Sage Simply Accounting (MacOS)

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows

Store as a recurring transaction

Command + T

All hotkeys for Sage Simply Accounting (MacOS)

Copy selection

Command + C

Cut selection

Command + X

Paste copied selection

Command + V

Undo changes

Command + Z

Open Help


Move to next option


Move to previous option

Shift + Tab

Close window or exit program

Option + F4

Home Window
Create a new company

Command + N

Home Window
Open an existing company

Command + O

Home Window

Command + F

Home Window
Save as new filename

Command + S

Home Window
Upgrade this company

Command + U

Keyboard Shortcuts in Record Windows
Open an existing record

Command + O

Keyboard Shortcuts in Record Windows
Create a new record

Command + N

Keyboard Shortcuts in Record Windows
Find a record

Command + F

Keyboard Shortcuts in Record Windows
Bring Home window to front

Command + B

Keyboard Shortcuts in Record Windows
Remove this record

Command + R

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Find an invoice

Command + L

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Go to the next invoice

Command + N

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Go to the previous invoice

Command + E

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Store as a recurring transaction

Command + T

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Recall a recurring transaction

Command + R

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Display transaction details in report

Command + J

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Enter shipment tracking details

Command + K

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Add time slip activities

Command + Shift + T

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Allocate to project

Command + Shift + A

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Allocate to departments

Command + Shift + D

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Switch between the Employee Listing and the Cheque Details

Command + Shift + E

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Show tax summary for this line

Command + Y

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Show tax summary for this transaction

Command + Shift + Y

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Record sales taxes for this transaction

Option + T

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Adjust this transaction

Command + A

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
E-mail this transaction

Command + Shift + M

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Print this transaction

Command + P

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Print this invoice and packing slip

Command + Shift + K

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Print this packing slip

Command + Shift + P

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Record/Process this transaction

Option + P

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Remove this quote, order, or time slip

Command + Shift + R

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Use the same customer/vendor in next transaction

Command + U

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Open the form option settings for this type of transaction

Command + Shift + F

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Open the form option settings for packing slips

Command + Shift + S

Keyboard Shortcuts in Transaction Windows
Bring Home window to front

Command + B

Keyboard Shortcuts in Displayed Reports
Print this report

Command + P

Keyboard Shortcuts in Displayed Reports
Export this report

Command + E

Keyboard Shortcuts in Displayed Reports
Find in report

Command + F

Keyboard Shortcuts in Displayed Reports
Find next occurrence

Command + G

Keyboard Shortcuts in Displayed Reports
Change the form options for reports

Command + Shift + F

Similar combinations for other applications

Thunderbird (MacOS)
Redo close window or tab
Navigate Messages

Command + T

Thunderbird (MacOS)
Send and retrieve all messages
Retrieve Messages

Command + T / F5

Firefox (MacOS)
Open New Tab
Window and Tabs

Command + T

InDesign CS5 (MacOS)
Activate Character panel
Type panels and dialog boxes

Command + T

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Assign Text
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Command + T

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Toggle the display state of selected tables
Layout Mode Shortcuts - Select and Arrange Table and Relationship

Command + T

Google Chrome (MacOS)
Open new tab
Manage Tabs

Command + T

Camtasia 2 (MacOS)
Split selection at playhead
Timeline & Editing

Command + T

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Assign Text
Text Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Command + T

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Free Transform
Basic Shortcuts for PhotoShop CC 2015 - Edit Basics

Command + T

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Toggle the display state of selected tables
Text Shortcuts - Select and Arrange Table and Relationship

Command + T

Adobe After Effects CC (MacOS)
Activate and cycle through Type Tools
Activating Tools

Command + T

Photoshop Lightroom CC (MacOS)
Hide/show Tether capture bar
Managing Photos and Catalogs

Command + T

Safari Browser (MacOS)
Open new tab
General Shortcuts (Browser)

Command + T

Adobe Premiere CC (MacOS)
General Shortcuts

Command + T

Apple Numbers (MacOS)
Display font panel
Formatting and Editing Shortcuts

Command + T +

Apple Keynote (MacOS)
Display font window
General Shortcuts

Command + T

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Assign Text
Database Management Shortcuts - Assign Field Types for Databases

Command + T

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Toggle the display state of selected tables
Database Management Shortcuts - Select and Arrange Table and Relationship

Command + T

Corel Painter 2017 (MacOS)
Tracing Paper

Command + T

Adobe Audition CC (MacOS)
Marker/Tool/Clip Shortcuts

Command + T

Nuke 10 (MacOS)
Cycle through tabs
Global Shortcuts

Command + T

Adobe Photoshop CC (MacOS)
Free Transform
Manage Panels - Edit Basics

Command + T

InDesign CC (MacOS)

Command + T

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Omit a record
Browse Mode Shortcuts

Command + T

FileMaker Pro (MacOS)
Select/deselect Omit button
Find Mode Shortcuts

Command + T

ArchiCAD 20 (MacOS)
Tool Settings
Edit Menu Commands

Command + T

ArchiCAD 20 (MacOS)
Replace Again
Edit Commands(Text)

Command + T

iMovie (MacOS)
Split clip at Playhead
Video edit

Command + T

Apple Pages (MacOS)
Show fonts
Formatting text

Command + T

Apple Calendar (MacOS)
Go to today’s date.
Calender Shortcuts

Command + T

Finder (MacOS)
Show or hide the tab bar when a single tab is open in the current Finder window.

