
Windows shortcuts

lambda λ (Press Shift for upper-case: Λ)

Alt + L

All hotkeys for GeoGebra

Windows shortcuts
Select All

Ctrl + A

Windows shortcuts
View/Hide Algebra Window

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + A

Mac desktop
alpha α (Press Shift for upper-case: Α)

Alt + A

Mac desktop
beta β (Press Shift for upper-case: Β)

Alt + B

Windows shortcuts
Export ggbBase64 string to clipboard

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + B

Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + C

Windows shortcuts
Copies values (spreadsheet)

Ctrl + Alt + C

Windows shortcuts
Copy Graphics View to clipboard

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C

Windows shortcuts
Toggle value/definition/command

Ctrl + D

Windows shortcuts
Toggle Selection Allowed for all "non-essential"/free geometric objects

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + D

Mac desktop
delta δ (Press Shift for upper-case: Δ)

Alt + D

Windows shortcuts
Open Object Properties View

Ctrl + E

Windows shortcuts
Open/Close Object Properties View

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + E

Windows shortcuts
Euler ℯ

Alt + E

Windows shortcuts
Refresh Views

Ctrl + F

Windows shortcuts
phi φ (Press Shift for upper-case: Φ)

Alt + F

Windows shortcuts
Show/Hide selected objects

Ctrl + G

Windows shortcuts
Show/Hide labels of selected objects

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + G

Windows shortcuts
gamma γ (Press Shift for upper-case: Γ)

Alt + G

Windows shortcuts
imaginary unit ί = √-1

Alt + I

Windows shortcuts
Select ancestors

Ctrl + J

Windows shortcuts
Select descendants

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + J

Windows shortcuts
View/Hide CAS View

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + K

Windows shortcuts
Select current layer

Ctrl + L

Windows shortcuts
lambda λ (Press Shift for upper-case: Λ)

Alt + L

Windows shortcuts
View/Hide Construction Protocol

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + L

Windows shortcuts
Export HTML code string to clipboard

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + M

Mac desktop
mu μ (Press Shift for upper-case: Μ)

Alt + M

Windows shortcuts
New Window

Ctrl + N

Windows shortcuts
Open next window (or next ggb file in folder)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + N

Windows shortcuts
Open previous window

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Alt + N

Windows shortcuts
Open New File

Ctrl + O

Windows shortcuts
degree symbol °

Alt + O

Windows shortcuts
Print Preview (Desktop) / Print Menu (Web)

Ctrl + P

Windows shortcuts
Open Probability Calculator

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + P

Mac desktop
pi π (Press Shift for upper-case: Π)

Alt + P

Windows shortcuts
Select ancestors (deprecated)

Ctrl + Q

Windows shortcuts
Select descendants (deprecated)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Q

Windows shortcuts
Recompute all objects (including random numbers)

Ctrl + R

Windows shortcuts
Square-root symbol: √

Alt + R

Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + S

Windows shortcuts
View spreadsheet

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + S

Windows shortcuts
sigma σ (Press Shift for upper-case: Σ)

Alt + S

Windows shortcuts
Export as PSTricks

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + T

Windows shortcuts
theta θ (Press Shift for upper-case: Θ)

Alt + T

Windows shortcuts
infinity ∞

Alt + U

Windows shortcuts
Open Graphic Export Dialog

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + U

Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + V

Windows shortcuts
Export Dynamic Worksheet

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + W

Windows shortcuts
omega ω (Press Shift for upper-case: Ω)

Alt + W

Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + Y

Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + Z

Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Z

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 0

Alt + 0

Windows shortcuts
Standard font size, line thickness, and point size

Ctrl + 1

Mac desktop
imaginary unit ί = √-1

Alt + 1

Windows shortcuts
View/Hide Graphics View 1

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 1

Windows shortcuts
Increase font size, line thickness, and point size

Ctrl + 2

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 2

Alt + 2

Windows shortcuts
View/Hide Graphics View 2

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 2

Windows shortcuts
Black/white mode

Ctrl + 3

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 3

Alt + 3

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 4

Alt + 4

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 5

Alt + 5

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 6

Alt + 6

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 7

Alt + 7

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 8

Alt + 8

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 9

Alt + 9

Windows shortcuts
Move selected point along path/curve


Windows shortcuts
Zoom out

Ctrl + -

Windows shortcuts
superscript minus

Alt + -

Windows shortcuts
Move selected point along path/curve


Windows shortcuts
Zoom in

Ctrl + +

Mac desktop
⊕ (xor)

