
Mac desktop

x100 multiplier

Alt +

All hotkeys for GeoGebra

Windows shortcuts
Select All

Ctrl + A

Windows shortcuts
View/Hide Algebra Window

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + A

Mac desktop
alpha α (Press Shift for upper-case: Α)

Alt + A

Mac desktop
beta β (Press Shift for upper-case: Β)

Alt + B

Windows shortcuts
Export ggbBase64 string to clipboard

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + B

Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + C

Windows shortcuts
Copies values (spreadsheet)

Ctrl + Alt + C

Windows shortcuts
Copy Graphics View to clipboard

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + C

Windows shortcuts
Toggle value/definition/command

Ctrl + D

Windows shortcuts
Toggle Selection Allowed for all "non-essential"/free geometric objects

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + D

Mac desktop
delta δ (Press Shift for upper-case: Δ)

Alt + D

Windows shortcuts
Open Object Properties View

Ctrl + E

Windows shortcuts
Open/Close Object Properties View

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + E

Windows shortcuts
Euler ℯ

Alt + E

Windows shortcuts
Refresh Views

Ctrl + F

Windows shortcuts
phi φ (Press Shift for upper-case: Φ)

Alt + F

Windows shortcuts
Show/Hide selected objects

Ctrl + G

Windows shortcuts
Show/Hide labels of selected objects

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + G

Windows shortcuts
gamma γ (Press Shift for upper-case: Γ)

Alt + G

Windows shortcuts
imaginary unit ί = √-1

Alt + I

Windows shortcuts
Select ancestors

Ctrl + J

Windows shortcuts
Select descendants

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + J

Windows shortcuts
View/Hide CAS View

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + K

Windows shortcuts
Select current layer

Ctrl + L

Windows shortcuts
lambda λ (Press Shift for upper-case: Λ)

Alt + L

Windows shortcuts
View/Hide Construction Protocol

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + L

Windows shortcuts
Export HTML code string to clipboard

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + M

Mac desktop
mu μ (Press Shift for upper-case: Μ)

Alt + M

Windows shortcuts
New Window

Ctrl + N

Windows shortcuts
Open next window (or next ggb file in folder)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + N

Windows shortcuts
Open previous window

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Alt + N

Windows shortcuts
Open New File

Ctrl + O

Windows shortcuts
degree symbol °

Alt + O

Windows shortcuts
Print Preview (Desktop) / Print Menu (Web)

Ctrl + P

Windows shortcuts
Open Probability Calculator

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + P

Mac desktop
pi π (Press Shift for upper-case: Π)

Alt + P

Windows shortcuts
Select ancestors (deprecated)

Ctrl + Q

Windows shortcuts
Select descendants (deprecated)

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Q

Windows shortcuts
Recompute all objects (including random numbers)

Ctrl + R

Windows shortcuts
Square-root symbol: √

Alt + R

Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + S

Windows shortcuts
View spreadsheet

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + S

Windows shortcuts
sigma σ (Press Shift for upper-case: Σ)

Alt + S

Windows shortcuts
Export as PSTricks

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + T

Windows shortcuts
theta θ (Press Shift for upper-case: Θ)

Alt + T

Windows shortcuts
infinity ∞

Alt + U

Windows shortcuts
Open Graphic Export Dialog

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + U

Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + V

Windows shortcuts
Export Dynamic Worksheet

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + W

Windows shortcuts
omega ω (Press Shift for upper-case: Ω)

Alt + W

Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + Y

Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + Z

Windows shortcuts

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + Z

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 0

Alt + 0

Windows shortcuts
Standard font size, line thickness, and point size

Ctrl + 1

Mac desktop
imaginary unit ί = √-1

Alt + 1

Windows shortcuts
View/Hide Graphics View 1

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 1

Windows shortcuts
Increase font size, line thickness, and point size

Ctrl + 2

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 2

Alt + 2

Windows shortcuts
View/Hide Graphics View 2

Ctrl + ↑   Shift + 2

Windows shortcuts
Black/white mode

Ctrl + 3

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 3

Alt + 3

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 4

Alt + 4

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 5

Alt + 5

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 6

Alt + 6

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 7

Alt + 7

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 8

Alt + 8

Windows shortcuts
to the power of 9

Alt + 9

Windows shortcuts
Move selected point along path/curve


Windows shortcuts
Zoom out

Ctrl + -

Windows shortcuts
superscript minus

Alt + -

Windows shortcuts
Move selected point along path/curve


Windows shortcuts
Zoom in

Ctrl + +

Mac desktop
⊕ (xor)

Alt + +

Windows shortcuts
Move selected point along curve


Windows shortcuts
Zoom in

Ctrl + =

Windows shortcuts
⊕ (xor)

Alt + =

Mac desktop
less-than-or-equal-to ≤

Alt + <

Mac desktop
infinity ∞

Alt + ,

Windows shortcuts
greater-than-or-equal-to ≥

Alt + >

Windows shortcuts
greater-than-or-equal-to ≥

Alt + .

