UltraEdit (Windows)

Help Menu

Invoke the context help command and cursor

Shift + F1

All hotkeys for UltraEdit (Windows)

Document Navigation Shortcuts
Scroll up one line keeping cursor in view

Ctrl + Up Arrow

Document Navigation Shortcuts
Scroll down one line keeping cursor in view

Ctrl + Down Arrow

Document Navigation Shortcuts
Toggle focus between active file and Tree View if shown


Document Navigation Shortcuts
Position cursor at first not space character of next paragraph

Alt + Right Arrow

Document Navigation Shortcuts
Position cursor at first not space character of current paragraph (if positioned mid-paragraph) or previous paragraph

Alt + Left Arrow

Document Navigation Shortcuts
Position cursor beginning of first line in of the display

Alt + Page Up

Document Navigation Shortcuts
Position cursor beginning of last line in of the display

Alt + Page Down

Document Navigation Shortcuts
Position line with cursor at top of window

Alt + - (numeric keyboard)

Document Navigation Shortcuts
Position line with cursor at bottom of window

Alt + + (numeric keyboard)

Document Navigation Shortcuts
Position line with cursor at center of window

Alt + * (numeric keyboard)

Document Navigation Shortcuts
Position the cursor at the end of the previous word

Ctrl + 1 (numeric keyboard)

Document Navigation Shortcuts
Position the cursor at the end of the next word

Ctrl + 2 (numeric keyboard)

Document Navigation Shortcuts
Make the next document window active

Ctrl + F6

Document Navigation Shortcuts
Make the previous document window active

Ctrl + Shift + F6

Select/Delete/Insert Shortcuts
Selects the word preceding (or following) the cursor

Ctrl + (left) Shift (or Right)

Select/Delete/Insert Shortcuts
Delete the word preceding the cursor

Ctrl + Backspace

Select/Delete/Insert Shortcuts
Delete the word following the cursor

Ctrl + Delete

Select/Delete/Insert Shortcuts
Insert a literal character at the cursor position

Ctrl + I

Select/Delete/Insert Shortcuts
Toggle between Insert and Overstrike mode


Hex Mode Shortcuts
Toggle HEX editing mode

Ctrl + H

Hex Mode Shortcuts
Insert or delete characters in HEX editing mode

Ctrl + D

Bookmark Shortcut
Toggle bookmark on and off

Ctrl + F2

Bookmark Shortcut
Goto next bookmark


File Menu
Create a new document file

Ctrl + N

File Menu
Open an existing document file

Ctrl + O

File Menu
Open an existing document without showing File Open dialog

Ctrl + Q

File Menu
Close an existing document file

Ctrl + F4

File Menu
Save the active document

Ctrl + S

File Menu
Save the active document as a new file


File Menu
Print the active document

Ctrl + P

Edit Menu
Cut text from the document into the clipboard

Ctrl + X

Edit Menu
Copy text from the document into the clipboard

Ctrl + C

Edit Menu
Paste text from the clipboard into the active document

Ctrl + V

Edit Menu
Select active clipboard

Ctrl +0-9

Edit Menu
Select All text in the active document

Ctrl + A

Edit Menu
Undo the last action if possible

Ctrl + Z

Edit Menu
Reverse the last Undo action if possible

Ctrl + Y

Edit Menu
Select the current word (same as double click)

Ctrl + J

Edit Menu
Delete line the cursor is on

Ctrl + E

Edit Menu
Delete from the cursor to start of line

Ctrl + F11

Edit Menu
Delete from the cursor to end of line

Ctrl + F12

Edit Menu
Toggle Word Wrap on/off

Ctrl + W

Edit Menu
Insert time/date at cursor


Search Menu
Find a character string

Alt + F3

Search Menu
Find a character string

Ctrl + F

Search Menu
Repeat last find toward beginning of file

Ctrl + F3

Search Menu
Repeat last find toward end of file


Search Menu
Find matching brace (,,{ or },,)

Ctrl + B

Search Menu
Find and replace a character string with another

Ctrl + R

Search Menu
Goto the specified line (or HEX address)

Ctrl + G

View Menu
Toggle File Tree View

Ctrl + U

View Menu
Toggle Tag List

Ctrl + F8

Format Menu
Reformat the current paragraph or selected text

Ctrl + T

Format Menu
Convert selected text to lower case

Ctrl + F5

Format Menu
Convert selected text to Upper case

Alt + F5

Format Menu
Capitalize first character of each word in selected text


Format Menu
Invert case of all characters in selected text

Shift + F5

Format Menu
Invoke the spelling checker

Ctrl + K

Format Menu
Toggle column/block mode on and off

Alt + C

Macro Menu
Replay a macro

Ctrl + M

Macro Menu
Replay a macro the specified number of times

Ctrl + L

DOS Menu
Run DOS Window command


DOS Menu
Repeat last DOS Window command

Ctrl + F9

DOS Menu
Execute Windows Program


Help Menu
Invoke the context help command and cursor

Shift + F1

Similar combinations for other applications

Total Commander 8 (Windows)
Custom columns view menu
Main Shortcuts

Shift + F1

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Start context-sensitive Help or reveal formatting.
Function key reference: SHIFT+Function key