Alt + +

Windows shortcuts
Move selected point along curve


Windows shortcuts
Zoom in

Ctrl + =

Windows shortcuts
⊕ (xor)

Alt + =

Mac desktop
less-than-or-equal-to ≤

Alt + <

Mac desktop
infinity ∞

Alt + ,

Windows shortcuts
greater-than-or-equal-to ≥

Alt + >

Windows shortcuts
greater-than-or-equal-to ≥

Alt + .

Mac desktop


Mac desktop
Start editing selected object


Mac desktop
Copy definition of selected object to the Input Bar


Mac desktop
Copy value of selected object to the Input Bar


Windows shortcuts
Quit GeoGebra

Alt + F4

Mac desktop
copy name of selected object to the Input Bar


Mac desktop
Recompute all objects (including random numbers)


Mac desktop
Toggle input Graphics View and Input Bar

⤶ Enter

Windows shortcuts
Cycle the focus round the open views

Ctrl + ⭾ Tab

Mac desktop
(current mode)

Mouse left click

Mac desktop
Copy definition to input bar

Alt + Mouse left click

Mac desktop
Create list of selected objects in input bar

Alt + Mouse movement

Windows shortcuts
Open Preferences menu (click not on object)

Mouse right click

Windows shortcuts
Zoom without preserving the aspect ratio

↑   Shift + Mouse movement

Mac desktop
Zoom in / out (Application)

Mouse wheel up and down

Mac desktop
Zoom in / out (Applet)

↑   Shift + Mouse wheel up and down

Mac desktop
Accelerated zoom in / out

Alt + Mouse wheel up and down

Windows shortcuts
Delete current selection


Mac desktop
Delete current selection

⬅ Backspace

Mac desktop
Move active Graphics view up

Windows shortcuts
(or go up to next defined cell)

Ctrl +

Mac desktop
x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale y-axis if no objects selected

↑   Shift +

Mac desktop
x100 multiplier

Alt +

Mac desktop
Move active Graphics view right

Windows shortcuts
(or go right to next defined cell)

Ctrl +

Mac desktop
x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale x-axis if no objects selected

↑   Shift +

Mac desktop
x100 multiplier

Alt +

Mac desktop
Move active Graphics view left

Windows shortcuts
(or go left to next defined cell)

Ctrl +

Mac desktop
x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale x-axis if no objects selected

↑   Shift +

Mac desktop
x100 multiplier

Alt +

Mac desktop
Move active Graphics view down

Windows shortcuts
(or go down to next defined cell)

Ctrl +

Mac desktop
x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale y-axis if no objects selected

↑   Shift +

Mac desktop
x100 multiplier

Alt +

Mac desktop
Spreadsheet: go to the first column left


Mac desktop
3D Graphics: Increase z-coordinate of selected point

Page Up

Mac desktop
Spreadsheet: Go to the next row with input below


Mac desktop
3D Graphics: Decrease z-coordinate of selected point

Page Down

Mac desktop
Select All

⌘ Cmd + A

Mac desktop
Algebra Window


Mac desktop
Export ggbBase64 string to clipboard

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + B

Mac desktop

⌘ Cmd + C

Mac desktop
Copies values (spreadsheet)

⌘ Cmd + Alt + C

Mac desktop
Copy Graphics View to clipboard

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + C

Mac desktop
Toggle value/definition/command

⌘ Cmd + D

Mac desktop
Open Object Properties View

⌘ Cmd + E

Mac desktop
Open/Close Object Properties View

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + E

Mac desktop
Refresh Views

⌘ Cmd + F

Mac desktop
Show/Hide selected objects

⌘ Cmd + G

Mac desktop
Show/Hide labels of selected objects

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + G

Mac desktop
Select ancestors

⌘ Cmd + J

Mac desktop
Select descendants

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + J

Mac desktop
View/Hide CAS View

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + K

Mac desktop
Select current layer

⌘ Cmd + L

Mac desktop
View/Hide Construction Protocol

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + L

Mac desktop
Export HTML code string to clipboard

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + M

Mac desktop
New Window

⌘ Cmd + N

Mac desktop
Open next window (or next ggb file in folder)

