Zoho Writer (Windows)

Format Tab

To Create Endnote/Footnote in Document

Ctrl + Alt + D

All hotkeys for Zoho Writer (Windows)

To Create New Document

Ctrl + N

To Save Document

Ctrl + S

Save as

Ctrl + Alt + S

To Open Left Panel

Ctrl + Alt + O

To Select Whole Document Content

Ctrl + A

To Copy Contents of Document

Ctrl + C

To Cut Contents of Document

Ctrl + X

To Delete one character to the left


To Delete one character to the right


To Redo Last Action

Ctrl + Y

To Undo Last Action

Ctrl + Z

To Paste Contents of Document

Ctrl + V

Move to the end of document

Ctrl + End

To give page break in document

Ctrl + Enter

Format Tab
To Apply Heading1

Ctrl + Alt + 1

Format Tab
To Apply Heading2

Ctrl + Alt + 2

Format Tab
To Apply Heading3

Ctrl + Alt + 3

Format Tab
To Apply Heading4

Ctrl + Alt + 4

Format Tab
To Apply Heading5

Ctrl + Alt + 5

Format Tab
To Apply Heading6

Ctrl + Alt + 6

Format Tab

Ctrl + Alt + B

Format Tab

Ctrl + Alt + P

Format Tab
To Justify Left

Ctrl + L

Format Tab
To Justify Center

Ctrl + E

Format Tab
To Justify Right

Ctrl + R

Format Tab
To Justify Full

Ctrl + J

Format Tab
To Bold the Text

Ctrl + B

Format Tab
To Italic the Text

Ctrl + I

Format Tab
To Underline the Text

Ctrl + U

Format Tab
To Apply Normal Text

Ctrl + Alt + 0

Format Tab
To Select text from the end of line to beginning of line

Shift + Home

Format Tab
To Select text from the beginning of line to end of line

Shift + End

Format Tab
To Create link

Ctrl + K

Format Tab
To Give Page Break in document

Ctrl + Enter

Format Tab
To Insert Equations

Ctrl + Q

Format Tab
To Create Endnote/Footnote in Document

Ctrl + Alt + D

Format Tab
To Create Comment

Ctrl + Alt + M

Format Tab
To Find and Replace Text

Ctrl + F

Format Tab
To Find Word Count of document

Ctrl + Shift + C

Format Tab
To Use Thesaurus

Shift + F7

Format Tab
Apply normal text

Ctrl + Shift + 0

Format Tab
To apply subscript

Ctrl + ,

Format Tab
Deletes word to right of cursor

Ctrl + Delete

Navigation keys
Go to Beginning of line from the current cursor position


Navigation keys
Go to End of line from the current cursor position


Navigation keys
Move to the top of document

Ctrl + Home

Navigation keys
Move to the end of document

Ctrl + End

Navigation keys
Up One Screen

Page Up

Navigation keys
Down One Screen

Page Down

Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft OneNote 2010 (Windows)
Dock/ Undock OneNote program window to Desktop.
Work with the OneNote Window(s)

ctrl + alt + d

Eclipse Helios (Windows)
Update to Revision
Team (SVN Subversive)

Ctrl + Alt + D

SharpDevelop 4.0 (Windows)
Show Database explorer / server
SharpDevelop Features

Ctrl + Alt + D

Smartplant Review (Windows)
Delete all measurements
Managing Smartplan Review

Ctrl + Alt + d

Presonus Studio One (Windows)
Delete time
Edit Menu

Ctrl + Alt + D

Microsoft OneNote 2016 (Windows)
Dock/ undock OneNote program window to desktop
OneNote Window

Ctrl + Alt + D

Wondershare Editor (Windows)
Detach audio

Ctrl + Alt + D

Silhouette Studio (Windows)
Show drawing area

Ctrl + Alt + D

ZenDesk (Windows)
Save/Update As Onhold

Ctrl + Alt + D

Adobe Dreamweaver (Windows)
Get File
Site Management

Ctrl + Alt + D

Microsoft Teams (Windows)
Decline Call
Calling Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + D

Corel Ventura 10 (Windows)
Delete Node
Node Editing

Ctrl + Alt + D

SPSS Modeler (Windows)
Duplicate Node

Ctrl + Alt + D

Adobe Captivate 2017 (Windows)
Update the Library
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + D

Jetbrains CLion (Windows)
Introduce Define

Ctrl + Alt + D

Sierra Chart (Windows)
Detach/Attach Chart Window
Chart Menu

Ctrl + Alt + D

Sierra Chart (Windows)
Detach/Attach SpreadSheet
SpreadSheet Menu

Ctrl + Alt + D

ChessBase 13
Commentary symbols

Ctrl + Alt + D

TurboCAD (Windows)
Create a shaded image of 3D wireframe
171 Shortcuts for TurboCAD (Windows)

Ctrl + Alt + D

RStudio (Windows)
Diff active source document
Git / SVN

Ctrl + Alt + D

Asus GPU Tweak II
Core clock down

Ctrl + Alt + D

PCMan File Manager
LXDE specific shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + D

AVS Video Editor (Windows)
Detect scenes

Ctrl + Alt + D

Diff active source document
Git / SVN

Ctrl + Alt + D

Cisco Webex
Share your screen

Ctrl + Alt + D

New data source
Web authoring (Tableau Online or Tableau Server)

Ctrl + Alt + D

Zendesk Support
Save / update as on-hold

Ctrl + Alt + D

Show desktop
Window manipulation

Ctrl + Alt + D

Show the Interface Designer
Show and hide tools and windows

Ctrl + Alt + D

Bluebeam Revu
Page manipulation

Ctrl + Alt + D

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)
Report Designer

Ctrl + Alt + D

Guitar Pro
Design mode

Ctrl + Alt + D

Update to revision
Team (SVN Subversive)

Ctrl + Alt + D

Extract all to desktop
Extract without confirmation

Ctrl + Alt + D

Gnome 2.32 (Linux)
Minimize all windows and show desktop
Window Management

Ctrl + Alt + D

Adobe Fireworks MX (Windows)
Duplicate Object
Working with Fireworks Objects

ctrl + alt + d