Sage Simply Accounting (MacOS)

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows

Bring Home window to front

Command + B

All hotkeys for Sage Simply Accounting (MacOS)

Copy selection

Command + C

Cut selection

Command + X

Paste copied selection

Command + V

Undo changes

Command + Z

Open Help


Move to next option


Move to previous option

Shift + Tab

Close window or exit program

Option + F4

Home Window
Create a new company

Command + N

Home Window
Open an existing company

Command + O

Home Window

Command + F

Home Window
Save as new filename

Command + S

Home Window
Upgrade this company

Command + U

Keyboard Shortcuts in Record Windows
Open an existing record

Command + O

Keyboard Shortcuts in Record Windows
Create a new record

Command + N

Keyboard Shortcuts in Record Windows
Find a record

Command + F

Keyboard Shortcuts in Record Windows
Bring Home window to front

Command + B

Keyboard Shortcuts in Record Windows
Remove this record

Command + R

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Find an invoice

Command + L

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Go to the next invoice

Command + N

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Go to the previous invoice

Command + E

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Store as a recurring transaction

Command + T

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Recall a recurring transaction

Command + R

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Display transaction details in report

Command + J

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Enter shipment tracking details

Command + K

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Add time slip activities

Command + Shift + T

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Allocate to project

Command + Shift + A

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Allocate to departments

Command + Shift + D

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Switch between the Employee Listing and the Cheque Details

Command + Shift + E

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Show tax summary for this line

Command + Y

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Show tax summary for this transaction

Command + Shift + Y

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Record sales taxes for this transaction

Option + T

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Adjust this transaction

Command + A

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
E-mail this transaction

Command + Shift + M

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Print this transaction

Command + P

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Print this invoice and packing slip

Command + Shift + K

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Print this packing slip

Command + Shift + P

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Record/Process this transaction

Option + P

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Remove this quote, order, or time slip

Command + Shift + R

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Use the same customer/vendor in next transaction

Command + U

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Open the form option settings for this type of transaction

Command + Shift + F

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Open the form option settings for packing slips

Command + Shift + S

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Bring Home window to front

Command + B

Keyboard Shortcuts in Displayed Reports
Print this report

Command + P

Keyboard Shortcuts in Displayed Reports
Export this report

Command + E

Keyboard Shortcuts in Displayed Reports
Find in report

Command + F

Keyboard Shortcuts in Displayed Reports
Find next occurrence

Command + G

Keyboard Shortcuts in Displayed Reports
Change the form options for reports

Command + Shift + F

Similar combinations for other applications

Unity3D 3 (MacOS)
Build and run
Manage Files

Command + B

Firefox (MacOS)
Bookmarks Sidebar (toggle)
General Browser Controls

Command + B

Google Docs (MacOS)
Format Text

Command + B

Google Mail (MacOS)
Bold formatting
Format Text in Messages

Command + B

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Adjust Color Balance
Basic Shortcuts for PhotoShop CC 2015 - Image Basics

Command + B

Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)
Activate and cycle through Brush, Clone Stamp, and Eraser Tools
Activating Tools

Command + B

Safari Browser (MacOS)
Show/hide favourites bar
Menu Shortcuts

Command + B

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Show Quick Collection

Command + B

Apple Numbers (MacOS)
Formatting and Editing Shortcuts

Command + B

Corel Painter 2017 (MacOS)
Brush Control Panel
Panel Commands

Command + B

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Adjust Color Balance
Manage Panels - Image Basics

Command + B

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Switch to Browse mode
Switch Modes

Command + B

Cycle through number of visible chat bubbles
Screen and View

Command + B

ArchiCAD 20 (MacOS)
Repeat last command
Edit Menu Commands

Command + B

Hexagon 2 (MacOS)
Hide Selected Faces
General Shortcuts

Command + B

InDesign CC (MacOS)
Text Frame Options
Object Menu shortcuts

Command + B

ArchiCAD 20 (MacOS)
Repeat last command
Edit Commands(Text)

Command + B

Nuke 10 (MacOS)
New Bin
Node Graph

Command + B

Finale (MacOS)
Text Tool

Command + B

Zoho Sheet (MacOS)
Bold toggle for selection
Formatting Shortcuts

Command + B / Command + Shift + 2

Apple Mail (MacOS)
Editing Shortcuts

Command + B

Apple Pages (MacOS)
Formatting text

Command + B

Zoho Show (MacOS)
Bold toggle for selection
Formatting Shortcuts

Command + B


Command + B

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Boldface the selected text, or turn boldfacing on or off.
Document Shortcuts