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + N

Mac desktop
Open previous window

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + Alt + N

Mac desktop
Open New File

⌘ Cmd + O

Mac desktop
Print Preview (Desktop) / Print Menu (Web)

⌘ Cmd + P

Mac desktop
Open Probability Calculator

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + P

Mac desktop
Quit GeoGebra

⌘ Cmd + Q

Mac desktop
Recompute all objects (including random numbers)

⌘ Cmd + R

Mac desktop

⌘ Cmd + S

Mac desktop
View spreadsheet

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + S

Mac desktop
Export as PSTricks

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + T

Mac desktop
Open Graphic Export Dialog

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + U

Mac desktop

⌘ Cmd + V

Mac desktop
Quit GeoGebra

⌘ Cmd + W

Mac desktop
Export Dynamic Worksheet

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + W

Mac desktop

⌘ Cmd + Y

Mac desktop

⌘ Cmd + Z

Mac desktop

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + Z

Mac desktop
Standard font size, line thickness, and point size

⌘ Cmd + 1

Mac desktop
View/Hide Graphics View 1

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + 1

Mac desktop
Increase font size, line thickness, and point size

⌘ Cmd + 2

Mac desktop
View/Hide Graphics View 2

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + 2

Mac desktop
Black/white mode

⌘ Cmd + 3

Mac desktop
greater-than-or-equal-to ≥

Alt + ↑   Shift + >

Similar combinations for other applications

MyLifeOrganized (Windows)
Select Context for a task from the List
Managing Tasks

Alt + L

VLC Media Player (MacOS)
Open playback menu
Manage VLC, Playlists, and Special Commands

Alt + L

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (Windows)
Tools button: Show the Tools menu.
Manage Open and Save As dialog boxes

Alt + L

Presonus Studio One (Windows)
Select all in loop
Edit Menu

Alt + L

WinRAR (Windows)
Lock archive
Commands Menu

Alt + L

Directory Opus (Windows)
Lister menu
Menu Bar

Alt + L

FL Studio (Windows)
Select the channels linked to the selected mixer track

Alt + L

Pro Tools (Windows)
Loop record
Options Menu

Alt + L

FL Studio (Windows)
Open Articulate tool
Piano Roll Action

Alt + L

Axialis IconWorkshop (Windows)
Librarian menu
Menu Bar

Alt + L

Microsoft Excel 2013 (Windows)
Display the PivotTable Field dialog box
Pivot Tables

Alt + L

Skype for Business (Lync) 2016 (Windows)
Ignore any of the invite notifications
Conversation window

Alt + L

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Layer Menu
Basic Shortcuts for Photoshop CC 2015 - Menu Basics

Alt + L

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Toggle Left border
Select Cells - Border Shortcuts

Alt + L

Microsoft Excel 2010 (Windows)
Display the PivotTable Field dialog box.
Pivot Tables

Alt + L

Clink (Windows)
BASH (GNU Readline) Line Editing

Alt + L

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Toggle Left border
Format Cells - Border Shortcuts

Alt + L

Adobe Photoshop CC (Windows)
Layer Menu
Manage Panels - Menu Basics

Alt + L

Microsoft Outlook 2016 (Windows)
Select Layout drop-down list
People: Electronic Business Cards

Alt + L

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Toggle Left border
Formulas - Border Shortcuts

Alt + L

Dynamics CRM 2015 (Windows)
Follow or unfollow
Activity Feed

Alt + L

Dynamics CRM 2015 (Windows)
Delete a selected post or comment
Activity Feed

Alt + L

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Toggle Left border
Manage Workbooks - Border Shortcuts

