
Run menu

Wikipedia search

Alt + F3

All hotkeys for Notepad++

File menu
Open file

Ctrl + O

File menu
New file

Ctrl + N

File menu
Save file

Ctrl + S

File menu
Save as

Ctrl + Alt + S

File menu
Save all

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + S

File menu

Ctrl + P

File menu

Alt + F4

File menu
Next document (also shows list of open files). Can be disabled - see Settings/Preferences/Global

Ctrl + ⭾ Tab

File menu
Previous document (also shows list of open files). Can be disabled - see above

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab

Search menu
...<keybs>5</keybs>: Jump down to next text marked. Use <keybs>0</keybs> for default found style

Ctrl + 1

File menu
Next document

Ctrl + Page Up

File menu
Previous document

Ctrl + Page Down

File menu
Close current document

Ctrl + W

Edit menu

Ctrl + C

Edit menu

Ctrl + Insert

Edit menu
Copy current line to clipboard

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + T

Edit menu

Ctrl + X

Edit menu

↑   Shift + Del

Edit menu

Ctrl + V

Edit menu

↑   Shift + Insert

Edit menu

Ctrl + Z

Edit menu

Alt + ⬅ Backspace

Edit menu

Ctrl + Y

Edit menu
Select all

Ctrl + A

Edit menu
Column mode select

Alt + ↑   Shift + ← ↑ → ↓

Edit menu
Column mode select

Alt + Mouse left click

Mouse gestures
(on fold point) Toggle collapsed state of this fold, and propagate below

Ctrl + Mouse left click

Edit menu
Column editor

Alt + C

Edit menu
Duplicate current line

Ctrl + D

Edit menu
Switch the current line position with the previous line position

Ctrl + T

Edit menu
Move current line or current selection if a single stream, up

Ctrl + ↑   Shift +

Edit menu
Move current line, or current selection if a single stream, Down

Ctrl + ↑   Shift +

Edit menu
Delete current line

Ctrl + L

Edit menu
Split lines

Ctrl + I

Edit menu
Join lines

Ctrl + J

Edit menu
Launch GoToLine dialog

Ctrl + G

Edit menu
Single line comment

Ctrl + Q

Edit menu
Single line uncomment

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Q

Edit menu
Toggle single line comment

Ctrl + K

Edit menu
Block comment

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + K

Edit menu
(selection of one or more full lines) Insert tabulation or space (Indent)

⭾ Tab

Edit menu
(selection of one or more full lines) Remove tabulation or space (outdent)

↑   Shift + ⭾ Tab

Edit menu
Delete to start of word

Ctrl + ⬅ Backspace

Edit menu
Delete to end of word

Ctrl + Del

Edit menu
Delete to start of line

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + ⬅ Backspace

Edit menu
Delete to end of line

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Del

Edit menu
Convert to lower case

Ctrl + U

Edit menu
Convert to UPPER CASE

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + U

Search menu
Go to matching brace (caret must be on a brace)

Ctrl + B

Edit menu
Launch CallTip ListBox

Ctrl + Space

Edit menu
Launch function completion ListBox

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Space

Edit menu
Launch path completion ListBox

Ctrl + Alt + Space

Edit menu
Launch word completion ListBox

Ctrl + ⤶ Enter

Edit menu
Text direction RTL

Ctrl + Alt + R

Edit menu
Text Direction LTR

Ctrl + Alt + L

Incremental search widget
Next match (same as > button)

⤶ Enter

Incremental search widget
Previous match (same as < button)

↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter

Edit menu
Insert new unindented line above current

Ctrl + Alt + ⤶ Enter

Edit menu
Insert new unindented line below current

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + ⤶ Enter

Search menu
Launch find dialog

Ctrl + F

Search menu
Launch find and replace dialog

Ctrl + H

Search menu
Find next


Search menu
Find previous

↑   Shift + F3

Search menu
Find in files

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F

Search menu
Switch to search results window


Search menu
Find (volatile) next

Ctrl + Alt + F3

Search menu
Find (volatile) previous

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + F3

Search menu
Select and find next

Ctrl + F3

Search menu
Select and find previous

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + F3

Search menu
Go to next found


Search menu
Go to previous found

↑   Shift + F4

Search menu
Incremental search

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + I

Search menu
...<keybs>5</keybs>: Jump up to next text marked. Use <keybs>0</keybs> for default found style

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 1

Search menu
Toggle bookmark

Ctrl + F2

Search menu
Go to next bookmark


Search menu
Go to previous bookmark

↑   Shift + F2

Search menu
Select all between matching braces (caret must be on a brace)

Ctrl + Alt + B

View menu
Zoom in and zoom out

Ctrl + +

View menu
Zoom in and zoom out

Ctrl + -

View menu
Zoom in and zoom out

Ctrl + Mouse wheel up and down

View menu
Restore the original size from zoom

Ctrl + /

View menu
Toggle full screen mode


View menu
Toggle post-it mode


View menu
Collapse the current level

Ctrl + Alt + F

Run menu
Open in Safari

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + F

View menu
Fold all

Alt + 0

View menu <keybs>8</keybs>: Collapse the level (1-8)

Alt + 1

View menu
Unfold all

Alt + ↑   Shift + 0

View menu
...<keybs>8</keybs> Uncollapse the level (1~8)