Shift + F1

InDesign CS5 (MacOS)
Insert selected text into Find What box and finds next
Managing Text

Shift + F1

CATIA V5 (Windows)
Context assistance (Get help on toolbar icons)
38 Shortcuts for CATIA V5 (Windows)

Shift + F1

IntelliJ (Linux)
External Doc

Shift + F1

IntelliJ (Windows)
External Doc

Shift + F1

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Reveal Formatting (show all formats of selection)
Format Text and Paragraph

Shift + F1

Dynamics NAV 2015 (Windows)
View Error message
Page View and Review

Shift + F1

Microsoft Word 2016 (Windows)
Start context-sensitive Help or reveal formatting.
All Function Key Shortcuts

Shift + F1

GIMP (Linux)
Context Sensitive Help
Help Menu

Shift + F1

AutoCAD 2016 (Windows)
Subobject selection is not filtered (AutoCAD only)

Shift + F1

Context Sensitive Help
Help Menu

Shift + F1

GIMP (Windows)
Context Sensitive Help
Help Menu

Shift + F1

Act! CRM (Windows)
Context Sensitive Help
View Shortcuts

Shift + F1

IntelliJ (MacOS)
External document
Editing Shortcuts

Shift + F1

Blender 3D (Windows)
Append parts of other files

Shift + F1

DAZ Studio (Windows)
What's this
Help Commands

Shift + F1

DAZ Studio (MacOS)
What's this
Help Commands

Shift + F1

Corel Ventura 10 (Windows)
Help Screen/Menu
General Shortcuts

Shift + F1

InCopy CC (MacOS)
Insert selected text into Find What box and find next
Find and Replace

Shift + F1

InCopy CC (Windows)
Insert selected text into Find What box and find next
Find and Replace

Shift + F1

MPS 2017 (Windows)
Open browser with the documentation for the selected item
Advanced Editing

Shift + F1

Zerodha Trader (Windows)
Cover Buy Order
Place Order

Shift + F1

Krita Painting 3 (Windows)
What's this

Shift + F1

XYplorer (Windows)
Tip of the Day
Function key Shortcuts

Shift + F1

Siemens NX 11 (Windows)
Move Clip Left
View Menu

Shift + F1

SolidWorks (Windows)
What's this?
Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Shift + F1

Vegas Pro 14 (Windows)
What's this help
Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Shift + F1

Kate (Linux)
What's this?
29 Shortcuts for Kate (Linux)

Shift + F1

Kate (Windows)
What's this?
38 Shortcuts for Kate (Windows)

Shift + F1

Kate (MacOS)
What's this?
28 Shortcuts for Kate (MacOS)

Shift + F1

HyperWorks (Windows)
24 Shortcuts for HyperWorks (Windows)

Shift + F1

Ansys Mechanical (Windows)
Activate Extend to Adjacent Selection
Selection Filters

Shift + F1

Evergreen (Linux)
Register Patron

Shift + F1

TurboCAD (Windows)
Display help for clicked buttons, menus and windows
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Shift + F1

Maxwell Render (Windows)
What's this

Shift + F1

Target 3001! (Windows)
Check Project
Function key Shortcuts

Shift + F1

Ulead PhotoImpact 8 (Windows)
Activates the Context Sensitive Help
Help Menu

Shift + F1

Altium Designer (Windows)
Access Natural Language Search Facility(Smart Search)
Environment Shortcuts

Shift + F1

Altium Designer (Windows)
Pressed while routingthendisplays the appropriate interactive routing shortcut keys
PCB Editor Only Shortcuts

Shift + F1

KeyCreator (Windows)
Help for Selected Item
Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Shift + F1

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Reveal Formatting (show all formats of selection)
Navigate within Documents - Format Text

Shift + F1

InDesign CS5 (Windows)
Insert selected text into Find What box and finds next
Managing Text

Shift + F1

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Reveal Formatting (show all formats of selection)
Edit Documents - Format Text

Shift + F1

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Reveal Formatting (show all formats of selection)
Formats - Format Text

Shift + F1

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Reveal Formatting (show all formats of selection)
Manage Word View - Format Text

Shift + F1

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Reveal Formatting (show all formats of selection)
Tables - Format Text

Shift + F1