Command + R

Chief Architect (MacOS)
Roof Tools - Build Roof
General Editing

Command + R

Adobe Captivate 2017 (MacOS)
Start/record new capture project

Command + R

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Render a RAM preview for the play range
TimeLine Editing and Navigation

Command + R

Adobe Captivate 2017 (MacOS)
Start/record new capture project
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Command + R

Flock (MacOS)
45 Shortcuts for Flock (MacOS)

Command + R

VideoPad Video Editor (MacOS)
Capture video

Command + R

Vuze (MacOS)
Resume/Start Selected torrent
General Shortcuts

Command + R

VideoPad Video Editor (MacOS)
Capture video

Command + R

MOTU Digital Performer 9 (MacOS)

Command + R

QuickTime Player (MacOS)
Show chapters
Movie playback shortcuts

Command + R

Panic Coda (MacOS)
Files Shortcuts

Command + R

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (MacOS)
Edit Menu

Command + R

Panic Coda (MacOS)

Command + R

Unity3D 5 (MacOS)

Command + R

Titanium (MacOS)
Run to Line

Command + R

Tableau (MacOS)
Refreshes the data source

Command + R

OpenSCAD (MacOS)
View Shortcuts

Command + R

Kate (MacOS)
28 Shortcuts for Kate (MacOS)

Command + R

CuteFTP (MacOS)
Reconnect to last connected Site
72 Shortcuts for CuteFTP (MacOS)

Command + R

Modo (MacOS)
Brings up the last tool used

Command + R

Geany (MacOS)
Reload file

Command + R

Ableton Live 9 (MacOS)

Command + R

Inkscape (MacOS)
Toggle rulers

Command + R

Ableton Live 9 (MacOS)
Rename Selected Track
Commands for Tracks

Command + R

ArtRage 4.5 5 (MacOS)
Load Reference Image

Command + R

DaVinci Resolve 14 (MacOS)
Retime clip

Command + R

Arduino (MacOS)
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (MacOS)

Command + R

Vectorworks (MacOS)
Palettes–Resource Manager
Window Menu

Command + R

Sage Simply Accounting (MacOS)
Remove this record
Keyboard Shortcuts in Record Windows

Command + R

Sage Simply Accounting (MacOS)
Recall a recurring transaction
Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows

Command + R

WavPad Sound Editor (MacOS)
Add Region
Bookmarks and Regions

Command + R

FlexiSign Pro 8.1 (MacOS)

Command + R

BricsCAD (MacOS)
Iterates through viewports
Other Shortcuts

Command + R

Apple XCode 8 (MacOS)
Build and Run

Command + R

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Show or hide rulers

Command + R