Alt + L

CyberLink PhotoDirector 8 (Windows)
Open library module

Alt + L

Microsoft Excel 2016 (Windows)
Toggle Left border
Excel Auto Tables and Data Forms - Border Shortcuts

Alt + L

Ace Projects (Windows)
Fold selection
Folding Shortcuts

Alt + L / Ctrl + F1

Bash (Linux)
Lower The Case Every Character Form Cursor

Alt + L

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Left Camera
Application - View

Alt + L

jEdit (Windows)
Move to Next Character
Alternative Shortcuts

Alt + L

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Left Camera
Spline Modeler - View

Alt + L

Daz 3D Carrara 8 (Windows)
Left Camera
Vertex Modeler - View

Alt + L

Chief Architect (Windows)
Text Tools - Leader Line
Text Tools

Alt + L

Final Fantasy XV (Windows)
Temporarily Switch Chat Mode to Linkshell (Cycle Forward)

Alt + L

IBM Maximo (Windows)
Expand the Help menu
Navigation Shortcuts

Alt + L

VideoPad Video Editor (Windows)
Split all tracks

Alt + L

XMetal Author (Windows)
26 Shortcuts for XMetal Author (Windows)

Alt + L

Soundforge (Windows)
Create a loop from the current selection without displaying the Sampler Loops window
Data Window

Alt + L

Maxthon (Web Application)
View the links list of the current page

Alt + L

GOM Player (Windows)
Change Language

Alt + L

Soundforge (Windows)
Create a loop from the current selection
Data Selection

Alt + L

eSignal (Windows)
49 Shortcuts for eSignal (Windows)

Alt + L

RStudio (Windows)
Fold selected

Alt + L

Exact Audio Copy
Get lyrics from metadata provider
Database menu

Alt + L

Mastercam (Windows)
Set entity attributes
53 Shortcuts for Mastercam (Windows)

Alt + L

PSPad (Windows)
Jump to Editor

Alt + L

i3 (window manager)
Focus up
Basic shortcuts

Alt + L

Roblox Studio
Lock tool
Selecting and Editing Parts

Alt + L

Modo (Windows)
Select ring
Selection (Modelling)

Alt + L

Fold Selected

Alt + L

Lock archive
Commands menu

Alt + L

Gmsh 4.1.4
Hide/show geometry lines

Alt + L

KeyCreator (Windows)
Set Active Level
Set Various Entities

Alt + L

SuperMemo (Windows)
Learn Menu
129 Shortcuts for SuperMemo (Windows)

Alt + L

Toggle media library

Alt + L

Ace Editor
Fold selection

Alt + L

Bash (Unix shell)
Uncapitalize every character from the cursor to the end of the current word, converting the characters to lower case
Capitalizing characters

Alt + L

Bluebeam Revu
Markups list tab
Show tabs

Alt + L

Escape from Tarkov
Fold / unfold your stock

Alt + L

Move caret to next character.
Alternative shortcuts

Alt + L

Convert selected

Alt + L

Warcraft III
Activate the Load menu
Menu commands

Alt + L

Microsoft FrontPage
Tools button: Show the Tools menu.
Access and use Open and Save As dialog boxes

Alt + L

Toggle locations dialog
Window visibility

Alt + L

Options: Show snap/grid settings
Section: Main

Alt + L

Midnight Commander
If the currently selected file is a link to the directory, load that directory on the other panel and moves the selection to the next file
File panel actions

Alt + L

Google Translator Toolkit
Select next invalid unit

Alt + L

Open main window

Alt + L

View the links list of the current page

Alt + L

The Bat!
Left alignment
Message Editor

Alt + L

Make word lowercase
Alt key bound

Alt + L

GOM Player
Change language

Alt + L

Open Layers menu
Layers menu

Alt + L

Outlook 2016 and Outlook 2013
Select the Layout drop-down box
People: in the Electronic Business Cards dialog box

Alt + L

Labeled Audio > Silence Audio
Edit menu

Alt + L

Main window

Alt + L

Open with

Alt + L

Winamp Media Player (Windows)
Show or hide media library window
Manage Winamp Window(s)

Alt + L

Long line wrapping enable/disable
Enable / Disable settings

Alt + L