Command + B

Dockable Dialogs

Command + B

Zoho Writer (MacOS)
To Bold the Text
Format Text

Command + B

Atom (text editor) 1.0 (MacOS)
Browse list of open files

Command + B

Adobe Flash Professional (MacOS)
Break Apart

Command + B

Final Cut Pro (MacOS)
Insert bin

Command + B

WordPress (MacOS)
General Editor Shortcuts

Command + B

TextMate 2 (MacOS)
HTML Shortcuts

Command + B

Sketch 3 (MacOS)
Font Editing

Command + B

Google Hangouts (Web Application)
Format Messages(Mac OS)

Command + B

Logic Pro X (MacOS)
Main Window

Command + B

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
Go to Declaration
Navigation Shortcuts

Command + B

IntelliJ (MacOS)
Go to Declaration
Navigation Shortcuts

Command + B /Commad+ Click

Adobe Flash Builder (MacOS)
Build Project
24 Shortcuts for Adobe Flash Builder (MacOS)

Command + B

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
Go to Declaration
Navigation Controls

Command + B

JetBrains PyCharm (MacOS)
Go to Declaration
Navigation Shortcuts

Command + B

Adobe Animate CC (MacOS)
Break Apart
Edit and Modify

Command + B

Adobe XD (Experience Design) (MacOS)

Command + B

BrainSuite (MacOS)
Back/ Show previous surface
Main Window

Command + B

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (MacOS)
Show Objects as Box

Command + B

JetBrains PhpStorm (MacOS)
Go to Declaration

Command + B

Opera (MacOS)
Toggle text-style bold
Text Editing

Command + B

Opera (MacOS)
Paste and go in current or new tab
Access Loading

Command + B

Steinberg Cubase 9 (MacOS)
Open browser

Command + B

Chief Architect (MacOS)
Break Wall
View Mode

Command + B

InCopy CC (MacOS)
Working with Types

Command + B / Command + Shift + B

OmniFocus (MacOS)
Format Menu

Command + B

Brackets (MacOS)
Select Current Word
Code Selection

Command + B

Adobe Captivate 2017 (MacOS)
Find audio in the Library/Change text to Bold
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Command + B

Brackets (MacOS)
Add Next match to your selection
Multiple Cursors

Command + B

Flock (MacOS)
Open blog editor
45 Shortcuts for Flock (MacOS)

Command + B

VideoPad Video Editor (MacOS)
Export video

Command + B

Panic Coda (MacOS)
Editing Shortcuts

Command + B

VideoPad Video Editor (MacOS)
Save, share or burn video

Command + B

MOTU Digital Performer 9 (MacOS)
Previous sequence

Command + B

Xamarin Studio (MonoDevelop) (MacOS)
Build All

Command + B

Tableau (MacOS)
Smaller cell size

Command + B

Compressor (Web Application)
Start transcoding the batch

Command + B

Geany (MacOS)
Goto matching brace
Moving around in the document

Command + B

CuteFTP (MacOS)
Bold Font (when in HTML editor), Browse offline (when a Site is selected in Site Manager pane)
72 Shortcuts for CuteFTP (MacOS)

Command + B

Kate (MacOS)
Set a Bookmark
28 Shortcuts for Kate (MacOS)

Command + B

Inkscape (MacOS)
Toggle scrollbars

Command + B

DaVinci Resolve 14 (MacOS)

Command + B

Vectorworks (MacOS)
Send to Back
Modify Menu

Command + B

Modo (MacOS)
Create polygon of given type from vertex selection

Command + B

WavPad Sound Editor (MacOS)
Add Bookmark
Bookmarks and Regions

Command + B

BricsCAD (MacOS)
Toggles theĀ SnapĀ setting
Other Shortcuts

Command + B

FlexiSign Pro 8.1 (MacOS)
Document Setup
Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Command + B

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Activate and cycle through Brush, Clone Stamp, and Eraser tools
Activating Tools

Command + B

Apple XCode 8 (MacOS)
Build and Run

Command + B

Pencil2D (MacOS)
Select All
29 Shortcuts for Pencil2D (MacOS)

Command + B

Adobe Dreamweaver (MacOS)

Command + B