Mac desktop


Mac desktop
Start editing selected object


Mac desktop
Copy definition of selected object to the Input Bar


Mac desktop
Copy value of selected object to the Input Bar


Windows shortcuts
Quit GeoGebra

Alt + F4

Mac desktop
copy name of selected object to the Input Bar


Mac desktop
Recompute all objects (including random numbers)


Mac desktop
Toggle input Graphics View and Input Bar

⤶ Enter

Windows shortcuts
Cycle the focus round the open views

Ctrl + ⭾ Tab

Mac desktop
(current mode)

Mouse left click

Mac desktop
Copy definition to input bar

Alt + Mouse left click

Mac desktop
Create list of selected objects in input bar

Alt + Mouse movement

Windows shortcuts
Open Preferences menu (click not on object)

Mouse right click

Windows shortcuts
Zoom without preserving the aspect ratio

↑   Shift + Mouse movement

Mac desktop
Zoom in / out (Application)

Mouse wheel up and down

Mac desktop
Zoom in / out (Applet)

↑   Shift + Mouse wheel up and down

Mac desktop
Accelerated zoom in / out

Alt + Mouse wheel up and down

Windows shortcuts
Delete current selection


Mac desktop
Delete current selection

⬅ Backspace

Mac desktop
Move active Graphics view up

Windows shortcuts
(or go up to next defined cell)

Ctrl +

Mac desktop
x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale y-axis if no objects selected

↑   Shift +

Mac desktop
x100 multiplier

Alt +

Mac desktop
Move active Graphics view right

Windows shortcuts
(or go right to next defined cell)

Ctrl +

Mac desktop
x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale x-axis if no objects selected

↑   Shift +

Mac desktop
x100 multiplier

Alt +

Mac desktop
Move active Graphics view left

Windows shortcuts
(or go left to next defined cell)

Ctrl +

Mac desktop
x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale x-axis if no objects selected

↑   Shift +

Mac desktop
x100 multiplier

Alt +

Mac desktop
Move active Graphics view down

Windows shortcuts
(or go down to next defined cell)

Ctrl +

Mac desktop
x0.1 speed multiplier, or rescale y-axis if no objects selected

↑   Shift +

Mac desktop
x100 multiplier

Alt +

Mac desktop
Spreadsheet: go to the first column left


Mac desktop
3D Graphics: Increase z-coordinate of selected point

Page Up

Mac desktop
Spreadsheet: Go to the next row with input below


Mac desktop
3D Graphics: Decrease z-coordinate of selected point

Page Down

Mac desktop
Select All

⌘ Cmd + A

Mac desktop
Algebra Window


Mac desktop
Export ggbBase64 string to clipboard

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + B

Mac desktop

⌘ Cmd + C

Mac desktop
Copies values (spreadsheet)

⌘ Cmd + Alt + C

Mac desktop
Copy Graphics View to clipboard

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + C

Mac desktop
Toggle value/definition/command

⌘ Cmd + D

Mac desktop
Open Object Properties View

⌘ Cmd + E

Mac desktop
Open/Close Object Properties View

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + E

Mac desktop
Refresh Views

⌘ Cmd + F

Mac desktop
Show/Hide selected objects

⌘ Cmd + G

Mac desktop
Show/Hide labels of selected objects

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + G

Mac desktop
Select ancestors

⌘ Cmd + J

Mac desktop
Select descendants

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + J

Mac desktop
View/Hide CAS View

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + K

Mac desktop
Select current layer

⌘ Cmd + L

Mac desktop
View/Hide Construction Protocol

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + L

Mac desktop
Export HTML code string to clipboard

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + M

Mac desktop
New Window

⌘ Cmd + N

Mac desktop
Open next window (or next ggb file in folder)

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + N

Mac desktop
Open previous window

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + Alt + N

Mac desktop
Open New File

⌘ Cmd + O

Mac desktop
Print Preview (Desktop) / Print Menu (Web)

⌘ Cmd + P

Mac desktop
Open Probability Calculator

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + P

Mac desktop
Quit GeoGebra

⌘ Cmd + Q

Mac desktop
Recompute all objects (including random numbers)