Command + T

Apple Mail (MacOS)
Show fonts panel
Formatting Messages

Command + T

Show Selection
View Shortcuts

Command + T

Apple Motion (MacOS)
Show the Font dialog
View Menu

Command + T

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Show or hide the Fonts window.
Document Shortcuts

Command + T

Toggle Selection
Selection Shortcuts

Command + T

Silhouette Studio (MacOS)
Cut style = cut

Command + T

Adobe Flash Professional (MacOS)
Modify Font

Command + T

Apple Photos (MacOS)
Show fonts

Command + T

Mac OS Sierra 10.12 (MacOS)
Show or hide the Tab bar when a single Tab is open in the current Finder window.
Finder Shortcuts

Command + T

Sublime Text (MacOS)
Immediately Open Files by Name
Navigation Shortcuts

Command + T

TextMate 2 (MacOS)
Go to File
General Shortcuts

Command + T

Sketch 3 (MacOS)
Change Font
Font Editing

Command + T

IntelliJ (MacOS)
Update Project from VCS
VCS/Local History

Command + T

Sketch 3 (MacOS)
Editing Layers

Command + T

JetBrains RubyMine (MacOS)
Update Project from VCS
VCS/Local History

Command + T

Adobe Animate CC (MacOS)
Modift Font
Edit and Modify

Command + T

JetBrains PyCharm (MacOS)
Update Project from VCS
VCS/Local History

Command + T

JetBrains AppCode (MacOS)
Update Project from VCS
VCS/Local History

Command + T

Adobe Animate CC (MacOS)
Show or hide the History panel
Miscellaneous Action

Command + T

Adobe Animate CC (MacOS)
Scale and/or rotate the selection using numeric values
Miscellaneous Action

Command + T

Autodesk Mudbox 2017 (MacOS)
Full Screen

Command + T

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (MacOS)
Motion Tab

Command + T

Daz 3D Bryce 7 (MacOS)
Motion Lab
Palettes and Labs

Command + T

JetBrains PhpStorm (MacOS)
Update Project from VCS
VCS/Local History

Command + T

Steinberg Cubase 9 (MacOS)
Open tempo track

Command + T

Chief Architect (MacOS)
Cabinet Tools - Wall Cabinet
View Mode

Command + T

iBooks (MacOS)
Show Book's Table of Contents
Keyboard Controls

Command + T

OmniFocus (MacOS)
Show/Hide Fonts
Format Menu

Command + T

InCopy CC (MacOS)
Activate Character panel
Type Panel and Dialog Boxes

Command + T

Garageband 10 (MacOS)
Split selected region or event at the playhead
MIsellaneous Shortcuts

Command + T

Poser Pro (MacOS)
Display>Camera View >From top

Command + T

Adobe Captivate 2017 (MacOS)
Open project template
General and Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Command + T

Brackets (MacOS)
Go to Definition

Command + T

Flock (MacOS)
New tab
45 Shortcuts for Flock (MacOS)

Command + T

VideoPad Video Editor (MacOS)
Add text clip

Command + T

Panic Coda (MacOS)
New Tab
Files Shortcuts

Command + T

QuickTime Player (MacOS)
Movie editing shortcuts

Command + T

Tableau (MacOS)
New worksheet

Command + T

OpenSCAD (MacOS)
Paste Viewport Translation
View Shortcuts

Command + T

CuteFTP (MacOS)
Connects to Site selected in the Site Manager
72 Shortcuts for CuteFTP (MacOS)

Command + T

Geany (MacOS)
Go to tag definition

Command + T

Ableton Live 9 (MacOS)
Insert Audio Track
Commands for Tracks

Command + T

ArtRage 4.5 5 (MacOS)
Load Tracing Image

Command + T

DaVinci Resolve 14 (MacOS)
Add transition

Command + T

Vectorworks (MacOS)
Modify Menu

Command + T

Arduino (MacOS)
Adjust Alignment and Spce
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (MacOS)

Command + T

Modo (MacOS)
Soft drag

Command + T

Arduino (MacOS)
Auto Format
29 Shortcuts for Arduino (MacOS)

Command + T

WavPad Sound Editor (MacOS)
Edit Operations

Command + T

SolveSpace (MacOS)
Paste Transformed
Edit menu

Command + T

MuseScore (MacOS)
Staff Text
Text Entry Shortcuts

Command + T

BricsCAD (MacOS)
Turns the tablet on/off
Other Shortcuts

Command + T

Adobe After Effects CS5 (MacOS)
Activate and cycle through Type tools
Activating Tools

Command + T

Pencil2D (MacOS)
Crop to Selection
29 Shortcuts for Pencil2D (MacOS)

Command + T

Adobe Dreamweaver (MacOS)
Quick Tag Editor
Coding Shortcuts

Command + T