Alt + ↑   Shift + 1

Macro menu
Start to record / stop recording the macro

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + R

Macro menu
Play recorded macro

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + P

Macro menu
Trim trailing and save

Alt + ↑   Shift + S

Run menu
Launch run dialog


Run menu
Get PHP help

Alt + F1

Run menu
Google search

Alt + F2

Run menu
Wikipedia search

Alt + F3

Run menu
Open file (name at cursor)

Alt + F5

Run menu
Open file in another instance (name at cursor)

Alt + F6

Run menu
Open in Chrome

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + R

Run menu
Open in Firefox

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + X

Run menu
Open in IE

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + I

Run menu
Send via Outlook

Ctrl + Alt + ↑   Shift + O

? menu


? menu
Help contents

↑   Shift + F1

Mouse gestures
(on bookmark margin) Toggle bookmark

Mouse left click

Mouse gestures
(on fold point) Uncollapse this fold and all those below

↑   Shift + Mouse left click

Mouse gestures
Pop up context menu

Mouse right click

Mouse gestures
(on location pane, status bar) Go to line

Mouse double click

Mouse gestures
Select line

Mouse triple click

Similar combinations for other applications

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
When text or an object is selected, open the Create New Building Block dialog box.
Edit and move text and graphics: Copy and move text and graphics

Alt + F3

Tally 9.0 (Windows)
Select the company info menu (At Gateway of Tally Screen). Create/ alter / shut a company (At Gateway of Tally Screen)
General Shortcuts

Alt + F3

Total Commander 8 (Windows)
Use alternate (external or internal) viewer
Main Shortcuts

Alt + F3

Sublime Text (Windows)
Select all occurrences of current word, then continue in multi-line editing mode
Navigation - Advanced Selections

Alt + F3

Sublime Text (Windows)
Select all occurrences of current word, then continue in multi-line editing mode
Selections - Advanced Selections

Alt + F3

Oracle SQL Developer 4 (Windows)
Find Execution Point

Alt + F3

Microsoft Word 2007 (Windows)
Create a new Building Block.
Function key reference: ALT+Function key

Alt + F3

Sublime Text (Windows)
Find all under
Find and Replace

Alt + F3

UltraEdit (Windows)
Find a character string
Search Menu

Alt + F3

Notepad2 (Windows)
Save find text
Edit Menu

Alt + F3

Axialis IconWorkshop (Windows)
Status bar
View Menu

Alt + F3

Microsoft Word 2013 (Windows)
Create new Building block with selected texts
The Rest

Alt + F3

Notepad++ 6 (Windows)
Wikipedia search
Run menu

Alt + F3

Dynamics SL 2015 (Windows)
Perform a search (same as clicking the Magnifying Glass icon)
Function Key Shortcuts

Alt + F3

Dynamics NAV 2015 (Windows)
Filter to the value in the field

Alt + F3

Microsoft Word 2016 (Windows)
Create a new Building Block.
All Function Key Shortcuts

Alt + F3

Microsoft Projects 2016 (Windows)
Display the Field Settings dialog box.
Navigate Views and Windows

Alt + F3

Corel Draw X8 (Windows)

Alt + F3

Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)
Reveal Codes
63 Shortcuts for Corel WordPerfect X8 (Windows)

Alt + F3

Corel Quattro Pro X8 (Windows)
Display List of SpreadSheet Functions
EditMode Shortcuts

Alt + F3

Opera (Windows)
View source of active frame

Alt + F3

Corel Ventura 10 (Windows)
Fountain Fill

Alt + F3

Corel Quattro Pro X8 (Windows)
Display List of SpreadSheet Functions
Function Keys

Alt + F3

Chief Architect (Windows)
Display Setting Tools - Drawing Sheet
Settings Tools

Alt + F3

XMetal Author (Windows)
Find Next
26 Shortcuts for XMetal Author (Windows)

Alt + F3

Find the specified text

Alt + F3

Mastercam (Windows)
Cursor tracking on/off
53 Shortcuts for Mastercam (Windows)

Alt + F3

Evernote for Windows
Search Saved Searches
Note List

Alt + F3

Atom (Windows)
(Source: Find And Replace) find-and-replace:select-all
All shortcuts

Alt + F3

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018

Alt + F3

Reset font size

Alt + F3

KDE Plasma Desktop
Open the Window Operations menu
Working with windows: Moving around

Alt + F3

Microsoft Word 2016
Create a new Building Block
Alt + Function keys

Alt + F3

LightWave 3D
Show / hide SubPatch cages
Layout: General

Alt + F3

WordPerfect X8
Reveal Codes

Alt + F3

Find all and select
Multiple cursors

Alt + F3

Quick find / select all
Find & Replace

Alt + F3

Sublime Text
Add all occurrences of the current word to the selection

Alt + F3

Python IDLE for Windows
Find in files
Edit menu

Alt + F3

System search

Alt + F3

View source of active frame

Alt + F3

Save find text
Find and replace

Alt + F3

Gnome 2.32 (Linux)
Focus the Deskbar dialog (if installed)

Alt + F3

Microsoft Projects 2007 (Windows)
Display the Column Definition dialog box.
Navigate views and windows

Alt + F3

Microsoft Word 2010 (Windows)
Create new Building block with selected texts
The Rest

Alt + F3