Atlasian JIRA Agile (Web Application)
Issue Actions and Navigation Shortcuts
Hide/Show Left Action
All hotkeys for Atlasian JIRA Agile (Web Application)
General ShortcutsGo to JIRA Dashboard |
G then D |
General ShortcutsGo to Agile |
G then A |
General ShortcutsGo to Issue Navigator |
G then I |
General ShortcutsGo to browse a Project |
G then P |
General ShortcutsGo to Administrator Search Dialog Box |
G then G |
General ShortcutsQuick Search |
/ |
General ShortcutsCreate An Issue |
C |
General ShortcutsOpen Shortcut Help |
? |
General ShortcutsDashboard DropDown Menu |
+ + D |
General ShortcutsProject DropDown Menu |
+ + P |
General ShortcutsIssues DropDown Menu |
+ + I |
General ShortcutsAgile DropDown Menu |
+ + G |
General ShortcutsSubmit the Form |
+ + S |
General ShortcutsCancel The Form |
+ + ` |
Agile ShortcutsPrevious Issue |
K |
Agile ShortcutsNext Issue |
J |
Agile ShortcutsPrevious Column |
P |
Agile ShortcutsNext Column |
N |
Agile ShortcutsView Issue |
O |
Agile ShortcutsHide/Show Detail View |
T |
Agile ShortcutsAdd a new line |
Enter |
Agile ShortcutsAssign to Me |
I |
Agile ShortcutsSend to Top |
S + T |
Agile ShortcutsSend to Bottom |
S + B |
Agile ShortcutsExpand/Collapse All Swinlane |
- |
Agile ShortcutsSubmit Changes |
Enter |
Agile ShortcutsCancel Changes |
Esc |
Agile ShortcutsProjecter Mode |
Z |
Agile ShortcutsEdit Mode |
E |
Issue Actions and Navigation ShortcutsView Selected Issue |
O |
Issue Actions and Navigation ShortcutsPrevious Issue |
K |
Issue Actions and Navigation ShortcutsNext Issue |
J |
Issue Actions and Navigation ShortcutsBack to Navigator |
U |
Issue Actions and Navigation ShortcutsPrevious Activity |
P |
Issue Actions and Navigation ShortcutsNext Activity |
N |
Issue Actions and Navigation ShortcutsFocus Search Field |
F |
Issue Actions and Navigation ShortcutsEscape field |
Esc |
Issue Actions and Navigation ShortcutsHide/Show Left Action |
[ |
Issue Actions and Navigation ShortcutsAssign Issue |
A |
Issue Actions and Navigation ShortcutsEdit Issue |
E |
Issue Actions and Navigation ShortcutsShare Issue |
S |
Issue Actions and Navigation ShortcutsEdit Issue Labels |
L |
Issue Actions and Navigation ShortcutsComment on Issue |
M |