⌘ Cmd + R

Mac desktop

⌘ Cmd + S

Mac desktop
View spreadsheet

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + S

Mac desktop
Export as PSTricks

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + T

Mac desktop
Open Graphic Export Dialog

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + U

Mac desktop

⌘ Cmd + V

Mac desktop
Quit GeoGebra

⌘ Cmd + W

Mac desktop
Export Dynamic Worksheet

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + W

Mac desktop

⌘ Cmd + Y

Mac desktop

⌘ Cmd + Z

Mac desktop

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + Z

Mac desktop
Standard font size, line thickness, and point size

⌘ Cmd + 1

Mac desktop
View/Hide Graphics View 1

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + 1

Mac desktop
Increase font size, line thickness, and point size

⌘ Cmd + 2

Mac desktop
View/Hide Graphics View 2

⌘ Cmd + ↑   Shift + 2

Mac desktop
Black/white mode

⌘ Cmd + 3

Mac desktop
greater-than-or-equal-to ≥

Alt + ↑   Shift + >

Similar combinations for other applications

Visual Assist
Move to next scope
Text editor

Alt +

Add video pan-y -0.1
Move video rectangle

Alt +

Affinity Photo
Increase Paragraph Leading
Text shortcuts

Alt +

Banner 9 (Windows, Mac)
Expand/Collapse a Drop-down Field
Mac shortcuts

Alt +

JS Bin
Decrement number by 0.1
HTML & CSS panel

Alt +

Nier: Automata
Use items

Alt +

Move selected files down
Playlist control shortcuts

Alt +

Ace Editor
Move lines down
Line operations

Alt +

QuickBooks Desktop
Opens the calendar for date selection (the small date calendar, not the “Calendar” feature)
Date Shortcuts

Alt +

Shotcut (Mac)
Open next item

Alt +

Move to next chat

Alt +

Open next item

Alt +

Open Combo Box
Working with dialog boxes

Alt +

Quicken 2018
Open the calendar in the Date field; open a Payee, Tag, or Category window; or open the calculator in the Charge or Payment field
Register and Write Checks

Alt +

PyCharm 2018.2
Navigate to the next method declaration in the active editor tab.
Navigation in source code

Alt +

Move the selected lines down one row

Alt +

Move to different options in a drop down list, such as the Search Scope menu next to the Search box at the top of some pages.
All pages

Alt +

Atom (Windows)
All shortcuts

Alt +

Move the item detail down.
1Password application

Alt +

Version down the selected clip
Project / tags / versions bin

Alt +

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018
Pan Down

Alt +

PDF-XChange Editor
Move the selected bookmark(s) down.

Alt +

Move the selected line down one line
Editing files

Alt +

Chromebook and Chrome OS
Page down
Page and web browser

Alt +

Microsoft FrontPage
Open a selected drop-down list
Access and use dialog boxes

Alt +

AWS Cloud9 IDE (Windows)
Move Lines Down
Code Manipulation

Alt +

Comodo IceDragon
arrow  (When Search bar is active) Select or Manage Search Engines
Search Options

Alt +

Adobe Premiere Pro (Windows)
Decrease Leading by One Unit

Alt +


Alt +

Microsoft PowerPoint (Slideshows)
Decrease the sound volume
Control video and other media during a presentation

Alt +

Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (All shortcuts)
Arrow  GraphView.ToptoBottom
XML Schema Designer

Alt +

Next Match

Alt +

LibreOffice Base
Opens the combo box
Control properties

Alt +

Next Bookmark

Alt +

Change order of files in list of files

Alt +

Go one page down in the page hierarchy

Alt +

Select next track/bus

Alt +

Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog. These shortcut keys apply not only to combo boxes but also to icon buttons with pop-up menus.Close an opened list by pressing the Escape key.
Controlling dialogs

Alt +

LibreOffice Calc
Increases the height of current row (only in legacy compatibility mode)
Function keys

Alt +

Jump to bottom of inbox

Alt +

Multi Commander
Show History
Core shortcuts

Alt +

Guitar Pro
Shift down
Note - General

Alt +

NewsBin Pro
Open drop-down box on the focus
Standard Windows keyboard navigation

Alt +

Zoom in
Node navigation commands

Alt +

View: Scroll view down
Section: MIDI Inline Editor

Alt +

Go to next difference
Difference navigation and merging (normal mode)

Alt +

Transfer the currently selected item to an item of the same name in the other pane

Alt +

Zooms the image to fit the height within View mode window. Does not enlarge, only reduces

Alt +

ACDSee Free
Zooms the image to fit the height within the ACDSee Free window. Does not enlarge, only reduces

Alt +

Microsoft Excel 2016
Opens a selected drop-down list
Other useful shortcut keys

Alt +

Microsoft Access 2016
Open a combo box
Using a combo or list box

Alt +

Next channel or DM

Alt +

NVDA Screen Reader
Open combo box

Alt +

Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Move selected item down in the Favorites list (in the Organize Favorites dialog box)
Favorites, history and feeds

Alt +

Firefox Quantum
View menu to switch, add or manage search engines

Alt +

Outlook 2016 and Outlook 2013
Go to the same day in the next week
Date Navigator

Alt +

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
Drop-down for filtering in grid
Activity Monitor

Alt +

Move to next or previous heading
Scan mode keyboard commands

Alt +

Total Commander
Open list of visited directories

Alt +

Microsoft OneNote
Go to the next note container
Work with pages and Quick Notes

Alt +

Scroll down in message body (even if focus on message list)
E-mail keys: Navigation

Alt +